Source code for pyhdust.rotstars

# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-

"""PyHdust *rotstars* module: Rotating stars tools.

:co-author: Rodrigo Vieira
:license: GNU GPL v3.0
from __future__ import print_function
import os as _os
import re as _re
import numpy as _np
from pyhdust import hdtpath as _hdtpath
import pyhdust.phc as _phc
import pyhdust.spectools as _spt
import tarfile as _tarfile
import warnings as _warn

    from scipy.interpolate import griddata as _griddata
except ImportError:
    print('# Warning! scipy module not installed!!!')

__author__ = "Daniel Moser"
__email__ = ""

[docs]def readscr(scrfile): """Read source generated with *ref_estrela.txt*. OUTPUT: M, Req and TP (2*solar units and K). """ f0 = open(scrfile) lines = f0.readlines() f0.close() n = int(_phc.fltTxtOccur("STAR =", lines, n=1)) M = _phc.fltTxtOccur("M =", lines, n=n) Rp = _phc.fltTxtOccur("R_pole =", lines, n=n) if n == 2: ob = _phc.fltTxtOccur("R_eq/R_pole =", lines, n=1) Tp = _phc.fltTxtOccur("Teff_pole =", lines, n=1) else: W = _phc.fltTxtOccur("W =", lines, n=1) bet = _phc.fltTxtOccur("Beta_GD =", lines, n=1) L = _phc.fltTxtOccur("L =", lines, n=n) wfrac = _np.sqrt(27.0 / 8 * (1 + 0.5 * W**2) ** -3 * W**2) ob, Tp, A = rotStar( Tp=L, M=M, rp=Rp, beta=bet, wfrac=wfrac, quiet=True, LnotTp=True ) # print M,Rp*ob,Tp return M, Rp * ob, Tp
[docs]def vrot_scr(scrfile, old=True): """Returns the ``vrot`` value of a given source star. OUTPUT: vrot in km/s.""" M, Req, Tp = readscr(scrfile) # Be_M04.80_ob1.40_H0.30_Z0.014_bE_Ell if old: rule = "(?<=_ob)(.+)(?=_H)" ob = float(_re.findall(rule, scrfile)[0]) else: rule = "(?<=_W)(.+)(?=_t)" W = float(_re.findall(rule, scrfile)[0]) ob = 1.0 + 0.5 * W**2 vrot = wrot(ob, is_ob=True) * _np.sqrt( _phc.G.cgs * _phc.Msun.cgs * M / Req / _phc.Rsun.cgs ) return vrot * 1e-5
[docs]def wrot(par, is_ob=False): r"""Converts :math:`w_{\rm frac} = \Omega/\Omega_c` into :math:`W = vrot/vorb`. If ``is_ob == True``, it considers the param as the oblateness (instead of :math:`w_{\rm frac}`).""" if is_ob: wfrac = (1.5**1.5) * _np.sqrt(2.0 * (par - 1.0) / par**3) else: wfrac = par if wfrac != 0.0: gam = 2.0 * _np.cos((_np.pi + _np.arccos(wfrac)) / 3.0) W = _np.sqrt(gam**3 / wfrac) else: W = 0.0 return W
[docs]def wfrac_rot(W): """Returns wfrac (Omega/Omega_crit) value from a W value. Equation 1.23 de Faes (2015). """ if W < 0 or W > 1: _warn.warn("Invalid W value") return _np.sqrt(27 / 8.0 * W**2 / (1 + 0.5 * W**2) ** 3)
[docs]def beta(par, is_ob=False): r"""Calculate the :math:`\beta` value from Espinosa-Lara for a given rotation rate :math:`w_{\rm frac} = \Omega/\Omega_c` If ``is_ob == True``, it consider the param as ob (instead of :math:`w_{\rm frac}`).""" wfrac = par if is_ob: # Ekstrom et al. 2008, Eq. 9 wfrac = (1.5**1.5) * _np.sqrt(2.0 * (par - 1.0) / par**3) # avoid exceptions if wfrac == 0: return 0.25 elif wfrac == 1: return 0.13535 elif wfrac < 0 or wfrac > 1: _warn.warn("Invalid value of wfrac.") return 0.0 # Espinosa-Lara VLTI-School 2013 lecture, slide 18... delt = 1.0 omega1 = 0.0 omega = wfrac while delt >= 1e-5: f = (3.0 / (2.0 + omega**2)) ** 3 * omega**2 - wfrac**2 df = -108.0 * omega * (omega**2 - 1.0) / (omega**2 + 2.0) ** 4 omega1 = omega - f / df delt = _np.abs(omega1 - omega) / omega omega = omega1 nthe = 99 theta = _np.linspace(0, _np.pi / 2, nthe + 2)[1:-1] grav = _np.zeros(nthe) teff = _np.zeros(nthe) corr = _np.zeros(nthe) beta = 0.0 for ithe in range(nthe): delt = 1.0 r1 = 0.0 r = 1.0 while delt >= 1e-5: f = ( omega**2 * r**3 * _np.sin(theta[ithe]) ** 2 - (2.0 + omega**2) * r + 2.0 ) df = 3.0 * omega**2 * r**2 * _np.sin(theta[ithe]) ** 2 - ( 2.0 + omega**2 ) r1 = r - f / df delt = _np.abs(r1 - r) / r r = r1 delt = 1.0 n1 = 0.0 ftheta = ( 1.0 / 3.0 * omega**2 * r**3 * _np.cos(theta[ithe]) ** 3 + _np.cos(theta[ithe]) + _np.log(_np.tan(theta[ithe] / 2.0)) ) n = theta[ithe] while delt >= 1e-5: f = _np.cos(n) + _np.log(_np.tan(n / 2.0)) - ftheta df = -_np.sin(n) + 1.0 / _np.sin(n) n1 = n - f / df delt = abs(n1 - n) / n n = n1 grav[ithe] = _np.sqrt( 1.0 / r**4 + omega**4 * r**2 * _np.sin(theta[ithe]) ** 2 - 2.0 * omega**2 * _np.sin(theta[ithe]) ** 2 / r ) corr[ithe] = _np.sqrt(_np.tan(n) / _np.tan(theta[ithe])) teff[ithe] = corr[ithe] * grav[ithe] ** 0.25 u = ~_np.isnan(teff) coef = _np.polyfit(_np.log(grav[u]), _np.log(teff[u]), 1) beta = coef[0] return beta
[docs]def ellips_th(th, rf): """Oblate ellipsoid radius :param th: theta, in radians (0 = pole; pi/2 = equator). :param rt: radius fraction (Req/Rp >= 1) """ return _np.sqrt(_np.cos(th) ** 2 + (rf * _np.sin(th)) ** 2)
[docs]def rt(th, wfrac): """Roche Rpole normalized radius as function of wfrac. :param th: theta, in radians (0 = pole; pi/2 = equator). Based on Mc.Gill(?) and J. Patrick Harrington (notes) formula: ``r = 3/wfrac/np.sin(th)*np.cos(1/3.*(np.pi+np.arccos(wfrac*np.sin(th))))`` """ if wfrac == 0: wfrac = 1e-9 if th == 0: r = 1.0 else: r = (-3.0 * _np.cos((_np.arccos(wfrac * _np.sin(th)) + 4 * _np.pi) / 3)) / ( wfrac * _np.sin(th) ) return r
[docs]def area(wfrac, th_res=5001): """Roche star area. This is an brute force alternative to ``rochearea`` function (from Cranmer 1996). This function return **smaller values**. The reason for the differences are TBD. """ ths = _np.linspace(_np.pi / 2, 0, th_res) a = 0.0 for i in range(len(ths)): a = a + 2 * _np.pi * rt(ths[i], wfrac) ** 2 * _np.sin(ths[i]) return 2 * a * ths[-2]
[docs]def rochearea(wfrac, isW=False): """Calculate the Roche area of a rigid rotator. Equation 4.23 from Cranmer 1996 (thesis). Area in (squared) radial unit (it must be multiplied to Rpole**2 to a physical size). """ if isW: w = wfrac_rot(wfrac) else: w = wfrac return ( 4 * _np.pi * ( 1 + 0.19444 * w**2 + 0.28053 * w**2 - 1.9014 * w**6 + 6.8298 * w**8 - 9.502 * w**10 + 4.6631 * w**12 ) )
[docs]def ellipsoidarea(rf, th_res=5001): """Ellipsoid area, brute force. :param rt: radius fraction (Req/Rp >= 1) """ ths = _np.linspace(_np.pi / 2, 0, th_res) a = 0.0 for i in range(len(ths)): a = a + 2 * _np.pi * ellips_th(ths[i], rf) ** 2 * _np.sin(ths[i]) return 2 * a * ths[-2]
[docs]def ellipsoidarea2(rf): """Ellipsoid area, from Wikipedia. :param rt: radius fraction (Req/Rp >= 1) """ p = 1.6075 a = rf # b = rf # c = 1 # arg = (a**p*b**p + a**p*c**p + b**p*c**p)/3 arg = (4 * a**p) / 3 return 4 * _np.pi * (arg) ** (1 / p)
[docs]def rotStar( Tp=20000.0, M=10.3065, rp=5.38462, star="B", beta=0.25, wfrac=0.8, th_res=5001, quiet=False, LnotTp=False, ): """Return the photospheric parameters of a rotating star. ``LnotTp``: the value of "Tp" is the Luminosity (in solar units). Calculation of Von Zeipel's Beta parameter as function of W: see math... INPUT: th_res (theta resolution, integer)... OUTPUT: printed status + (ob, Tp values, Area[cm2]) """ Rsun = _phc.Rsun.cgs Msun = _phc.Msun.cgs Lsun = _phc.Lsun.cgs G = _phc.G.cgs # AU = # pc = _phc.pc.cgs sigma = _phc.sigma.cgs M = M * Msun rp = rp * Rsun if wfrac == 0.0: wfrac = 1e-9 if LnotTp: # Tp = (Tp * Lsun / 4. / _np.pi / rp**2 / sigma)**.25 Tp = (Tp * Lsun / sigma / sigma4b_cranmer(M / Msun, wfrac)) ** 0.25 * ( G * M / rp**2 ) ** beta # DEFS ### # rh = outside def g(wfrac, M, rp, th): wcrit = _np.sqrt(8 * G * M / (27 * rp**3)) g = (wcrit * wfrac) ** 2 * rp * rt(th, wfrac) * _np.sin(th) ** 2 - G * M / ( rp * rt(th, wfrac) ) ** 2 return g def lum(wfrac, Tp, rp, M, C, beta): ths = _np.linspace(_np.pi / 2, 0, th_res) L = 0.0 for i in range(len(ths)): L = L + rt(ths[i], wfrac) ** 2 * _np.sin(ths[i]) * ( abs(g(wfrac, M, rp, ths[i])) ) ** (4 * beta) return 2 * 2 * _np.pi * ths[-2] * sigma * rp**2 * C ** (4 * beta) * L def lumf(wfrac, Tp, rp, M, beta): ths = _np.linspace(_np.pi / 2, 0, th_res) L = 0.0 for i in range(len(ths)): L = L + rt(ths[i], wfrac) ** 2 * _np.sin(ths[i]) * abs( g(wfrac, M, rp, ths[i]) ) ** (4 * beta) return L * ths[-2] * rp**2 if star.startswith("B"): Bstars = _np.array(bestarsHarm1988, dtype=str) if star in Bstars: i = _np.where(Bstars[:, 0] == star) i = i[0][0] print(Bstars[i][0]) Tp = float(Bstars[i][1]) M = float(Bstars[i][2]) * Msun rp = float(Bstars[i][3]) * Rsun # comentar linha abaixo se 1a. rodada: # Tp = 27438.63 #K wcrit = _np.sqrt(8 * G * M / (27 * rp**3)) C = Tp ** (1.0 / beta) / abs(G * M / rp**2) vrot = wcrit * wfrac * rp * rt(_np.pi / 2, wfrac) lum0 = 4 * _np.pi * rp**2 * sigma * Tp**4 / Lsun # a = rp**2*Tp**4*abs(g(wfrac,M,rp,0.))**(4*beta) # print('Teff_pol* = %.2f' % ( (a/b)**beta ) ) b = lumf(wfrac, Tp, rp, M, beta) c = lumf(0.0001, Tp, rp, M, beta) Cw = (c / b) ** (1.0 / (4.0 * beta)) * C ob = rt(_np.pi / 2, wfrac) # /(rp / Rsun) # OUTPUT ### if not quiet: print("# Parameters:") print("wfrac = %.4f" % (wfrac)) print("W = %.4f" % (_np.sqrt(2 * (ob - 1)))) print("Star Mass = %.2f Msun" % (M / Msun)) print("Rpole = %.2f Rsun" % (rp / Rsun)) print("Req = %.2f Rpole" % (rt(_np.pi / 2, wfrac))) print("Teff_pol = %.1f" % (Tp)) print("Star Area = %.2f" % (area(wfrac))) print("Star Lum. = %.1f" % (lum(wfrac, Tp, rp, C, M, beta) / Lsun)) print("Star Lum.*= %.1f" % (lum0)) print("vrot(km/s)= %.1f" % (vrot / 1e5)) print("vorb(km/s)= %.1f" % (_np.sqrt(G * M / rp / rt(_np.pi / 2, wfrac)) / 1e5)) print("vcrt(km/s)= %.1f" % (wcrit * rp * rt(_np.pi / 2, 1.0) / 1e5)) print("log(g)pole= %.2f" % (_np.log10(abs(g(wfrac, M, rp, 0.0))))) print("log(g)eq = %.2f" % (_np.log10(abs(g(wfrac, M, rp, _np.pi / 2))))) print("Teff_eq = %.1f" % ((C * abs(g(wfrac, M, rp, _np.pi / 2))) ** beta)) print("Teff_eq* = %.1f" % ((Cw * abs(g(wfrac, M, rp, _np.pi / 2))) ** beta)) print("Teff_pol* = %.2f" % ((Cw * abs(g(wfrac, M, rp, 0.0))) ** beta)) print( "T_pol/eq* = %.4f" % ( (Cw * abs(g(wfrac, M, rp, 0.0))) ** beta / (Cw * abs(g(wfrac, M, rp, _np.pi / 2))) ** beta ) ) print('# "*" == case where L is constant!') return ob, (Cw * abs(g(wfrac, M, rp, 0.0))) ** beta, area(wfrac) * (rp**2)
[docs]def sigma4b_cranmer(M, wfrac): """Computes sigma4b defined in Cranmer 1996 (Eq. 4.22) Usage: s4b = sigma4b_cranmer(M, wfrac) where wfrac=Omega/Omega_c, M=stellar mass in Msun (from 1.7 to 20.) """ dir0 = "{0}/refs/tables/".format(_hdtpath()) tab = _np.load(dir0 + "sigma4b_cranmer.npz") s4b = _griddata( tab["parlist"], tab["sigma4b"], _np.array([M, wfrac]), method="linear" )[0] return s4b
bestarsHarm1988 = [ # The numbers below are based on Harmanec 1988 # B1.5 and B2.5 interpolated by Faes. # Teff fixed: Rp2 from Lum1; Lum2 from Rp1. # SpType Teff Mass Rp Lum '' Rp2 Lum2 ["B0.0", 29854.0, 14.57, 05.80, 23948.8487173, 6.19, 27290.0], ["B0.5", 28510.0, 13.19, 05.46, 17651.9502267, 5.80, 19953.0], ["B1.0", 26182.0, 11.03, 04.91, 10152.9628687, 5.24, 11588.0], ["B1.5", 24599.0, 09.72, 04.58, 6883.65832266, 4.87, 07768.0], ["B2.0", 23121.0, 08.62, 04.28, 4691.72482578, 4.55, 05297.0], ["B2.5", 20980.0, 07.18, 03.90, 2641.00783143, 4.11, 02931.0], ["B3.0", 19055.0, 06.07, 03.56, 1497.45695726, 3.78, 01690.0], ["B4.0", 17179.0, 05.12, 03.26, 829.555139678, 3.48, 00946.0], ["B5.0", 15488.0, 04.36, 03.01, 467.232334920, 3.21, 00530.0], ["B6.0", 14093.0, 03.80, 02.81, 279.154727515, 2.99, 00316.0], ["B7.0", 12942.0, 03.38, 02.65, 176.569574061, 2.82, 00200.0], ["B8.0", 11561.0, 02.91, 02.44, 95.3190701227, 2.61, 00109.0], ["B9.0", 10351.0, 02.52, 02.25, 52.0850169839, 2.39, 0059.1], ] # ['B9.5', 09886., 02.38, 02.17, 00046., 2.32, 40.3107085348]] bestarsSK1982 = [ # Schmidt-Kaller1982. Used (and interpolated) by Porter1996, Townsedn2004, # SpType Teff Mass Rp Lum ["B0.0", 30105.0, 17.5, 7.70, 43651.0], ["B0.5", 27859.0, 14.6, 6.90, 25703.0], ["B1.0", 25985.0, 12.5, 6.30, 16218.0], ["B1.5", 24347.0, 10.8, 5.70, 10232.0], ["B2.0", 22813.0, 09.6, 5.40, 07079.0], ["B2.5", 21498.0, 08.6, 5.00, 04786.0], ["B3.0", 20222.0, 07.7, 4.70, 03311.0], ["B4.0", 18206.0, 06.4, 4.20, 01737.0], ["B5.0", 16673.0, 05.5, 3.80, 01000.0], ["B6.0", 15302.0, 04.8, 3.50, 00602.0], ["B7.0", 14103.0, 04.2, 3.20, 00363.0], ["B8.0", 13202.0, 03.8, 3.00, 00245.0], ["B9.0", 12246.0, 03.4, 2.80, 00158.0], ] bestarsdJN1987 = [ # Derived by de Jager & Niewuwenhuijzen 1987 to the main sequence (b=5.) # lum class IV (b=4.); Used by Cranmer2005 # Conclusion: 5 and 4 apper do be ZAMS and mid-MS; 3 late MS # Conclusion: SpTypes appear to be shifhed by -1.0 here (cooler stars) # SpType b-val Teff_V Mass_V Rp_5 Lum_V Teff_4 Mass_4 Rp_4 Lum_4 ["B0.0", 1.200, 26841, 13.8, 6.58, 20134.0, 26911, 15.11, 7.84, 28919.0], ["B0.5", 1.350, 24944, 11.4, 5.82, 11742.0, 24809, 12.30, 6.90, 16183.0], ["B1.0", 1.500, 23213, 9.63, 5.16, 06917.0, 22915, 10.17, 6.11, 09222.0], ["B1.5", 1.650, 21629, 8.17, 4.58, 04118.0, 21204, 08.54, 5.44, 05355.0], ["B2.0", 1.800, 20178, 7.01, 4.08, 02478.0, 19655, 07.27, 4.87, 03171.0], ["B2.5", 1.875, 19498, 6.51, 3.86, 01930.0, 18935, 06.74, 4.62, 02458.0], ["B3.0", 1.950, 18846, 6.07, 3.65, 01508.0, 18250, 06.27, 4.39, 01915.0], ["B4.0", 2.100, 17621, 5.31, 3.28, 00928.0, 16972, 05.48, 3.99, 01181.0], ["B5.0", 2.250, 16493, 4.69, 2.95, 00578.0, 15810, 04.84, 3.64, 00743.0], ["B6.0", 2.400, 15452, 4.18, 2.67, 00364.0, 14749, 04.33, 3.36, 00478.0], ["B7.0", 2.550, 14491, 3.75, 2.42, 00232.0, 13780, 03.91, 3.12, 00314.0], ["B8.0", 2.700, 13601, 3.40, 2.21, 00150.0, 12893, 03.57, 2.92, 00211.0], ["B9.0", 2.850, 12778, 3.10, 2.03, 00098.0, 12080, 03.29, 2.76, 00145.0], ] bestarsdJN1987_3 = [ # Derived by de Jager & Niewuwenhuijzen 1987 to the main sequence (b=5.) # lum class IV (b=4.); Used by Cranmer2005 # Conclusions with Geneva models: class III is still in the main sequence! # (but leaving, ~Achernar) # Conclusion: SpTypes appear to be shifhed by -1 step here (cooler stars) # SpType b-val Teff_3 Mass_3 Rp_3 Lum_3 ["B0.0", 1.200, 25030, 14.8, 9.93, 34661.0], ["B0.5", 1.350, 23009, 12.2, 8.92, 19969.0], ["B1.0", 1.500, 21198, 10.2, 8.05, 11731.0], ["B1.5", 1.650, 19570, 8.65, 7.31, 07032.0], ["B2.0", 1.800, 18105, 7.43, 6.69, 04305.0], ["B2.5", 1.875, 17427, 6.93, 6.41, 03396.0], ["B3.0", 1.950, 16782, 6.48, 6.16, 02693.0], ["B4.0", 2.100, 15586, 5.71, 5.71, 01723.0], ["B5.0", 2.250, 14502, 5.10, 5.33, 01128.0], ["B6.0", 2.400, 13519, 4.60, 5.03, 00756.0], ["B7.0", 2.550, 12624, 4.20, 4.78, 00520.0], ["B8.0", 2.700, 11809, 3.86, 4.58, 00366.0], ["B9.0", 2.850, 11065, 3.59, 4.43, 00264.0], ] bestarsBeAtlas = [ # H = 0.3 core # For ob=1.10, i.e., one *CAN'T* apply 4*pi*R^2... # SpType Tpole Teff Mass Rp Lum ["B0.0", _np.NaN, _np.NaN, _np.NaN, _np.NaN, _np.NaN], ["B0.5", 28905.8, 26765.7, 14.6, 7.50, 31183.26], ["B1.0", 26945.8, 24950.9, 12.5, 6.82, 19471.38], ["B1.5", 25085.2, 23228.2, 10.8, 6.23, 12204.70], ["B2.0", 23629.3, 21879.9, 09.6, 5.80, 08327.67], ["B2.5", 22296.1, 20645.4, 08.6, 5.43, 05785.96], ["B3.0", 20919.7, 19370.9, 07.7, 5.11, 03971.25], ["B4.0", 18739.3, 17351.9, 06.4, 4.62, 02090.08], ["B5.0", 17063.8, 15800.5, 05.5, 4.26, 01221.76], ["B6.0", 15587.7, 14433.6, 04.8, 4.02, 00757.60], ["B7.0", 14300.3, 13241.6, 04.2, 3.72, 00459.55], ["B8.0", 13329.9, 12343.0, 03.8, 3.55, 00315.96], ["B9.0", 12307.1, 11395.9, 03.4, 3.37, 00206.89], ] bestarsBeAtlas_N = [ # For ob=1.10 # SpType Tpole Teff Mass Rp Lum ["B0.0", 28905.8, 26765.7, 14.6, 7.50, 31183.26], ["B0.5", 26945.8, 24950.9, 12.5, 6.82, 19471.38], ["B1.0", 25085.2, 23228.2, 10.8, 6.23, 12204.70], ["B1.5", 23629.3, 21879.9, 09.6, 5.80, 08327.67], ["B2.0", 22296.1, 20645.4, 08.6, 5.43, 05785.96], ["B2.5", 20919.7, 19370.9, 07.7, 5.11, 03971.25], ["B3.0", 18739.3, 17351.9, 06.4, 4.62, 02090.08], ["B4.0", 17063.8, 15800.5, 05.5, 4.26, 01221.76], ["B5.0", 15587.7, 14433.6, 04.8, 4.02, 00757.60], ["B6.0", 14300.3, 13241.6, 04.2, 3.72, 00459.55], ["B7.0", 13329.9, 12343.0, 03.8, 3.55, 00315.96], ["B8.0", 12307.1, 11395.9, 03.4, 3.37, 00206.89], ["B9.0", _np.NaN, _np.NaN, _np.NaN, _np.NaN, _np.NaN], ]
[docs]def oblat2w(oblat): """ Converts oblateness into wc=Omega/Omega_crit Ekstrom et al. 2008, Eq. 9 Usage: w = oblat2w(oblat) """ w = (1.5**1.5) * _np.sqrt(2.0 * (oblat - 1.0) / oblat**3.0) return w
[docs]def geneva_closest(Mstar, oblat, t, Zstr="014", tar=None, silent=True): """ Interpolate models between rotation rates, at closest Mstar. Usage: Rpole, logL = geneva_closest(Mstar, oblat, t, Zstr='014', tar=None, silent=True) where t is given in tMS, and tar is the open tar file. The chosen metallicity is according to the input tar file. If tar=None, the code will take Zstr='014' by default. """ # oblat to Omega/Omega_c w = oblat2w(oblat) # grid if Mstar <= 20.0: Mlist = _np.array([1.7, 2.0, 2.5, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 7.0, 9.0, 12.0, 15.0, 20.0]) Mstr = _np.array( [ "1p700", "2p000", "2p500", "3p000", "4p000", "5p000", "7p000", "9p000", "12p00", "15p00", "20p00", ] ) Vlist = _np.array([0.0, 0.1, 0.3, 0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9, 0.95]) Vstr = _np.array( [ "00000", "10000", "30000", "50000", "60000", "70000", "80000", "90000", "95000", ] ) else: Mlist = _np.array([20.0, 25.0, 32.0, 40.0, 60.0, 85.0, 120.0]) Mstr = _np.array( ["20p00", "25p00", "32p00", "40p00", "60p00", "85p00", "120p0"] ) Vlist = _np.array([0.0, 0.568]) Vstr = _np.array(["00000", "56800"]) # read tar file if tar is None: dir0 = "{0}/refs/geneva_models/".format(_hdtpath()) fmod = "Z{:}.tar.gz".format(Zstr) tar = + fmod, "r:gz") else: Zstr = tar.getnames()[0][7:10] # find closest Mstar iM = _np.where(_np.abs(Mstar - Mlist) == _np.min(_np.abs(Mstar - Mlist)))[0][0] # find values at selected age nw = len(Vlist) wlist = _np.zeros(nw) Rplist = _np.zeros(nw) logLlist = _np.zeros(nw) agelist = _np.zeros(nw) for iw, vs in enumerate(Vstr): fname = "M{:}Z{:}00V{:}.dat".format(Mstr[iM], Zstr, vs) age1, _, logL1, _, Hfrac1, _, _, w1, Rpole1 = geneva_read(fname, tar=tar) t1 = age1 / age1[_np.where(Hfrac1 == 0.0)[0][0] - 1] if t > t1.max() and not silent: print( "[geneva_closest] Warning: requested age not available, " "taking t/tMS={:.2f} instead of t/tMS={:.2f}.".format(t1.max(), t) ) it = _np.where(_np.abs(t - t1) == _np.min(_np.abs(t - t1)))[0][0] wlist[iw] = w1[it] Rplist[iw] = Rpole1[it] logLlist[iw] = logL1[it] agelist[iw] = age1[it] / 1e6 # interpolate between rotation rates if w <= wlist.max(): Rpole = _griddata(wlist, Rplist, [w], method="linear")[0] logL = _griddata(wlist, logLlist, [w], method="linear")[0] age = _griddata(wlist, agelist, [w], method="linear")[0] else: if not silent: print( "[geneva_closest] Warning: no model rotating this fast at " "this age, taking closest model instead. (omega={:.2f} " "instead of omega={:.2f})".format(wlist.max(), w) ) iwmax = _np.where(wlist == wlist.max())[0][0] Rpole = Rplist[iwmax] logL = logLlist[iwmax] age = agelist[iwmax] return Rpole, logL, age
[docs]def geneva_interp(Mstar, oblat, t, Zstr="014", tar=None, silent=True): """ Interpolates Geneva stellar models. Usage: Rpole, logL, age = geneva_interp(Mstar, oblat, t, tar=None, silent=True) where t is given in tMS, and tar is the open tar file. The chosen metallicity is according to the input tar file. If tar=None, the code will take Zstr='014' by default. """ # oblat to Omega/Omega_c # w = oblat2w(oblat) # grid if Mstar <= 20.0: Mlist = _np.array([1.7, 2.0, 2.5, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 7.0, 9.0, 12.0, 15.0, 20.0]) else: Mlist = _np.array([20.0, 25.0, 32.0, 40.0, 60.0, 85.0, 120.0]) # read tar file if tar is None: dir0 = "{0}/refs/geneva_models/".format(_hdtpath()) fmod = "Z{:}.tar.gz".format(Zstr) tar = + fmod, "r:gz") else: Zstr = tar.getnames()[0][7:10] # interpolation if (Mstar >= Mlist.min()) * (Mstar <= Mlist.max()): if (Mstar == Mlist).any(): Rpole, logL, age = geneva_closest( Mstar, oblat, t, tar=tar, Zstr=Zstr, silent=silent ) else: # nearest value at left Mleft = Mlist[Mlist < Mstar] Mleft = Mleft[_np.abs(Mleft - Mstar).argmin()] iMleft = _np.where(Mlist == Mleft)[0][0] Rpolel, logLl, agel = geneva_closest( Mlist[iMleft], oblat, t, tar=tar, Zstr=Zstr, silent=silent ) # nearest value at right Mright = Mlist[Mlist > Mstar] Mright = Mright[_np.abs(Mright - Mstar).argmin()] iMright = _np.where(Mlist == Mright)[0][0] Rpoler, logLr, ager = geneva_closest( Mlist[iMright], oblat, t, tar=tar, Zstr=Zstr, silent=silent ) # interpolate between masses weight = _np.array([Mright - Mstar, Mstar - Mleft]) / (Mright - Mleft) Rpole =[Rpolel, Rpoler])) logL =[logLl, logLr])) age =[agel, ager])) else: if not silent: print( "[geneva_interp] Warning: Mstar out of available range, " "taking the closest value." ) Rpole, logL, age = geneva_closest( Mstar, oblat, t, tar=tar, Zstr=Zstr, silent=silent ) return Rpole, logL, age
[docs]def geneva_interp_fast(Mstar, oblat, t, Zstr="014", silent=True): """ Interpolates Geneva stellar models, from grid of pre-computed interpolations. Usage: Rpole, logL, age = geneva_interp_fast(Mstar, oblat, t, Zstr='014') where t is given in tMS, and tar is the open tar file. For now, only Zstr='014' is available. """ # read grid dir0 = "{0}/refs/geneva_models/".format(_hdtpath()) if Mstar <= 20.0: fname = "geneva_interp_Z{:}.npz".format(Zstr) else: fname = "geneva_interp_Z{:}_highM.npz".format(Zstr) data = _np.load(dir0 + fname) Mstar_arr = data["Mstar_arr"] oblat_arr = data["oblat_arr"] t_arr = data["t_arr"] Rpole_grid = data["Rpole_grid"] logL_grid = data["logL_grid"] age_grid = data["age_grid"] # build grid of parameters par_grid = [] for M in Mstar_arr: for ob in oblat_arr: for tt in t_arr: par_grid.append([M, ob, tt]) par_grid = _np.array(par_grid) # set input/output parameters par = _np.array([Mstar, oblat, t]) # set ranges ranges = _np.array( [[par_grid[:, i].min(), par_grid[:, i].max()] for i in range(len(par))] ) # find neighbours keep, out, inside_ranges, par, par_grid = _phc.find_neighbours( par, par_grid, ranges ) # interpolation method if inside_ranges: interp_method = "linear" else: if not silent: print( "[geneva_interp_fast] Warning: parameters out of available " "range, taking closest model" ) interp_method = "nearest" if len(keep[keep]) == 1: # coincidence Rpole = Rpole_grid.flatten()[keep][0] logL = logL_grid.flatten()[keep][0] age = age_grid.flatten()[keep][0] else: # interpolation Rpole = _griddata( par_grid[keep], Rpole_grid.flatten()[keep], par, method=interp_method, rescale=True, )[0] logL = _griddata( par_grid[keep], logL_grid.flatten()[keep], par, method=interp_method, rescale=True, )[0] age = _griddata( par_grid[keep], age_grid.flatten()[keep], par, method=interp_method, rescale=True, )[0] return Rpole, logL, age
[docs]def geneva_pre_computed(Zstr="014", silent=False): """ Create geneva pre-computed grid """ dir0 = "{0}/refs/geneva_models/".format(_hdtpath()) if _os.path.exists(dir0 + "geneva_interp_Z{:}.npz".format(Zstr)): data = _np.load(dir0 + "geneva_interp_Z{:}.npz".format(Zstr)) else: # par grid Mstar_arr = _np.array( [1.7, 2.0, 2.5, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 7.0, 9.0, 12.0, 15.0, 20.0] ) oblat_arr = _np.linspace(1.0, 1.5, 6) t_arr = _np.hstack([_np.linspace(0.0, 0.9, 10), _np.linspace(1.0, 1.1, 21)]) Rpole_grid = _np.zeros([len(Mstar_arr), len(oblat_arr), len(t_arr)]) logL_grid = _np.zeros([len(Mstar_arr), len(oblat_arr), len(t_arr)]) age_grid = _np.zeros([len(Mstar_arr), len(oblat_arr), len(t_arr)]) # read tar file tar = + "Z{:}.tar.gz".format(Zstr), "r:gz") for iM, Mstar in enumerate(Mstar_arr): for iob, oblat in enumerate(oblat_arr): for it, t in enumerate(t_arr): if not silent: print(Mstar, oblat, t) Rp, lL, age = geneva_interp( Mstar, oblat, t, tar=tar, Zstr=Zstr, silent=silent ) Rpole_grid[iM, iob, it] = Rp logL_grid[iM, iob, it] = lL age_grid[iM, iob, it] = age _np.savez( dir0 + "geneva_interp_Z{:}".format(Zstr), Mstar_arr=Mstar_arr, oblat_arr=oblat_arr, t_arr=t_arr, Rpole_grid=Rpole_grid, logL_grid=logL_grid, age_grid=age_grid, ) # high M if _os.path.exists(dir0 + "geneva_interp_Z{:}_highM.npz".format(Zstr)): data = _np.load(dir0 + "geneva_interp_Z{:}_highM.npz".format(Zstr)) return # par grid Mstar_arr = _np.array([20.0, 25.0, 32.0, 40.0, 60.0, 85.0, 120.0]) oblat_arr = _np.linspace(1.0, 1.05633802817, 2) t_arr = _np.hstack([_np.linspace(0.0, 0.9, 10), _np.linspace(1.0, 1.1, 21)]) Rpole_grid = _np.zeros([len(Mstar_arr), len(oblat_arr), len(t_arr)]) logL_grid = _np.zeros([len(Mstar_arr), len(oblat_arr), len(t_arr)]) age_grid = _np.zeros([len(Mstar_arr), len(oblat_arr), len(t_arr)]) # read tar file tar = + "Z{:}.tar.gz".format(Zstr), "r:gz") for iM, Mstar in enumerate(Mstar_arr): for iob, oblat in enumerate(oblat_arr): for it, t in enumerate(t_arr): if not silent: print(Mstar, oblat, t) Rp, lL, age = geneva_interp( Mstar, oblat, t, tar=tar, Zstr=Zstr, silent=silent ) Rpole_grid[iM, iob, it] = Rp logL_grid[iM, iob, it] = lL age_grid[iM, iob, it] = age _np.savez( dir0 + "geneva_interp_Z{:}_highM".format(Zstr), Mstar_arr=Mstar_arr, oblat_arr=oblat_arr, t_arr=t_arr, Rpole_grid=Rpole_grid, logL_grid=logL_grid, age_grid=age_grid, ) return
[docs]def geneva_read(fname, Zstr="014", tar=None): """ Reads Geneva model file Usage: age, Mstar, logL, logTeff, Hfrac, Hefrac, oblat, w, Rpole = geneva_read(fname, tar=None) where tar is the read tar(.gz) opened file. """ # read tar file if tar is None: dir0 = "{0}/refs/geneva_models/".format(_hdtpath()) fmod = "Z{:}.tar.gz".format(Zstr) tar = + fmod, "r:gz") else: Zstr = tar.getnames()[0][7:10] m = tar.getmember(fname) fname = tar.extractfile(m) # (age, M, logL, logTeff, Hfrac, Hefrac, oblat, w, Rpole) cols = (1, 2, 3, 4, 21, 22, 34, 39, 44) t = _np.loadtxt(fname, usecols=cols, skiprows=2) age = t[:, 0] Mstar = t[:, 1] logL = t[:, 2] logTeff = t[:, 3] Hfrac = t[:, 4] Hefrac = t[:, 5] oblat = 1.0 / t[:, 6] w = t[:, 7] Rpole = t[:, 8] return age, Mstar, logL, logTeff, Hfrac, Hefrac, oblat, w, Rpole
[docs]def lum_rotstar(Rp=6, Teff=18703, W=0.732, roche=True): """It calculates the luminosity of a rotation star (ie., oblate star area) impossing an (artificial) effective temperature. If ``roche=True``, calculate Roche star area. If ``False``, assumes an ellipsoid with same oblateness (as determined by ``W``). Units: Solar units. """ wfrac = wfrac_rot(W) if roche: areaob = area(wfrac) else: ob = rt(_np.pi / 2, wfrac) areaob = ellipsoidarea(ob) lum = areaob / 4 / _np.pi * Rp**2 * (Teff / _phc.Tsun.cgs) ** 4 return lum
[docs]def teff_rotstar(Rp=6, lum=5224, W=0.732, roche=True): """It calculates the "effective/average" temperature of a rotation star (ie., oblate star area). If ``roche=True``, calculate Roche star area. If ``False``, assumes an ellipsoid with same oblateness (as determined by ``W``). Units: Solar units. """ wfrac = wfrac_rot(W) if roche: areaob = area(wfrac) else: ob = rt(_np.pi / 2, wfrac) areaob = ellipsoidarea(ob) teff = (lum / (areaob * Rp**2 / 4 / _np.pi)) ** (1 / 4.0) * _phc.Tsun.cgs return teff
[docs]def mag_BB(R=6, T=18703, d=279, lb0=5466.0, f0=3.6e-9): """Calculates the magnitude of a Black Body star. [R]=solar, [T]=Kelvin, [d]=parsec, [lb0;filter eff lambda]=Ang, [f0]=erg/s/cm2/A """ flux_t = _phc.BBlbd(T, _np.array(lb0 * 1e-8)) * _np.pi * 1e-8 # erg/s/cm2/A dist_fact = (R * _phc.Rsun.cgs / d / _phc.pc.cgs) ** 2 return -2.5 * _np.log10(flux_t * dist_fact / f0)
[docs]def mag_Kurucz(R=6, T=18703, d=279, logg=3.5, lb0=5466.0, f0=3.6e-9): """Calculates the magnitude of a Kurucz star. [R]=solar, [T]=Kelvin, [d]=parsec, [lb0;filter eff lambda]=Ang, [f0]=erg/s/cm2/A """ lbd, flux_t, info = _spt.kuruczflux(T, logg) # erg/s/sr/cm2/Hz flux_t = _np.interp([lb0 * 1e-1], lbd, flux_t)[0] # just wavelength lb0 flux_t = _phc.c.cgs * 1e8 * flux_t * (lb0) ** -2 * 4 * _np.pi # erg/s/cm2/A dist_fact = (R * _phc.Rsun.cgs / d / _phc.pc.cgs) ** 2 return -2.5 * _np.log10(flux_t * dist_fact / f0)
[docs]def mag_avgBBrotstar(Rp=6, lum=5224, d=279, W=0.732, lb0=5466.0, f0=3.6e-9, roche=True): """It calculates an "averaged" observed magnitude of a rotating star, assuming a Black Body. This function assumes an uniform luminosity of the star and an average projected area, increased due to the the stellar rotation. This is seen as an "average" calculation. To be more precise, it is required multiple projections of effetive quantities as function of the inclination angle (eg., the stellar projected area and its effetive surface temperature). For example, for the face-on (pole-on) case, area=4*pi*Req**2, but what would be an adequade Teff? The center of the area will be in Tpole, but an additional "limb darkening" would be seen due to the cooler temperature towards the equator (ie., the further away from the surface center). Note that the observed flux from a rotating star will be greater the smaller the angle of inclination (ie, maximum flux for face-on and minimum for pole-on). If ``roche=True``, calculate Roche star area. If ``False``, assumes an ellipsoid with same oblateness (as determined by ``W``). """ wfrac = wfrac_rot(W) if roche: areaob = area(wfrac) else: ob = rt(_np.pi / 2, wfrac) areaob = ellipsoidarea(ob) teff = (lum / (areaob * Rp**2 / 4 / _np.pi)) ** (1 / 4.0) * _phc.Tsun.cgs flux_t = _phc.BBlbd(teff, _np.array(lb0 * 1e-8)) * _np.pi * 1e-8 # erg/s/cm2/A Reff = (areaob / 4 / _np.pi) ** (1 / 2.0) * Rp dist_fact = (Reff * _phc.Rsun.cgs / d / _phc.pc.cgs) ** 2 return -2.5 * _np.log10(flux_t * dist_fact / f0)
[docs]def mag_avgKuruczrotstar( Rp=6, lum=5224, d=279, W=0.732, logg=3.5, lb0=5466.0, f0=3.6e-9, roche=True ): """It calculates an "averaged" observed magnitude of a rotating star, using a Kurucz model. This function assumes an uniform luminosity of the star and an average projected area, increased due to the the stellar rotation. For more details, see ``calc_mag_avgBBrotstar``. If ``roche=True``, calculate Roche star area. If ``False``, assumes an ellipsoid with same oblateness (as determined by ``W``). """ wfrac = wfrac_rot(W) if roche: areaob = area(wfrac) else: ob = rt(_np.pi / 2, wfrac) areaob = ellipsoidarea(ob) Reff = (areaob / 4 / _np.pi) ** (1 / 2.0) * Rp teff = (lum / Reff**2) ** (1 / 4.0) * _phc.Tsun.cgs lbd, flux_t, _ = _spt.kuruczflux(teff, logg) # erg/s/sr/cm2/Hz flux_t = _np.interp([lb0 * 1e-1], lbd, flux_t)[0] # just wavelength lb0 flux_t = _phc.c.cgs * 1e8 * flux_t * (lb0) ** -2 * 4 * _np.pi # erg/s/cm2/A dist_fact = (Reff * _phc.Rsun.cgs / d / _phc.pc.cgs) ** 2 return -2.5 * _np.log10(flux_t * dist_fact / f0)
# MAIN ### if __name__ == "__main__": pass