Source code for pyhdust.stats

# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-

"""PyHdust *stats* module: statistical tools

:license: GNU GPL v3.0
from __future__ import print_function
import numpy as _np
import pyhdust.phc as _phc
import warnings as _warn

    import matplotlib.pyplot as _plt
    from scipy.stats import mode as _mode
except ImportError:
    _warn.warn("Matplotlib and/or Scipy module not installed!!!")

__author__ = "Daniel Moser"
__email__ = ""

[docs]def mad(data, axis=None): """Return 1.48xMAD (median absolute deviation) The MAD is a robust statistic, being more resilient to outliers in a data set than the standard deviation.""" return 1.4826 * _np.median(_np.abs(data - _np.median(data, axis)), axis)
[docs]def summary(x, verbose=False): """Returns the summary of the variable: "median", "minus sigma" and "plus sigma" ROBUST values (i.e., median and [15.9, 84.1] percentiles). Example: .. code:: import pyhdust.stats as stt for i in range(8): a = _np.random.randn(10**i)+2 print(np.average(a), np.std(a), stt.summary(a)) """ data = _np.hstack((_np.median(x), _np.percentile(x, (15.87, 84.13)))) if verbose: print("# median and [15.9, 84.1] percentiles: ") print("# {0} {1} {2}".format(*data)) return data
[docs]def cdf(x, xlim=None, savefig=False): """Display the CDF (Cumulative Density Distribution) of a sample `x`. A comparison with a gaussian and a linear one are made. """ n = len(x) # probability p = _np.arange(n) / (n - 1.0) sortedx = _np.sort(x) if xlim is None: xlim = [sortedx[0], sortedx[-1]] linx = _np.linspace(xlim[0], xlim[1], n) madx = mad(x) gausx = _np.random.randn(n) * madx / 2.0 + (xlim[0] + xlim[1]) / 2.0 gausx = _np.sort(gausx) fig, ax = _plt.subplots() ax.plot(sortedx, p, label="Data") ax.plot(linx, p, ls=":", label="linearized", color="gray") ax.plot(gausx, p, ls="-.", label="Gauss equiv.", color="gray") ax.set_xlim(xlim) ax.legend(loc="best", fancybox=True, framealpha=0.5, fontsize=8, labelspacing=0.05) ax.set_ylabel("c.d.f.") ax.set_ylim([0, 1]) if savefig: _phc.savefig(fig) # figname='outname') return fig, ax
[docs]def means(inarr, wtharr=None, quiet=False): """Calculate many "means" for a given input array `inarr`. `wtharr` is the weights array (e.g., inverse of the uncertainty). Return simple, geom, harm, rms, median, mode """ inarr = _np.array(inarr).astype(float) if wtharr is None: wtharr = _np.ones(len(inarr)) simp = _np.sum(wtharr * inarr) / _np.sum(wtharr) geom = _np.exp(_np.sum(wtharr * _np.log(inarr)) / _np.sum(wtharr)) harm = _np.sum(wtharr) / _np.sum(wtharr / inarr) rms = _np.sqrt(_np.sum(wtharr * inarr**2) / _np.sum(wtharr)) medi = _np.median(inarr) mode = _mode(inarr)[0][0] if not quiet: print("# Simple: {}".format(simp)) print("# Geometric: {}".format(geom)) print("# Harmonic: {}".format(harm)) print("# RMS: {}".format(harm)) print("# Median: {}".format(medi)) print("# Mode: {}".format(mode)) return simp, geom, harm, rms, medi, mode
[docs]def snr(count_rate, texp=1.0, nexp=1, npix=10.0, bg=10.0, dk=0.0, ron=2.0, var=0.0): """Calcute the Signal-to-Noise ratio based on Poisson statistics. :param count_rate: = rate of counts (e-/time) :param npix: = number os pixels for the given count :param bg: = background rate per pixel (e-/time) :param dk: = dark rate per pixel (e-/time) :param ron: = readout noise (single pixel, in e-) :param var: = variance on the source erroes (e-) """ return ( count_rate * texp * nexp / _np.sqrt( texp * nexp * (count_rate + bg * npix + dk * npix) + ron**2 * npix * nexp + var ) )
[docs]def corr_coef(x, y, clear_nan=True): """Pearson correlation coefficient for two ``x`` and ``y`` arrays (same length). See also ``scipy.stats.pearsonr()`` """ if len(x) != len(y): _warn("# length of x and y arrays do not match!") return None x = _np.array(x) y = _np.array(y) if clear_nan: idx = _np.isnan(x) idy = _np.isnan(y) idxy = idx + idy x = x[~idxy] y = y[~idxy] avgx = _np.average(x) avgy = _np.average(y) return (_np.sum((x - avgx) * (y - avgy))) / ( _np.sqrt(_np.sum((x - avgx) ** 2) * _np.sum((y - avgy) ** 2)) )
[docs]def corr_coef_spearman(x, y, clear_nan=True): """Spearman's correlation coefficient for two ``x`` and ``y`` arrays (same length). See also ``scipy.stats.spearmanr()`` """ if len(x) != len(y): _warn("# length of x and y arrays do not match!") return None x = _np.array(x) y = _np.array(y) if clear_nan: idx = _np.isnan(x) idy = _np.isnan(y) idxy = idx + idy x = x[~idxy] y = y[~idxy] idx = _np.argsort(x) x = x[idx] y = y[idx] n = len(x) diff = _np.arange(n) - _np.argsort(y) diff2 = diff**2 return 1 - 6 * _np.sum(diff2) / (n * (n**2 - 1))
[docs]def corr_coef_cov(x, y, clear_nan=True): r"""Correlation coefficient based on the Covariance of two ``x`` and ``y`` arrays (same length). :math:`\rho(x,y)=Cov(x,y)/sqrt(Var(x)*Var(y))` If :math:`\rho(x,y)= 0` we say that X and Y are "uncorrelated." If two variables are independent, then their correlation will be 0. However, like with covariance. it doesn't go the other way. A correlation of 0 does not imply independence. """ if len(x) != len(y): _warn("# length of x and y arrays do not match!") return None x = _np.array(x) y = _np.array(y) if clear_nan: idx = _np.isnan(x) idy = _np.isnan(y) idxy = idx + idy x = x[~idxy] y = y[~idxy] idx = _np.argsort(x) c, cov = _np.polyfit(x, y, 1, cov=True) return cov[0, 1] / _np.sqrt(cov[0, 0] * cov[1, 1])
[docs]def corr_coef_cov_with_err(x, y, yerr, xerr=None, clear_nan=True, nsample=1000): r"""TO BE DONE Correlation coefficient based on the Covariance of two ``x`` and ``y`` arrays (same length). :math:`\rho(x,y)=Cov(x,y)/sqrt(Var(x)*Var(y))` If :math:`\rho(x,y)= 0` we say that X and Y are "uncorrelated." If two variables are independent, then their correlation will be 0. However, like with covariance. it doesn't go the other way. A correlation of 0 does not imply independence. """ if xerr is None: xerr = _np.zeros(len(x)) if len(x) != len(y) or len(x) != len(xerr) or len(xerr) != len(yerr): _warn("# length of input arrays do not match!") return None x = _np.array(x) xerr = _np.array(xerr) y = _np.array(y) yerr = _np.array(yerr) if clear_nan: idx = _np.isnan(x) idxe = _np.isnan(xerr) idy = _np.isnan(y) idye = _np.isnan(yerr) idxy = idx + idy + idxe + idye x = x[~idxy] xerr = xerr[~idxy] y = y[~idxy] yerr = yerr[~idxy] mx = _np.random.multivariate_normal(x, _np.diag(xerr**2), nsample) my = _np.random.multivariate_normal(y, _np.diag(yerr**2), nsample) return corr_coef_cov(mx.reshape(-1), my.reshape(-1))