How to contribute to pyhdust

  1. Access github page of pyhdust and make a fork.

  2. In download, copy the url and paste it in the following command in your terminal (be sure to do it in the right local path):

git clone
  1. If you had already downloaded it, sync it with the original source to avoid conflicts:

git remote add upstream  # you one need to do this in the first time
git fetch upstream
git checkout master
git merge upstream/master
  1. Make your changes/contribuitions.

  2. To see them, type inside your local folder:

git status
  1. The are two ways for accepting the changes:

git add pyhdust/  # example file
# or
git add .
# The later, inclues all the newly modified files
  1. Save your actions in the github repository:

git commit -m "Message describing what you have done"

# if it is your first time, you need to configure git (i.e., provide your user name and your email on github):
git config --global ""
git config --global "Your Name"
  1. Send the changes to your github account:

git push
  1. Do pull request in the github page of pyhdust.

Example script


# This is a script to submit pyhdust updates

# synchronize with original source
# git remote add upstream
git fetch upstream
git checkout master
git merge upstream/master
echo Perform the changes now

# submit changes
git add .
git commit -m "commit message"
git push
echo If you are not the owner of this repository, please open a PULL REQUEST at github


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