Source code for pyhdust.interftools

# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-

"""PyHdust *interftools* module: interferometry tools

`colors` keep the *amdlib* standard.

A biblioteca python XDRLIB eh MUITO lenta... Usa muitas listas!!!

>>> import xdrlib

A biblioteca PYDAP estah em desenvolvimento... Eh complicada de usar

>>> from pydap.model import *
>>> from pydap.xdr import DapUnpacker
>>> base_int = BaseType(name='base_int')
>>> base_float = BaseType(name='base_float', type=Float32)

Todas as leituras binarias baseiam-se no struct.

- Rotines based on images (np.array matrix)
- Rotines based on oifiles
- Rotines based on HDUST (maps/data)
- Other?

:license: GNU GPL v3.0
from __future__ import print_function
import os as _os
import struct as _struct
import numpy as _np
from glob import glob as _glob
import pyhdust.phc as _phc
import pyhdust.tabulate as _tab
import pyhdust.oifits as _oifits
import pyhdust.images as _img
from pyhdust.spectools import linfit as _linfit
import copy as _copy
from six import string_types as _strtypes
import warnings as _warn

# from array import array as _array
from itertools import product as _iprod
import as _pyfits

    import matplotlib as _mpl
    import matplotlib.pyplot as _plt
    import matplotlib.gridspec as _gridspec
    import matplotlib.ticker as _mtick
    from matplotlib.lines import Line2D as _Line2D
except ImportError:
    _warn.warn("matplotlib module not installed!!!")

__author__ = "Daniel Moser"
__email__ = ""

colors = ["red", "green", "blue", "black"]

[docs]def azim_avg(img): """Azimuthaly average a given image.""" img = img.copy() nrows, ncols = img.shape xx, yy = _np.meshgrid(*_np.ogrid[:ncols, :nrows]) xx = xx - (nrows - 1) / 2.0 yy = yy - (ncols - 1) / 2.0 # `round=0`. If it bigger than 0, then rounding problem appears. rr = -_np.sqrt(xx**2 + yy**2).round(0) for r in _np.unique(rr): idx = _np.where(rr == r) img[idx] = _np.average(img[idx]) return img
[docs]def log_transform(im): """Returns log(image) scaled to the interval [0,1]""" try: (imin, imax) = (_np.min(im[_np.where(im > 0)]), _np.max(im)) if (imax > imin) and (imax > 0): im = (_np.log(im.clip(imin, imax)) - _np.log(imin)) / ( _np.log(imax) - _np.log(imin) ) idx = _np.where(im == 0) im[idx] = _np.NaN return im except: _warn.warn("# Warning! Wrong input at log_transform !!!") return im
[docs]def imshowl(img, cmap="gist_heat", origin="lower"): """Plot the normalized image in log-scale.""" _plt.clf() _plt.imshow(log_transform(img), cmap=_plt.get_cmap(cmap), origin=origin) return
[docs]def readmap(mapfile, quiet=False, old=False): r""" Read *Hdust* MAP or MAPS files. `mapimg`: extract this component from the *.map* file. - 0 = total flux - 1 = transmitted flux - 2 = scattered flux - 3 = emitted flux - 4 = pol. *Q* flux - 5 = pol. *U* flux - 6 = pol. *V* flux OUTPUT = data, obslist, lbdc, Ra, xmax - data = image matrix - obslist = observers info (*i*, :math:`\phi`) - lbdc = central :math:`\lambda` - Ra = ? - xmax = image size in Rsun untis | data(nimgs,nobs,nlbd,ny,nx,dfact) | .map, dfact = 6 | .maps, dfact = 1 """ if mapfile.find(".maps") > 0: dfact = 1 elif mapfile.find(".map") > 0: dfact = 6 else: print("# ERROR: This is not a HDUST valid image!") return f = _phc.fileread(mapfile, bin=True) # ixdr = 0 nobs, lnum, nx, ny = _struct.unpack(">4l", f[ixdr : ixdr + 4 * 4]) ixdr += 4 * 4 Ra, Rstar, Lratio, xmax = _struct.unpack(">4f", f[ixdr : ixdr + 4 * 4]) ixdr += 4 * 4 # nf no IDL estah como DOUBLE, mas com certea eh float ou int... # caso contrario nm nao faz sentido. if not old: nf = _struct.unpack(">f", f[ixdr : ixdr + 1 * 4])[0] ixdr += 1 * 4 nm = _struct.unpack(">l", f[ixdr : ixdr + 1 * 4])[0] ixdr += 1 * 4 npxs = nm upck = ">{}f".format(npxs) xmax = _np.array(_struct.unpack(upck, f[ixdr : ixdr + npxs * 4])) ixdr += npxs * 4 if mapfile.find(".maps") > 0: npxs = dfact * nx * ny * lnum * nobs * nm upck = ">{}f".format(npxs) data = _np.array(_struct.unpack(upck, f[ixdr : ixdr + npxs * 4])).reshape( (nm, nobs, lnum, ny, nx) ) ixdr += npxs * 4 elif mapfile.find(".map") > 0: # tmp must be a "small" array. Otherwise, a MemoryError will be raised npxs = nx * ny * lnum * nobs * nm tmp = _np.empty((npxs * dfact)) upck = ">{}f".format(npxs) for i in range(dfact): # skip first npxs... See below tmp[i * npxs : (i + 1) * npxs] = _np.array( _struct.unpack(upck, f[ixdr : ixdr + npxs * 4]) ) ixdr += npxs * 4 data = _np.zeros((nm, nobs, lnum, ny, nx, dfact + 1)) for i in range(dfact): data[:, :, :, :, :, i + 1] = tmp[i::dfact].reshape((nm, nobs, lnum, ny, nx)) data[:, :, :, :, :, 0] = ( data[:, :, :, :, :, 1] + data[:, :, :, :, :, 2] + data[:, :, :, :, :, 3] ) npxs = 2 * nobs upck = ">{}f".format(npxs) obslist = _np.array(_struct.unpack(upck, f[ixdr : ixdr + npxs * 4])) ixdr += npxs * 4 npxs = lnum + 1 upck = ">{}f".format(npxs) lbdarr = _np.array(_struct.unpack(upck, f[ixdr : ixdr + npxs * 4])) ixdr += npxs * 4 # this will check if the XDR is finished. if ixdr == len(f): if not quiet: print("# XDR {} completely read!".format(mapfile)) else: print("# Warning: XDR {} not completely read!".format(mapfile)) print("# length difference is {}".format((len(f) - ixdr) / 4)) # lbdarr tem lnum+1, pois reflete o INTERVALO de cada imagem. # Para termos o lambda central de cada imagem, fazemos o seguinte: lbdc = _np.zeros(lnum) for i in range(lnum): lbdc[i] = (lbdarr[i] + lbdarr[i + 1]) / 2.0 return data, obslist, lbdc, Ra, xmax
[docs]def savemap(mfile, imap, obslist, lbdc, Ra, xmax, new_pref="BIN_", logspaced=False): r""" Read *Hdust* MAP or MAPS files. `imap`: extract this component from the *.map* file. - 0 = total flux - 1 = transmitted flux - 2 = scattered flux - 3 = emitted flux - 4 = pol. *Q* flux - 5 = pol. *U* flux - 6 = pol. *V* flux INPUT = mfile, imap, obslist, lbdc, Ra, xmax - `imap` = image matrix - `obslist` = [observers info] (array of (*i*, :math:`\phi`)) - `lbdc` = central :math:`\lambda` - `Ra` = ? - `xmax` = [image size in Rsun untis] (length of nimgs) - `logspaced` = is `lbdc` log-spaced (base 10)? | imap(nimgs,nobs,nlbd,ny,nx,dfact) | .map, dfact = 6 | .maps, dfact = 1 """ Lratio, Rstar = (1.0, 1.0) nimgs, nobs, nlbd, ny, nx = _np.shape(imap)[:5] if len(_np.shape(imap)) == 6: dfact = 6 else: dfact = 1 outname = _os.path.split(_phc.output_rename(mfile, new_pref)) suf = outname[1][: outname[1].find(".")] + ".maps" if dfact == 6: suf = outname[1][: outname[1].find(".")] + ".map" outname = _os.path.join(outname[0], suf) f = open(outname, "wb") ixdr = 0 # stfmt = ">{0}l".format(4) f.write(_struct.pack(stfmt, nobs, nlbd, nx, ny)) ixdr += 4 * 4 # stfmt = ">{0}f".format(3) f.write(_struct.pack(stfmt, Ra, Rstar, Lratio)) ixdr += 4 * 4 # old HDUST versions, len(xmax)==1.... (<=2.01) stfmt = ">{0}f".format(2) f.write(_struct.pack(stfmt, 0.1, 0.1)) ixdr += 4 * 4 stfmt = ">{0}l".format(1) f.write(_struct.pack(stfmt, nimgs)) ixdr += 4 * 4 nxm = len(xmax) stfmt = ">{0}f".format(nxm) f.write(_struct.pack(stfmt, *xmax)) ixdr += nxm * 4 npxs = nimgs * nobs * nlbd * ny * nx * dfact stfmt = ">{}f".format(npxs) f.write(_struct.pack(stfmt, *imap.flatten())) ixdr += npxs * 4 npxs = 2 * nobs stfmt = ">{}f".format(npxs) f.write(_struct.pack(stfmt, *obslist)) ixdr += npxs * 4 npxs = nlbd + 1 stfmt = ">{}f".format(npxs) f.write(_struct.pack(stfmt, *lbdc)) ixdr += npxs * 4 f.close() print("# {} created!".format(outname)) return
[docs]def bin_map(mfile, nbins, new_pref="BIN_"): """Bin SED each `n` bins (lambda). It AUTOMATICALLY removes the `NaN` entries. """ nbins = int(nbins) imap, obslist, lbdc, Ra, xmax = readmap(mfile) nimgs, nobs, nlbd, ny, nx = _np.shape(imap)[:5] if len(_np.shape(imap)) == 6: dfact = 6 outmap = _np.zeros((nimgs, nobs, nbins, ny, nx, dfact)) else: dfact = 1 outmap = _np.zeros((nimgs, nobs, nbins, ny, nx)) for ii, io, iy, ix, ic in _iprod( range(nimgs), range(nobs), range(ny), range(nx), range(dfact) ): if dfact == 6: outmap[ii, io, :, iy, ix, ic] = _phc.bindata( range(int(nlbd)), imap[ii, io, :, iy, ix, ic], nbins=nbins, interp=True )[1] if dfact == 1: outmap[ii, io, :, iy, ix] = _phc.bindata( range(int(nlbd)), imap[ii, io, :, iy, ix], nbins=nbins, interp=True )[1] lbdc = _np.linspace(_np.min(lbdc), _np.max(lbdc), nbins + 1) savemap(mfile, outmap, obslist, lbdc, Ra, xmax, new_pref=new_pref) return
[docs]def img2fits( img, lbd, xmax, dist, outname="model", rot=0.0, lum=0.0, orient=0.0, coordsinf=None, deg=False, ulbd="meters", ): r"""Export an image (e.g., data[0,0,0,:,:]) to the fits format. `lbd` is the wavelength value. It must be in meters for JMMC softwares (ASPRO2/LITPRO). `ulbd` units description in the header. If empty or `None`, the CDELT3 and CRVAL3 entries are no written in the header. `rot` = rotation angle to be applied to the images. 'x' and 'y' coordinate axes should be orientated with equatorial north corresponding to 'up' (and east == 'left'). Units according to `deg` bool. `orient` = orientation of the coordinate system. This is completely independent of the `rot` variable. Units according to `deg` bool. `lum` = luminosity given in Solar units. BUNIT sets the units of the image. Considering that HDUST images give the pixels counts as :math:`F_\lambda/F`, the same correction as done to BeAtlas is performed, and the final results are in 10^-17 erg/s/cm^2/Ang. If `lum` = 0, no change is done. `coordsinf` = [RA,DEC], as ['21:51:12.055', '+28:51:38.72'] -- F2000.0 `deg` = angles in degrees (instead of radians). Example: image at 21 cm, rotated 45 degrees, 2 AU long at 10 parsecs. .. code-block:: python img = np.arange(900).reshape((30,30)) intt.img2fits(img, 21., [2*], 10, orient=45., coordsinf=['21:51:12.055', '-28:51:38.72'], ulbd='cm', deg=True) .. image:: _static/modelfits.png :align: center .. code-block:: python intt.img2fits(img, 21., [2*], 10, rot=45., coordsinf=['21:51:12.055', '-28:51:38.72'], ulbd='cm', deg=True, outname='model_rotated') .. image:: _static/modelrotfits.png :align: center """ if deg: rot = rot * _np.pi / 180 ucdelt = "degrees" ushort = "deg" orientr = orient * _np.pi / 180 else: ucdelt = "radians" ushort = "rad" orientr = orient orient = orient * 180 / _np.pi # npx = len(img) if rot != 0.0: # print('# Total flux BEFORE rotation {0}'.format(_np.sum(img))) img = _img.rotate_image(img, rot, 0, 0, fill=0.0) # print('# Total flux AFTER rotation {0}\n'.format(_np.sum(img))) if lum != 0: img = ( img * (lum * _phc.Lsun.cgs) / 4 / _np.pi / (dist * _phc.pc.cgs) ** 2 * 1e-4 * 1e17 ) # hdu = _pyfits.PrimaryHDU(img[::-1, :]) hdulist = _pyfits.HDUList([hdu]) pixsize = 2 * xmax / npx ang_per_pixel = _np.double(pixsize * _phc.Rsun.cgs / (dist * _phc.pc.cgs)) # *60.*60.*1000.*180./_np.pi) if deg: ang_per_pixel *= 180.0 / _np.pi # hdulist[0].header["CDELT1"] = (-ang_per_pixel, ucdelt) hdulist[0].header["CDELT2"] = (ang_per_pixel, ucdelt) if len(ulbd) != 0 or ulbd is None: hdulist[0].header["CDELT3"] = (1.0, ulbd) hdulist[0].header["CRVAL3"] = (lbd, ulbd) hdulist[0].header["NAXIS1"] = len(img) hdulist[0].header["NAXIS2"] = len(img[0]) hdulist[0].header["CRPIX1"] = len(img) / 2.0 hdulist[0].header["CRPIX2"] = len(img[0]) / 2.0 hdulist[0].header["CPPIX1"] = len(img) / 2 hdulist[0].header["CPPIX2"] = len(img[0]) / 2 hdulist[0].header["CROTA2"] = (float("{0:.3f}".format(orient)), "degrees") if lum != 0: hdulist[0].header["BUNIT"] = "10^-17 erg/s/cm^2/Ang" if coordsinf is not None: hdulist[0].header["CTYPE1"] = "RA---TAN" # 'GLON-CAR' hdulist[0].header["CTYPE2"] = "DEC--TAN" # 'GLON-CAR' hdulist[0].header["RA"] = coordsinf[0] hdulist[0].header["DEC"] = coordsinf[1] # hdulist[0].header['RADECSYS'] = 'FK5' hdulist[0].header["EQUINOX"] = 2000.0 hdulist[0].header["CRVAL1"] = (_phc.ra2degf(coordsinf[0]), "degrees") hdulist[0].header["CRVAL2"] = (_phc.dec2degf(coordsinf[1]), "degrees") else: hdulist[0].header["CRVAL1"] = 0.0 hdulist[0].header["CRVAL2"] = 0.0 hdulist[0].header["CROTA1"] = (0.000, "degrees") hdulist[0].header["CD1_1"] = (-ang_per_pixel * _np.cos(orientr), ucdelt) hdulist[0].header["CD1_2"] = (-ang_per_pixel * _np.sin(orientr), ucdelt) hdulist[0].header["CD2_1"] = (ang_per_pixel * -_np.sin(orientr), ucdelt) hdulist[0].header["CD2_2"] = (ang_per_pixel * _np.cos(orientr), ucdelt) hdulist[0].header["CUNIT1"] = ushort hdulist[0].header["CUNIT2"] = ushort hdulist[0].header["LONPOLE"] = 180.000 hdulist[0].header["LATPOLE"] = 0.000 outname = "{0}.fits".format(outname.replace(".fits", "")) hdu.writeto(outname, overwrite=True) print("# Saved {0} !".format(outname)) return
[docs]def data2fitscube( data, obs, lbdc, xmax, dist, zoom=0, outname="model", orient=0.0, rot=0.0, lum=0.0, coordsinf=None, map=False, deg=False, ): r"""Export a set of images (e.g., data[zoom,obs,:,:,:]) to the fits cube format. `map` = if `data` is a *.map file, set it to True. Leave false to *.maps. `lbdc` is the wavelength array and the dimension is kept as it is. It must be in meters for JMMC softwares (ASPRO2/LITPRO). `rot` = rotation angle to be applied to the images. 'x' and 'y' coordinate axes should be orientated with equatorial north corresponding to 'up' (and east == 'left'). Units in Degrees. `orient` = orientation of the coordinate system. This is completely independent of the `rot` variable. `lum` = luminosity given in Solar units. BUNIT sets the units of the image. Considering that HDUST images give the pixels counts as :math:`F_\lambda/F`, the same correction as done to BeAtlas is performed, and the final results are in 10^-17 erg/s/cm^2/Ang. If `lum` = 0, no change is done. `coordsinf` = [RA,DEC]. Example: ['21:51:12.055', '+28:51:38.72'] `deg` = angles in degrees (instead of radians). """ if deg: rot = rot * _np.pi / 180 ucdelt = "degrees" ushort = "deg" orientr = orient * _np.pi / 180 else: ucdelt = "radians" ushort = "rad" orientr = orient orient = orientr * 180 / _np.pi ulbd = "meters" # if not map: imgs = data[zoom, obs, :, ::-1, :] else: imgs = data[zoom, obs, :, ::-1, :, 0] # if rot == 0.0: pass else: print("# ERROR! Rotation of CUBES not yet implemented!") raise SystemExit(1) if lum != 0: # iL = _phc.fltTxtOccur('L =', lines, seq=2)*_phc.Lsun.cgs imgs = ( imgs * (lum * _phc.Lsun.cgs) / 4 / _np.pi / (dist * _phc.pc.cgs) ** 2 * 1e-4 * 1e17 ) # hdu = _pyfits.PrimaryHDU(imgs) hdulist = _pyfits.HDUList([hdu]) pixsize = 2 * xmax[zoom] / len(data[zoom, obs, 0, :, :]) ang_per_pixel = _np.double(pixsize * _phc.Rsun.cgs / (dist * _phc.pc.cgs)) # *60.*60.*1000.*180./_np.pi) if deg: ang_per_pixel *= 180.0 / _np.pi # hdulist[0].header["CDELT1"] = (-ang_per_pixel, ucdelt) hdulist[0].header["CDELT2"] = (ang_per_pixel, ucdelt) hdulist[0].header["CDELT3"] = ((lbdc[-1] - lbdc[0]) / len(lbdc), ulbd) hdulist[0].header["CRVAL3"] = (lbdc[0], ulbd) hdulist[0].header["NAXIS1"] = len(imgs[1]) hdulist[0].header["NAXIS2"] = len(imgs[2]) hdulist[0].header["CRPIX1"] = len(imgs[1]) / 2.0 hdulist[0].header["CRPIX2"] = len(imgs[2]) / 2.0 hdulist[0].header["CPPIX1"] = len(imgs[1]) / 2 hdulist[0].header["CPPIX2"] = len(imgs[2]) / 2 hdulist[0].header["CROTA2"] = (float("{0:.3f}".format(orient)), "degrees") if lum != 0: hdulist[0].header["BUNIT"] = "10^-17 erg/s/cm^2/Ang" if coordsinf is not None: hdulist[0].header["CTYPE1"] = "RA---TAN" # 'GLON-CAR' hdulist[0].header["CTYPE2"] = "DEC--TAN" # 'GLON-CAR' hdulist[0].header["RA"] = coordsinf[0] hdulist[0].header["DEC"] = coordsinf[1] # hdulist[0].header['RADECSYS'] = 'FK5' hdulist[0].header["EQUINOX"] = 2000.0 hdulist[0].header["CRVAL1"] = (_phc.ra2degf(coordsinf[0]), "degrees") hdulist[0].header["CRVAL2"] = (_phc.dec2degf(coordsinf[1]), "degrees") else: hdulist[0].header["CRVAL1"] = 0.0 hdulist[0].header["CRVAL2"] = 0.0 hdulist[0].header["CROTA1"] = (0.000, "degrees") hdulist[0].header["CD1_1"] = (-ang_per_pixel * _np.cos(orientr), ucdelt) hdulist[0].header["CD1_2"] = (-ang_per_pixel * _np.sin(orientr), ucdelt) hdulist[0].header["CD2_1"] = (ang_per_pixel * -_np.sin(orientr), ucdelt) hdulist[0].header["CD2_2"] = (ang_per_pixel * _np.cos(orientr), ucdelt) hdulist[0].header["CUNIT1"] = ushort hdulist[0].header["CUNIT2"] = ushort hdulist[0].header["LONPOLE"] = 180.000 hdulist[0].header["LATPOLE"] = 0.000 outname = "{0}.fits".format(outname.replace(".fits", "")) hdu.writeto(outname, overwrite=True) print("# Saved {0} !".format(outname)) return
[docs]def setspacecoords(nx, ny, rad_per_pixel, xc=0.0, yc=0.0): """ return xx and yy, 2D physical coordinates in ANGULAR dimensions (unit = defined by 'rad_per_pixel', i.e., radians). The physical scale (or length) on both axis must be the same. xc and yc are the the center position in PIXELS """ x = _np.arange(0.0, nx) - (nx - 1) / 2.0 + xc xx = _np.repeat(x, ny).reshape(-1, ny).T * rad_per_pixel y = _np.arange(0.0, ny) - (ny - 1) / 2.0 + yc yy = _np.repeat(y, nx).reshape(-1, nx) * rad_per_pixel return xx, yy
[docs]def fastnumvis(img, lbd, Bproj, PA, rad_per_pixel, PAdisk=90.0, silent=False): """ For a given image (in phys.units = `rad_per_pixel`) and a interf. setup, it returns the visibility and phase. `PA` and `PAdisk` in degrees. `Bproj` and `lbd` must have the same units (m). output: complexVis, VisAmp, VisPhase """ if (lbd < 1e-6 or lbd > 4e-6) and not silent: print("# Warning! *fastnumvis*(lbd) is out of JHK range {0:.1e} m".format(lbd)) PA = PA - PAdisk + 90.0 idx = _np.where(img > 0) u = Bproj * _np.double(_np.sin(PA / _np.double(180.0 / _np.pi)) / lbd) v = Bproj * _np.double(_np.cos(PA / _np.double(180.0 / _np.pi)) / lbd) # print PA,phc.ra2deg,lbd,Bproj,v ny = len(img) nx = len(img[0]) xx, yy = setspacecoords(nx, ny, rad_per_pixel, xc=0.0, yc=0.0) arg = -2 * _np.pi * (xx[idx] * u + yy[idx] * v) TF_z_re = _np.sum(img[idx] * _np.cos(arg)) TF_z_im = _np.sum(img[idx] * _np.sin(arg)) # print TF_z_re,TF_z_im TF_z = complex(TF_z_re, TF_z_im) TF_z0 = _np.sum(img[idx]) complexVis = TF_z / TF_z0 VisAmp = _np.abs(complexVis) VisPhase = _np.arctan2(complexVis.imag, complexVis.real) * _np.double( 180.0 / _np.pi ) return complexVis, VisAmp, VisPhase
[docs]def fastnumvis3(img, lbd, Bprojs, PAs, rad_per_pixel, PAdisk=90.0): """For a given image (in phys.units = `rad_per_pixel`) and 3 telescopes interferometric setup, it returns the visibility and closure phase. Is `PA` as array/list (two values) and `PAdisk` in degrees. `Bproj` as array/list (two values) and `lbd` must have the same units (m). output: complexVis, VisAmp, VisPhase (closure phase) """ u1 = Bprojs[0] * _np.sin(PAs[0] * _np.pi / 180.0) u2 = Bprojs[1] * _np.sin(PAs[1] * _np.pi / 180.0) v1 = Bprojs[0] * _np.cos(PAs[0] * _np.pi / 180.0) v2 = Bprojs[1] * _np.cos(PAs[1] * _np.pi / 180.0) B3 = _np.sqrt((u1 + u2) ** 2 + (v1 + v2) ** 2) PA3 = _np.arctan2(u1 + u2, v1 + v2) * 180 / _np.pi cV1, VA1, VP1 = fastnumvis( img, lbd, Bprojs[0], PAs[0], rad_per_pixel, PAdisk=PAdisk ) cV2, VA2, VP2 = fastnumvis( img, lbd, Bprojs[1], PAs[1], rad_per_pixel, PAdisk=PAdisk ) cV3, VA3, VP3 = fastnumvis(img, lbd, B3, PA3, rad_per_pixel, PAdisk=PAdisk) complexVis = cV1 * cV2 * cV3.conjugate() VisAmp = _np.abs(complexVis) VisPhase = _np.arctan2(complexVis.imag, complexVis.real) * _np.double( 180.0 / _np.pi ) return complexVis, VisAmp, VisPhase
[docs]def reversePAs(PAs=[-180, 180]): """Calculte the reverse of the PAs input range. OUTPUT: PArv (list, units deg) """ PArv = [0, 0] if PAs[0] < 0: PArv[0] = PAs[0] + 180 else: # PArv[0] == 0 must be -180! PArv[0] = PAs[0] - 180 if PAs[1] <= 0: # PArv[1] == 0 must be +180! PArv[1] = PAs[1] + 180 else: PArv[1] = PAs[1] - 180 return PArv
[docs]class oiClass(object): """PyHdust class for interferometric data.""" def __init__(self, oitype, oifile=None): self.oitype = oitype self.oifile = oifile def readvis2(self, oidata_vis2): tlist = [] for v2i in oidata_vis2: n = len(v2i.wavelength.eff_wave) if v2i.station[0] and v2i.station[1]: tlist.append([v2i.station[0].sta_name + v2i.station[1].sta_name] * n) else: tlist.append(["unnamed"] * n) u = v2i.ucoord v = v2i.vcoord tlist.append([_np.sqrt(u**2 + v**2)] * n) tlist.append([_np.arctan2(u, v) * 180 / _np.pi] * n) tlist.extend([v2i.wavelength.eff_wave]) tlist.extend([_np.array(v2i.vis2data)]) tlist.extend([_np.array(v2i.vis2err)]) # print tlist # tlist = _np.array(tlist) # print tlist[3::6] # raise SystemError self.v2t = _np.array(_phc.flatten(tlist[0::6])) self.v2B = _np.array(_phc.flatten(tlist[1::6])).astype(float) self.v2PA = _np.array(_phc.flatten(tlist[2::6])).astype(float) self.v2lb = _np.array(_phc.flatten(tlist[3::6])).astype(float) self.v2 = _np.array(_phc.flatten(tlist[4::6])).astype(float) self.v2e = _np.array(_phc.flatten(tlist[5::6])).astype(float) tlist = _np.unique(self.v2t) tlist2 = [_np.mean(self.v2B[_np.where(self.v2t == t)]) for t in tlist] idx = _np.argsort(tlist2) self.v2tavg = _np.array(tlist)[idx] self.v2Bavg = _np.array(tlist2)[idx] idx = _np.where(self.v2 >= 0) self.v2t = self.v2t[idx] self.v2B = self.v2B[idx] self.v2PA = self.v2PA[idx] self.v2lb = self.v2lb[idx] self.v2 = self.v2[idx] self.v2e = self.v2e[idx] return def readt3(self, oidata_t3): tlist = [] for t3i in oidata_t3: n = len(t3i.wavelength.eff_wave) u1 = t3i.u1coord v1 = t3i.v1coord u2 = t3i.u2coord v2 = t3i.v2coord uvs = [[u1, v1], [u2, v2]] Bm = _np.sqrt((u2 + u1) ** 2 + (v2 + v1) ** 2) Pm = _np.arctan2(u2 + u1, v2 + v1) * 180.0 / _np.pi for uv in uvs: if _np.sqrt(uv[0] ** 2 + uv[1] ** 2) > Bm: Bm = _np.sqrt(uv[0] ** 2 + uv[1] ** 2) Pm = _np.arctan2(uv[0], uv[1]) * 180.0 / _np.pi tlist.append([_np.sqrt(u1**2 + v1**2)] * n) tlist.append([_np.sqrt(u2**2 + v2**2)] * n) tlist.append([_np.arctan2(u1, v1) * 180 / _np.pi] * n) tlist.append([_np.arctan2(u2, v2) * 180 / _np.pi] * n) tlist.extend([t3i.wavelength.eff_wave]) tlist.extend([_np.array(t3i.t3phi)]) tlist.extend([_np.array(t3i.t3phierr)]) tlist.append([Bm] * n) tlist.append([Pm] * n) # tlist = _np.array(tlist) self.t3B1 = _np.array(_phc.flatten(tlist[0::9])) self.t3B2 = _np.array(_phc.flatten(tlist[1::9])) self.t3PA1 = _np.array(_phc.flatten(tlist[2::9])) self.t3PA2 = _np.array(_phc.flatten(tlist[3::9])) self.t3lb = _np.array(_phc.flatten(tlist[4::9])) self.t3p = _np.array(_phc.flatten(tlist[5::9])) self.t3pe = _np.array(_phc.flatten(tlist[6::9])) self.t3Bm = _np.array(_phc.flatten(tlist[7::9])) self.t3Pm = _np.array(_phc.flatten(tlist[8::9])) return def readvis(self, oidata_vis): tlist = [] self.idt = _np.empty(0) self.idB = _np.empty(0) self.idPA = _np.empty(0) for vi in oidata_vis: n = len(vi.wavelength.eff_wave) if vi.station[0] and vi.station[1]: tlist.append([vi.station[0].sta_name + vi.station[1].sta_name] * n) else: tlist.append(["unnamed"] * n) for st in vi.station: if any(x == st.sta_name for x in self.idt): self.idt = _np.append(self.idt, st.sta_name) u = vi.ucoord v = vi.vcoord B = _np.sqrt(u**2 + v**2) PA = _np.arctan2(u, v) * 180 / _np.pi if PA < 0: PA += 360 if B not in self.idB: self.idB = _np.append(self.idB, B) self.idPA = _np.append(self.idPA, PA) tlist.append([B] * n) tlist.append([PA] * n) tlist.extend([vi.wavelength.eff_wave]) tlist.extend([_np.array(vi.visamp)]) tlist.extend([_np.array(vi.visamperr)]) tlist.extend([_np.array(vi.visphi)]) tlist.extend([_np.array(vi.visphierr)]) self.v2t = _np.array(_phc.flatten(tlist[0::8])) self.vB = _np.array(_phc.flatten(tlist[1::8])) self.vPA = _np.array(_phc.flatten(tlist[2::8])) self.vlb = _np.array(_phc.flatten(tlist[3::8])) self.v = _np.array(_phc.flatten(tlist[4::8])) self.ver = _np.array(_phc.flatten(tlist[5::8])) self.vp = _np.array(_phc.flatten(tlist[6::8])) self.vpe = _np.array(_phc.flatten(tlist[7::8])) return def readhdrinfo(self, oidata_hdrinfo): self.dateobs = oidata_hdrinfo.dateobs = self.datereduc = oidata_hdrinfo.datereduc self.mjd = oidata_hdrinfo.mjd return
[docs] def clear(self): """Clear observational info to be used by a model""" self.oifile = None if self.oitype.upper().startswith("PIO"): self.v2 = _np.empty(0) self.v2e = _np.empty(0) self.t3p = _np.empty(0) self.t3pe = _np.empty(0) elif self.oitype.upper().startswith("AMB"): self.v = _np.empty(0) = _np.empty(0) self.vp = _np.empty(0) self.vpe = _np.empty(0) return
[docs] def add_model(self, imgs, rpx, PAdisk=90, modid=None, lbm=None): """Fill the class with modeled values from observational setup already read. ``imgs`` is and matrix(lb, n, m), where lb is the lambda dimension ( optional). ``rpx`` is radians_per_pixel. """ self.clear() self.modid = modid if len(_np.shape(imgs)) == 3: iscube = True else: iscube = False img = imgs if self.oitype.upper().startswith("PIO"): if lbm is not None: self.v2lbm = _np.array(lbm) self.t3lbm = _np.array(lbm) # else: # self.v2lbm = _np.array([1.66e-6]) # self.t3lbm = _np.array([1.66e-6]) # tlist = [] for i in range(len(self.v2B)): if iscube: img = imgs[_phc.find_nearest(self.v2lbm, self.v2lb[i], idx=True)] _, v, _ = fastnumvis( img, self.v2lb[i], self.v2B[i], self.v2PA[i], rpx, PAdisk=PAdisk ) tlist.extend([v**2]) self.v2 = _np.array(tlist) self.v2e = _np.zeros(_np.shape(tlist)) * _np.NaN # tlist = [] for i in range(len(self.t3B1)): if iscube: img = imgs[_phc.find_nearest(self.t3lbm, self.t3lb[i], idx=True)] _, _, p = fastnumvis3( img, self.t3lb[i], [self.t3B1[i], self.t3B2[i]], [self.t3PA1[i], self.t3PA2[i]], rpx, PAdisk=PAdisk, ) tlist.extend([p]) self.t3p = _np.array(tlist) self.t3pe = _np.zeros(_np.shape(tlist)) * _np.NaN # elif self.oitype.upper().startswith("AMB"): if lbm is not None: self.vlbm = _np.array(lbm) # else: # self.vlbm = _np.array([2.21e-6]) # self.v = _np.empty(0) # self.vp = _np.empty(0) # tlist_v = [] tlist_vp = [] for i in range(len(self.vB)): if iscube: img = imgs[_phc.find_nearest(self.vlbm, self.vlb[i], idx=True)] _, v, vp = fastnumvis( img, self.vlb[i], self.vB[i], self.vPA[i], rpx, PAdisk=PAdisk ) tlist_v.extend([v]) tlist_vp.extend([vp]) self.v = _np.array(tlist_v) = _np.zeros(_np.shape(tlist_v)) * _np.NaN self.vp = _np.array(tlist_vp) self.vpe = _np.zeros(_np.shape(tlist_vp)) * _np.NaN return
[docs]def readoifits(oifile, oitype="PIO", quiet=True): """Read the oifits files/oidata according to its oitype. Possible oitypes=["PIO", "AMB"] """ if isinstance(oifile, _strtypes): oidata =, quiet=quiet) else: oidata = _copy(oifile) oifile = None if oitype.upper().startswith("PIO"): oic = oiClass(oitype, oifile) oic.readvis2(oidata.vis2) oic.readt3(oidata.t3) elif oitype.upper().startswith("AMB"): oic = oiClass(oitype, oifile) oic.readvis(oidata.vis) oic.readhdrinfo(oidata.hdrinfo) else: raise NameError("Invalid `oitype` in intt.readoifits") return oic
[docs]def plot_pio_res( loic, oitype="PIO", outname=None, legend=True, fmt=["png"], PAs=[-180, 180], lcor=None, lmk=None, legbbox=None, ard=None, rylim=None, v2leg=None, ): """Plot a OIFITS files with VIS2 and CP information and RESIDUALS. :param loic: list of ``oiC``. Only the first ``loi`` will have the *uv* plane coverage plotted. :param legbbox: legend(bbox_to_anchor) coordinates (list or tuple). If ``PAs != [-180, 180]``, then a limited range of PAs will be plotted. """ if isinstance(loic, oiClass): loic = [loic] if lcor is None: lcor = [_phc.cycles(i) for i in range(len(loic))] if lmk is None: lmk = [_phc.cycles(i, "mk") for i in range(len(loic))] fig = _plt.figure(figsize=1.5 * _np.array([9 / 0.871875, 5])) lins, cols = (1, 8) gs0 = _gridspec.GridSpec(lins, cols) # , width_ratios=[1]*cols, # height_ratios=[1]*lins) gs0.update(wspace=4.0) gs00 = _gridspec.GridSpecFromSubplotSpec( 3, 2, subplot_spec=gs0[0, 0 : cols - 2], wspace=0.1, hspace=0.01 ) gs01 = _gridspec.GridSpecFromSubplotSpec( 2, 1, subplot_spec=gs0[0, cols - 2 :], hspace=1.0 ) axB1 = _plt.subplot(gs01[0, 0]) axB2 = _plt.subplot(gs01[1, 0]) axV = _plt.subplot(gs00[0, 0]) axVr = _plt.subplot(gs00[1:, 0]) axC = _plt.subplot(gs00[0, 1]) axCr = _plt.subplot(gs00[1:, 1]) print(get_ax_size(axB1, fig)) for i in range(len(loic)): oic = loic[i] if i == 0: axB1 = uv_plot_ax( axB1, oic, PAs=PAs, legend=legend, lbd=False, legbbox=legbbox, ard=ard ) axB2 = uv_plot_ax(axB2, oic, PAs=PAs, legend=False, lbd=True, ard=ard) axV = v2_plot_ax(axV, oic, PAs=PAs, cor=lcor[i], mk=lmk[i]) axC = t3_plot_ax(axC, oic, PAs=PAs, cor=lcor[i], mk=lmk[i]) axVr = v2res_plot_ax(axVr, loic, PAs=PAs, lcor=lcor, lmk=lmk, rylim=rylim) axCr = t3res_plot_ax(axCr, loic, PAs=PAs, lcor=lcor, lmk=lmk, rylim=rylim) if v2leg is not None: lines = [] for i in range(len(loic)): lines.extend( [_Line2D([], [], color=lcor[i], marker=lmk[i], ls="", label=v2leg[i])] ) fs = dict(_mpl.rcParams.viewitems())["font.size"] axV.legend( handles=lines, loc=1, fancybox=True, framealpha=0.5, fontsize=fs - 4, labelspacing=0.05, ) axC.yaxis.set_label_position("right") axC.yaxis.tick_right() axC.yaxis.set_ticks_position("both") axCr.yaxis.set_label_position("right") axCr.yaxis.tick_right() axCr.yaxis.set_ticks_position("both") axB1.yaxis.set_label_position("right") axB1.yaxis.tick_right() axB1.yaxis.set_ticks_position("both") axB2.yaxis.set_label_position("right") axB2.yaxis.tick_right() axB2.yaxis.set_ticks_position("both") axV.set_ylabel("V$^2$") axC.set_ylabel(r"$\phi_{123}$ (deg$.$)") axCr.set_ylabel(r"$\phi_{123}$(data-mod)/err") axVr.set_ylabel(r"V$^2$(data-mod)/err") axB1.set_xlabel(r"$B_{\rm proj}$ (m)") axB2.set_xlabel(r"$B_{\rm proj}/\lambda$") axCr.set_xlabel(r"$B_{\rm proj}/\lambda$") axVr.set_xlabel(r"$B_{\rm proj}/\lambda$") axV.set_xticklabels([]) axC.set_xticklabels([]) axVr.xaxis.set_major_locator(_mtick.MaxNLocator(nbins=5, prune="upper")) axCr.xaxis.set_major_locator(_mtick.MaxNLocator(nbins=5, prune="lower")) axVr.yaxis.set_major_locator(_mtick.MaxNLocator(nbins=8, prune="upper")) axCr.yaxis.set_major_locator(_mtick.MaxNLocator(nbins=8, prune="upper")) axV.xaxis.set_major_locator(_mtick.MaxNLocator(nbins=5, prune="lower")) axC.xaxis.set_major_locator(_mtick.MaxNLocator(nbins=5, prune="lower")) axB1.xaxis.set_major_locator(_mtick.MaxNLocator(nbins=4)) axB2.xaxis.set_major_locator(_mtick.MaxNLocator(nbins=4)) axV.minorticks_on() axVr.minorticks_on() axC.minorticks_on() axCr.minorticks_on() if outname is None: outname = _phc.dtflag() _phc.savefig(fig, figname=outname, fmt=fmt) return
def get_ax_size(ax, fig): bbox = ax.get_window_extent().transformed(fig.dpi_scale_trans.inverted()) width, height = bbox.width, bbox.height width *= fig.dpi height *= fig.dpi return width, height
[docs]def plot_pionier( loic, oitype="PIO", outname=None, legend=True, fmt=["png"], PAs=[-180, 180], lcor=None, lmk=None, ): """Plot a OIFITS files with VIS2 and CP information. ``loic`` is a list of oic classes. Only the first ``loi`` will have the *uv* plane coverage plotted. If ``PAs != [-180, 180]``, then a limited range of PAs will be plotted. """ if isinstance(loic, oiClass): loic = [loic] if lcor is None: lcor = [_phc.cycles(i) for i in range(len(loic))] if lmk is None: lmk = [_phc.cycles(i, "mk") for i in range(len(loic))] lins, cols = (2, 5) fig = _plt.figure(figsize=3.0 * _np.array([cols, lins])) gs = _gridspec.GridSpec( lins, cols, width_ratios=[1] * lins, height_ratios=[1] * cols ) axB1 = _plt.subplot(gs[0, 4]) axB2 = _plt.subplot(gs[1, 4]) axV = _plt.subplot(gs[:, 0:2]) axC = _plt.subplot(gs[:, 2:4]) for i in range(len(loic)): oic = loic[i] if i == 0: axB1 = uv_plot_ax(axB1, oic, PAs=PAs, legend=legend, lbd=False) axB2 = uv_plot_ax(axB2, oic, PAs=PAs, legend=False, lbd=True) axV = v2_plot_ax(axV, oic, PAs=PAs, cor=lcor[i], mk=lmk[i]) axC = t3_plot_ax(axC, oic, PAs=PAs, cor=lcor[i], mk=lmk[i]) if outname is None: outname = _phc.dtflag() _phc.savefig(fig, figname=outname, fmt=fmt) return
[docs]def t3res_plot_ax(ax, loic, PAs=[-180, 180], lcor=None, lmk=None, rylim=None): """Axis plot of t3 residuals :param loic: list of ``oiC`` models. The first one is considered as observational data, and the others as models. """ if lcor is None: lcor = [_phc.cycles(i) for i in range(len(loic))] if lmk is None: lmk = [_phc.cycles(i, "mk") for i in range(len(loic))] PArv = reversePAs(PAs) # idx = _np.where( ((loic[0].t3Pm >= PAs[0]) & (loic[0].t3Pm <= PAs[1])) | ((loic[0].t3Pm >= PArv[0]) & (loic[0].t3Pm <= PArv[1])) ) for j, oic in enumerate(loic[1:], 1): ax.scatter( loic[0].t3Bm / oic.t3lb[idx], (loic[0].t3p[idx] - oic.t3p[idx]) / (loic[0].t3pe[idx]), marker=lmk[j], alpha=0.7, color=lcor[j], ) xlim = ax.get_xlim() ax.plot(xlim, [0, 0], color="gray", ls="-", zorder=0) ax.plot(xlim, [3, 3], color="k", ls=":", zorder=0) ax.plot(xlim, [-3, -3], color="k", ls=":", zorder=0) ax.set_xlim(xlim) if rylim is not None: ax.set_ylim(rylim) return ax
[docs]def v2res_plot_ax(ax, loic, PAs=[-180, 180], lcor=None, lmk=None, rylim=None): """Axis plot of t3 residuals :param loic: list of ``oiC`` models. The first one is considered as observational data, and the others as models. """ if lcor is None: lcor = [_phc.cycles(i) for i in range(len(loic))] if lmk is None: lmk = [_phc.cycles(i, "mk") for i in range(len(loic))] PArv = reversePAs(PAs) # idx = _np.where( ((loic[0].v2PA >= PAs[0]) & (loic[0].v2PA <= PAs[1])) | ((loic[0].v2PA >= PArv[0]) & (loic[0].v2PA <= PArv[1])) ) for j, oic in enumerate(loic[1:], 1): ax.scatter( loic[0].v2B / oic.v2lb[idx], (loic[0].v2[idx] - oic.v2[idx]) / (loic[0].v2e[idx]), marker=lmk[j], alpha=0.7, color=lcor[j], ) xlim = ax.get_xlim() ax.plot(xlim, [0, 0], color="gray", ls="-", zorder=0) ax.plot(xlim, [3, 3], color="k", ls=":", zorder=0) ax.plot(xlim, [-3, -3], color="k", ls=":", zorder=0) ax.set_xlim(xlim) if rylim is not None: ax.set_ylim(rylim) return ax
[docs]def t3_plot_ax(ax, oic, PAs=[-180, 180], cor="k", mk="o"): """Axis plot of t3""" PArv = reversePAs(PAs) # idx = _np.where( ((oic.t3Pm >= PAs[0]) & (oic.t3Pm <= PAs[1])) | ((oic.t3Pm >= PArv[0]) & (oic.t3Pm <= PArv[1])) ) ax.errorbar( oic.t3Bm / oic.t3lb[idx], oic.t3p[idx], yerr=oic.t3pe[idx], ls="", marker=mk, alpha=0.7, color=cor, markeredgecolor=cor, ) xlim = ax.get_xlim() ax.plot(xlim, [0, 0], color="gray", ls="-", zorder=0) ax.set_xlim(xlim) return ax
[docs]def v2_plot_ax(ax, oic, PAs=[-180, 180], cor="k", mk="o"): """Axis plot of v2""" PArv = reversePAs(PAs) # idx = _np.where( ((oic.v2PA >= PAs[0]) & (oic.v2PA <= PAs[1])) | ((oic.v2PA >= PArv[0]) & (oic.v2PA <= PArv[1])) ) ax.errorbar( oic.v2B / oic.v2lb[idx], oic.v2[idx], yerr=oic.v2e[idx], ls="", marker=mk, alpha=0.7, color=cor, markeredgecolor=cor, ) return ax
[docs]def uv_plot_ax( ax, oic, PAs=[-180, 180], legend=True, lbd=False, legbbox=None, ard=None ): """Axis plot of the observational baselines (u, v) plane. :param legbbox: legend(bbox_to_anchor) coordinates (list or tuple). :param ard: Is not ``None``, arrow PA (in deg). """ PArv = reversePAs(PAs) # if oic.oitype.upper().startswith("PIO"): B = oic.v2B PA = oic.v2PA # t2Bavg = dict(zip(oic.v2tavg, oic.v2Bavg)) # tlist = [t2Bavg[t] for t in oic.v2t] # colors = _phc.gradColor(tlist, min=oic.v2Bavg[0] - ( # oic.v2Bavg[-1]-oic.v2Bavg[0])*0.1, cmapn='viridis') t2Bavg = dict(zip(oic.v2tavg, range(len(oic.v2tavg)))) tlist = [t2Bavg[t] for t in oic.v2t] colors = _phc.gradColor(tlist, cmapn="copper_r") lbds = oic.v2lb elif oic.oitype.upper().startswith("AMB"): B = oic.vB PA = oic.vPA lbds = oic.vlb colors = _phc.gradColor(oic.vB) if not lbd: lbds = _np.ones(len(B)) # idx = _np.where( ((PA >= PAs[0]) & (PA <= PAs[1])) | ((PA >= PArv[0]) & (PA <= PArv[1])) ) # u = B * _np.sin(PA * _np.pi / 180.0) / lbds v = B * _np.cos(PA * _np.pi / 180.0) / lbds ax.scatter(u[idx], v[idx], color=colors[idx], alpha=0.7, zorder=10) ax.scatter(-u[idx], -v[idx], color=colors[idx], alpha=0.7, zorder=10) if legend: # colors = _phc.gradColor(oic.v2Bavg, min=oic.v2Bavg[0] - ( # oic.v2Bavg[-1]-oic.v2Bavg[0])*0.1, cmapn='viridis') colors = _phc.gradColor(range(len(oic.v2Bavg)), cmapn="copper_r") lines = [] for i in range(len(oic.v2Bavg)): lines.extend( [_Line2D(range(1), range(1), color=colors[i], marker="o", ls="")] ) fs = dict(_mpl.rcParams.viewitems())["font.size"] - 4 if legbbox is None: ax.legend( lines, oic.v2tavg, numpoints=1, loc="best", fancybox=True, framealpha=0.5, fontsize=fs, labelspacing=0.05, ) else: ax.legend( lines, oic.v2tavg, numpoints=1, loc="best", fancybox=True, framealpha=0.5, fontsize=fs, labelspacing=0.05, bbox_to_anchor=legbbox, ) if ard is not None: Bx = _np.max(B) * _np.sin(ard * _np.pi / 180) / _np.max(lbds) By = _np.max(B) * _np.cos(ard * _np.pi / 180) / _np.max(lbds) ax.arrow( Bx, -By, -2 * Bx, 2 * By, length_includes_head=True, head_width=0.1 * _np.max(B) / _np.max(lbds), fc="gray", ec="gray", head_length=0.15 * _np.max(B) / _np.max(lbds), zorder=1, ) ax.plot([-By, By], [-Bx, Bx], color="gray", ls="--") ax.minorticks_on() # ax.xaxis.tick_top() ax.axis("equal") # if lbd: # ax.yaxis.set_major_formatter(_mtick.FormatStrFormatter('%.0e')) # ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(_mtick.FormatStrFormatter('%.0e')) # ax.locator_params(nbins=5) return ax
def plot_baseline( ax, oidata, colors, names, PAs=[-180, 180], PAsrev=False, PArv=[0, 0], xlim=None, legend=True, ): leg = [] for vis2 in oidata.vis2: u = vis2.ucoord v = vis2.vcoord PA = _np.arctan2(u, v) * 180 / _np.pi if vis2.station[0] and vis2.station[1]: label = vis2.station[0].sta_name + vis2.station[1].sta_name else: label = "unnamed" color = colors[names.index(label)] # [u,-u] = W > E # [-u,u] = E < W if (PA >= PAs[0] and PA <= PAs[1]) or ( PAsrev and (PA >= PArv[0]) and PA <= PArv[1] ): if label not in leg: ax.plot([u, -u], [v, -v], ".", label=label, color=color) leg.append(label) else: ax.plot([u, -u], [v, -v], ".", color=color) # label=label, # names.append( f = 1.0 x = 84.06 * f y = 111.96 * f ax.arrow( -x, y, 2 * x, -2 * y, length_includes_head=True, head_width=0.1 * 111.96 * 2 * f, head_length=0.15 * 111.96 * 2 * f, fc="gray", ec="gray", zorder=1, ) ax.plot([-y, y], [-x, x], color="gray", ls="--") # ax.plot([0], [0], 'o') # names = list(_np.unique(names)) ax.xaxis.tick_top() ax.yaxis.tick_right() ax.yaxis.set_label_position("right") ax.set_ylabel("B$_{proj}$ (m)") if xlim is not None: ax.set_xlim(xlim) ax.axis("equal") # _plt.grid(b=True, linestyle=':', alpha=alp) if legend: handles, labels = ax.get_legend_handles_labels() idx = [labels.index(i) for i in list(names)] handles = _np.array(handles)[idx] ax.legend( handles, names, prop={"size": 8}, numpoints=1, loc="best", framealpha=0.5, fancybox=True, labelspacing=0.1, ) # ax.yaxis.set_major_formatter(_mtick.FormatStrFormatter('%.0e')) # ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(_mtick.FormatStrFormatter('%.0e')) # ax.ticklabel_format(useOffset=False) # style='sci' DO NOT WORK ax.locator_params(nbins=7) return ax # Other?
[docs]def mapinterf( modf, im=0, obs=0, iflx=0, dist=10, PA=0.0, B=100.0, PAdisk=90.0, quiet=False ): """Return Squared Visibilities (V2) and Diferential Phases (DP) for a given `hdust` map(s) file. :param modf: input: *.map(s) path (string) :param iflx: If *.map file format, it takes `iflx` image layer. :param PA: degrees :param dist: parsecs :param B: meters output: lbdc, V2, DP (float arrays, as function of wavelength)""" data, obslist, lbdc, Ra, xmax = readmap(modf, quiet=quiet) pixsize = 2 * xmax[im] / _np.shape(data)[-1] rad_per_pixel = _np.double(pixsize * 6.96e10 / (dist * 3.08567758e18)) npts = len(lbdc) V2 = _np.zeros(npts) DP = _np.zeros(npts) for i in range(npts): if len(_np.shape(data)) == 5: img = data[im, obs, i, ::-1, :] else: img = data[im, obs, i, :, :, iflx] tmp, V, DP[i] = fastnumvis( img, lbdc[i] * 1e-6, B, PA, rad_per_pixel, PAdisk=PAdisk ) V2[i] = V**2 # avg = (DP[0]+DP[-1])/2. ssize = int(0.05 * len(DP)) if ssize == 0: ssize = 1 medx0, medx1 = _np.average(DP[:ssize]), _np.average(DP[-ssize:]) avg = (medx0 + medx1) / 2.0 DP = DP - avg # DP = _spt.linfit(lbdc, DP)-1. # lbdc = _spt.air2vac(lbdc*1e4)*1e-4 return lbdc, V2, DP
[docs]def datinterf( data, lbdc, xmax, im=0, obs=0, iflx=0, dist=10, PA=0.0, B=100.0, PAdisk=90.0, quiet=False, normV2=False, ): """Return Squared Visibilities (V2) and Diferential Phases (DP) for a given `hdust` data file. If *.map file format, it takes `iflx` image layer. input: data (np.ndarray), `dist` (float, parsecs) output: lbdc, V2, DP (float arrays)""" pixsize = 2 * xmax[im] / _np.shape(data)[-1] rad_per_pixel = _np.double(pixsize * _phc.Rsun.cgs / (dist * _phc.pc.cgs)) npts = len(lbdc) V2 = _np.zeros(npts) DP = _np.zeros(npts) for i in range(npts): if len(_np.shape(data)) == 5: img = data[im, obs, i, ::-1, :] else: img = data[im, obs, i, :, :, iflx] tmp, V, DP[i] = fastnumvis( img, lbdc[i] * 1e-6, B, PA, rad_per_pixel, PAdisk=PAdisk ) V2[i] = V**2 # avg = (DP[0]+DP[-1])/2. ssize = int(0.05 * len(DP)) if ssize == 0: ssize = 1 medx0, medx1 = _np.average(DP[:ssize]), _np.average(DP[-ssize:]) avg = (medx0 + medx1) / 2.0 DP = DP - avg # DP = _spt.linfit(lbdc, DP)-1. # lbdc = _spt.air2vac(lbdc*1e4)*1e-4 if normV2: V2 = _linfit(lbdc, V2, ssize=0.1) return lbdc, V2, DP
[docs]def dataphot( data, lbdc, xmax, im=0, obs=0, iflx=0, dist=10, PA=0.0, B=100.0, PAdisk=90.0, quiet=False, diff=True, phiunit=True, ): """Return photocenter positions for a given `hdust` data file. If *.map file format, it takes `iflx` image layer. input: data (np.ndarray), `dist` (float, parsecs) output: lbdc, V2, DP (float arrays)""" pixsize = 2 * xmax[im] / _np.shape(data)[-1] rad_per_pixel = _np.double(pixsize * _phc.Rsun.cgs / (dist * _phc.pc.cgs)) npts = len(lbdc) px = _np.zeros(npts) py = _np.zeros(npts) for i in range(npts): if len(_np.shape(data)) == 5: img = data[im, obs, i, ::-1, :] else: img = data[im, obs, i, :, :, iflx] img = _img.rotate_image(img, -(PA + 90 - PAdisk) * _np.pi / 180) x, y = _np.shape(img) x = +_np.linspace(-(x - 1) / 2.0, (x - 1) / 2.0, x) y = +_np.linspace(-(y - 1) / 2.0, (y - 1) / 2.0, y) px[i] = _np.sum(_np.sum(img, axis=0) * x) / _np.sum(img) py[i] = _np.sum(_np.sum(img, axis=1) * y) / _np.sum(img) if diff: ssize = int(0.05 * len(px)) if ssize == 0: ssize = 1 avg = _np.mean([_np.mean(px[:ssize]), _np.mean(px[-ssize:])]) px -= avg ssize = int(0.05 * len(py)) if ssize == 0: ssize = 1 avg = _np.mean([_np.mean(py[:ssize]), _np.mean(py[-ssize:])]) py -= avg if phiunit: px *= -2 * _np.pi * B / lbdc * 1e6 * rad_per_pixel * 180 / _np.pi py *= -2 * _np.pi * B / lbdc * 1e6 * rad_per_pixel * 180 / _np.pi return lbdc, px, py
[docs]def plot_v2_img(ax, oidata, img, xlim=None, quiet=False, alp=0.75): """IMG from LitPRO TODO: scales """ ms = 3 ax.plot([0, 1e8], [0, 0], ls="--", zorder=0, color="k", alpha=alp) # Loop in vis2 creating the following vectors x, y, yerr, Blist, PAlist, lbd = ([], [], [], [], [], []) for vis2 in oidata.vis2: u = vis2.ucoord v = vis2.vcoord if vis2.station[0] and vis2.station[1]: label = vis2.station[0].sta_name + vis2.station[1].sta_name else: label = "unnamed" color = _phc.cycles(list(oidata.vis2).index(vis2)) B = _np.sqrt(u**2 + v**2) PA = _np.arctan2(u, v) * 180 / _np.pi # if (PA >= PAs[0] and PA <= PAs[1]) or (PAsrev and (PA >= PArv[0]) and # PA <= PArv[1]): # if bindata <= 0: lbd.extend(vis2.wavelength.eff_wave) x.extend(B / vis2.wavelength.eff_wave) y.extend(vis2.vis2data) yerr.extend(vis2.vis2err) Blist.extend([B] * len(vis2.wavelength.eff_wave)) PAlist.extend([PA] * len(vis2.wavelength.eff_wave)) ax.errorbar( B / vis2.wavelength.eff_wave, vis2.vis2data, yerr=vis2.vis2err, fmt="o", markersize=ms, color=color, alpha=alp, ) # # fits = dx = fits[0].header["CDELT1"] dy = fits[0].header["CDELT2"] if dx != dy: print("# ERROR! Differential spatial scales for {0}".format(img)) return if fits[0].header["CUNIT1"].lower().find("deg") > -1: rad_per_pixel = dx * _phc.deg2rad() else: rad_per_pixel = dx data = fits[0].data data = data[:, :] V2 = [] for i in range(len(x)): tmp, V, ph = fastnumvis( data, lbd[i], Blist[i], PAlist[i], rad_per_pixel, PAdisk=90.0 ) V2.append(V**2) ax.plot(x, V2, color="k", ls="", markersize=ms * 2, marker="d") return ax, V2
[docs]def plot_t3_img(ax, oidata, img, xlim=None, quiet=False, alp=0.75): """IMG from LitPRO TODO: scales """ ms = 3 ax.plot([0, 1e8], [0, 0], ls="--", zorder=0, color="k", alpha=alp) # Loop in vis2 creating the following vectors x, y, yerr, Blist, PAlist, Bmax = ([], [], [], [], [], []) for t3 in oidata.t3: u1 = t3.u1coord v1 = t3.v1coord u2 = t3.u2coord v2 = t3.v2coord if _np.sqrt(u1**2 + v1**2) > _np.sqrt(u2**2 + v2**2): u = u1 v = v1 else: u = u2 v = v2 B = _np.sqrt(u**2 + v**2) PA = _np.arctan2(u, v) * 180.0 / _np.pi B = _np.tile(B, len(t3.wavelength.eff_wave)) PA = _np.tile(PA, len(t3.wavelength.eff_wave)) Bmax.extend(B) lbsz = len(t3.wavelength.eff_wave) x.extend(B / t3.wavelength.eff_wave) y.extend(t3.t3phi) yerr.extend(t3.t3phierr) B1, B2 = (_np.sqrt(u1**2 + v1**2), _np.sqrt(u2**2 + v2**2)) Blist.extend([[B1, B2] for i in range(lbsz)]) PA1, PA2 = ( _np.arctan2(u1, v1) * 180.0 / _np.pi, _np.arctan2(u2, v2) * 180.0 / _np.pi, ) PAlist.extend([[PA1, PA2] for i in range(lbsz)]) ax.errorbar(x, y, yerr=yerr, color="k", fmt="o", markersize=ms, alpha=alp) # # fits = dx = fits[0].header["CDELT1"] dy = fits[0].header["CDELT2"] if dx != dy: print("# ERROR! Differential spatial scales for {0}".format(img)) return if fits[0].header["CUNIT1"].lower().find("deg") > -1: rad_per_pixel = dx * _phc.deg2rad() else: rad_per_pixel = dx data = fits[0].data lblist = _np.array(Bmax) / _np.array(x) t3 = [] for i in range(len(x)): tmp, V, ph = fastnumvis3( data, lblist[i], Blist[i], PAlist[i], rad_per_pixel, PAdisk=90.0 ) t3.append(ph) ax.plot(x, t3, color="k", ls="", markersize=ms * 2, marker="d") return ax, t3
[docs]def plot_v2_res( ax, ax2, oidata, colors, names, modfiles, obsdeg=None, dist=None, xlim=None, PAs=[-180, 180], PAsrev=False, PArv=[0, 0], bindata=0, quiet=False, alp=0.75, printsum=False, ): r"""datas = models! `bindata` refers to vis2.wavelength.eff_wave!! In other words: the binning only works on simultaneous observations with different :math:`\lambda`. """ ms = 3.5 ax2.plot([0, 1e8], [0, 0], ls="--", zorder=0, color="k", alpha=alp) # Loop in vis2 creating the following vectors x, y, yerr, Blist, PAlist = ([], [], [], [], []) for vis2 in oidata.vis2: u = vis2.ucoord v = vis2.vcoord if vis2.station[0] and vis2.station[1]: label = vis2.station[0].sta_name + vis2.station[1].sta_name else: label = "unnamed" color = colors[names.index(label)] B = _np.sqrt(u**2 + v**2) PA = _np.arctan2(u, v) * 180 / _np.pi if (PA >= PAs[0] and PA <= PAs[1]) or ( PAsrev and (PA >= PArv[0]) and PA <= PArv[1] ): if bindata <= 0: x.extend(B / vis2.wavelength.eff_wave) y.extend(vis2.vis2data) yerr.extend(vis2.vis2err) Blist.extend([B] * len(vis2.wavelength.eff_wave)) PAlist.extend([PA] * len(vis2.wavelength.eff_wave)) ax.errorbar( B / vis2.wavelength.eff_wave, vis2.vis2data, yerr=vis2.vis2err, fmt="o", markersize=ms, color=color, alpha=alp, zorder=1, ) # Individual plot to keep each BASELINE color if bindata > 0: binned = _phc.bindata( B / vis2.wavelength.eff_wave, vis2.vis2data, bindata, yerr=vis2.vis2err, ) # xlim=xlim) ax.errorbar( binned[0], binned[1], yerr=binned[2], fmt="o", markersize=ms, color=color, zorder=1, ) # Plotting models if obsdeg is None: obs = [0] else: obs = obsdeg mcolors = _phc.gradColor(_np.arange(len(modfiles) + 2), cmapn="Greens_r") mcolors = _np.array(mcolors)[1:-1] mcolors = ["dimgray", "blue"] mcolors = ["green", "red"] markers = ["*", "d"] # mcolors = ['red', 'green'] for mod in modfiles: midx = modfiles.index(mod) data, obslist, lbdc, Ra, xmax = readmap(mod, quiet=quiet) data = data[..., ::-1, :, :] # It is just taking the length. Ignore the indexes pixsize = 2 * xmax[0] / len(data[0, 0, 0, :, :, 0]) # *60.*60.*1000.*180./_np.pi) rad_per_pixel = _np.double(pixsize * _phc.Rsun.cgs / (dist * _phc.pc.cgs)) lblist = _np.array(Blist) / _np.array(x) for deg in obs: V2 = [] ob = list(obslist[::2]).index(_phc.find_nearest(obslist[::2], deg)) if _np.abs(obslist[::2][ob] - deg) > 1: print("# The difference of angles is bigger than 1 deg!!!") print( "# Input: {0:.1f}; Nearest model: {1:.1f}".format( deg, obslist[::2][ob] ) ) for i in range(len(x)): j = list(lbdc * 1e-6).index(_phc.find_nearest(lbdc * 1e-6, lblist[i])) if _np.abs(lbdc[j] * 1e-6 - lblist[i]) > 0.1 * 1e-6: print("# The difference of lambd is bigger than 0.1 um!!!") print( "# Input: {0:.1f}; Nearest model: {1:.1f}".format( lblist[i], lbdc[j] * 1e-6 ) ) # lbcalc = lbdc[j]*1e-6 tmp, V, phvar = fastnumvis( data[0, ob, j, :, :, 0], lblist[i], Blist[i], PAlist[i], rad_per_pixel, PAdisk=(216.9 + 90.0), ) V2 += [V**2] fig2 = _plt.figure() imshowl(data[0, ob, j, :, :, 0]) _phc.savefig(fig2, figname="{0}_{1}".format(_os.path.basename(mod), ob)) V2 = _np.array(V2) if bindata <= 0: ax.plot( x, V2, color=mcolors[midx], alpha=alp, ls="", markersize=ms, marker=markers[midx], ) ax2.plot( x, (y - V2) / yerr, ls="", color=mcolors[midx], markersize=ms, marker=markers[midx], zorder=1, alpha=alp, ) if printsum: chi2 = _phc.chi2calc(V2, y, yerr) ax2.text( 0.4, 0.87, r"$\sum={0:.1f}$".format(chi2), transform=ax2.transAxes, ) if printsum: v2sum = _np.sum((y - V2) / yerr) print(v2sum) ax2.text( 0.4, 0.87, r"$\sum={0:.1f}$".format(v2sum), transform=ax2.transAxes ) # Blim = ax3.get_xlim() # ax4.set_xlim(Blim) # ax1.xaxis.get_major_formatter().set_useOffset(False) ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(_mtick.FormatStrFormatter("%.2e")) # ax3.get_xaxis().set_visible(False) # ax4.get_xaxis().set_visible(False) ax.get_xaxis().set_ticklabels([]) ax.set_ylim([0, 1.1]) ax.set_ylabel("$V$ $^2$") if xlim is not None: ax.set_xlim(xlim) ax.grid(b=True, linestyle=":", alpha=alp) ax2.set_ylim([-6, 6]) ax2.get_xaxis().set_ticklabels([]) ax2.set_ylabel("$V$ $^2$(data-mod)/err") if xlim is not None: ax2.set_xlim(xlim) ax2.yaxis.tick_right() ax2.yaxis.set_label_position("right") ax2.grid(b=True, linestyle=":", alpha=alp) return ax, ax2
[docs]def plot_phi3_res( ax, ax2, oidata, colors, names, modfiles, obsdeg=None, dist=None, xlim=None, PAs=[-180, 180], PAsrev=False, PArv=[0, 0], bindata=0, quiet=False, alp=0.75, printsum=False, ): r"""modfiles = models! `bindata` refers to vis2.wavelength.eff_wave!! In other words: the binning only works on simultaneous observations with different :math:`\lambda`. """ ms = 3.5 ax.plot([0, 1e8], [0, 0], ls="--", zorder=0, color="k", alpha=alp) ax2.plot([0, 1e8], [0, 0], ls="--", zorder=0, color="k", alpha=alp) color = "black" x, y, yerr, Blist, PAlist, Bmax = ([], [], [], [], [], []) for t3 in oidata.t3: u1 = t3.u1coord v1 = t3.v1coord u2 = t3.u2coord v2 = t3.v2coord # if _np.sqrt(u1**2 + v1**2) > _np.sqrt(u2**2 + v2**2): # u = u1 # v = v1 # else: # u = u2 # v = v2 # B = _np.sqrt(u**2 + v**2) # PA = _np.arctan2(u, v) * 180.0 / _np.pi Bcompar = _np.sqrt( [u1**2 + v1**2, u2**2 + v2**2, (u1 + u2) ** 2 + (v1 + v2) ** 2] ) PAcompar = ( _np.array( [ _np.arctan2(u1, v1), _np.arctan2(u2, v2), _np.arctan2(u1 + u2, v1 + v2), ] ) * 180 / _np.pi ) idx = _np.where(Bcompar == _np.max(Bcompar)) B = _np.tile(Bcompar[idx], len(t3.wavelength.eff_wave)) PA = _np.tile(PAcompar[idx], len(t3.wavelength.eff_wave)) if (PA[0] >= PAs[0] and PA[0] <= PAs[1]) or ( PAsrev and PA[0] >= PArv[0] and PA[0] <= PArv[1] ): Bmax.extend(B) lbsz = len(t3.wavelength.eff_wave) x.extend(B / t3.wavelength.eff_wave) y.extend(t3.t3phi) yerr.extend(t3.t3phierr) B1, B2 = (_np.sqrt(u1**2 + v1**2), _np.sqrt(u2**2 + v2**2)) Blist.extend([[B1, B2] for i in range(lbsz)]) PA1, PA2 = ( _np.arctan2(u1, v1) * 180.0 / _np.pi, _np.arctan2(u2, v2) * 180.0 / _np.pi, ) PAlist.extend([[PA1, PA2] for i in range(lbsz)]) if bindata <= 0: ax.errorbar( x, y, yerr=yerr, color=color, fmt="o", markersize=ms, zorder=1, alpha=alp ) else: binned = _phc.bindata( B / t3.wavelength.eff_wave, t3.t3phi, bindata, yerr=t3.t3phierr, xlim=xlim ) ax.errorbar( binned[0], binned[1], yerr=binned[2], color=color, fmt="o", markersize=ms, zorder=1, alpha=alp, ) mcolors = _phc.gradColor(_np.arange(len(modfiles) + 2), cmapn="Greens_r") mcolors = _np.array(mcolors)[1:-1] mcolors = ["dimgray", "blue"] mcolors = ["green", "red"] markers = ["*", "d"] # mcolors = ['red', 'green'] if obsdeg is None: obs = [0] else: obs = obsdeg for mod in modfiles: k = modfiles.index(mod) data, obslist, lbdc, Ra, xmax = readmap(mod, quiet=quiet) # It is just taking the length. Ignore the indexes pixsize = 2 * xmax[0] / len(data[0, 0, 0, :, :, 0]) # *60.*60.*1000.*180./_np.pi) rad_per_pixel = _np.double(pixsize * _phc.Rsun.cgs / (dist * _phc.pc.cgs)) lblist = _np.array(Bmax) / _np.array(x) for deg in obs: t3m = [] ob = list(obslist[::2]).index(_phc.find_nearest(obslist[::2], deg)) if _np.abs(obslist[::2][ob] - deg) > 1: print("# The difference of angles is bigger than 1 deg!!!") print( "# Input: {0:.1f}; Nearest model: {1:.1f}".format( deg, obslist[::2][ob] ) ) for i in range(len(x)): j = list(lbdc * 1e-6).index(_phc.find_nearest(lbdc * 1e-6, lblist[i])) if _np.abs(lbdc[j] * 1e-6 - lblist[i]) > 0.1 * 1e-6: print("# The difference of lambd is bigger than 0.1 um!!!") print( "# Input: {0:.1f}; Nearest model: {1:.1f}".format( lblist[i], lbdc[j] * 1e-6 ) ) # lcalc = lbdc[j] * 1e-6 tmp, V, phvar = fastnumvis3( data[0, ob, j, :, :, 0], lblist[i], Blist[i], PAlist[i], rad_per_pixel, PAdisk=(216.9 + 90.0), ) t3m += [phvar] t3m = _np.array(t3m) if bindata <= 0: ax.plot( x, t3m, color=mcolors[k], markersize=ms, ls="", marker=markers[k], alpha=alp, ) ax2.plot( x, (y - t3m) / yerr, color=mcolors[k], markersize=ms, marker=markers[k], ls="", alpha=alp, ) # alpha=.6, if printsum: chi2 = _phc.chi2calc(t3m, y, yerr) ax2.text( 0.4, 0.87, r"$\sum={0:.1f}$".format(chi2), transform=ax2.transAxes, ) else: binned = _phc.bindata(Bmax / lblist, t3m, bindata, xlim=xlim) ax.plot(binned[0], binned[1], color=mcolors[k], alpha=0.9) binned = _phc.bindata(Bmax / lblist, (y - t3m) / yerr, bindata) ax2.plot( binned[0], binned[1], color=mcolors[k], markersize=ms, marker="o", ls="", ) # alpha=.6, # ax5.get_xaxis().set_ticklabels([]) # labels = ax5.get_yticks().tolist() # labels[-1] = '' # ax5.set_yticklabels(labels) if xlim is not None: ax.set_xlim(xlim) ax.set_xlim(xlim) # ymax = _np.max(_np.abs(ax5.get_ylim())) # ax5.set_ylim([-1.05 * ymax, 1.05 * ymax]) ax.set_xlabel("B$_{proj}$/$\lambda$") ax.set_ylabel("$\phi_{123}$ (deg.)") ax.grid(b=True, linestyle=":", alpha=alp) ax2.yaxis.tick_right() ax2.yaxis.set_label_position("right") ax2.set_ylim([-6, 6]) ax2.set_xlabel("B$_{proj}$/$\lambda$") ax2.set_ylabel("$\phi_{123}$(data-mod)/err") ax2.grid(b=True, linestyle=":", alpha=alp) return ax, ax2
[docs]class Disk(object): r"""To compute Vieira's models. `lbd` in cm (np.array. If None, default value from _phc.BBlbd), `barz2` is the mean value of the square atomic number, `Td` isothermal disk temperature, `fion` is the ionization fraction, mu (:math:`\mu`) is the mean particle weight (mH units), `gb` is the... `Ms` is the stellar mass (Msun).""" def __init__( self, lbd=[0.001], barz2=1.0, Td=12120.0, fion=1.0, mu=0.5, gb=None, rho=2.8e-11 ): """kappa class initialiser""" self.lbd = _np.array(lbd) self.Td = Td self.barz2 = barz2 self.fion = fion self.rho = rho = mu if gb is None: # 1e4 = cm to micron gb = _np.sum(_phc.gbf(self.Td, self.lbd * 1e4), axis=0) = gb self.update()
[docs] def update(self): """Opacity expression from Brussaard & van de Hulst (1962)""" self.kappa = ( 3.692e8 * (1 - _np.exp(-_phc.h.cgs * _phc.c.cgs / self.lbd / _phc.kB.cgs / self.Td)) * self.barz2 * self.Td**-0.5 * (self.lbd / _phc.c.cgs) ** 3 * self.fion * (self.rho / / _phc.mH.cgs) ** 2 * ( )
# End of class
[docs]def I( Disk, Ms=7.7, Teff=20200.0, Rs=4.94, iang=0.0, bm2n=-5.5, fmin=5e-3, Rmax=None, px=128, bartau=None, ): r"""I is the specific intensity of the star plus an isothermal disk. The effects of limb-darkening, stellar rotation and circumstellar extinction are neglected. Image constructed from LOWER origin. Disk: `lbd` is determined in Disk (lambda vector in cm). `Teff` is the stellar effective temperature (K). All derived quantities are based on this value, but the stellar emission, that is corrected by the `fBBcor` function. `Rs`, the stellar (equatorial) radius (Rsun). `iang`, inclination angle (deg). `bm2n` is the :math:`-2n+\beta < 0` value. `fmin`, minimum flux at the semi-major axis as fraction of the thick disk flux. `Rmax`, maximum radius of the images. METHOD: If `Rmax` is None, then Rmax of the image is automatically calculated where Athin is equal to `fmin * BBlbd(Tdisk)` at the longest (vector last position) wavelength. Else, the `Rmax` value is taken. `Rmax` goes to all wavelengths. `px`, image side in pixels (squared output). `bartau` = if None, 1.3 is considered. Otherwise, it is a vector with same dimensions of `Disk.lbd`. See that `bartau` do not changes the emission in Eq. 12(c, Vieira+2015). OUTPUT: (squared) images(len(lbd), px, px). The flux unit per pixel is `BBlbd(Teff*fBBcor(Teff))` (cgs), in an area of pixelsize**2. (`pixelsize` info is printed). """ # """ The vertical optical depth. """ # Sound speed for and ideal mono-particle gas (gamma=5/3.) csound = _np.sqrt(Disk.Td * _phc.kB.cgs * 5 / 3.0 / / _phc.mH.cgs) # H0 = csound*(G*Ms)**-.5 (A.5, Faes thesis) # H0 = csound*(_phc.G.cgs*Ms*_phc.Msun.cgs)**-.5 H0 = csound * _np.sqrt( (_phc.Rsun.cgs * Rs) ** 3.0 / _phc.G.cgs / _phc.Msun.cgs / Ms ) tau0 = _np.sqrt(_np.pi) * H0 * Disk.kappa fTd = Disk.Td / Teff lbd = Disk.lbd iang = iang * _np.pi / 180.0 BBstar = _phc.BBlbd(Teff * _phc.fBBcor(Teff), lbd=lbd) F = _phc.BBlbd(Teff * fTd, lbd=lbd) / BBstar if lbd is None: bartau = _np.ones(len(lbd)) + 0.3 lbd = _np.arange(1000, 10000, 100) * 1e-8 # Angs -> cm elif bartau is None: bartau = _np.ones(len(lbd)) + 0.3 # barR in Stellar Radius barR = _np.exp(-_np.log(tau0 / bartau / _np.cos(iang)) / bm2n) # in barR units, ie, Rs if Rmax is None: Rmax = barR[-1] * _np.exp(_np.log(fmin / bartau[-1] / F[-1]) / bm2n) print("# Model info (cgs units):\n") print( _tab.tabulate( _np.array([lbd, Disk.kappa, tau0, barR]).T, headers=["lambda", "kappa", "tau0", "barR (R*)"], ) ) print("\n# H0 = {0:.3e}".format(H0)) print("# Rmax = {0:.2f} R*".format(Rmax)) print("# pixelsize: {0:.3f} R*".format(2 * Rmax / px)) # Create map structure xaxis = _np.linspace(-Rmax, Rmax, px) yaxis = xaxis / _np.cos(iang) X, Y = _np.meshgrid(xaxis, yaxis[::-1]) X, Y2 = _np.meshgrid(xaxis, xaxis[::-1]) R = _np.sqrt(X**2 + Y**2) Rrs = _np.sqrt(X**2 + Y2**2) if False: # if True: # Soh para o ultimo lambda... image = bartau[-1] * F[-1] * (R / barR[-1]) ** bm2n image[_np.where(R <= barR[-1])] = bartau[-1] * F[-1] image[_np.where(R <= 1)] = 1 # Where Y>0 e R < Rstar, put the star image[_np.where((Rrs <= 1) & (Y2 > 0))] = 1 # Where the disk is tenuous... idx = _np.where((Rrs <= 1) & (Y2 < 0) & (R >= barR[-1])) if len(idx) > 0: image[idx] = 1 else: # Para todos os lambdas... image = _np.empty((len(lbd), px, px)) for i in range(len(lbd)): # image[i] = bartau[i] * F[i] * (R / barR[i])**bm2n image[i] = F[i] * (R / barR[i]) ** bm2n image[i][_np.where(R <= barR[i])] = F[i] image[i][_np.where(R <= 1)] = 1 # Where Y>0 e R < Rstar, put the star image[i][_np.where((Rrs <= 1) & (Y2 > 0))] = 1 # Where the disk is tenuous... idx = _np.where((Rrs <= 1) & (Y2 < 0) & (R >= barR[i])) if len(idx) > 0: image[i][idx] = 1 return image
# Old
[docs]def plot_pio_res_old( oidata, modellist, outname=None, fmt=["png"], legend=True, obsdeg=[60.6], distpc=42.75, quiet=False, xlim=None, bindata=0, PAs=[-180, 180], PAsrev=True, shv2sum=False, ): """Obs-Model comparison for PIONIER `legend`: ? `obsdeg`: ? `bindata`: ? `PArev`: Plot the reverse of the observed PAs `shv2sum`: ? """ # Calculate the reverse PAs if PAsrev: PArv = [0, 0] if PAs[0] < 0: PArv[0] = PAs[0] + 180 else: # PArv[0] == 0 must be -180! PArv[0] = PAs[0] - 180 if PAs[1] <= 0: # PArv[1] == 0 must be +180! PArv[1] = PAs[1] + 180 else: PArv[1] = PAs[1] - 180 # Create array names and colors names = [] Blist = [] for vis2 in oidata.vis2: u = vis2.ucoord v = vis2.vcoord if vis2.station[0] and vis2.station[1]: label = vis2.station[0].sta_name + vis2.station[1].sta_name else: label = "unnamed" if label not in names: names += [label] Blist.append([]) i = names.index(label) Blist[i].extend([_np.sqrt(u**2 + v**2)]) for i in range(len(Blist)): Blist[i] = _np.average(Blist[i]) names = list(_np.array(names)[_np.argsort(Blist)]) Blist.sort() colors = _phc.gradColor( Blist, min=Blist[0] - (Blist[-1] - Blist[0]) * 0.1, cmapn="plasma_r" ) # color = _phc.colors[names.index(label)] # Create Plot # fig, axs = _plt.subplots(3, 2) # New plot creating fig = _plt.figure() axs = [ [ [], ] * 2 for i in range(3) ] ls, cs = (9, 2) axs[0][0] = _plt.subplot2grid((ls, cs), (0, 0), rowspan=2) axs[0][1] = _plt.subplot2grid((ls, cs), (0, 1), rowspan=2) axs[1][0] = _plt.subplot2grid((ls, cs), (2, 0), rowspan=4) axs[1][1] = _plt.subplot2grid((ls, cs), (2, 1), rowspan=4) axs[2][0] = _plt.subplot2grid((ls, cs), (6, 0), rowspan=3) axs[2][1] = _plt.subplot2grid((ls, cs), (6, 1), rowspan=3) # Plot of axis 1 = uv (B/lbd) map axs[0][0] = plot_uv_old( ax=axs[0][0], oidata=oidata, PAs=PAs, PAsrev=PAsrev, PArv=PArv, colors=colors, names=names, ) axs[0][1] = plot_baseline( ax=axs[0][1], oidata=oidata, PAs=PAs, PAsrev=PAsrev, PArv=PArv, colors=colors, names=names, legend=legend, ) axs[1][0], axs[1][1] = plot_v2_res( axs[1][0], axs[1][1], oidata=oidata, colors=colors, names=names, modfiles=modellist, obsdeg=obsdeg, dist=distpc, xlim=xlim, PAs=PAs, PAsrev=PAsrev, PArv=PArv, bindata=0, quiet=quiet, alp=0.675, printsum=False, ) axs[2][0], axs[2][1] = plot_phi3_res( axs[2][0], axs[2][1], oidata=oidata, colors=colors, names=names, modfiles=modellist, obsdeg=obsdeg, dist=distpc, xlim=xlim, PAs=PAs, PAsrev=PAsrev, PArv=PArv, bindata=0, quiet=quiet, alp=0.675, printsum=False, ) # _plt.tight_layout() axs[1][1].set_xlim(axs[1][0].get_xlim()) axs[2][0].set_xlim(axs[1][0].get_xlim()) axs[2][1].set_xlim(axs[1][0].get_xlim()) _plt.subplots_adjust(wspace=0.1) if outname is None: outname = _phc.dtflag() _phc.savefig(fig, figname=outname, fmt=fmt) return
[docs]def plot_uv_old( ax, oidata, colors, names, PAs=[-180, 180], PAsrev=False, PArv=[0, 0], xlim=None ): """Plot uv map of a given oidata.vis""" for vis2 in oidata.vis2: u = vis2.ucoord v = vis2.vcoord ulbd = u / vis2.wavelength.eff_wave vlbd = v / vis2.wavelength.eff_wave PA = _np.arctan2(u, v) * 180 / _np.pi if vis2.station[0] and vis2.station[1]: label = vis2.station[0].sta_name + vis2.station[1].sta_name else: label = "unnamed" # [u,-u] = W > E # [-u,u] = E < W # label=label, if (PA >= PAs[0] and PA <= PAs[1]) or ( PAsrev and (PA >= PArv[0]) and PA <= PArv[1] ): ax.plot([ulbd, -ulbd], [vlbd, -vlbd], ".", color=colors[names.index(label)]) f = 1.4 * 5e7 / 112.0 x = 84.06 * f y = 111.96 * f ax.arrow( -x, y, 2 * x, -2 * y, length_includes_head=True, head_width=0.1 * 111.96 * 2 * f, head_length=0.15 * 111.96 * 2 * f, fc="gray", ec="gray", zorder=1, ) ax.plot([-y, y], [-x, x], color="gray", ls="--") ax.set_ylabel("B$_{proj}$/$\lambda$") # ax2 = ax.twiny() if xlim is not None: ax.set_xlim(xlim) # ax2.set_xlim(ax.get_xlim()) # ax.get_xaxis().set_ticklabels([]) ax.xaxis.tick_top() ax.axis("equal") ax.yaxis.set_major_formatter(_mtick.FormatStrFormatter("%.0e")) ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(_mtick.FormatStrFormatter("%.0e")) # _plt.grid(b=True, linestyle=':') ax.locator_params(nbins=5) return ax
[docs]def plot_pionier_old( oidata, ffile="last_run", fmt=["png"], legend=True, model=None, obs=None, dist=None ): """Standard observational log for PIONIER obs is a list dist is a number """ fig = _plt.figure() # figsize=(5.6,8)) alp = 0.75 ms = 3 # markersize # xloc = _plt.MaxNLocator(6) # ax0 = display info # ax0 = fig.add_subplot(211) # ax0.axis('off') # hdrinfo = oidata.hdrinfo.returninfo() # for i in range(4): # ax0.text(0., .8-.2*i, hdrinfo[i]) # ax1 = uvplane/lambda ax1 = fig.add_subplot(321) colorid = 0 names = [] for vis2 in oidata.vis2: ulbd = vis2.ucoord / vis2.wavelength.eff_wave vlbd = vis2.vcoord / vis2.wavelength.eff_wave if vis2.station[0] and vis2.station[1]: label = vis2.station[0].sta_name + vis2.station[1].sta_name else: label = "unnamed" if label not in names: names += [label] color = _phc.colors[names.index(label)] # colorid = _np.mod(colorid+1, len(phc.colors)) # [u,-u] = W > E # [-u,u] = E < W # label=label, ax1.plot([ulbd, -ulbd], [vlbd, -vlbd], ".", color=color) ax1.get_xaxis().set_ticklabels([]) # ax1.xaxis.tick_top() # ax1.xaxis.set_major_formatter(mtick.FormatStrFormatter('%.2e')) # names = list(_np.unique(names)) ax1.set_ylabel("B$_{proj}$/$\lambda$") ax1.axis("equal") _plt.grid(b=True, linestyle=":", alpha=alp) # if legend: ax1.legend(prop={'size':8},numpoints=1,bbox_to_ # anchor=(-0.25, 1.0)) # ax2 = uvplane ax2 = fig.add_subplot(322) colorid = 0 leg = [] for vis2 in oidata.vis2: u = vis2.ucoord v = vis2.vcoord if vis2.station[0] and vis2.station[1]: label = vis2.station[0].sta_name + vis2.station[1].sta_name else: label = "unnamed" color = _phc.colors[names.index(label)] # color = phc.colors[colorid] # colorid = _np.mod(colorid+1, len(phc.colors)) # [u,-u] = W > E # [-u,u] = E < W if label not in leg: ax2.plot([u, -u], [v, -v], ".", label=label, color=color) leg.append(label) else: ax2.plot([u, -u], [v, -v], ".", color=color) # label=label, # names.append( # names = list(_np.unique(names)) ax2.xaxis.tick_top() ax2.set_ylabel("B$_{proj}$ (m)") ax2.axis("equal") _plt.grid(b=True, linestyle=":", alpha=alp) if legend: ax2.legend(prop={"size": 8}, numpoints=1, bbox_to_anchor=(1.05, 1.0)) # ax3 = VIS2 vs. B # ax4 = VIS2 vs. PA # names = [] colorid = 0 plotid = 323 ax3 = fig.add_subplot(plotid) plotid = 324 ax4 = fig.add_subplot(plotid) for vis2 in oidata.vis2: u = vis2.ucoord / vis2.wavelength.eff_wave v = vis2.vcoord / vis2.wavelength.eff_wave if vis2.station[0] and vis2.station[1]: label = vis2.station[0].sta_name + vis2.station[1].sta_name else: label = "unnamed" color = _phc.colors[names.index(label)] # color = phc.colors[colorid] # colorid = _np.mod(colorid + 1, len(phc.colors)) line = ax3.errorbar( _np.sqrt(u**2 + v**2), vis2.vis2data, yerr=vis2.vis2err, color=color, fmt="o", markersize=ms, ) # , label=label) # _np.arctan(self.ucoord / self.vcoord) * 180.0 / _np.pi % 180.0 PAobs = _np.arctan2(u, v) * 180.0 / _np.pi # idx = _np.where(PAobs < 0) # PAobs[idx] = PAobs[idx]+180 line = ax4.errorbar( PAobs, vis2.vis2data, yerr=vis2.vis2err, color=color, fmt="o", markersize=ms ) # , label=label) Blim = ax3.get_xlim() if model is not None: # res = 20 # V2 = _np.empty(res) for mod in model: if obs is None: obs = [0] data, obslist, lbdc, Ra, xmax = readmap(mod) pixsize = 2 * xmax[0] / len(data[0, 0, 0, :, :]) # *60.*60.*1000.*180./_np.pi) rad_per_pixel = _np.double(pixsize * _phc.Rsun.cgs / (dist * _phc.pc.cgs)) for vis2 in oidata.vis2: if vis2.station[0] and vis2.station[1]: label = vis2.station[0].sta_name + vis2.station[1].sta_name else: label = "unnamed" color = _phc.colors[names.index(label)] u = vis2.ucoord v = vis2.vcoord B = _np.sqrt(u**2 + v**2) PA = _np.arctan2(u, v) * 180.0 / _np.pi avlbd = _np.average(vis2.wavelength.eff_wave) V2 = [] lbds = [] for i in range(len(vis2.wavelength.eff_wave)): for ob in obs: lbd = vis2.wavelength.eff_wave[i] j = list(lbdc * 1e-6).index(_phc.find_nearest(lbdc * 1e-6, lbd)) # print lbdc[j]*1e-6-lbd lbcalc = lbdc[j] * 1e-6 lbcalc = lbd tmp, V, phvar = fastnumvis( data[ob, 0, j, :, :], lbcalc, B, PA, rad_per_pixel, PAdisk=(216.9 + 90.0), ) V2 += [V**2] lbds += [lbcalc] # ax3.plot(B/vis2.wavelength.eff_wave, V2, color='purple', # alpha=.3) ax3.plot(B / lbds, V2, color="purple", alpha=0.3) ax4.plot( _np.tile(PA, len(lbds)), V2, color="purple", alpha=0.3, marker="s", markersize=ms, ) # lbd = phc.find_nearest(lbdc*1e-6,avlbd) # j = list(lbdc*1e-6).index(lbd) # Bs = _np.linspace(Blim[0]*lbd, Blim[1]*lbd, res) # for i in range(res): # tmp, V2[i], phvar = fastnumvis(data[0,0,j,:,:], lbd, # Bs[i], PA, rad_per_pixel, PAdisk=36.9+90) # ax3.plot(Bs/lbd, V2**2, color=color) # print Bs/lbd # print V2 # a = raw_input('asdads') ax3.set_xlim(Blim) # ax1.xaxis.get_major_formatter().set_useOffset(False) ax3.xaxis.set_major_formatter(_mtick.FormatStrFormatter("%.2e")) # ax3.get_xaxis().set_visible(False) # ax4.get_xaxis().set_visible(False) ax3.get_xaxis().set_ticklabels([]) PAlim = [-180, 180] ax3.set_ylim([0, 1.1]) ax3.set_ylabel("$V$ $^2$") ax3.grid(b=True, linestyle=":", alpha=alp) ax4.set_ylim([0, 1.1]) ax4.get_xaxis().set_ticklabels([]) ax4.set_ylabel("$V$ $^2$") ax4.grid(b=True, linestyle=":", alpha=alp) # ax5 = T3PHI vs. B # ax6 = T3PHI vs. PA # names = [] colorid = 0 plotid = 325 ax5 = fig.add_subplot(plotid) plotid = 326 ax6 = fig.add_subplot(plotid) ax5.plot(Blim, [0, 0], ls="--") ax6.plot(PAlim, [0, 0], ls="--") for t3 in oidata.t3: u1 = t3.u1coord v1 = t3.v1coord u2 = t3.u2coord v2 = t3.v2coord if _np.sqrt(u1**2 + v1**2) > _np.sqrt(u2**2 + v2**2): u = u1 v = v1 else: u = u2 v = v2 B = _np.sqrt(u**2 + v**2) PA = _np.arctan2(u, v) * 180.0 / _np.pi B = _np.tile(B, len(t3.wavelength.eff_wave)) PA = _np.tile(PA, len(t3.wavelength.eff_wave)) # idx = _np.where(PA < 0) # PA[idx] = PA[idx]+180 # if (t3.station[0] and t3.station[1]): # label = t3.station[0].sta_name + t3.station[1].sta_name # else: # label = 'unnamed' # color = names.index(label) # color = phc.colors[colorid] # colorid = _np.mod(colorid + 1, len(phc.colors)) color = "Black" # y = _np.repeat(t3.t3phi, len(t3.wavelength.eff_wave)) # yerr = _np.repeat(t3.t3phierr, len(t3.wavelength.eff_wave)) y = t3.t3phi yerr = t3.t3phierr line = ax5.errorbar( B / t3.wavelength.eff_wave, y, yerr=yerr, color=color, fmt="o", markersize=ms, ) # , label=label) # , label=label) line = ax6.errorbar(PA, y, yerr=yerr, color=color, fmt="o", markersize=ms) if model is not None: for mod in model: if obs is None: obs = [0] data, obslist, lbdc, Ra, xmax = readmap(mod) pixsize = 2 * xmax[0] / len(data[0, 0, 0, :, :]) # *60.*60.*1000.*180./_np.pi) rad_per_pixel = _np.double(pixsize * _phc.Rsun.cgs / (dist * _phc.pc.cgs)) for t3 in oidata.t3: u1 = t3.u1coord v1 = t3.v1coord u2 = t3.u2coord v2 = t3.v2coord B = _np.append(_np.sqrt(u1**2 + v1**2), _np.sqrt(u2**2 + v2**2)) PA = _np.append( _np.arctan2(u1, v1) * 180.0 / _np.pi, _np.arctan2(u2, v2) * 180.0 / _np.pi, ) Bmax = [] PAmax = [] t3m = [] lbds = [] for i in range(len(t3.wavelength.eff_wave)): for ob in obs: lbd = t3.wavelength.eff_wave[i] j = list(lbdc * 1e-6).index(_phc.find_nearest(lbdc * 1e-6, lbd)) lcalc = lbdc[j] * 1e-6 lcalc = lbd tmp, V, phvar = fastnumvis3( data[ob, 0, j, :, :], lcalc, B, PA, rad_per_pixel, PAdisk=(216.9 + 90.0), ) t3m += [phvar] Bmax += [_np.max(B)] if _np.max(B) == B[0]: PAmax += [PA[0]] else: PAmax += [PA[1]] lbds += [lcalc] Bmax = _np.array(Bmax) lbds = _np.array(lbds) t3m = _np.array(t3m) PAmax = _np.array(PAmax) ax5.plot(Bmax / lbds, t3m, color="purple", alpha=0.9) ax6.plot( PAmax, t3m, color="purple", alpha=0.6, marker="s", markersize=ms ) # ax5.get_xaxis().set_ticklabels([]) ax5.set_xlim(Blim) ax6.set_xlim(PAlim) ymax = _np.max(_np.abs(ax5.get_ylim())) ax5.set_ylim([-1.05 * ymax, 1.05 * ymax]) ax6.set_ylim([-1.05 * ymax, 1.05 * ymax]) ax5.set_xlabel("B$_{proj}$/$\lambda$") ax5.set_ylabel("$\phi_{123}$ (deg.)") ax5.grid(b=True, linestyle=":", alpha=alp) ax6.set_xlabel("$PA$ (deg.)") ax6.set_ylabel("$\phi_{123}$ (deg.)") ax6.grid(b=True, linestyle=":", alpha=alp) # SAVING dir, name = _phc.trimpathname(ffile) name = _phc.rmext(name) # _plt.savefig('hdt/{}_{}.png'.format(hdrinfo[0], hdrinfo[2]), # transparent=True) # _plt.locator_params(axis = 'x', nbins = 7) _plt.subplots_adjust( left=0.12, right=0.95, top=0.96, bottom=0.09, hspace=0.009, wspace=0.32 ) if not _os.path.exists("hdt"): _os.system("mkdir hdt") for suf in fmt: _plt.savefig("hdt/{0}.{1}".format(name, suf), transparent=True) _plt.close() return
[docs]def printinfo(file, extract=False): """Print AMBER OIFITS observational info. If `extract` is False, output is: - DATE-OBS, MJD, Target, B1, PA1, B2, PA2, B3, PA3. If True, output is: - [DATE-OBS, MJD, Target, B1, PA1, B2, PA2, B3, PA3], WAVE, DPlist, V2list Where, DPlist = [DP1, eDP1, DP2, eDP2, DP3, eDP3] and V2list = [V2_1, eV2_1, V2_2, eV2_2, V2_3, eV2_3]. """ oidata =, quiet="True") info = list(oidata.hdrinfo.returninfo()) if extract: wav = [] info2 = [] info3 = [] info4 = [] for vis in oidata.vis: fact = 1.0 PA = _np.arctan2(vis.ucoord, vis.vcoord) * 180.0 / _np.pi % 360.0 if PA > 180: PA = PA % 180 fact = -1.0 info2 += ["{0:.1f}".format(_np.sqrt(vis.ucoord**2 + vis.vcoord**2))] info2 += ["{0:.1f}".format(PA)] wav += [1e6 * vis.wavelength.eff_wave] info3 += [fact * vis.visphi, vis.visphierr] for vis2 in oidata.vis2: info4 += [vis2.vis2data, vis2.vis2err] return ( [info[2][:10], "{0:.7f}".format(info[1]), info[0]] + info2, wav, info3, info4, ) else: info2 = [] for vis in oidata.vis: info2 += ["{0:.1f}".format(_np.sqrt(vis.ucoord**2 + vis.vcoord**2))] # info2+= ['{0:.1f}'.format(_np.arctan2(vis.ucoord , vis.vcoord) * # 180.0 / _np.pi % 180.0)] info2 += [ "{0:.1f}".format( _np.arctan2(vis.ucoord, vis.vcoord) * 180.0 / _np.pi % 180.0 ) ] # print vis.ucoord, vis.vcoord return [info[2][:10], "{0:.7f}".format(info[1]), info[0]] + info2
[docs]def plot_oifits( oidata, ffile="last_run", fmt=["png"], xlim=None, legend=True, outfold="./" ): """Standard observational log for AMBER If the file starts with ``PRODUCT_``, it searchs for the specs in the "AVG" folder. (One could write this info into the fits file. Since I've only tested the reading features of the `oifits` routine, I prefered do it this way). """ # If it is a PRODUCT ffile, tries to load the AVG spec. specfile = "" if ffile.find("_PRO/PRODUCT") > 0: dateobs = ffile[ffile.find("_20") + 1 : ffile.find("_20") + 20] dateobs2 = _phc.strrep(dateobs, -3, ":") dateobs2 = _phc.strrep(dateobs2, -6, ":") specfile = ffile[: ffile.find("_PRO/PRODUCT_")].replace( "_SPEC", "" ) + "/*{0}*_OIDATA_AVG.fits*".format(dateobs) specfile = _glob(specfile) if len(specfile) == 0: specfile = ffile[: ffile.find("_PRO/PRODUCT_")].replace( "_SPEC", "" ) + "/*{0}*_OIDATA_AVG.fits*".format(dateobs2) specfile = _glob(specfile) if len(specfile) != 1: specfile = "" print("# ERROR! This is a PRO oifits and the AVG file was " + "not found!") print( ffile[: ffile.find("_PRO/PRODUCT_")] + ("/*{0}*_OIDATA_" + "AVG.fits*").format(dateobs) ) else: specfile = specfile[0] specoidata =, quiet=True) # print('# {0} file read!!!'.format(specfile)) oidata.amberspec = specoidata.amberspec spec = oidata.amberspec[0] vis = oidata.vis[0] if len(spec.wavelength.eff_wave) == len(vis.wavelength.eff_wave): for i in range(len(oidata.vis)): oidata.amberspec[i].wavelength = oidata.vis[i].wavelength else: print( "# ERROR! spec and vis sizes are different for {0}".format( _phc.trimpathname(ffile)[1] ) ) # fig = _plt.figure(figsize=(5.6, 8)) alp = 0.75 # xloc = _plt.MaxNLocator(6) # ax0 = display info ax0 = fig.add_subplot(521) ax0.axis("off") hdrinfo = oidata.hdrinfo.returninfo() for i in range(4): ax0.text(0.0, 0.8 - 0.2 * i, hdrinfo[i]) # ax2 = uvplane. ax2 = fig.add_subplot(522) colorid = 0 names = [] for vis in oidata.vis: if xlim is None: xmin = None xmax = None xmin = _np.min(vis.wavelength.eff_wave[_np.where(vis.flag is False)]) * 1e6 xmax = _np.max(vis.wavelength.eff_wave[_np.where(vis.flag is False)]) * 1e6 xlim = (xmin, xmax) u = vis.ucoord v = vis.vcoord if vis.station[0] and vis.station[1]: label = vis.station[0].sta_name + vis.station[1].sta_name else: label = "unnamed" color = colors[colorid] colorid = _np.mod(colorid + 1, len(colors)) # [u,-u] = W > E # [-u,u] = E < W ax2.plot([-u, u], [v, -v], ".", label=label, color=color) ax2.xaxis.tick_top() names.append( ax2.axis("equal") _plt.grid(b=True, linestyle=":", alpha=alp) if legend: ax2.legend(prop={"size": 8}, numpoints=1, bbox_to_anchor=(-0.25, 1.0)) # ax3 = dif.phases, RIGHT COLUMN plotid = [5, 2, 3] names = [] colorid = 0 yrange = [0, 0] for vis in oidata.vis: diff = _np.max(_np.abs(vis.visphi)) if diff > yrange[1]: yrange = [-diff, diff] for vis in oidata.vis: ax3 = fig.add_subplot(*plotid) if vis.station[0] and vis.station[1]: label = vis.station[0].sta_name + vis.station[1].sta_name else: label = "unnamed" color = colors[colorid] colorid = _np.mod(colorid + 1, len(colors)) line = ax3.errorbar( 1e6 * vis.wavelength.eff_wave, vis.visphi, vis.visphierr, label=label, color=color, ) ax3.set_ylim(yrange) ax3.set_xlim(xlim) ax3.set_ylabel("$\phi$ (deg.)") names.append( names = list(_np.unique(names)) # title = names.pop() # for name in names: # title += ', %s'%(name) # ax1.set_title(title) # ax1.set_ylabel('Differential phase') plotid[-1] += 2 # ax3.get_xaxis().set_visible(False) ax3.get_xaxis().set_ticklabels([]) _plt.grid(b=True, linestyle=":", alpha=alp) # ax5 = closure phases # plotid = (5,2,10) names = [] colorid = 3 for t3 in oidata.t3: ax5 = fig.add_subplot(5, 2, 10) if t3.station[0] and t3.station[1] and t3.station[2]: label = ( t3.station[0].sta_name + t3.station[1].sta_name + t3.station[2].sta_name ) else: label = "unnamed" color = colors[colorid] line = ax5.errorbar( 1e6 * t3.wavelength.eff_wave, t3.t3phi, t3.t3phierr, label=label, color=color, ) ax5.set_xlim(xlim) # diff = _np.max(_np.abs(t3.t3phi)) # yrange2 = [-diff, diff] ax5.set_ylim(yrange) names.append( names = list(_np.unique(names)) ax5.set_ylabel("Closure $\phi$ (deg.)") ax5.set_xlabel("Wavelength ($\mu$m)") _plt.setp(ax5.xaxis.get_majorticklabels(), rotation=-35) _plt.grid(b=True, linestyle=":", alpha=alp) # ax4 = visibilities, LEFT COLUMN plotid = [5, 2, 4] names = [] colorid = 0 yrange = [1, 0] for vis in oidata.vis2: yrange = [ _np.min([yrange[0], _np.min(vis.vis2data)]), _np.max([yrange[1], _np.max(vis.vis2data)]), ] if yrange[1] > 1.1: yrange[1] = 1.1 if yrange[0] < 0 or yrange[0] >= 1: yrange[0] = 0 for vis in oidata.vis2: ax4 = fig.add_subplot(*plotid) if vis.station[0] and vis.station[1]: label = vis.station[0].sta_name + vis.station[1].sta_name else: label = "unnamed" color = colors[colorid] colorid = _np.mod(colorid + 1, len(colors)) line = ax4.errorbar( 1e6 * vis.wavelength.eff_wave, vis.vis2data, vis.vis2err, label=label, color=color, ) names.append( names = list(_np.unique(names)) ax4.set_ylim(yrange) ax4.set_xlim(xlim) ax4.set_ylabel("V$^{2}$") # title = names.pop() # for name in names: # title += ', %s'%(name) # ax1.set_title(title) # ax1.set_ylabel('Differential phase') plotid[-1] += 2 ax4.get_xaxis().set_ticklabels([]) _plt.grid(b=True, linestyle=":", alpha=alp) # ax1 = Line profile if True: ax1 = fig.add_subplot(5, 2, 9) colorid = 0 names = [] for spec in oidata.amberspec: label = "unnamed" color = colors[colorid] # x,y,yerr = linfit(1e6*spec.wavelength.eff_wave, spec.spectrum, # yerr=spec.spectrumerr) # ax1.errorbar(x, y, yerr, label=label, color=color) x = 1e6 * spec.wavelength.eff_wave y = _linfit(1e6 * spec.wavelength.eff_wave, spec.spectrum) ax1.plot(x, y, label=label, color=color) colorid = _np.mod(colorid + 1, len(colors)) # [-u,u] = W > E # [u,-u] = E < W ax1.set_xlabel("Wavelength ($\mu$m)") ax1.set_xlim(xlim) ax1.set_ylabel("Norm. flux") _plt.setp(ax1.xaxis.get_majorticklabels(), rotation=-35) _plt.grid(b=True, linestyle=":", alpha=alp) # TODO: output folder + Windows compatibility if not _os.path.exists(outfold): _os.mkdir(outfold) dir, name = _phc.trimpathname(ffile) name = _phc.rmext(name) # _plt.savefig('hdt/{}_{}.png'.format(hdrinfo[0], hdrinfo[2]), # transparent=True) # _plt.locator_params(axis = 'x', nbins = 7) _plt.subplots_adjust( left=0.12, right=0.95, top=0.96, bottom=0.09, hspace=0.009, wspace=0.32 ) for suf in fmt: _plt.savefig("{2}/{0}.{1}".format(name, suf, outfold), transparent=True) _plt.close() return
[docs]def plot_pionier_res( oidata, model, outname=None, fmt=["png"], legend=True, obs=None, dist=42.75, quiet=True, xlim=None, bindata=0, PArange=[-180, 180], PArr=True, shv2sum=False, ): """Obs-Model comparison for PIONIER model, obs are lists dist is a number `PArange` is in deg., from -180 to 180. """ # PArange = _np.array(PArange)*2*_np.pi/180 v2sum = 0.0 if outname is None: outname = _phc.dtflag() if PArr: PArv = [0, 0] if PArange[0] < 0: PArv[0] = PArange[0] + 180 else: # PArv[0] == 0 must be -180! PArv[0] = PArange[0] - 180 if PArange[1] <= 0: # PArv[1] == 0 must be +180! PArv[1] = PArange[1] + 180 else: PArv[1] = PArange[1] - 180 fig = _plt.figure() # figsize=(5.6,8)) alp = 0.75 ms = 3 # markersize # xloc = _plt.MaxNLocator(6) # ax0 = display info # ax0 = fig.add_subplot(211) # ax0.axis('off') # hdrinfo = oidata.hdrinfo.returninfo() # for i in range(4): # ax0.text(0., .8-.2*i, hdrinfo[i]) # ax1 = uvplane/lambda ax1 = fig.add_subplot(321) colorid = 0 names = [] for vis2 in oidata.vis2: u = vis2.ucoord v = vis2.vcoord ulbd = u / vis2.wavelength.eff_wave vlbd = v / vis2.wavelength.eff_wave PA = _np.arctan2(u, v) * 180 / _np.pi if vis2.station[0] and vis2.station[1]: label = vis2.station[0].sta_name + vis2.station[1].sta_name else: label = "unnamed" if label not in names: names += [label] color = _phc.colors[names.index(label)] # colorid = _np.mod(colorid+1, len(phc.colors)) # [u,-u] = W > E # [-u,u] = E < W # label=label, if (PA >= PArange[0] and PA <= PArange[1]) or ( PArr and (PA >= PArv[0]) and PA <= PArv[1] ): ax1.plot([ulbd, -ulbd], [vlbd, -vlbd], ".", color=color) ax1.get_xaxis().set_ticklabels([]) # ax1.xaxis.tick_top() # ax1.xaxis.set_major_formatter(mtick.FormatStrFormatter('%.2e')) # names = list(_np.unique(names)) ax1.set_ylabel("B$_{proj}$/$\lambda$") ax1.axis("equal") _plt.grid(b=True, linestyle=":", alpha=alp) # if legend: ax1.legend(prop={'size':8},numpoints=1,bbox_to_anchor=(-0.25, # 1.0)) # ax2 = uvplane ax2 = fig.add_subplot(322) colorid = 0 leg = [] for vis2 in oidata.vis2: u = vis2.ucoord v = vis2.vcoord PA = _np.arctan2(u, v) * 180 / _np.pi if vis2.station[0] and vis2.station[1]: label = vis2.station[0].sta_name + vis2.station[1].sta_name else: label = "unnamed" color = _phc.colors[names.index(label)] # color = phc.colors[colorid] # colorid = _np.mod(colorid+1, len(phc.colors)) # [u,-u] = W > E # [-u,u] = E < W if (PA >= PArange[0] and PA <= PArange[1]) or ( PArr and (PA >= PArv[0]) and PA <= PArv[1] ): if label not in leg: ax2.plot([u, -u], [v, -v], ".", label=label, color=color) leg.append(label) else: ax2.plot([u, -u], [v, -v], ".", color=color) # label=label, # names.append( # names = list(_np.unique(names)) ax2.xaxis.tick_top() ax2.set_ylabel("B$_{proj}$ (m)") if xlim is not None: ax2.set_xlim(xlim) ax2.axis("equal") _plt.grid(b=True, linestyle=":", alpha=alp) if legend: ax2.legend( prop={"size": 8}, numpoints=1, bbox_to_anchor=(1.05, 1.0), framealpha=0.5, fancybox=True, ) # ax3 = VIS2 vs. B # ax4 = VIS2 vs. PA # names = [] colorid = 0 mcolors = ["black", "red", "green", "blue"] plotid = 323 ax3 = fig.add_subplot(plotid) plotid = 324 ax4 = fig.add_subplot(plotid) ax4.plot([0, 1e8], [0, 0], ls="--") print("ax4") for vis2 in oidata.vis2: u = vis2.ucoord v = vis2.vcoord if vis2.station[0] and vis2.station[1]: label = vis2.station[0].sta_name + vis2.station[1].sta_name else: label = "unnamed" color = _phc.colors[names.index(label)] # color = phc.colors[colorid] # colorid = _np.mod(colorid + 1, len(phc.colors)) B = _np.sqrt(u**2 + v**2) PA = _np.arctan2(u, v) * 180 / _np.pi if (PA >= PArange[0] and PA <= PArange[1]) or ( PArr and (PA >= PArv[0]) and PA <= PArv[1] ): if bindata <= 0: line = ax3.errorbar( B / vis2.wavelength.eff_wave, vis2.vis2data, yerr=vis2.vis2err, fmt="o", markersize=ms, color=color, ) else: binned = _phc.bindata( B / vis2.wavelength.eff_wave, vis2.vis2data, bindata, yerr=vis2.vis2err, xlim=xlim, ) line = ax3.errorbar( binned[0], binned[1], yerr=binned[2], fmt="o", markersize=ms, color=color, ) # , label=label) # _np.arctan(self.ucoord / self.vcoord) * 180.0 / _np.pi % 180.0 if obs is None: obs = [0] for mod in model: k = model.index(mod) data, obslist, lbdc, Ra, xmax = readmap(mod, quiet=quiet) try: pixsize = 2 * xmax[0] / len(data[0, 0, 0, :, :, 0]) except: pixsize = 2 * xmax[0] / len(data[0, 0, 0, :, :]) # *60.*60.*1000.*180./_np.pi) rad_per_pixel = _np.double(pixsize * _phc.Rsun.cgs / (dist * _phc.pc.cgs)) V2 = [] lbds = [] for i in range(len(vis2.wavelength.eff_wave)): for ob in obs: lbd = vis2.wavelength.eff_wave[i] j = list(lbdc * 1e-6).index(_phc.find_nearest(lbdc * 1e-6, lbd)) # lbcalc = lbdc[j]*1e-6 lbcalc = lbd try: tmp, V, phvar = fastnumvis( data[0, ob, j, :, :, 0], lbcalc, B, PA, rad_per_pixel, PAdisk=(216.9 + 90.0), ) except: tmp, V, phvar = fastnumvis( data[0, ob, j, :, :], lbcalc, B, PA, rad_per_pixel, PAdisk=(216.9 + 90.0), ) V2 += [V**2] lbds += [lbcalc] lbds = _np.array(lbds) # V2 = _np.array(V2)+(.0875e-8*B/lbds-.026) V2 = _np.array(V2) + (0.0875e-8 * B / lbds - 0.026) if (PA >= PArange[0] and PA <= PArange[1]) or ( PArr and (PA >= PArv[0]) and PA <= PArv[1] ): if bindata <= 0: v2sum += (vis2.vis2data - V2) / vis2.vis2err ax3.plot(B / lbds, V2, color=mcolors[k], alpha=0.3) ax4.plot( B / lbds, (vis2.vis2data - V2) / vis2.vis2err, color=mcolors[k], markersize=ms, marker="o", ls="", ) else: binned = _phc.bindata(B / lbds, V2, bindata, xlim=xlim) ax3.plot(binned[0], binned[1], color=mcolors[k], alpha=0.3) binned = _phc.bindata( B / lbds, (vis2.vis2data - V2) / vis2.vis2err, bindata, xlim=xlim, ) ax4.plot( binned[0], binned[1], color=mcolors[k], markersize=ms, marker="o", ls="", ) # marker='s', Blim = ax3.get_xlim() ax4.set_xlim(Blim) # ax1.xaxis.get_major_formatter().set_useOffset(False) ax3.xaxis.set_major_formatter(_mtick.FormatStrFormatter("%.2e")) # ax3.get_xaxis().set_visible(False) # ax4.get_xaxis().set_visible(False) ax3.get_xaxis().set_ticklabels([]) PAlim = [-180, 180] ax3.set_ylim([0, 1.1]) ax3.set_ylabel("$V$ $^2$") if xlim is not None: ax3.set_xlim(xlim) ax3.grid(b=True, linestyle=":", alpha=alp) ax4.set_ylim([-6, 6]) ax4.get_xaxis().set_ticklabels([]) ax4.set_ylabel("$V$ $^2$(data-mod)/err") if xlim is not None: ax4.set_xlim(xlim) ax4.grid(b=True, linestyle=":", alpha=alp) if shv2sum: v2sum = _np.sum(v2sum) print(v2sum) ax4.text(0.4, 0.87, r"$\sum={0:.1f}$".format(v2sum), transform=ax4.transAxes) # ax4.text(0.4, 0.8, 'ADS', transform=ax4.transAxes) # ax5 = T3PHI vs. B # ax6 = T3PHI vs. PA # names = [] colorid = 0 plotid = 325 ax5 = fig.add_subplot(plotid) plotid = 326 ax6 = fig.add_subplot(plotid) ax5.plot(Blim, [0, 0], ls="--") ax6.plot(Blim, [0, 0], ls="--") print("ax6") for t3 in oidata.t3: u1 = t3.u1coord v1 = t3.v1coord u2 = t3.u2coord v2 = t3.v2coord if _np.sqrt(u1**2 + v1**2) > _np.sqrt(u2**2 + v2**2): u = u1 v = v1 else: u = u2 v = v2 B = _np.sqrt(u**2 + v**2) PA = _np.arctan2(u, v) * 180.0 / _np.pi B = _np.tile(B, len(t3.wavelength.eff_wave)) PA = _np.tile(PA, len(t3.wavelength.eff_wave)) # idx = _np.where(PA < 0) # PA[idx] = PA[idx]+180 # if (t3.station[0] and t3.station[1]): # label = t3.station[0].sta_name + t3.station[1].sta_name # else: # label = 'unnamed' # color = names.index(label) # color = phc.colors[colorid] # colorid = _np.mod(colorid + 1, len(phc.colors)) color = "Black" # y = _np.repeat(t3.t3phi, len(t3.wavelength.eff_wave)) # yerr = _np.repeat(t3.t3phierr, len(t3.wavelength.eff_wave)) y = t3.t3phi yerr = t3.t3phierr if (PA[0] >= PArange[0] and PA[0] <= PArange[1]) or ( PArr and PA[0] >= PArv[0] and PA[0] <= PArv[1] ): if bindata <= 0: line = ax5.errorbar( B / t3.wavelength.eff_wave, y, yerr=yerr, color=color, fmt="o", markersize=ms, ) else: binned = _phc.bindata( B / t3.wavelength.eff_wave, y, bindata, yerr=yerr, xlim=xlim ) line = ax5.errorbar( binned[0], binned[1], yerr=binned[2], color=color, fmt="o", markersize=ms, ) # , label=label) if obs is None: obs = [0] for mod in model: k = model.index(mod) data, obslist, lbdc, Ra, xmax = readmap(mod, quiet=True) try: pixsize = 2 * xmax[0] / len(data[0, 0, 0, :, :, 0]) except: pixsize = 2 * xmax[0] / len(data[0, 0, 0, :, :]) # *60.*60.*1000.*180./_np.pi) rad_per_pixel = _np.double(pixsize * _phc.Rsun.cgs / (dist * _phc.pc.cgs)) B = _np.append(_np.sqrt(u1**2 + v1**2), _np.sqrt(u2**2 + v2**2)) PA = _np.append( _np.arctan2(u1, v1) * 180.0 / _np.pi, _np.arctan2(u2, v2) * 180.0 / _np.pi, ) Bmax = [] PAmax = [] t3m = [] lbds = [] for i in range(len(t3.wavelength.eff_wave)): for ob in obs: lbd = t3.wavelength.eff_wave[i] j = list(lbdc * 1e-6).index(_phc.find_nearest(lbdc * 1e-6, lbd)) lcalc = lbdc[j] * 1e-6 lcalc = lbd try: tmp, V, phvar = fastnumvis3( data[0, ob, j, :, :, 0], lcalc, B, PA, rad_per_pixel, PAdisk=(216.9 + 90.0), ) except: tmp, V, phvar = fastnumvis3( data[0, ob, j, :, :], lcalc, B, PA, rad_per_pixel, PAdisk=(216.9 + 90.0), ) t3m += [phvar] Bmax += [_np.max(B)] if _np.max(B) == B[0]: PAmax += [PA[0]] else: PAmax += [PA[1]] lbds += [lcalc] Bmax = _np.array(Bmax) lbds = _np.array(lbds) t3m = _np.array(t3m) PAmax = _np.array(PAmax) # print PAmax if (PA[0] >= PArange[0] and PA[0] <= PArange[1]) or ( PArr and PA[0] >= PArv[0] and PA[0] <= PArv[1] ): if bindata <= 0: ax5.plot(Bmax / lbds, t3m, color=mcolors[k], alpha=0.9) ax6.plot( Bmax / lbds, (y - t3m) / yerr, color=mcolors[k], markersize=ms, marker="o", ls="", ) # alpha=.6, else: binned = _phc.bindata(Bmax / lbds, t3m, bindata, xlim=xlim) ax5.plot(binned[0], binned[1], color=mcolors[k], alpha=0.9) binned = _phc.bindata(Bmax / lbds, (y - t3m) / yerr, bindata) ax6.plot( binned[0], binned[1], color=mcolors[k], markersize=ms, marker="o", ls="", ) # alpha=.6, # ax5.get_xaxis().set_ticklabels([]) # labels = ax5.get_yticks().tolist() # labels[-1] = '' # ax5.set_yticklabels(labels) ax5.set_xlim(Blim) ax6.set_xlim(Blim) ymax = _np.max(_np.abs(ax5.get_ylim())) ax5.set_ylim([-1.05 * ymax, 1.05 * ymax]) ax6.set_ylim([-6, 6]) ax5.set_xlabel("B$_{proj}$/$\lambda$") ax5.set_ylabel("$\phi_{123}$ (deg.)") if xlim is not None: ax5.set_xlim(xlim) ax5.grid(b=True, linestyle=":", alpha=alp) ax6.set_xlabel("B$_{proj}$/$\lambda$") ax6.set_ylabel("$\phi_{123}$(data-mod)/err") if xlim is not None: ax6.set_xlim(xlim) ax6.grid(b=True, linestyle=":", alpha=alp) # SAVING # dir, name = _phc.trimpathname(ffile) # name = _phc.rmext(name) # _plt.savefig('hdt/{}_{}.png'.format(hdrinfo[0], hdrinfo[2]), # transparent=True) # _plt.locator_params(axis = 'x', nbins = 7) _plt.subplots_adjust( left=0.12, right=0.95, top=0.96, bottom=0.09, hspace=0.009, wspace=0.32 ) print("asdhasduhasd") _phc.savefig(fig, figname=outname, fmt=fmt) return
if __name__ == "__main__": pass