Source code for pyhdust.phc

# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-

"""PyHdust *phc* module: physical constants and general use functions

Includes functions for:
- Geometrical functions in deg
- Data manipulation (average, bin, fitting)
- Manipulation of 3D coordinates
- Convolution functions
- Manipulation of strings and lists
- Manipulation of angular coordinates and dates
- Files or directories manipulation
- Plotting
- Physical functions
- `List of constants`_
- Python-version issues

.. _`List of constants`: phc_list.html

:license: GNU GPL v3.0
from __future__ import print_function
import sys as _sys
import os as _os
import re as _re
import numpy as _np
import datetime as _dt
from dateutil.relativedelta import relativedelta as _dtdelta
import gzip as _gzip
from bz2 import BZ2File as _BZ2File
from glob import glob as _glob
from itertools import product as _product
import pyhdust.jdcal as _jdcal
from pyhdust.tabulate import tabulate as _tab
from six import string_types as _strtypes
from functools import reduce as _ftreduce
import warnings as _warn
import struct as _struct
import unicodedata as _unicdata
from dateutil import tz as _tz

    import csv as _csv
    import matplotlib.pyplot as _plt
    from matplotlib.ticker import AutoMinorLocator as _AutoMinorLocator
    from scipy import optimize as _optimize
except ImportError:
    ("matplotlib, csv and/or scipy module not installed!!!")

    from import Iterable as _It
except ImportError:
    from collections import Iterable as _It

__author__ = "Daniel Moser"
__email__ = ""

# Trigonometric functions in deg
[docs]def cos(ang): """Ang in DEGREES""" return _np.cos(ang * _np.pi / 180)
[docs]def sin(ang): """Ang in DEGREES""" return _np.sin(ang * _np.pi / 180)
[docs]def arcsin(arg): """Output in DEGREES""" return _np.arcsin(arg) * 180 / _np.pi
[docs]def arccos(arg): """Output in DEGREES""" return _np.arccos(arg) * 180 / _np.pi
[docs]def tan(ang): """Ang in DEGREES""" return _np.tan(ang * _np.pi / 180)
[docs]def arctan(arg): """Output in DEGREES""" return _np.arctan(arg) * 180 / _np.pi
[docs]def arctan2(y, x): """Output in DEGREES""" return _np.arctan2(y, x) * 180 / _np.pi
# Data manipulation (includes fitting) def find_nearest_pt(x0, y0, x, y, z, case=1): dx = _np.max(x) - _np.min(x) dy = _np.max(y) - _np.min(y) if case == 1: idx = _np.where((x < x0) & (y < y0)) elif case == 2: idx = _np.where((x > x0) & (y < y0)) elif case == 3: idx = _np.where((x < x0) & (y > y0)) elif case == 4: idx = _np.where((x > x0) & (y > y0)) else: idx = _np.argsort(x) z = z[idx] if len(z) > 0: x = x[idx] y = y[idx] d = _np.sqrt(((x0 - x) / dx) ** 2 + ((y0 - y) / dy) ** 2) idx = _np.where(d == _np.min(d)) return ( _np.average(x[idx]), _np.average(y[idx]), _np.average(z[idx]), _np.average(d[idx]), ) else: return _np.NaN, _np.NaN, _np.NaN, _np.NaN def baricent_calc(x0, y0, x, y, z, fullrange=False): x1, y1, z1, d1 = find_nearest_pt(x0, y0, x, y, z, case=1) x2, y2, z2, d2 = find_nearest_pt(x0, y0, x, y, z, case=2) x3, y3, z3, d3 = find_nearest_pt(x0, y0, x, y, z, case=3) x4, y4, z4, d4 = find_nearest_pt(x0, y0, x, y, z, case=4) if _np.sum(_np.isnan([x1, x2, x3, x4])) == 0: # DO THE BARICENTER CALCULATIONS HERE idx = _np.argsort([d1, d2, d3, d4]) xs = _np.array([x1, x2, x3, x4])[idx] ys = _np.array([y1, y2, y3, y4])[idx] zs = _np.array([z1, z2, z3, z4])[idx] inside = False seq = _np.array([[0, 1, 2], [0, 1, 3], [0, 2, 3], [1, 2, 3]]) for i in seq: # # # determine-whether-point-lies-inside-triangle if not inside: X, Y = (xs[i], ys[i]) alpha = ((Y[1] - Y[2]) * (x0 - X[2]) + (X[2] - X[1]) * (y0 - Y[2])) / ( (Y[1] - Y[2]) * (X[0] - X[2]) + (X[2] - X[1]) * (Y[0] - Y[2]) ) beta = ((Y[2] - Y[0]) * (x0 - X[2]) + (X[0] - X[2]) * (y0 - Y[2])) / ( (Y[1] - Y[2]) * (X[0] - X[2]) + (X[2] - X[1]) * (Y[0] - Y[2]) ) gamma = 1.0 - alpha - beta if alpha > 0 and beta > 0 and gamma > 0: Z = zs[i] inside = True # a = _np.zeros(3) a[2] = _np.abs( 0.5 * (X[0] * (Y[1] - y0) + X[1] * (y0 - Y[0]) + x0 * (Y[0] - Y[1])) ) a[1] = _np.abs( 0.5 * (X[0] * (Y[2] - y0) + X[2] * (y0 - Y[0]) + x0 * (Y[0] - Y[2])) ) a[0] = _np.abs( 0.5 * (X[1] * (Y[2] - y0) + X[2] * (y0 - Y[1]) + x0 * (Y[1] - Y[2])) ) return _np.sum(Z * a) / _np.sum(a) elif _np.sum(_np.isnan([x1, x2, x3, x4])) == 1 and fullrange: idx = _np.argsort([d1, d2, d3, d4]) zs = _np.array([z1, z2, z3, z4])[idx][:3] ds = _np.array([d1, d2, d3, d4])[idx][:3] return _np.sum(zs / ds) / _np.sum(1 / ds) else: return _np.NaN
[docs]def baricent_map(x, y, z, res=100, fullrange=False, xfact=1.0, yfact=1.0): """_fact = apply an factor in the input values **in the interpolation**""" X = _np.linspace(_np.min(x), _np.max(x), res) Y = _np.linspace(_np.min(y), _np.max(y), res) # Must be [::-1] to match the img std X, Y = _np.meshgrid(X, Y[::-1]) img = _np.zeros((res, res)) for i, j in _product(range(res), range(res)): img[i, j] = baricent_calc( X[i, j], Y[i, j], _np.array(x) * xfact, _np.array(y) * yfact, z, fullrange=fullrange, ) return img
[docs]def flatten(list_, outlist=None): """Return a flatten list. If ``outlist`` is provided, the output is extended to it. """ if outlist is None: outlist = [] for item in list_: if isinstance(item, _It) and not isinstance(item, _strtypes): flatten(item, outlist) else: outlist.append(item) return outlist
[docs]def wg_avg_and_std(values, sigma): """Return the weighted average and standard deviation. This IS NOT the problem of Wikipedia > Weighted_arithmetic_mean + Weighted_sample_variance! average = _np.average(values, weights=weights) # Fast and numerically precise: variance = _np.average((values-average)**2, weights=weights) return (average, _np.sqrt(variance)) INPUT: values, sigma -- arrays with the same shape. OUTPUT: average, avg_sig (float, float) """ values = _np.array(values) sigma = _np.array(sigma) avg = _np.average(values, weights=1.0 / sigma) return avg, _np.sqrt(_np.sum(sigma**2)) / len(values)
[docs]def wg_avg_t(t, y, yerr=None): """average weighted on ``t`` with optional ``yerr`` array. Intended for binning use. To recover the weighted value of ``t``, use wg_avg_and_std. Warning: If there is two (or more) ``y`` points for the same value of ``t``, all these points will be ignored. INPUT: ``t``, ``y`` -- arrays with the same shape. OUTPUT: average """ idx = _np.argsort(t) t = _np.array(t)[idx] y = _np.array(y)[idx] n = len(t) if yerr is None: yerr = _np.ones(n).astype(float) dx = _np.diff(t) avg = 0.0 for i in range(n - 1): if dx[i] == 0: _warn("# phc.wg_avg_t: multiple points for same t value!") avg += ( dx[i] * (y[i + 1] / yerr[i + 1] + y[i] / yerr[i]) / (1.0 / yerr[i] + 1.0 / yerr[i + 1]) ) return avg / _np.sum(dx)
[docs]def fill_points(in_arr, dx, n=1): """Return a list of points to be filled in an array. If the distance of two sucessive points is bigger than ``dx``, then ``n`` new points will be generated. :param in_arr: Input array. """ size = len(in_arr) new_x = [] idx_extra = [] j = 0 for i in range(size - 1): new_x += [in_arr[i]] j += 1 if abs(in_arr[i + 1] - in_arr[i]) > dx: npts = int(round(abs(in_arr[i + 1] - in_arr[i]) / dx)) tmp = list(_np.linspace(in_arr[i], in_arr[i + 1], npts + n)[1:-1]) new_x += tmp idx_extra += [k + j for k in range(len(tmp))] j += len(tmp) new_x += [in_arr[-1]] return new_x, idx_extra
[docs]def change_dimension(x, nred=-1, fixedlim=False): """Reduce the dimension of an **equally spaced** vector. `nred`: reduces the vector `x` size if nred < 0 and increases it otherwise. `fixedlim` keeps the x limits values. Others """ if len(_np.shape(x)) != 1: _warn("# Invalid x shape!!") return None nred = int(nred) if nred == 0: return x return _np.linspace(_np.min(x), _np.max(x), len(x) + nred)
[docs]def bindata(x, y, yerr=None, nbins=20, xlim=None, interp=False, perc=0, weightx=True): """ Return the weighted binned data. It is assumed no errors for x values. `interp` linearly interpolates NaN values in `y` (no changes on `x` and `yerr` arrays). if ``perc > 0``, then it returns the percentile value of the interval. In this case, the output xvals will be the ones from the closest y value within a given bin corresponding to that percentile. `weightx` only works if `perc=0`. `True` returns the simply averaged `x` value of a given bin interval (it is not based on y or yerr values); `False` returns the regularly spaced `x` bin values. INPUT: x, y, yerr - arrays with the same shape (they don't need to be sorted); nbins=int, xlim=[xmin, xmax]. OUTPUT: xvals, yvals, new_yerr [if `yerr!=None`]; (arrays) """ x = _np.array(x) y = _np.array(y) if yerr is None: yerr = _np.ones(len(x)) else: yerr = _np.array(yerr) nans = _np.isnan(y) if interp and _np.sum(nans) > 0: y = _np.interp(x, x[~nans], y[~nans]) else: x = x[~nans] y = y[~nans] yerr = yerr[~nans] if xlim is None: xmax = _np.max(x) xmin = _np.min(x) else: xmin, xmax = xlim shift = (xmax - xmin) / (nbins - 1.0) tmpx = _np.arange(nbins) * shift + xmin tmpy = _np.zeros(nbins) tmpyerr = _np.zeros(nbins) idx = _np.zeros(nbins, dtype=bool) for i in range(nbins): selx = _np.where(abs(x - tmpx[i]) <= shift / 2.0 + 1e-6) if len(selx[0]) >= 1: if perc <= 0: if weightx: tmpx[i] = _np.average(x[selx]) tmpy[i], tmpyerr[i] = wg_avg_and_std(y[selx], yerr[selx]) else: tmpy[i] = _np.percentile(y[selx], perc) pid = find_nearest(y[selx], tmpy[i], idx=True) if weightx: tmpx[i] = x[selx][pid] _, tmpyerr[i] = wg_avg_and_std(y[selx], yerr[selx]) idx[i] = True if _np.sum(yerr) / len(x) == 1: return tmpx[idx], tmpy[idx] else: return tmpx[idx], tmpy[idx], tmpyerr[idx]
[docs]def chi2calc(mod, obs, sig_obs=None, npar=1, fast=False): """Calculate the chi2. If `fast=False`, the function skips a NaN test in the arrays.""" if sig_obs is None: sig_obs = _np.ones(len(obs)) if not fast: nans, tmp = nan_helper(obs) obs = _np.array(obs)[~nans] mod = _np.array(mod)[~nans] sig_obs = _np.array(sig_obs)[~nans] return _np.sum((mod - obs) ** 2 / sig_obs**2) / (len(sig_obs) - npar - 1)
[docs]def splitequal(n, N): """Split `N` in approx. `n` igual parts `N` must be integer. Suggestion: *phc.splitequal(N/8., N)* split N into sequences of approx. 8 itens. """ n = int(round(n)) idx = [] for i in range(n): idx.append([i * N / n, (i + 1) * N / n]) if n == 0: idx = [[0, N]] return idx
[docs]def interLinND(X, X0, X1, Fx, disablelog=False): """ N-dimensional linear interpolation in LOG space!! Pay attention: Fx must always be > 0. If not, put disablelog=True. Other important thing: Fx must be regularly spaced (i.e., [Fx0y0, Fx0y1, Fx1y0, Fx1y1] if X0=[x0,y0] and X1=[x1,y1]). If it is not the case, see *interBar?D* function. | INPUT: | X = position in with the interpolation is desired; | X0 = minimal values of the interval; | X1 = vmaximum values of the inveral | Fx = function values along the interval, ORDERED BY DIMENSTION. | Example: Fx = [F00, F01, F10, F11] OUTPUT: interpolated value (float)""" X = _np.array(X) X0 = _np.array(X0) X1 = _np.array(X1) Xd = (X - X0) / (X1 - X0) DX = _np.array([[(1 - x), x] for x in Xd]) # i = 0 F = 0 for prod in _product(*DX): if disablelog: F += Fx[i] * _np.product(prod) else: F += _np.log(Fx[i]) * _np.product(prod) i += 1 # if not disablelog: return _np.exp(F) else: return F
[docs]def optim(p0, x, y, yerr, func, errfunc=None): """Do scipy.optimize.leastsq minimization. Default error function is the chi2 function. Requirements: - func(p, x) is a previously user defined function. - len(x)=len(y)=len(yerr) Output: best parameters (p), chi2_red value """ if errfunc is None: def errfunc(p, x, y, yerr, func): """error function""" # return _np.sum( ((y-func(p,x))/yerr)**2 ) return ((y - func(p, x)) / yerr) ** 2 bestp, tmp = _optimize.leastsq(errfunc, p0, args=(x, y, yerr, func)) c2red = chi2calc(func(bestp, x), y, yerr, npar=len(p0)) return bestp, c2red
[docs]def optim2(p0, x, y, yerr, func): """Do scipy.optimize.curve_fit minimization. It returns errors to the parameters fitting!!! Requirements: - func(p, x) is a previously user defined function. - len(x)=len(y)=len(yerr) Output: best params (p), params errors (perr), chi2_red value """ bestp, cov = _optimize.curve_fit(func, x, y, p0=p0, sigma=yerr) c2red = chi2calc(func(x, *bestp), y, yerr, npar=len(p0)) return bestp, _np.sqrt(_np.diag(cov)), c2red
[docs]def bin_ndarray(ndarray, new_shape, operation="avg"): """ Bins an ndarray in all axes based on the target shape, by summing or averaging. Number of output dimensions must match number of input dimensions. Example ------- >>> m = _np.arange(0,100,1).reshape((10,10)) >>> n = bin_ndarray(m, new_shape=(5,5), operation='sum') >>> print(n) [[ 22 30 38 46 54] [102 110 118 126 134] [182 190 198 206 214] [262 270 278 286 294] [342 350 358 366 374]] """ if not operation.lower() in ["sum", "mean", "average", "avg"]: raise ValueError("Operation {} not supported.".format(operation)) if ndarray.ndim != len(new_shape): raise ValueError("Shape mismatch: {} -> {}".format(ndarray.shape, new_shape)) compression_pairs = [(d, c // d) for d, c in zip(new_shape, ndarray.shape)] flattened = [j for p in compression_pairs for j in p] # print flattened ndarray = ndarray.reshape(flattened) for i in range(len(new_shape)): if operation.lower() == "sum": ndarray = ndarray.sum(-1 * (i + 1)) elif operation.lower() in ["mean", "average", "avg"]: ndarray = ndarray.mean(-1 * (i + 1)) return ndarray
# Convolution functions
[docs]def normgauss(sig, x=None, xc=0.0): """Normalized Gaussian function. INPUT: sigma value (float), x (array), xc (float) OUTPUT: yvals (array) """ if x is None: x = _np.linspace(-5 * sig, 5 * sig, 101) return ( 1.0 / (2 * _np.pi * sig**2) ** 0.5 * _np.exp(-((x - xc) ** 2.0) / (2 * sig**2.0)) )
[docs]def normbox(hwidth, x=None, xc=0.0): """Normalized Box function. INPUT: half-width (number), x (array), xc (float) OUTPUT: yvals (array) """ if x is None: x = _np.linspace(-hwidth * 2 + xc, hwidth * 2 + xc, 101) y = _np.zeros(len(x)) idx = _np.where(_np.abs(x - xc) <= hwidth) y[idx] = _np.zeros(len(y[idx])) + 2.0 / hwidth return y
[docs]def convnorm(x, arr, pattern): """Do the convolution of arr with pattern. Vector x is required for normalization. Its length must be odd! INPUT: units space (x, array), original array (arr), pattern (array) OUTPUT: array """ if len(x) != len(pattern): _warn.warn("Wrong format of x and/or pattern arrays!") return None if len(x) % 2 == 0: _warn.warn("Even length of arrays. Interpolating n-1 " "dimension!") idx = _np.argsort(x) x0 = x[idx] pattern0 = pattern[idx] x = _np.linspace(x0[0], x0[-1], len(x0) - 1) pattern = _np.interp(x, x0, pattern0) dx = (x[-1] - x[0]) / (len(x) - 1.0) cut = len(x) // 2 return _np.convolve(pattern, arr)[cut:-cut] * dx
# 3D Coordinates manipulation (rotation)
[docs]def cart2sph(x, y, z=None): """Cartesian to spherical coordinates. Output in **rad**. **Warning**: :math:`z=0\\rightarrow \\theta=\\pi`. TODO: check is len(x)==len(y) INPUT: arrays of same length OUTPUT: arrays """ if z is None: z = _np.zeros(len(x)) r = _np.sqrt(x**2 + y**2 + z**2) th = _np.arccos(z / r) phi = _np.arctan2(y, x) return r, phi, th
[docs]def sph2cart(r, phi, th=None): """**Warning**: the sequence is :math:`(r, \\phi, \\theta)`.""" if th is None: th = _np.zeros(len(r)) x = r * _np.sin(th) * _np.cos(phi) y = r * _np.sin(th) * _np.sin(phi) z = r * _np.cos(th) return x, y, z
[docs]def cart_rot(x, y, z, ang_xy=0.0, ang_yz=0.0, ang_zx=0.0): """Apply rotation in Cartesian coordinates. INPUT: 3 arrays of same length, 3 angles (float, in radians). OUTPUT: arrays""" rotmtx = _np.array( [ [ _np.cos(ang_zx) * _np.cos(ang_xy), -_np.cos(ang_yz) * _np.sin(ang_xy) + _np.sin(ang_yz) * _np.sin(ang_zx) * _np.cos(ang_xy), _np.sin(ang_yz) * _np.sin(ang_xy) + _np.cos(ang_yz) * _np.sin(ang_zx) * _np.cos(ang_xy), ], [ _np.cos(ang_zx) * _np.sin(ang_xy), _np.cos(ang_yz) * _np.cos(ang_xy) + _np.sin(ang_yz) * _np.sin(ang_zx) * _np.sin(ang_xy), -_np.sin(ang_yz) * _np.cos(ang_xy) + _np.cos(ang_yz) + _np.sin(ang_zx) * _np.sin(ang_xy), ], [ -_np.sin(ang_zx), _np.sin(ang_yz) * _np.cos(ang_zx), _np.cos(ang_yz) * _np.cos(ang_zx), ], ] ) vec = _np.array([x, y, z]) return, vec)
# Lists and strings manipulation
[docs]def isnumber(val, contains=False): """Return [True|False] if a string can be converted to a number (int, float or scientific notation). `contains`: check if the string CONTAINS a valid number. """ rule = r"-?[\d.]+(?:e-?\d+)?" match = _re.findall(rule, val) isn = False if len(match) == 1: isn = True if not contains: if match[0] != val: isn = False return isn
[docs]def str2float(val): """Returns a float converted from the string ``val``. If more than one float is identified, it returns ``None``""" rule = r"-?[\d.]+(?:e-?\d+)?" match = _re.findall(rule, val) if len(match) != 1: return None return float(match[0])
[docs]def closest_idx(arr, mtx): """Return the closest index of `mtx` corresponding to the values of `arr`.""" lidx = [] for i in range(len(arr)): lidx.append(_np.where(mtx[:, i] == find_nearest(mtx[:, i], arr[i]))[0]) return _ftreduce(_np.intersect1d, lidx)[0]
[docs]def unic2ascii(string): """Converts unicode to ASCII""" return _unicdata.normalize("NFKD", string).encode("ascii", "ignore")
[docs]def readpck(n, tp, ixdr, f): """Read XDR - n: length - tp: type ('i', 'l', 'f', 'd') - ixdr: counter - f: file-object :returns: ixdr (counter), _np.array """ sz = dict(zip(["i", "l", "f", "d"], [4, 4, 4, 8])) s = sz[tp] upck = ">{0}{1}".format(n, tp) return ixdr + n * s, _np.array(_struct.unpack(upck, f[ixdr : ixdr + n * s]))
[docs]def reshapeltx(ltxtb, ncols=2, latexfmt=True): """Reshape a latex table. :param ltxtb: latex table (only contents) :type ltxtb: string, or list of strings :rtype: string, or _np.array (str) :returns: latex formatted table, or matrix """ t = ltxtb if not isinstance(t, _strtypes): t = "".join(flatten(t)) t = t.replace(" ", "").replace(r"\\", "&").replace("\n", "") t = t.split("&") t = _np.array(t) t = _np.delete(t, _np.where(t == "")) nadd = ncols - len(t) % ncols if nadd > 0: t = _np.append(t, _np.tile("", nadd)) if latexfmt: return _tab(t.reshape((-1, ncols)), tablefmt="latex") else: return t.reshape((-1, ncols))
# def find_after(id, ref): # """ Returns the line where `id` if found after `ref`. # """ # return
[docs]def log_norm(x, vmax=1.0, vmin=0.01, autoscale=True, clip=True): """Renormalize ``x`` (value or vector) making a correspondance of [0-1] to [vmin, vmax] in log scale. If ``autoscale`` and x is a vector, ``vmax`` and ``vmin`` are automatically set (``x`` must have at least a positive value). ``clip`` force the range to be between 0 and 1. """ x = _np.array(x) if autoscale: (vmin, vmax) = (_np.min(x[_np.where(x > 0)]), _np.max(x)) if vmin <= 0: _warn.warn("vmin <= 0 at phc.log_norm!") return x if vmax <= vmin: _warn.warn("vmax <= vmin at phc.log_norm!") return x if clip: x = x.clip(vmin, vmax) return _np.log10(x / vmin) / _np.log10(vmax / vmin)
[docs]def renormvals(xlist, xlims, ylims): """Renormalize ``xlist`` according to ``_lims`` values. len(xlims)=len(ylims)=2 """ a = _np.diff(ylims) / _np.diff(xlims) b = ylims[0] - a * xlims[0] return a * _np.array(xlist) + b
[docs]def expand_list(xlist, logspaced=False): """Expand ``xlist`` centered values to interval limits. `logspaced` assumed to be in base 10. OUTPUT: array[len(xlist)+1] """ if logspaced: xlist = _np.log10(xlist) d = _np.diff(xlist) out = _np.zeros(len(xlist) + 1) out[0] = xlist[0] - d[0] / 2 out[1:-1] = xlist[:-1] + d / 2 out[-1] = xlist[-1] + d[-1] / 2 if logspaced: out = 10**out return out
[docs]def keys_values(keys, text, delimiter="_"): """Return the values in a string coded as *KeyValueDelimiter*. The keys do not need to be in order in the text. Important! The text can not start with a keyword (if it is the case, add a delimiter first) and it must have a delimiter after the last key. TODO: Relax the important message considering starting with the first key and a sign as last delimiter. Example: .. code:: python keys = ['M', 'ob', 'H', 'Z', 'b'] text = 'Be_M04.20_ob1.30_H0.30_Z0.014_bE_Ell.txt' print( phc.keys_values(keys, text) ) """ vals = [] for k in keys: rule = ".*{0}{1}([0-9.e+-]+)[{0}\\.].*".format(delimiter, k) out = _re.findall(rule, text, flags=_re.DOTALL) if len(out) == 1: vals += [out[0]] else: vals += [""] _warn.warn("# Invalid key {0} for {1}".format(k, text)) return vals
[docs]def fltTxtOccur(s, lines, n=1, seq=1, after=True, asstr=False): """Return the seq-th float of the line after the n-th occurrence of `s` in the array `lines`. INPUT: s=string, lines=array of strings, n/seq=int (starting at 1) OUTPUT: float""" if isinstance(lines, _strtypes): lines = [lines] fltregex = r"[-+]?[0-9]*\.?[0-9]+(?:[eE][-+]?[0-9]+)?" if after: occur = [x[x.find(s) + len(s) :] for x in lines if x.find(s) > -1] else: occur = [x for x in lines if x.find(s) > -1] out = _np.NaN if len(occur) >= n: occur = occur[n - 1] out = _re.findall(fltregex, occur)[seq - 1] if not asstr: out = float(out) return out
[docs]def strrep(seq, n, newseq): """Insert `newseq` at position `n` of the string `seq`. seq[n] = seq[:n]+newseq+seq[n+1:] Note: the string at the position `n` is replaced!!! OUTPUT: string """ return seq[:n] + newseq + seq[n + 1 :]
[docs]def find_nearest(array, value, bigger=None, idx=False): """Find nearest VALUE in the array and return it. INPUT: array, value OUTPUT: closest value (array dtype) """ if bigger is None: array = _np.array(array) i = (_np.abs(array - value)).argmin() found = array[i] elif bigger: found = _np.min([x for x in array if x > value]) i = _np.where(array == found) i = flatten(i)[0] elif not bigger: found = _np.max([x for x in array if x < value]) i = _np.where(array == found) i = flatten(i)[0] else: _warn.warn("# ERROR at bigger!!") # return if not idx: return found else: return i
[docs]def find_nearND(matrix, array, idx=False, bigger=None, outlen=1): """Find nearest array values in a MATRIX. INPUT: array, value OUTPUT: closest value (array dtype) """ if len(array) == 1: array = array[0] if _np.shape(matrix)[1] != len(array): raise ValueError("shape(matrix)[1] must be == len(array)") dists = [] for i in range(len(array)): nfact = _np.max(matrix[:, i]) - _np.min(matrix[:, i]) if nfact <= 0: continue dists.append(_np.abs(matrix[:, i] - array[i]) / nfact) dists = _np.sum(dists, axis=0) idsort = _np.argsort(dists) if bigger: valid = [] for nid in idsort: chk = [True for i in range(len(array)) if (matrix[nid, i] > array[i])] if len(chk) == len(array): valid.extend([nid]) if len(valid) == outlen: idsort = valid break if valid == []: _warn.warn("# Invalid values for bigger == {0}".format(bigger)) elif bigger is False: valid = [] for nid in idsort: chk = [True for i in range(len(array)) if (matrix[nid, i] < array[i])] if len(chk) == len(array): valid.extend([nid]) if len(valid) == outlen: idsort = valid break if valid == []: _warn.warn("# Invalid values for bigger == {0}".format(bigger)) # return if "valid" in locals(): if len(valid) == 0: print(idsort) raise ValueError("Invalid values for bigger == {0}".format(bigger)) if not idx: if outlen <= 1: return matrix[idsort[0]] else: return matrix[idsort[:outlen]] else: if outlen <= 1: return idsort[0] else: return idsort[:outlen]
[docs]def is_inside_ranges(par, ranges): """ Checks if par is inside ranges, returns boolean value. Usage: inside_ranges = is_inside_ranges(par, ranges) """ ranges = _np.array(ranges) if len(ranges.flatten()) == 2: inside_ranges = (par >= ranges[0]) and (par <= ranges[1]) else: count = 0 inside_ranges = True while inside_ranges * (count < len(par)): inside_ranges = (par[count] >= ranges[count, 0]) and ( par[count] <= ranges[count, 1] ) count += 1 return inside_ranges
[docs]def find_neighbours(par, par_grid, ranges, silent=True): """ Finds neighbours' positions of par in par_grid. Usage: keep, out, inside_ranges, par_new, par_grid_new = find_neighbours(par, par_grid, ranges, silent=True) where redundant columns in 'new' values are excluded, but length is preserved (i.e., par_grid[keep] in griddata call). """ # check if inside ranges inside_ranges = is_inside_ranges(par, ranges) # find neighbours keep = _np.array(len(par_grid) * [True]) out = [] for i in range(len(par)): # out of ranges if not is_inside_ranges(par[i], ranges[i]): if not silent: print( "[find_neighbours] Warning: parameter entry out of " "allowed range, taking closest value" ) keep *= _np.abs(par[i] - par_grid[:, i]) == _np.min( _np.abs(par[i] - par_grid[:, i]) ) out.append(i) # coincidence elif (par[i] == par_grid[:, i]).any(): keep *= par[i] == par_grid[:, i] out.append(i) # is inside else: # list of values par_list = _np.array(list(set(par_grid[:, i]))) # nearest value at left par_left = par_list[par_list < par[i]] par_left = par_left[_np.abs(par_left - par[i]).argmin()] # nearest value at right par_right = par_list[par_list > par[i]] par_right = par_right[_np.abs(par_right - par[i]).argmin()] # select rows kl = par_grid[:, i] == par_left kr = par_grid[:, i] == par_right keep *= kl + kr # delete coincidences par_new = _np.delete(par, out) par_grid_new = _np.delete(par_grid, out, axis=1) return keep, out, inside_ranges, par_new, par_grid_new
[docs]def nan_helper(y): """Helper to handle indices and logical indices of NaNs. Input: - y, 1d numpy array with possible NaNs Output: - nans, logical indices of NaNs - index, a function, with signature indices= index(logical_indices), to convert logical indices of NaNs to 'equivalent' indices Example: >>> # linear interpolation of NaNs >>> nans, x = nan_helper(y) >>> # x is a lambda "sequence" function to interpolation purposes >>> y[nans]= _np.interp(x(nans), x(~nans), y[~nans]) """ return _np.isnan(y), lambda z: z.nonzero()[0]
# Angular coordinates and dates manipulation
[docs]def dtflag(ms=False): """It returns the current "datetime" flag, i.e., a string of the current date and time formated as yyyymmdd-hhMM.""" now = if not ms: return "{0}{1:02d}{2:02d}-{3:02d}{4:02d}{5:02d}".format( now.year, now.month,, now.hour, now.minute, now.second ) else: return "{0}{1:02d}{2:02d}-{3:02d}{4:02d}{5:02d}{6:02.0f}".format( now.year, now.month,, now.hour, now.minute, now.second, now.microsecond / 1e4, )
[docs]def MJD2greg(mjd): """mjd: float returns YY,MM,DD,dfrac """ return _jdcal.jd2gcal(_jdcal.MJD_0, mjd)
[docs]def MJD2datetime(mjd): """mjd: float returns datetime (seconds precision) """ greg = MJD2greg(mjd) hour = int(greg[-1] * 24 // 1) minute = int((greg[-1] * 24 % 1) * 60 // 1) second = int(((greg[-1] * 24 % 1) * 60 % 1) * 60 // 1) return _dt.datetime( year=greg[0], month=greg[1], day=greg[2], hour=hour, minute=minute, second=second, tzinfo=_tz.gettz("UTC"), )
[docs]def greg2MJD(yr, mon, day, fracday): """It returns the MJD of a given YYYY,MM,DD (integers) and fraction of the day (float) as a float. """ MJD = _jdcal.gcal2jd(yr, mon, day)[1] return MJD + fracday
[docs]def longdate2MJD(ldate): """FROM YYYY-MM-HHThh:mm:ss.sss to MJD (float).""" ldate, hms = ldate.split("T") ldate = _np.array(ldate.split("-"), dtype=int) mjd = _jdcal.gcal2jd(*ldate)[1] return mjd + hms2fracday(hms)
[docs]def hms2fracday(hms): """Enter hour:min:sec (string) and return fraction of a day (float)""" hms = _np.array(hms.split(":"), dtype="float") return (hms[0] + hms[1] / 60.0 + hms[2] / 3600) / 24.0
[docs]def hms2sec(hms): """Enter hour:min:sec (string) and return it in seconds (float)""" hms = _np.array(hms.split(":"), dtype="float") if len(hms) == 3: return hms[0] * 3600.0 + hms[1] * 60.0 + hms[2] elif len(hms) == 2: return hms[0] * 60.0 + hms[1] else: _warn.warn("# WRONG hms FORMAT!") print(hms) return 0.0
[docs]def fracday2hms(frac): """Enter fraction of a day (e.g., MJD) and return integers of hour, min, sec. INPUT: float OUTPUT: hour, min, sec (int, int, int) """ hh = frac * 24 if int(hh) > 0: mm = hh % int(hh) hh = int(hh) else: mm = hh hh = 0 mm = mm * 60 if int(mm) > 0: ss = mm % int(mm) mm = int(mm) else: ss = mm mm = 0 ss = int(round(ss * 60)) return hh, mm, ss
[docs]def raf2ra(raf): """Decimal RA (float in deg) to sexagesimal RA (h:m:s)""" raf /= 15.0 hour, amin = divmod(raf, 1) amin *= 60 amin, asec = divmod(amin, 1) asec *= 60 return ("{:02.0f}:{:02.0f}:{:06.3f}").format(hour, amin, asec)
[docs]def decf2dec(decf): """Decimal DEC (float) to sexagesimal DEC (deg:m:s; string)""" deg, amin = divmod(decf, 1) amin *= 60 amin, asec = divmod(amin, 1) asec *= 60 return ("{:02.0f}:{:02.0f}:{:06.3f}").format(deg, amin, asec)
[docs]def ra2degf(rastr): """RA (sexagemsimal; string) to degrees (decimal; float)""" rastr = rastr.replace("::", ":") rastr = rastr.replace(",", ".") vals = _np.array(rastr.split(":")).astype(float) return (vals[0] + vals[1] / 60.0 + vals[2] / 3600.0) * 360.0 / 24
[docs]def dec2degf(decstr, delimiter=":"): """Sexagesimal (string) to decimal (float)""" vals = _np.array(decstr.split(delimiter)).astype(float) if vals[0] < 0: vals[1:] *= -1 return vals[0] + vals[1] / 60.0 + vals[2] / 3600.0
[docs]def gentkdates(mjd0, mjd1, fact, step, dtstart=None): """Generates round dates between ``mjd0`` and ``mjd1`` in a given step. Valid ``steps`` are: 'd/D/dd/DD' for days; 'w/W/ww/WW' for weeks; 'm/M/mm/MM' for months; 'y/Y/yy/YY/yyyy/YYYY' for years. dtstart (optional) is expected to be in format [i.e.,, m, d)]. ``fact`` must be an integer. INPUT: float, float, float, int, step (see above), dtstart (see above) OUTPUT: list of """ # check sanity of dtstart if dtstart is None: dtstart = _dt.datetime(*_jdcal.jd2gcal(_jdcal.MJD_0, mjd0)[:3]).date() mjdst = _jdcal.gcal2jd(dtstart.year, dtstart.month,[1] else: mjdst = _jdcal.gcal2jd(dtstart.year, dtstart.month,[1] if mjdst < mjd0 - 1 or mjdst > mjd1: _warn.warn('Invalid "dtstart". Using mjd0.') dtstart = _dt.datetime(*_jdcal.jd2gcal(_jdcal.MJD_0, mjd0)[:3]).date() # define step 'position' and vector: # if > 28: # dtstart = dtstart.replace(day=28) basedata = dtstart dates = [] mjd = mjdst while mjd < mjd1 + 1: dates += [basedata] if step.upper() in ["Y", "YY", "YYYY"]: basedata += _dtdelta(years=fact) elif step.upper() in ["M", "MM"]: basedata += _dtdelta(months=fact) elif step.upper() in ["W", "WW"]: basedata += _dtdelta(weeks=fact) elif step.upper() in ["D", "DD"]: basedata += _dtdelta(days=fact) else: _warn.warn("# ERROR! Invalid step") raise SystemExit(1) mjd = _jdcal.gcal2jd(basedata.year, basedata.month,[1] return dates
[docs]def deg2rad(deg=1.0): r""":math:`1^\circ=\frac{\pi}{180}` rad.""" return deg * _np.pi / 180.0
[docs]def rad2deg(rad=1.0): r""":math:`1^\circ=\frac{\pi}{180}` rad.""" return rad * 180.0 / _np.pi
[docs]def arcmin2rad(arm=1.0): r""":math:`1'=\frac{\pi}{10800}` rad.""" return arm * _np.pi / 10800.0
[docs]def rad2arcmin(rad=1.0): r""":math:`1'=\frac{\pi}{10800}` rad.""" return rad * 10800.0 / _np.pi
[docs]def arcsec2rad(ars=1.0): r""":math:`1"=\frac{\pi}{648000}` rad.""" return ars * _np.pi / 648000.0
[docs]def rad2arcsec(rad=1.0): r""":math:`1"=\frac{\pi}{648000}` rad.""" return rad * 648000.0 / _np.pi
[docs]def mas2rad(mas=1.0): r"""1 mas :math:`=\frac{\pi}{648000000}` rad.""" return mas * _np.pi / 648000000.0
[docs]def rad2mas(rad=1.0): r"""1 mas :math:`=\frac{\pi}{648000000}` rad.""" return rad * 648000000.0 / _np.pi
[docs]def deg2mas(deg=1.0): r""":math:`1^\circ = 3600000` mas.""" return deg * 3600000.0
[docs]def mas2deg(mas=1.0): r""":math:`1^\circ = 3600000` mas.""" return mas / 3600000.0
# Files manipulation
[docs]def csvread(fname, delimiter=","): """Read a CSV file and return it as a list (table). It handles entries with quotation marks as a single column. """ out = [] with open(fname, "r") as f: reader = _csv.reader(f, delimiter=delimiter) for row in reader: out += [row] return out
def fileread(fname, bin=False): rmode = "r" if bin: rmode = "rb" ext = _os.path.splitext(fname)[1] if ext == ".gz": return, rmode).read() elif ext == ".bz2": return _BZ2File(fname, rmode).read() else: return open(fname, rmode).read()
[docs]def readfixwd(fname, wlims, chklims=True): """``chklims`` : read line from beginning until the end""" lines = fileread(fname).split("\n") lsz = [len(ls) for ls in lines] if wlims[-1] is None or wlims[-1] < 0: chklims = True wlims = [int(i - 1) for i in wlims if (i is not None and i >= 0)] if wlims[0] < 0: wlims[0] = 0 if chklims and wlims[0] != 0: wlims = [0] + wlims if chklims and wlims[-1] < _np.max(lsz) - 1: wlims += [_np.max(lsz)] out = _np.chararray( (len(lines), len(wlims) - 1), itemsize=_np.max([_np.max(_np.diff(wlims)), wlims[0]]), ) for j in range(len(lines)): out[j] = [ lines[j][wlims[i - 1] : wlims[i]].strip().replace(",", "^") for i in range(1, len(wlims)) ] return out
def readtextable(fname, commentchars="#", splitchars=r"&|\pm", delchars=r"\$" + "\r "): lines = fileread(fname).split("\n") out = [] for il in lines: if len(il) == 0: continue if il[0] in commentchars: continue for c in delchars: il = il.replace(c, "") out.append(_re.split("|".join(splitchars.split("|")), il)) return out
[docs]def sortfile(file, quiet=False): """Sort the file.""" f0 = open(file, "r") lines = f0.readlines() f0.close() lines.sort() f0 = open(file, "w") f0.writelines(lines) f0.close() if not quiet: print("# File {0} sorted!".format(file)) return
[docs]def outfld(fold="hdt"): """ Check and create (if necessary) an (sub)folder - generally used for output. INPUT: *fold=string OUTPUT: *system [folder creation] """ _warn.warn("# Deprecated! Use `os` tools directly") if not _os.path.exists(fold): _os.system("mkdir {0}".format(fold)) return
[docs]def trimpathname(file): """Trim the full path string to return path and filename. INPUT: full file path OUTPUT: folder path, filename (strings)""" _warn.warn("# This is Deprecated! Use `os.path.split` instead!") return list(_os.path.split(file))
[docs]def rmext(name): """Remove the extension of a filename. Criteria: last `.` sets the extension. INPUT: filename (string) OUTPUT: filename without extension (string)""" i = name.rfind(".") if i == -1: return name return name[: name.rfind(".")]
[docs]def readrange(file, i0, ie): """Read a specific range of lines of a file with minimal memory use. Note that i == n-1 for the n-th line. INPUT: string, int, int OUTPUT: list of strings""" _warn.warn("Update this with linecache for better performance") lines = [] fp = open(file) for i, line in enumerate(fp): if i >= i0: lines += [line] if i >= ie: break fp.close() return lines
[docs]def splitfilelines(n, file): """Break the *file* into *n* files. It also erases the expression "qsub ". OUTPUT: `file_##.txt`""" f0 = open(file) lines = f0.readlines() f0.close() lines.sort() lines = [line.replace("qsub ", "") for line in lines] outname = trimpathname(file)[1].replace(".sh", "") N = len(lines) for i in range(n): f0 = open("{0}_{1:02d}.txt".format(outname, i), "w") f0.writelines(lines[i * N / n : (i + 1) * N / n]) f0.close() print("# {0} files created!".format(n)) return
[docs]def recsearch(root="./", fstr=[""], allfstr=True, fullpath=False): """ Do a recursive search in `root` looking for files containg `fstr`. `fstr` must be a list! If `allfstr` is True, *all* itens in fstr must be in the path+file names structure. If False, *any* of the itens must be. INPUT: root (string), fstr (list of strings) OUTPUT: list of strings """ outflist = [] for i in range(len(fstr)): fstr[i] = fstr[i].replace("*", "") for root, subfolders, files in _os.walk(root): for f in files: fcomp = f if fullpath: fcomp = _os.path.join(root, f) if allfstr: if all(x in fcomp for x in fstr): outflist.append(root + "/" + f) else: if any(x in fcomp for x in fstr): outflist.append(root + "/" + f) return outflist
[docs]def renlist(root, newr): """The routine changes each A_STR_B to A_NEW_B inside the running folder.""" files = _glob("*{0}*".format(root)) files.sort() for i in range(len(files)): _os.system('mv "' + files[i] + '" "' + files[i].replace(root, newr) + '"') print("# " + files[i] + " renamed to: " + files[i].replace(root, newr)) return
[docs]def repl_fline_val(f, iline, oldval, newval): """Replace `oldval` by `newval` in `f[iline]` return `f` replaced. """ f[iline] = f[iline].replace(str(oldval), str(newval)) return f
[docs]def output_rename(fullpath, prefix): """Replace FILENAME prefix to the one set here. The routine is based on the '_' character. Example: folder/SED_mod1a.sed2 > folder/bin_mod1a.sed2 """ path, fname = _os.path.split(fullpath) return _os.path.join(path, prefix + fname[fname.find("_") + 1 :])
# Python-version stuff def user_input(arg): if _sys.version_info[0] > 2: return input(arg) else: return raw_input(arg) # Plot-related
[docs]def add_subplot_axes(ax, rect, axisbg="w"): """Generate a subplot in the current axis. **Warning**: the labels with be proportionally smaller. Originally in :Example: fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111)] rect = [0.2,0.2,0.7,0.7] ax1 = add_subplot_axes(ax,rect) :Alternative solution: # Here the labels have the same size from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid.inset_locator import inset_axes inset_axes = inset_axes(parent_axes, width="30%", # width = 30% of parent_bbox height=1., # height : 1 inch loc=3) # "bbox_to_anchor" gives VERY strange results... """ fig = _plt.gcf() box = ax.get_position() width = box.width height = box.height inax_position = ax.transAxes.transform(rect[0:2]) transFigure = fig.transFigure.inverted() infig_position = transFigure.transform(inax_position) x = infig_position[0] y = infig_position[1] width *= rect[2] height *= rect[3] # <= Typo was here subax = fig.add_axes([x, y, width, height], axisbg=axisbg) x_labelsize = subax.get_xticklabels()[0].get_size() y_labelsize = subax.get_yticklabels()[0].get_size() x_labelsize *= rect[2] ** 0.5 y_labelsize *= rect[3] ** 0.5 subax.xaxis.set_tick_params(labelsize=x_labelsize) subax.yaxis.set_tick_params(labelsize=y_labelsize) return subax
[docs]def mag_plot(ax, ylabel=r"mag$_V$", civcfg=[1, "y"], civdt=[1996, 1, 1], civlabel="%Y"): """TODO""" # ax.legend() # ax.locator_params(axis='x', nbins=6) # fig.subplots_adjust(left=0.125, right=0.9, bottom=0.1, wspace=0.2) ax2 = civil_ticks(ax, civcfg=civcfg, civdt=civdt, label=civlabel) # minorLocator = AutoMinorLocator(2) # ax.xaxis.set_minor_locator(minorLocator) ax = enable_minorticks(ax, auto=4, axis="b") ax2 = enable_minorticks(ax2, auto=4, axis="x") ax.invert_yaxis() ax.set_title("Epoch", y=1.05) ax.set_xlabel("MJD") ax.set_ylabel(ylabel) return ax, ax2
[docs]def enable_minorticks(ax, auto=None, axis="x"): """Enable minor ticks :param auto: argument to AutoMinorLocator, to specify a fixed number of minor intervals per major interval. :param axis: ['x', 'y', 'both'] """ minorLocator = _AutoMinorLocator(auto) if axis[0].lower() in ["x", "b"]: ax.xaxis.set_minor_locator(minorLocator) minorLocator = _AutoMinorLocator(auto) if axis[0].lower() in ["y", "b"]: ax.yaxis.set_minor_locator(minorLocator) return ax
[docs]def civil_ticks( ax, civcfg=[1, "m"], civdt=None, tklab=True, label="%y %b %d", **kwargs ): """Add the civil ticks in the axis. :param civcfg: forces a given timestep between the ticks [`n`, interval]. Interval can be day (`d`), month (`m`) or year (`y`). :param civdt: sets the initial tick date. Format: [Y, M, D] :param tklab: if False, the civil date labels are not written. :param label: define the label for the ``date.strftime`` to be displayed in the tick labels. :EXAMPLE: fig, ax = plt.subplots() ax.plot(x, y) ax = phc.civil_ticks(ax) """ if civdt is not None: civdt = _dt.datetime(civdt[0], civdt[1], civdt[2]).date() mjd0, mjd1 = ax.get_xlim() dtticks = gentkdates(mjd0, mjd1, civcfg[0], civcfg[1], dtstart=civdt) mjdticks = [_jdcal.gcal2jd(date.year, date.month,[1] for date in dtticks] ax2 = ax.twiny() ax2.set_xlim(ax.get_xlim()) ax2.set_xticks(mjdticks) if tklab: ax2.set_xticklabels([date.strftime(label) for date in dtticks], **kwargs) else: ax2.set_xticklabels([]) return ax2
[docs]def savefig(fig, figname=None, fmt=["png"], keeppt=False, dpi=150, transp=True): """Standard way of saving a figure in PyHdust.""" if figname is None or figname == "": figname = dtflag(ms=True) elif not keeppt: figname = figname.replace(".", "p") if _os.path.basename(figname) == figname: figname = _os.getcwd() + "/" + figname for f in fmt: fig.savefig( figname + ".{0}".format(f), transparent=transp, bbox_inches="tight", dpi=dpi ) print("# Saved {1}.{0}".format(f, figname)) _plt.close(fig) return
[docs]def normGScale(val, vmin=None, vmax=None, log=False): """Return the normalized values of a given array to 0 and 255 (gray scale). If `log` then the normalization is done in this scale. If `min` and `max` are not set, it is assumed that the values are from the list. .. code:: >>> phc.normGScale(np.linspace(0,10,10), 0, 10) array([ 0, 28, 57, 85, 113, 142, 170, 198, 227, 255]) >>> phc.normGScale(np.linspace(0,10,10)) array([ 0, 28, 57, 85, 113, 142, 170, 198, 227, 255]) >>> phc.normGScale(np.linspace(0,10,10), 0, 10, log=True) array([ 0, 0, 80, 128, 161, 187, 208, 226, 241, 255]) >>> phc.normGScale(np.logspace(0,1,10), 0, 10, log=True) array([ 0, 28, 57, 85, 113, 142, 170, 198, 227, 255]) >>> phc.normGScale(np.logspace(0,1,10), 0, 10) array([ 26, 33, 43, 55, 71, 92, 118, 153, 197, 255]) >>> phc.normGScale(np.logspace(0,1,10)) array([ 0, 8, 19, 33, 51, 73, 103, 142, 191, 255]) """ if len(val) == 1 and (vmin is None or vmax is None): _warn.warn("Wrong normGScale call!!") return 127 # val = _np.array(val).astype(float) if vmin is None: vmin = _np.min(val) if vmax is None: vmax = _np.max(val) # if not log: val = (val - vmin) / (vmax - vmin) * 255 else: if vmin <= 0: vmin = _np.min(val[_np.where(val > 0)]) val[_np.where(val <= 0)] = vmin val = ( (_np.log(_np.array(val).astype(float)) - _np.log(vmin)) / (_np.log(vmax) - _np.log(vmin)) * 255 ) return _np.round(val).astype(int)
[docs]def gradColor(val, cmapn="jet", vmin=None, vmax=None, log=False): """Return the corresponding value(s) color of a given colormap. Good options, specially for lines, are 'jet', 'gnuplot', 'brg', 'cool' and 'gist_heat' (attention! Here vmax is white!). .. code-block:: python cor = phc.gradColor(arange(10), cmapn='gist_heat') for i in range(0,10): cor = phc.gradColor(arange(10), cmapn='gist_heat')[i] print cor plt.plot(arange(5)+i, color=cor, label='GB='+('{0:4.2f},'*3). format(*cor)[:-1]) plt.legend(fontsize=8) .. image:: _static/phc_gradColor.png :width: 512px :align: center :alt: phc.gradColor example """ val = normGScale(val, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, log=log) cmap = _plt.get_cmap(cmapn) return cmap(val)
[docs]def cycles(i=0, ctype="cor"): """Cycle between values of the phc.colors, phc.line_styles and phc.filled_markers lists. INPUT: valid ctypes are: ['cor','ls','mk'] OUTPUT: the corresponding value of the list.""" if ctype not in ["cor", "ls", "mk"]: _warn.warn("Invalid ctype calling phc.cycles!") return elif ctype == "cor": return colors[_np.mod(i, len(colors))] elif ctype == "ls": return line_styles[_np.mod(i, len(line_styles))] elif ctype == "mk": return filled_markers[_np.mod(i, len(filled_markers))]
[docs]def dashes(i=0): """Dashes scheme for plot""" i = int(_np.mod(i, 7)) if i == 0: return [] if i < 4: return (32 / 2**i, 4, 4, 4) if i < 7: return (32 / 2 ** (i - 2), 4, 2, 4)
colors = [ "Black", "Blue", "Green", "red", "orange", "brown", "purple", "gray", "dodgerblue", "lightgreen", "tomato", "yellow", "peru", "MediumVioletRed", "LightSteelBlue", "cyan", "darkred", "olive", ] filled_markers = ["o", "v", "^", "<", ">", "8", "s", "p", "*", "h", "H", "D", "d"] line_styles = ["-", "--", "-.", ":"] # Physical functions
[docs]def n_air(lbd=0.55, T=300.15, P=1013.25, wp=6.113): """Air refraction index. :param lbd: wavelength in microms :param T: temperature in K :param P: atmospheric pressure in mbar :param wp: water vapor pressure in mbar For all practical purposes, the refractive index is affected only by air temperature. """ return 1 + 77.6e-6 / T * (1 + 7.52e-3 * lbd**-2) * (P + 4810 * wp / T)
[docs]def BBlbd(T, lbd=None): """Black body radiation as function of lambda. CGS units (erg s-1 sr−1 cm−3). INPUT: lambda vector in cm. If None, lbd = _np.arange(1000, 10000, 100) * 1e-8 #Angs -> cm""" if lbd is None: lbd = _np.arange(1000, 10000.0, 100) * 1e-8 # Angs -> cm ft = h.cgs * c.cgs / (lbd * kB.cgs * T) return 2 * h.cgs * c.cgs**2 / (lbd**5 * (_np.exp(ft) - 1))
[docs]def fBBcor(T): """Correction as appendix B Vieira+2015. Stellar atmospheric models systematically have a LOWER flux than a BB of a given Teff temperature in IR (at least for Early-type stars). fBBcor(T)*BBlbd(Teff) == Kurucz(Teff) INPUT: Teff (Kurucz). log g = 4.0 OUTPUT: fBBcor(T) < 1.0""" return 1.015 - 0.301 * (T / 1e4) + 0.064 * (T / 1e4) ** 2.0
[docs]def gbf(T, lbd): r"""Gaunt factors from Vieira+2015. INPUT: T (K) and lbd (:math:`\mu`m, array) log(T /K) G0 G1 G2 B0 B1 B2 """ vals = _np.array( [ 3.70, 0.0952, 0.0215, 0.0145, 2.2125, -1.5290, 0.0563, 3.82, 0.1001, 0.0421, 0.0130, 1.6304, -1.3884, 0.0413, 3.94, 0.1097, 0.0639, 0.0111, 1.1316, -1.2866, 0.0305, 4.06, 0.1250, 0.0858, 0.0090, 0.6927, -1.2128, 0.0226, 4.18, 0.1470, 0.1071, 0.0068, 0.2964, -1.1585, 0.0169, 4.30, 0.1761, 0.1269, 0.0046, -0.0690, -1.1185, 0.0126, ] ).reshape((6, -1)) if T < 5000 or T > 22500: _warn.warn("# ERROR! Invalid temperature for Gaunt factors " "calculation!") return _np.zeros(len(lbd)), _np.zeros(len(lbd)) elif T >= 5000 and T < 10 ** vals[0, 0]: _warn.warn("Extrapolated Gaunt factors!!") g0, g1, g2, b0, b1, b2 = vals[0, 1:] elif T <= 22500 and T > 10 ** vals[-1, 0]: _warn.warn("Extrapolated Gaunt factors!!") g0, g1, g2, b0, b1, b2 = vals[-1, 1:] else: i = _np.where( vals[:, 0] == find_nearest(vals[:, 0], _np.log10(T), bigger=False) )[0] # print i, vals[i,0] g0 = interLinND( [_np.log10(T)], [vals[i, 0]], [vals[i + 1, 0]], vals[i : i + 2, 1] ) g1 = interLinND( [_np.log10(T)], [vals[i, 0]], [vals[i + 1, 0]], vals[i : i + 2, 2] ) g2 = interLinND( [_np.log10(T)], [vals[i, 0]], [vals[i + 1, 0]], vals[i : i + 2, 3] ) b0 = interLinND( [_np.log10(T)], [vals[i, 0]], [vals[i + 1, 0]], vals[i : i + 2, 4], disablelog=True, ) b1 = interLinND( [_np.log10(T)], [vals[i, 0]], [vals[i + 1, 0]], vals[i : i + 2, 5], disablelog=True, ) b2 = interLinND( [_np.log10(T)], [vals[i, 0]], [vals[i + 1, 0]], vals[i : i + 2, 6] ) return _np.exp(g0 + g1 * _np.log(lbd) + g2 * _np.log(lbd) ** 2), _np.exp( b0 + b1 * _np.log(lbd) + b2 * _np.log(lbd) ** 2 )
[docs]def lawkep(M=None, m=None, P=None, a=None): """Kepler law calc. Kepp `None` on what you what to calc. Units are in *Solar System* one, what is, masses in Msun and `P` in years. `a` is the distance between the two bodies, measured in AU. One can also use the Centre-of-Mass equation a1*M1 = a2*M2 to relate the two masses. """ Gc = G.cgs pi2_4 = 4 * _np.pi**2 if sum([v is None for v in (M, m, P, a)]): print("# Wrong call of phc.lawkep! Only one `None` argument is allowed.") return None elif M is None: m *= Msun.cgs P *= yr.cgs a *= au.cgs return (pi2_4 * a**3 / P**2 / Gc - m) / Msun.cgs elif m is None: M *= Msun.cgs P *= yr.cgs a *= au.cgs return (pi2_4 * a**3 / P**2 / Gc - M) / Msun.cgs elif P is None: M *= Msun.cgs m *= Msun.cgs a *= au.cgs return _np.sqrt(pi2_4 * a**3 / (M + m) / Gc) / yr.cgs elif a is None: M *= Msun.cgs m *= Msun.cgs P *= yr.cgs return (P**2 * Gc * (M + m) / pi2_4) ** (1.0 / 3) / au.cgs else: print("# Wrong call of phc.lawkep! Keep `None` to calc that qtt.") return None
[docs]class Constant(object): """Class for a physical/astronomical constant""" def __init__(self, cgs, SI, unitscgs="", info="No available description"): self.cgs = cgs self.SI = SI self.unitscgs = unitscgs = info def __repr__(self): return str("{0:.7e} in {1} (cgs)".format(self.cgs, self.unitscgs))
# From CODATA/NIST in May/2016 (related to Mohr+2015) # nA = Constant(6.022140857e23, 6.022140857e23, "", "Avogadro's constant") amu = Constant(1.66053904e-24, 1.66053904e-27, "g", "Unified atomic mass unit") me = Constant(9.10938356e-28, 9.10938356e-31, "g", "Mass of electron") mp = Constant(1.672621898e-24, 1.672621898e-27, "g", "Mass of proton") mn = Constant(1.00137841898 * mp.cgs, 1.00137841898 * mp.SI, "g", "Mass of neutron") h = Constant(6.62607004e-27, 6.62607004e-34, "erg s", "Planck constant") eV = Constant(1.6021766208e-12, 1.6021766208e-19, "erg", "Electron volt") kB = Constant(1.38064852e-16, 1.38064852e-23, "erg K-1", "Boltzmann constant") alpha = Constant(7.2973525664e-3, 7.2973525664e-3, "", "Fine structure constant") Rinf = Constant(109737.31568, 10973731.568, "cm-1", "Rydberg constant") sigT = Constant(6.6524587158e-25, 6.6524587158e-29, "cm2", "Thomson cross section") # From Luzum et al., 2011 au = Constant(1.49597870700e13, 1.49597870700e11, "cm", "Astronomical unit") # From Prsa & Harmanec, 2012 G = Constant(6.67384e-8, 6.67384e-11, "cm3 g-1 s-2", "Gravitational constant") Mea = Constant(398600.4418e15 / G.cgs, 398600.4418e9 / G.SI, "g", "Earth mass") Rea = Constant(6371.0e5, 6371.0e3, "cm", "Earth radius") Mju = Constant(126686535e15 / G.cgs, 126686535e9 / G.SI, "g", "Jupiter mass") Rju = Constant(71492.0e5, 71492.0e3, "cm", "Jupiter radius") c = Constant(2.99792458e10, 299792458.0, "cm s-1", "speed of light in vacuum") sigma = Constant( 5.670400e-5, 5.670400e-8, "erg cm-2 K-4 s-1", "Stefan-Boltzmann constant" ) Msun = Constant(1.988547e33, 1.988547e30, "g", "Solar mass") Rsun = Constant(6.95508e10, 695508e3, "cm", "Solar radius") Lsun = Constant(3.846e33, 3.846e26, "erg s-1", "Solar luminosity") Tsun = Constant(5779.57, 5779.57, "K", "Solar Temperature") # Derived quantities # In astronomy, the Julian year is defined as 365.25 days of exactly 86400 SI # seconds each, totalling exactly 31557600 SI (IAU style manual, 1989, # Wilkins) yr = Constant(60 * 60 * 24 * 365.25, 60 * 60 * 24 * 365.25, "sec", "year") # For the Gregorian calendar the average length of the calendar year (the mean # year) across the complete leap cycle of 400 years is 365.2425 days! gyr = Constant(60 * 60 * 24 * 365.2425, 60 * 60 * 24 * 365.2425, "sec", "year") ly = Constant(yr.cgs * c.cgs, yr.SI * c.SI, "cm", "Light year") pc = Constant( au.cgs * 60 * 60 * 180 / _np.pi, au.SI * 60 * 60 * 180 / _np.pi, "cm", "Parsec" ) e = Constant( 10 * c.cgs * 1.6021766208e-19, 1.6021766208e-19, "esu", "Elementary charge" ) a = Constant( 4 * sigma.cgs / c.cgs, 4 * sigma.SI / c.SI, "erg cm-3 K-4", "Radiation density constant", ) hbar = Constant( h.cgs / 2 / _np.pi, h.SI / 2 / _np.pi, "erg s", "Planck constant/(2*pi)" ) # From Wikipedia ep0 = Constant(1.0, 8.854187187e-12, "", "Permittivity of Free Space") mH = Constant(1.00794 * amu.cgs, 1.00794 * amu.SI, "g", "Mass of hydrogen") # MAIN ### if __name__ == "__main__": pass