Source code for pyhdust.input

# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-

"""PyHdust *input* module: Hdust input tools.

Definitions on Classes:
- fname: is the original file for reference (kept as stated in the input).
The following variables are defined based on the fname.
- proj: directory to the project (mandatory)
- modn: 'modn' structure
- suf: only the suffix.
- one use Class.set_fname(fname) to update everything.
- convention is to use "_" as separador. So, use "-" for a given **name**, as
for the projects.

:co-author: Rodrigo Vieira
:license: GNU GPL v3.0
from __future__ import print_function
import os as _os
import re as _re
import numpy as _np
from glob import glob as _glob
from itertools import product as _product
import pyhdust.phc as _phc
import pyhdust.rotstars as _rot
import pyhdust as _hdt
from collections import OrderedDict as _OrderedDict

# from collections import Mapping as _mapdict
from six import string_types as _string_types
import warnings as _warn

__author__ = "Daniel Moser"
__email__ = ""

[docs]class Input(object): """Input class; no fname (ie., specific suf/model defined) - Criado no novo `make_inpjob`. - Terminando verificação de existência prévia de *.inp e *.sed2 - Incluído verificação do *_SEI.sed2 """ attl_to_chk = [ "case1", "case2", "composition", "controls", "gridcells", "observers", "perturbations", "source", ] def __init__(self, fname=None, proj=None): self.fname = fname self.proj = proj if fname is not None: self.set_fname(fname) return def set_fname(self, fname): self.fname = fname self.modn, self.suf = _os.path.split(fname) self.suf = _os.path.splitext(self.suf)[0] if (not self.modn.startswith("mod")) or (not self.modn.startswith("fullsed")): self.proj, self.modn = _os.path.split(self.modn) else: self.proj = "" if not self.modn.startswith("mod"): self.modn = "" if len(self.modn) == 0: self.modn = "mod" + self.suf.split("mod")[-1].split("_")[0] self.suf = "_" + "_".join(self.suf.split("mod")[-1].split("_")[1:]) if hasattr(self, "vdict"): if _os.path.splitext(fname)[1] == ".log": self._fill() else: self._fillfname() else: _warn.warn("Warning! No `vdict` found for Input class") def _fill(self): f0 = open(self.fname).read().split("\n") for it in self.vdict.items(): setattr(self, it[0], _phc.fltTxtOccur(it[1], f0)) return def _fillfname(self): for it in self.vdict.keys(): setattr(self, it, _phc.fltTxtOccur(it, self.suf)) return def __str__(self): if self.fname is None: return "None" return "_" + "_".join( it[0] + it[1].format(getattr(self, it[0])) for it in self.vdict.items() ) # def set_modn(self, modn): # self.modn = modn # if isinstance(modn, _string_types): # if modn.isdigit(): # modn = int(modn) # elif not modn.startswith('mod'): # raise ValueError('# ERROR! modn must startswith "mod"') # # if isinstance(modn, ( int, long )): TODO py3 # if isinstance(modn, int): # if modn > 0 and modn < 1000: # self.modn = 'mod{0:02d}'.format(int(modn)) # else: # raise ValueError('# ERROR! modn must be <1000')
[docs] def set_Be_source(self, **kwargs): """Define `self.source` from "_Be_...(end)" in `self.suf` self.source: str, optional Source name that goes inside ".inp" file """ self.__dict__.update(kwargs) if "source" in kwargs: return i = self.suf.find("_Be_") self.source = self.suf[i + 1 :] return
[docs] def set_input( self, docasesl=None, case1="step1", case2="step1_refine", case3l=None, imagesl=None, composition="pureH", controls="controls", gridcells="grid", observers="observers", perturbations="", source="", chkout=True, c1max=20, c2max=24, c3prefl=None, clustl=None, ncore=48, walltime="72:00:00", email="$USER@localhost", touch=False, ): """`set_input()` set the parameters below for the disk HDUST '.inp' configuration. Parameters ----------- docasesl : list cases [1, 2, 3] case[1|2] : str simulation filename for case[1|2] (eg., 'step1') case3l: list of case3 simulations (eg., ['SED', 'Halpha']) imagesl: list of images for case simulations (eg., ['SED', '']) source: source star filename. If `self.suf` has **Be_**, this is will be automatically generated if empty. Returns --------- (self.parameters) The parameter defined appropriately. """ if isinstance(case3l, _string_types): self.case3l = [case3l] elif case3l is None: self.case3l = [] else: self.case3l = case3l if isinstance(imagesl, _string_types): self.imagesl = [imagesl] elif imagesl is None: self.imagesl = [] else: self.imagesl = imagesl # docases == list of numbers if docasesl is None: self.docasesl = [1, 2, 3] else: self.docasesl = docasesl self.case1 = case1 self.case2 = case2 self.composition = composition self.controls = controls self.gridcells = gridcells self.observers = observers self.perturbations = perturbations if not hasattr(self, "source"): self.source = source if self.source == "": self.set_Be_source() self.chkout = chkout self.c1max = str(c1max) self.c2max = str(c2max) if isinstance(c3prefl, _string_types): self.c3prefl = [c3prefl] elif c3prefl is None: self.c3prefl = [] else: self.c3prefl = c3prefl if isinstance(clustl, _string_types): self.clustl = [clustl] elif clustl is None: self.clustl = [] else: self.clustl = clustl self.ncore = ncore self.walltime = walltime = email self.touch = touch return
[docs] def write_inp(self): """Make use of all variables defined in `set_input()`""" bdir = "" # bdir = self.proj # if bdir == _os.path.split(_os.getcwd())[1]: # bdir = "" head = "PROJECT = {0}\nMODEL = {1}".format( _os.path.split(self.proj)[1], self.modn[3:] ) c1 = "\n\n" if ( _os.path.exists( _os.path.join( bdir, self.modn, self.modn + self.suf + self.c1max + ".temp" ) ) and self.chkout ) or (1 not in self.docasesl): c1 += "! " c1 += ( "SUFFIX='{suf}' SIMULATION='{case1}' SOURCE='{source}' " "COMPOSITION='{composition}' GRIDCELLS='{gridcells}' " "CONTROLS='{controls}' ".format( suf=self.suf, case1=self.case1, source=self.source, composition=self.composition, gridcells=self.gridcells, controls=self.controls, ) ) if len(self.perturbations) > 0: c1 += "PERTURBATIONS='{0}' ".format(self.perturbations) c2 = "\n\n" if ( _os.path.exists( _os.path.join( bdir, self.modn, self.modn + self.suf + self.c2max + ".temp" ) ) and self.chkout ) or (2 not in self.docasesl): c2 += "! " c2 += ( "SUFFIX='{suf}' SIMULATION='{case2}' SOURCE='{source}' " "COMPOSITION='{composition}' GRIDCELLS='{gridcells}' " "CONTROLS='{controls}' ".format( suf=self.suf, case2=self.case2, source=self.source, composition=self.composition, gridcells=self.gridcells, controls=self.controls, ) ) if len(self.perturbations) > 0: c2 += "PERTURBATIONS='{0}' ".format(self.perturbations) c3 = "\n\n" gen = (sim for sim in self.case3l if 3 in self.docasesl) for sim in gen: if self.chkout and len(self.c3prefl) > self.case3l.index(sim): pref = self.c3prefl[self.case3l.index(sim)] if not pref.endswith("_"): pref = pref + "_" s2name = _os.path.join(bdir, self.modn, pref + self.modn + self.suf) if (_os.path.exists(s2name + ".sed2")) or ( _os.path.exists(s2name + "_SEI.sed2") ): c3 += "! " c3 += ( "SUFFIX='{suf}' SIMULATION='{sim}' SOURCE='{source}' " "COMPOSITION='{composition}' GRIDCELLS='{gridcells}' " "CONTROLS='{controls}' OBSERVERS='{obs}' ".format( suf=self.suf, sim=sim, source=self.source, composition=self.composition, gridcells=self.gridcells, controls=self.controls, obs=self.observers, ) ) if len(self.perturbations) > 0: c3 += "PERTURBATIONS='{0}' ".format(self.perturbations) img = self.imagesl[self.case3l.index(sim)] if len(img) > 0: c3 += "IMAGES='{0}' ".format(img) c3 += "\n" outname = _os.path.join(bdir, self.modn, self.modn + self.suf + ".inp") f0 = open(outname, "w") f0.writelines(head + c1 + c2 + c3) f0.close() print("# {0} written!".format(outname)) return
def _hassiminp(self, inpname): inp = open(inpname).read().split("\n") sims = [ 1 for line in inp if (line.upper().find("SUFFIX") >= 0 and not line.startswith("!")) ] return bool(sims)
[docs] def write_job(self, **kwargs): """The parameters can be set with **kwargs Parameters ---------- self.proj: str Name of the project (eg., BeStar) self.clustl: list List of strings of the clusters (eg., ['job', 'oar', 'bat']) self.touch : bool Touch files to avoid user permission problems (**TBD**) Returns ------- (file written) at *TBC* """ self.__dict__.update(kwargs) if self.touch is True: raise NotImplementedError("# touch option not available") bdir = "" # bdir = self.proj # if bdir == _os.path.split(_os.getcwd())[1]: # bdir = "" outname = _os.path.join(bdir, self.modn, self.modn + self.suf + ".inp") intname = _os.path.join(self.proj, self.modn, self.modn + self.suf + ".inp") if not self._hassiminp(outname): print("# Message: No simulations inside {0}".format(outname)) return for cl in self.clustl: if cl.lower().startswith("job"): cl = "job" reffile = "REF.job" reps = ( (3, "hdust", "hd_" + "_".join((self.proj, self.modn))), (4, "128", self.ncore), (4, "36:00:00", self.walltime), (8, "",, (11, "hdust_bestar2.02.inp", intname), ( 23, "cd ${PBS_O_WORKDIR}", ( "cd ${{PBS_O_WORKDIR}}\n" 'printf "{0}\\n\\n" >> output_${{PBS_JOBID}}\n'.format( intname ) ), ), ) elif cl.lower().startswith("oar"): cl = "oar" reffile = "REF.oar" reps = ( (1, "hdust_dmf", "hd_" + "_".join((self.proj, self.modn))), (2, "12", int(round(self.ncore / 12.0))), (2, "24:00:00", self.walltime), ( 10, "hdust_bestar2.02.inp", '{0}\n\nprintf "{0}\\n\\n"' " >> $OAR_JOB_ID".format(intname), ), ) elif cl.lower().startswith("bat"): cl = "bat" reffile = "REF.bat" reps = ( (3, "hdust", "hd_" + "_".join((self.proj, self.modn))), (4, "128", self.ncore), (4, "36:00:00", self.walltime), (8, "",, (11, "hdust_bestar2.02.inp", intname), ( 23, "cd ${PBS_O_WORKDIR}", ( "cd ${{PBS_O_WORKDIR}}\n" 'printf "{0}\\n\\n" >> output_${{PBS_JOBID}}\n'.format( intname ) ), ), ) else: _warn.warn("# Warning! Option {0} for clusters ignored".format(cl)) continue if not _os.path.exists(_os.path.join(bdir, cl)): _os.makedirs(_os.path.join(bdir, cl)) clname = _os.path.join(bdir, cl, self.modn + self.suf) + "." + cl f0 = open(_os.path.join(_hdt.hdtpath(), "refs", reffile)) modi = f0.readlines() f0.close() for r in reps: _phc.repl_fline_val(modi, *r) f0 = open(clname, "w") print("# {0} written!".format(clname)) f0.writelines(modi) f0.close() return
[docs]class Disk(Input): """Disk class""" f0 = open(_os.path.join(_hdt.hdtpath(), "refs", "REF_disco.txt")) mod = f0.readlines() f0.close() def __init__(self, fname=None, proj=None): super(Disk, self).__init__(fname=fname, proj=proj) return
[docs] def set_disk( self, renv=18.6, mh=1.5, ht=60.0, nr=2.0, dval=1e12, hseq=False, alpha=0.5, mu=0.5, R0r=100, vt=0.0, denstype=None, ): """`set_disk()` set the parameters below for the disk HDUST input configuration. Parameters ----------- renv : float Envelope/Disk radius (or Rd) mh : float r^mh is the dependence of the disk scale height ht : float Either the absolute temperature (if ht > 1000), or the relative polar temperature nr : float r^-nr is the density radius dependence dval : float value of the base density (see below) denstype : str one of the following: ['n0', 'sig0', 'mdot']; ``sig0`` means g/cm2 instead of ``n0`` hseq : bool self-consistent vertical scale-height alpha : float Shakura-Sunyaev viscosity parameter mu : float mean molecular weight R0r : float R0r >> Rd typically vt : float Turbulence velocity Returns --------- (self.parameters) The parameters defined appropriately. """ self.renv = renv = mh = ht = nr self.dval = dval self.hseq = hseq self.alpha = alpha = mu self.R0r = R0r self.vt = vt self.denstype = denstype if isinstance(self.denstype, _string_types): if not self.denstype.lower() in ["n0", "sig0", "mdot"]: self.denstype = None if not isinstance(self.denstype, _string_types): self.denstype = None _warn.warn("# Warning! Guessing the denstype...") self.denstype = "n0" if dval < 1e-2: self.denstype = "mdot" elif dval < 1e2: self.denstype = "sig0" return
[docs] def makedisk(self): """Make use of all variables defined in `set_disk()`""" if not self.modn.startswith("mod"): raise ValueError("# ERROR! Invalid Disk.modn") modi = self.mod[:] if self.hseq is True and self.denstype != "mdot": print("# Warning! Your choice of HSEQ don't appears to be " "consistent") _ = _phc.repl_fline_val(modi, 13, "18.6", self.renv) if self.denstype != "mdot": _ = _phc.repl_fline_val(modi, 20, "2.0", else: _ = _phc.repl_fline_val(modi, 23, "1.", self.alpha) _ = _phc.repl_fline_val(modi, 24, "0.", self.R0r) if self.hseq: _ = _phc.repl_fline_val(modi, 25, "= 0", "= 1") _ = _phc.repl_fline_val(modi, 31, "0", "1") _ = _phc.repl_fline_val(modi, 36, "1.5", else: _ = _phc.repl_fline_val(modi, 33, "1.5", if float( > 1000: _ = _phc.repl_fline_val(modi, 40, "18000.", else: _ = _phc.repl_fline_val(modi, 38, "1", "2") if < 1: *= 100 _ = _phc.repl_fline_val(modi, 43, "72.", if self.denstype == "sig0": raise ValueError("# ERROR! `sig0` != a valid option yet") elif self.denstype == "n0": _ = _phc.repl_fline_val(modi, 52, "2.35E13", self.dval) else: _ = _phc.repl_fline_val(modi, 49, "2", "3") _ = _phc.repl_fline_val(modi, 55, "1.E-9", self.dval) _ = _phc.repl_fline_val(modi, 63, "0.", self.vt) bdir = self.proj if bdir == _os.path.split(_os.getcwd())[1]: bdir = "" if not _os.path.exists(_os.path.join(bdir, self.modn)): _os.makedirs(_os.path.join(bdir, self.modn)) self.fname = _os.path.join(bdir, self.modn, self.modn + self.suf) + ".txt" f0 = open(self.fname, "w") print("# {0} written!".format(self.fname)) f0.writelines(modi) f0.close() return
[docs]class HdustMod(object): """HdustMod doc""" def __init__(self, fname=None): self.fname = fname if fname is not None: self.set_fname(fname) return def set_fname(self, fname): self.fname = fname self.modn, self.suf = _os.path.split(fname) self.suf = _os.path.splitext(self.suf)[0] if (not self.modn.startswith("mod")) or (not self.modn.startswith("fullsed")): self.proj, self.modn = _os.path.split(self.modn) else: self.proj = "" if not self.modn.startswith("mod"): self.modn = "" if len(self.modn) == 0: self.modn = "mod" + self.suf.split("mod")[-1].split("_")[0] self.suf = "_" + "_".join(self.suf.split("mod")[-1].split("_")[1:]) if hasattr(self, "vdict"): if _os.path.splitext(fname)[1] == ".log": self._fill() else: self._fillfname() else: _warn.warn("Warning! No `vdict` found for HdustMod") def _fill(self): f0 = open(self.fname).read().split("\n") for it in self.vdict.items(): setattr(self, it[0], _phc.fltTxtOccur(it[1], f0)) return def _fillfname(self): for it in self.vdict.keys(): setattr(self, it, _phc.fltTxtOccur(it, self.suf)) return def get_nob(self): self.nob = int(_hdt.sed2info(self.fname)[1]) return self.nob def get_lum(self): if _os.path.splitext(self.fname)[1] == ".log": logname = self.fname else: bdir = self.proj if bdir == _os.path.split(_os.getcwd())[1]: bdir = "" logname = _os.path.join(bdir, self.modn, self.modn + self.suf + ".log") if not _os.path.exists(logname): loglist = _glob( _os.path.join(bdir, self.modn, "*" + self.modn + self.suf + "*.log") ) logname = [l for l in loglist if _os.path.getsize(l) > 500] if len(logname) == 0: raise LookupError("Not found an log file to {0}".format(self.fname)) logname = logname[0] # self.lum = _phc.fltTxtOccur("L =", open(logname).read().split("\n")) if _np.isnan(self.lum): raise ValueError("# ERROR! Lum is NaN. Check " + logname) self.vrot = _phc.fltTxtOccur("Vrot ", open(logname).read().split("\n")) self.log = logname return self.lum def get_sig0(self): self.get_lum() = ( _phc.fltTxtOccur("Fraction ", open(self.log).read().split("\n")) / 100.0 ) = _phc.fltTxtOccur("Teff_pole ", open(self.log).read().split("\n")) self.rp = _phc.fltTxtOccur(" R_pole", open(self.log).read().split("\n")) self.rf = _phc.fltTxtOccur("R_eq/R_pole ", open(self.log).read().split("\n")) = _phc.fltTxtOccur("mu =", open(self.log).read().split("\n")) self.M = _phc.fltTxtOccur(" M =", open(self.log).read().split("\n")) self.n0 = _phc.fltTxtOccur("n_0", open(self.log).read().split("\n")) self.sig0 = _hdt.n0toSigma0( self.n0, self.M, self.rp * self.rf, / 100.0,, ) def readfs2ob(self, pol=False): if not hasattr(self, "nob"): self.get_nob() col = 3 if pol: col = 7 s2d = _hdt.readfullsed2(self.fname) self.arr_lbd = s2d[0, :, 2] self.arr_flx = s2d[:, :, col] self.obdeg = _np.round(_np.arccos(s2d[:, 0, 0]) * 180.0 / _np.pi, 1) self.obs = s2d[:, 0, 0] return def __str__(self): if self.fname is None: return "None" return "_" + "_".join( it[0] + it[1].format(getattr(self, it[0])) for it in self.vdict.items() )
[docs]class AeriMod(HdustMod): """docstring for AeriMod""" _params = ["dval", "ht", "nr", "renv", "M", "vt"] vdict = _OrderedDict( zip(_params, ["n_0", "Fraction", " n ", "R_env", " M ", "V_turb"]) ) vfmt = _OrderedDict( zip( _params, ["{:.1e}", "{:03.0f}", "{:.1f}", "{:04.1f}", "{:04.1f}", "{:03.0f}"], ) ) def __init__(self, fname): super(AeriMod, self).__init__(fname)
[docs]class PhotMod(HdustMod): """docstring for PhotMod""" _params = ["W", "M"] vdict = _OrderedDict(zip(_params, ["w =", " M "])) vfmt = _OrderedDict(zip(_params, ["{:.3f}", "{:04.1f}"])) def __init__(self, fname): super(PhotMod, self).__init__(fname)
[docs]def makeDiskGrid( modn="01", mhvals=[1.5], hvals=[60.0], rdvals=[18.6], mvals=[2.0], sig0vals=[1.0], convSig2Rho=False, doFVDD=False, sBdays=None, sBfiles=None, selsources="*", alpha=0.5, mu=0.5, R0r=300, Mdot11=False, path=None, ): """ | ###CONFIG. OPTIONS | #MODEL NUMBER | modn = '02' | #The following filter will be applied to the SOURCE selection (string | # fmt) | selsources = '*' | | #SUPERFICIAL DENSITY PROFILE EXPONENT | mvals = [1.5,2.0,2.5,3.0] | #VERTICAL DENSITY PROFILE EXPONENT | mhvals = [1.5] | #FRACTION OF TEFF OF PRIMARY STAR | #This parameter sets if it you be FIXED to OB=1.1 case | hvals = [72.] | #DISK RADIUS EQUATORIAL... | rdvals = [30.] | #SIGMA_0 VALUES | sig0vals = _np.logspace(_np.log10(0.02),_np.log10(4.0),7) | | #Do the Full VDD model for the corresponding sig0? | doFVDD = True | alpha = 0.5 | mu = 0.5 | #WARNING: it only generates a single R0 value per batch. If you want to | # change it, run it twice (or more) | R0r = 300 | ###END CONFIG. | | Mdot11 = TODO | | WARNING: if convSig2Rho=True, the routine assumes ``sig0vals`` contains | rho0vals. For that, (sBfiles==None or sBdays==None) and doFVDD==False. """ # Consistency check if convSig2Rho and not ((sBfiles is None or sBdays is None) and doFVDD is False): print("# ERROR! There is an inconsistency in the input.") print("# Check the *convSig2Rho*!") # G = _phc.G.cgs Msun = _phc.Msun.cgs Rsun = _phc.Rsun.cgs kB = _phc.kB.cgs mH = _phc.mH.cgs yr = _phc.yr.cgs def doPL(prodI): """ Given a prodI (i.e., src,sig0,rd,h,m,mh), generates the Power-Law model input """ src, sig0, rd, h, m, mh = prodI M, Req, Tp = _rot.readscr(src) # Mstr = str(M) M *= Msun Req *= Rsun Th = h * Tp / 100.0 # a0 = (kB*h/100.*Tp/mu/mH)**.5 a = (kB * Th / mu / mH) ** 0.5 n0 = (G * M / 2.0 / _np.pi) ** 0.5 * sig0 / mu / mH / a / Req**1.5 # Th = a**2*mu*mH/kB srcname = src.replace("source/", "").replace(".txt", "") wmod = mod[:] wmod[13] = wmod[13].replace("18.6", ("%.2f" % rd)) wmod[20] = wmod[20].replace("2.0", ("%.2f" % m)) wmod[33] = wmod[33].replace("1.5", ("%.2f" % mh)) wmod[40] = wmod[40].replace("18000.", ("%.1f" % Th)) if convSig2Rho: wmod[52] = wmod[52].replace("2.35E13", ("%.2e" % sig0)) suffix = "_PLn{0:.1f}_rho{1:5.2e}_h{2:03.0f}_Rd{3:05.1f}_{4}".format( (m + mh), sig0, h, rd, srcname ) else: wmod[52] = wmod[52].replace("2.35E13", ("%.2e" % n0)) suffix = "_PLn{0:.1f}_sig{1:.2f}_h{2:03.0f}_Rd{3:05.1f}_{4}".format( (m + mh), sig0, h, rd, srcname ) f0 = open("mod" + modn + "/mod" + modn + suffix + ".txt", "w") f0.writelines(wmod) f0.close() return def doMdot(prodI): """ Given a prodI (i.e., src,sig0,rd,h,m,mh), generates the full VDD model input """ src, sig0, rd, h, m, mh = prodI M, Req, Tp = _rot.readscr(src) Mstr = str(M) M *= Msun Req *= Rsun Th = h * Tp / 100.0 a = (kB * Th / mu / mH) ** 0.5 # a0 = (kB*h/100*Tp/mu/mH)**.5 # a = a0*Req0*Req**.25/Req/Req**.25 R0 = R0r * Req Mdot = ( sig0 * Req**2 * 3 * _np.pi * alpha * a**2 / (G * M * R0) ** 0.5 ) # SI units Mdot = Mdot / Msun * yr # Th = a**2*mu*mH/kB srcname = src.replace("source/", "").replace(".txt", "") # suffix = '_NI_Mdot{:.1e}_Rd{:.1f}_R0{:.1f}_alp{:.1f}_h{:.1f}_{}'.\ # format(Mdot,rd,R0/Req,alpha,h,srcname) suffix = "_NIa{0:.1f}_sig{1:.2f}_h{2:03.0f}_Rd{3:05.1f}_{4}".format( alpha, sig0, h, rd, srcname ) wmod = mod[:] wmod[13] = wmod[13].replace("18.6", ("%.2f" % rd)) wmod[18] = wmod[18].replace("1", ("%d" % 2)) wmod[23] = wmod[23].replace("1.", ("%.2f" % alpha)) wmod[24] = wmod[24].replace("= 0.", ("= %.2f" % (R0 / Req))) wmod[25] = wmod[25].replace("= 0", ("= %d" % 1)) wmod[31] = wmod[31].replace("0", ("%d" % 1)) wmod[40] = wmod[40].replace("18000.", "{0:.1f}".format(Th)) wmod[49] = wmod[49].replace("2", ("%d" % 3)) wmod[55] = wmod[55].replace("1.E-9", ("%.2e" % Mdot)) f0 = open("mod" + modn + "/mod" + modn + suffix + ".txt", "w") f0.writelines(wmod) f0.close() return def doSB(prodI, hseq=False): """ Given a prodI (i.e., sources,rdvals,hvals,mhvals,sBdays,sBfiles), generates the Single Be based model input """ src, rd, h, mh, day, sfile = prodI M, Req, Tp = _rot.readscr(src) Mstr = str(M) M *= Msun Req *= Rsun Th = h * Tp / 100.0 # a0 = (kB*h/100.*Tp/mu/mH)**.5 a = (kB * Th / mu / mH) ** 0.5 # n0 = (G*M/2./_np.pi)**.5*sig0/mu/mH/a/Req**1.5 # Th = a**2*mu*mH/kB srcname = src.replace("source/", "").replace(".txt", "") wmod = mod[:] wmod[13] = wmod[13].replace("18.6", ("%.2f" % rd)) wmod[18] = wmod[18].replace("= 1", "= 4") wmod[28] = wmod[28].replace("deltasco/Atsuo/1D/data/dSco_a035_01", (sfile)) wmod[29] = wmod[29].replace("2.3", ("%.2f" % (day / 365.25))) if not hseq: wmod[33] = wmod[33].replace("1.5", ("%.2f" % mh)) suffix = "_SB{0}_{1:.1f}d_h{2:03.0f}_Rd{3:05.1f}_{4}".format( _phc.trimpathname(sfile)[1], day, h, rd, srcname ) else: wmod[31] = wmod[31].replace("= 0", "= 1") wmod[36] = wmod[36].replace("1.5", ("%.2f" % mh)) suffix = "_SB{0}_{1:.1f}d_hseq_Rd{2:05.1f}_{3}".format( _phc.trimpathname(sfile)[1], day, rd, srcname ) wmod[40] = wmod[40].replace("18000.", ("%.1f" % Th)) f0 = open("mod" + modn + "/mod" + modn + suffix + ".txt", "w") f0.writelines(wmod) f0.close() return # TODO Setup Tpole = REF of a (scale height) # Tps = dict(zip(Ms, Tp11)) # PROGRAM BEGINS path0 = _os.getcwd() if path is not None: _os.chdir(path) if path[-1] != "/": path += "/" else: path = "" # Check modN folder if not _os.path.exists("mod{0}".format(modn)): _os.system("mkdir mod{0}".format(modn)) # Select sources sources = _glob("source/" + selsources) # Load disk model f0 = open(_os.path.join(_hdt.hdtpath(), "refs", "REF_disco.txt")) mod = f0.readlines() f0.close() if sBdays is None or sBfiles is None: for prodI in _product(sources, sig0vals, rdvals, hvals, mvals, mhvals): if not doFVDD: doPL(prodI) else: doMdot(prodI) print( "# {0:.0f} arquivos foram gerados !!".format( len(sources) * len(sig0vals) * len(rdvals) * len(hvals) * len(mvals) * len(mhvals) ) ) else: for prodI in _product(sources, rdvals, hvals, mhvals, sBdays, sBfiles): doSB(prodI) i = 0 if doFVDD: i = 1 doSB(prodI, hseq=True) print( "# {0:.0f} arquivos foram gerados !!".format( len(sources) * len(rdvals) * len(hvals) * len(sBdays) * (len(mhvals) + i) * len(sBfiles) ) ) if path != "": _os.chdir(path0) # END PROGRAM return
[docs]def makeInpJob( modn="01", nodes=512, simulations=["SED"], basesims=[""], docases=[1, 3], sim1="step1", sim2="step1_ref", composition="pureH", controls="controls", gridcells="grid", observers="observers", oldstp1=True, images=[""], baseimgs=[""], perturbations=None, clusters=["job"], srcid="", walltime="24:00:00", wcheck=False, email="$USER@localhost", chkout=False, st1max=20, st1refmax=24, ctrM=False, touch=False, srcNf=None, path=None, ): """ Create INP+JOB files to run Hdust. All SOURCE files must initiate by "Be_". Otherwise, the `makeInpJob` will not work. This is to satisfies the criteria of a specific disk model for each source star. ### Start edit here ### modn = '02' #clusters config # job = AlphaCrucis; oar = MesoCentre Licallo; ge = MesoCentre FRIPP clusters = ['job', 'bat', 'oar', 'ge', 'bgq', 'slurm', 'slurm_ch'] clusters = ['oar'] nodes = 48 #if wcheck == True, walltime will be AUTOMATICALLY estimated walltime = '3:00:00' wcheck = True email = '' #Check if the outputs already exist chkout = True #Above the values below, the step1 will be considered done! st1max = 26 st1refmax = 30 #Gera inp+job so' para o source com '1.45' no nome #Nao funciona caracteres especiais como * ou ? srcid = '1.45' srcid = '' #Se um dos 3 casos nao estiver presente, ele gera input comentado. docases = [1,2,3] #1 = step1 <> Gera inp+job so' para mod#/mod#.txt #habilita ADDSUFFIX; retira OBSERVERS e IMAGES sim1 = 'step1' #2 = step1_refine sim2 = 'step1_refine' #3 = outros <> Gera inp+job so' para mod#/mod#SOURCE.txt (post-proc.) #retira ADDSUFFIX; adiciona OBSERVERS (e talvez IMAGES) simulations = ['sed','h','brg','halpha','uv'] simulations = ['sed','brg_M','halpha_M','uv','j','h','k','l','m','n', 'q1','q2'] simulations = ['SED','Ha'] images = ['','h','brg','halpha','uv'] images = simulations[:] composition = 'pureH' controls = 'no_op' controls = 'controls' ctrM = False gridcells = 'grid' observers = 'obs' touch = True srcNf=[False, True] # `False` = for continuum bands; `True` for # specific simulation files for line profiles or variable photon # numbers SED. ###stop edition here """ def isFloat(x): try: _ = float(x) except ValueError: return False else: return True def doCase1(inp, cases, oldstp1=True): case1 = inp[:] case1[0] = case1[0].replace("suffix", suf) case1[1] = case1[1].replace("pureH", composition) if ctrM: i = suf.find("_M") M = suf[i : i + 7] case1[2] = case1[2].replace("controls", controls + M) else: case1[2] = case1[2].replace("controls", controls) case1[3] = case1[3].replace("grid", gridcells) case1[4] = case1[4].replace("step1", sim1) case1[5] = case1[5].replace("source", src) if not oldstp1: case1.append("OBSERVERS = '{}'\n".format(observers)) if perturbations is not None: case1.append("PERTURBATIONS = '{0}'\n".format(perturbations)) if 1 not in cases: for i in range(len(case1)): case1[i] = "! " + case1[i] return case1 def doCase2(inp, cases, oldstp1=True): case1 = inp[:] case1[0] = case1[0].replace("suffix", suf) case1[1] = case1[1].replace("pureH", composition) if ctrM: i = suf.find("_M") M = suf[i : i + 7] case1[2] = case1[2].replace("controls", controls + M) else: case1[2] = case1[2].replace("controls", controls) case1[3] = case1[3].replace("grid", gridcells) case1[4] = case1[4].replace("step1", sim2) case1[5] = case1[5].replace("source", src) if not oldstp1: case1.append("OBSERVERS = '{}'\n".format(observers)) if perturbations is not None: case1.append("PERTURBATIONS = '{0}'\n".format(perturbations)) if 2 not in cases: for i in range(len(case1)): case1[i] = "! " + case1[i] return case1 def doCase3(inp, simchk): case3 = [] for i in range(len(simulations)): case1 = inp[:] case1[0] = case1[0].replace("suffix", suf) case1[1] = case1[1].replace("pureH", composition) if ctrM: j = suf.find("_M") M = suf[j : j + 7] case1[2] = case1[2].replace("controls", controls + M) else: case1[2] = case1[2].replace("controls", controls) case1[3] = case1[3].replace("grid", gridcells) case1[5] = case1[5].replace("source", src) if simulations[i] == "SED": sig = suf[suf.find("_sig") + 4 : suf.find("_sig") + 8] if isFloat(sig) and srcNf[i]: case1[4] = case1[4].replace("step1", "SED_sig{0}".format(sig)) else: case1[4] = case1[4].replace("step1", simulations[i]) elif srcNf[i]: case1[4] = case1[4].replace( "step1", "{0}_{1}".format(simulations[i], src) ) else: if _np.array( [b.split("/")[-1][:-4] == simulations[i] for b in basesims] ).any(): sim_tmp = "{0}_{1}".format(simulations[i], suf[suf.find("Be_") :]) else: sim_tmp = simulations[i] case1[4] = case1[4].replace("step1", sim_tmp) case1.append("OBSERVERS = '{0}'\n".format(observers)) if images[i] != "": if _np.array( [b.split("/")[-1][:-4] == images[i] for b in baseimgs] ).any(): image_tmp = "{0}_{1}".format(images[i], suf[suf.find("Be_") :]) else: image_tmp = images[i] case1.append("IMAGES = '{0}'\n".format(image_tmp)) if perturbations is not None: case1.append("PERTURBATIONS = '{0}'\n".format(perturbations)) case1.append("\n") if not simchk[i]: for i in range(len(case1)): case1[i] = "! " + case1[i] case3 += case1 return case3 def doJobs(mod, sel, nodes, addtouch="\n"): # load Ref f0 = open(_os.path.join(_hdt.hdtpath(), "refs", "REF.{0}".format(sel))) wout = f0.readlines() f0.close() outname = mod[mod.find("/") + 1 :].replace("txt", sel) f0 = open("{0}s/{0}s_{1}_mod{2}.sh".format(sel, proj, modn), "a") if sel == "job": wout[4] = wout[4].replace("128", "{0}".format(nodes)) wout[4] = wout[4].replace("36:00:00", "{0}".format(walltime)) wout[5] = wout[5].replace("output", "log/output") wout[6] = wout[6].replace("error", "log/error") wout[8] = wout[8].replace("", "{0}".format(email)) wout[11] = wout[11].replace( "hdust_bestar2.02.inp", "{0}/{1}".format(proj, mod.replace(".txt", ".inp")), ) if touch: wout[24] = addtouch modchmod = _phc.trimpathname(mod) modchmod[1] = modchmod[1].replace(".txt", "*") wout[31] = ( "chmod -f 664 {0}/{1}/*{2}\nchmod -f 664 log/*\n" "chmod -f 664 ../../tmp/*\n".format(proj, *modchmod) ) f0.writelines("qsub {0}/{1}s/{2}\n".format(proj, sel, outname)) elif sel == "bat": wout[4] = wout[4].replace("128", "{0}".format(nodes)) wout[4] = wout[4].replace("36:00:00", "{0}".format(walltime)) wout[5] = wout[5].replace("output", "log/output") wout[6] = wout[6].replace("error", "log/error") wout[8] = wout[8].replace("", "{0}".format(email)) wout[11] = wout[11].replace( "hdust_bestar2.02.inp", "{0}/{1}".format(proj, mod.replace(".txt", ".inp")), ) if touch: wout[24] = addtouch modchmod = _phc.trimpathname(mod) modchmod[1] = modchmod[1].replace(".txt", "*") wout[31] = ( "chmod -f 664 {0}/{1}/*{2}\nchmod -f 664 log/*\n" "chmod -f 664 ../../tmp/*\n".format(proj, *modchmod) ) f0.writelines("sbatch {0}/{1}s/{2}\n".format(proj, sel, outname)) elif sel == "oar": wout[2] = wout[2].replace("12", "{0}".format(int(round(nodes / 12.0)))) wout[2] = wout[2].replace("24:0:0", "{0}".format(walltime)) wout[10] = wout[10].replace( "hdust_bestar2.02.inp", "{0}/{1}".format(proj, mod.replace(".txt", ".inp")), ) f0.writelines("chmod -f a+x {0}/{1}s/{2}\n".format(proj, sel, outname)) f0.writelines("oarsub -S ./{0}/{1}s/{2}\n".format(proj, sel, outname)) elif sel == "ge": wout[3] = wout[3].replace("48", "{0}".format(nodes)) wout[4] = wout[4].replace("45:00:00", "{0}".format(walltime)) wout[7] = wout[7].replace("", "{0}".format(email)) wout[11] = wout[11].replace( "hdust_bestar2.02.inp", "{0}/{1}".format(proj, mod.replace(".txt", ".inp")), ) f0.writelines("qsub -P hdust {0}/{1}s/{2}\n".format(proj, sel, outname)) elif sel == "bgq": wout[14] = wout[14].replace("512", "{0}".format(nodes)) nodes = int(nodes) if nodes % 512 != 0: nrsv = (nodes // 512 + 1) * 128 else: nrsv = (nodes // 512) * 128 wout[10] = wout[10].replace("128", "{0}".format(nrsv)) wout[5] = wout[5].replace("24:00:00", "{0}".format(walltime)) wout[14] = wout[14].replace( "hdust_bestar2.02.inp", "{0}/{1}".format(proj, mod.replace(".txt", ".inp")), ) f0.writelines("chmod -f +x {0}/{1}s/{2}\n".format(proj, sel, outname)) f0.writelines("llsubmit ./{0}/{1}s/{2}\n".format(proj, sel, outname)) elif sel == "slurm": wout[1] = wout[1].replace("Proj", "{0}".format(proj)) wout[2] = wout[2].replace("Proj", "{0}".format(proj)) wout[5] = wout[5].replace("23:59:59", "{0}".format(walltime)) wout[8] = wout[8].replace("60", "{0}".format(nodes)) wout[26] = wout[26].replace( "mod01.inp", "{0}/{1}".format(proj, mod.replace(".txt", ".inp")) ) f0.writelines("sbatch {0}/{1}s/{2}\n".format(proj, sel, outname)) elif sel == "slurm_cl": wout[2] = wout[2].replace("Proj", "{0}".format(proj)) # wout[5] = wout[5].replace('23:59:59', '{0}'.format(walltime)) wout[4] = wout[4].replace("60", "{0}".format(nodes)) wout[6] = wout[6].replace("Proj", "{0}".format(proj)) wout[7] = wout[7].replace("Proj", "{0}".format(proj)) wout[8] = wout[8].replace("", "{0}".format(email)) wout[13] = wout[13].replace( "mod01.inp", "{0}/{1}".format(proj, mod.replace(".txt", ".inp")) ) f0.writelines("sbatch {0}/{1}s/{2}\n".format(proj, sel, outname)) f0.close() f0 = open("{0}s/{1}".format(sel, outname), "w") f0.writelines(wout) print("# Saved: {0}s/{1}".format(sel, outname)) f0.close() return # PROGRAM START if srcNf is None: srcNf = len(simulations) * [False] path0 = _os.getcwd() if path is not None: _os.chdir(path) if path[-1] != "/": path += "/" else: path = "" # obtain the actual directory proj = _os.getcwd() proj = proj[proj.rfind("/") + 1 :] # Folder's checks for sel in clusters: if not _os.path.exists("{0}s".format(sel)): _os.system("mkdir {0}s".format(sel)) elif _os.path.exists("{0}s/{0}s_{1}_mod{2}.sh".format(sel, proj, modn)): _os.system("rm {0}s/{0}s_{1}_mod{2}.sh".format(sel, proj, modn)) # list of mods mods = _glob("mod{0}/mod{0}*.txt".format(modn)) # load REF_inp f0 = open(_os.path.join(_hdt.hdtpath(), "refs", "REF_inp.txt")) inp = f0.readlines() f0.close() for mod in mods: # Write inps f0 = open(mod.replace(".txt", ".inp"), "w") f0.writelines("PROJECT = {0}\nMODEL = {1}\n\n".format(proj, modn)) suf = mod[mod.find("_") : -4] if mod.find("Be_") > -1: src = mod[mod.find("Be_") : -4] else: src = _os.path.splitext(_os.path.basename(srcid))[0] # src = 'aeri_draft' # if src.find(srcid) == -1: # print('# Script skipped by missing "Be" in source...') # continue cases = docases[:] # Do the touch thing addtouch = "\n" addtouch += "chmod -f 664 ../../tmp/*\nchmod -f 664 {0}/mod{1}/*\n".format( proj, modn ) if touch and ((1 in cases) or (2 in cases)): addtouch += "touch {0}/{1}\n".format(proj, mod.replace(".txt", ".log")) if touch and 3 in cases: for sim in simulations: addtouch += "touch {0}/{1}\n".format( proj, mod.replace(".txt", ".chk") ).replace( "mod{0}/mod{0}".format(modn), "mod{0}/{1}_mod{0}".format(modn, sim) ) addtouch += "touch {0}/{1}\n".format( proj, mod.replace(".txt", ".err") ).replace( "mod{0}/mod{0}".format(modn), "mod{0}/{1}_mod{0}".format(modn, sim) ) addtouch += "touch {0}/{1}\n".format( proj, mod.replace(".txt", ".log") ).replace( "mod{0}/mod{0}".format(modn), "mod{0}/{1}_mod{0}".format(modn, sim) ) addtouch += "touch {0}/{1}\n".format( proj, mod.replace(".txt", "_SEI.chk") ).replace( "mod{0}/mod{0}".format(modn), "mod{0}/{1}_mod{0}".format(modn, sim) ) addtouch += "touch {0}/{1}\n".format( proj, mod.replace(".txt", "_SEI.err") ).replace( "mod{0}/mod{0}".format(modn), "mod{0}/{1}_mod{0}".format(modn, sim) ) addtouch += "touch {0}/{1}\n".format( proj, mod.replace(".txt", "_SEI.log") ).replace( "mod{0}/mod{0}".format(modn), "mod{0}/{1}_mod{0}".format(modn, sim) ) err90a = "{0}/{1}".format( proj, mod.replace(".txt", ".err").replace( "mod{0}/mod{0}".format(modn), "mod{0}/{1}_mod{0}".format(modn, sim), ), ) err90b = "{0}/{1}".format( proj, mod.replace(".txt", "_SEI.err").replace( "mod{0}/mod{0}".format(modn), "mod{0}/{1}_mod{0}".format(modn, sim), ), ) addtouch += "touch {0}\n".format(err90a[:90]) addtouch += "touch {0}\n".format(err90b[:90]) addtouch += "touch {0}\n".format( err90a[:90] .replace(".err", ".chk") .replace(".er", ".ch") .replace(".e", ".c") ) addtouch += "touch {0}\n".format( err90b[:90] .replace(".err", ".chk") .replace(".er", ".ch") .replace(".e", ".c") ) modchmod = list(_os.path.split(mod)) modchmod[1] = modchmod[1].replace(".txt", "*") # addtouch += 'chmod 664 {0}/{1}/*{2}\n'.format(proj, *modchmod) # Set simulation check variable if 3 in cases: simchk = _np.ones(len(simulations), dtype=bool) else: simchk = _np.zeros(len(simulations), dtype=bool) if ( _os.path.exists(mod.replace(".txt", "{0:02d}.temp".format(st1max))) and chkout and 1 in cases ): cases.remove(1) case1 = doCase1(inp, cases, oldstp1=oldstp1) f0.writelines(case1 + ["\n"]) if ( _os.path.exists(mod.replace(".txt", "{0:02d}.temp".format(st1refmax))) and chkout and 2 in cases ): cases.remove(2) case2 = doCase2(inp, cases, oldstp1=oldstp1) f0.writelines(case2 + ["\n"]) if chkout and 3 in cases: for i in range(len(simulations)): sim = simulations[i] if sim.find("Be_") > 0: sim = sim[: sim.find("Be_") - 1] outs2a = "mod{0}/{1}_mod{0}{2}.sed2".format(modn, sim, suf) outs2b = "mod{0}/{1}_mod{0}{2}_SEI.sed2".format(modn, sim, suf) if _os.path.exists(outs2a) or _os.path.exists(outs2b): simchk[i] = False if True not in simchk: cases.remove(3) case3 = doCase3(inp, simchk) f0.writelines(case3) f0.close() # Def automatic walltime: if wcheck: h = 0 if 1 in cases: h += 1 if 2 in cases: h += 1 idx = _np.where(simchk is True) if len(idx[0]) > 0: extra = 0 + 4 * len(idx[0]) h = h + extra * 48 / nodes walltime = "{0}:0:0".format(h) # Del old jobs for sel in clusters: outname = mod[mod.find("/") + 1 :].replace("txt", sel) if _os.path.exists("{0}s/{1}".format(sel, outname)): _os.system("rm {0}s/{1}".format(sel, outname)) # Write jobs (if necessary) if len(cases) > 0: for sel in clusters: doJobs(mod, sel, nodes, addtouch) if path != "": _os.chdir(path0) # PROGRAM END return
[docs]def makeNoDiskGrid(modn, selsources, path=None): """ #Create a model list with random disk parameters ("noCS" in filename) INPUT: modn = '01'; selsources = '*' (filter that is applied to the SOURCE selection). OUTPUT: Files written """ def doNoCS(src): """ Given a src, generates the noCS model input """ srcname = src.replace("source/", "").replace(".txt", "") suffix = "_noCS_{0}".format(srcname) wmod = mod[:] # Remove a disk does not work: # wmod[9]=wmod[9].replace('1','0') wmod[13] = wmod[13].replace("18.6", "2.0") f0 = open("mod" + modn + "/mod" + modn + suffix + ".txt", "w") f0.writelines(wmod) f0.close() return # PROGRAM BEGINS path0 = _os.getcwd() if path is not None: _os.chdir(path) if path[-1] != "/": path += "/" else: path = "" # Check modN folder if not _os.path.exists("mod{0}".format(modn)): _os.system("mkdir mod{0}".format(modn)) # Select sources sources = _glob("source/" + selsources) # Load disk model f0 = open(_os.path.join(_hdt.hdtpath(), "refs", "REF_disco.txt")) mod = f0.readlines() f0.close() for prodI in _product(sources): prodI = prodI[0] doNoCS(prodI) print("# {0:.0f} arquivos foram gerados !!".format(len(sources))) if path != "": _os.chdir(path0) # END PROGRAM return
[docs]def makeSimulLine(basesims, Rs, hwidth, Ms, Obs, lsuffix, path="source/"): """ | vrots = [[167.023,229.187,271.072,301.299,313.702], | [177.998,244.636,290.596,324.272,338.298], | [192.612,267.017,318.288,355.320,370.638], | [202.059,281.667,335.158,373.716,389.782], | [209.244,292.409,358.626,410.439,430.844], | [214.407,297.661,357.799,402.628,420.683]] | vrots = [[259.759,354.834,417.792,464.549,483.847], | [252.050,346.163,406.388,449.818,468.126], | [245.127,336.834,399.983,448.076,467.806], | [239.522,329.496,388.734,432.532,450.806], | [234.301,321.139,379.297,423.241,441.122], | [228.538,313.797,370.343,412.488,429.914], | [219.126,299.656,354.547,395.821,413.008], | [211.544,288.840,341.081,380.426,396.978], | [203.438,279.328,328.666,365.697,380.660], | [197.823,268.964,316.901,353.568,368.506], | [192.620,262.688,308.208,341.963,356.410], | [187.003,255.125,299.737,332.511,346.043]] | | basesims = ['simulation/Brg.txt','simulation/Ha.txt'] | Rs = [12000, 20000] | | Ms = [4.00,5.00,7.00,9.00,12.00,15.00] | Ms = [14.6, 12.5, 10.8, 9.6, 8.6, 7.7, 6.4, 5.5, 4.8, 4.2, 3.8, 3.4] | Obs = [1.1,1.2,1.3,1.4,1.45] | suffix = 'H0.30_Z0.014_bE_Ell' """ c = _phc.c.cgs for prodI in _product(Ms, Obs, basesims, lsuffix): M, Ob, basesim, suffix = prodI f0 = open(basesim) mod = f0.readlines() f0.close() srcid = "Be_M{0:05.2f}_ob{1:.2f}_{2}.txt".format(M, Ob, suffix) # i = Ms.index(M) # j = Obs.index(Ob) k = basesims.index(basesim) R = Rs[k] nmod = mod[:] vrot = _rot.vrot_scr(path + srcid) vel = "{0:.1f}".format(hwidth + vrot) nmod[103] = nmod[103].replace("1020.", vel) n = str(int(round(2 * (hwidth + vrot) * R / c * 1e5))) # if len(_np.shape(vrots)) == 2: # vel = '{0:.1f}'.format(hwidth + vrots[i][j]) # nmod[103] = nmod[103].replace('1020.', vel) # n = str(int(round(2 * (hwidth + vrots[i][j]) * R / c * 1e5))) # else: # vel = '{0:.1f}'.format(hwidth + vrots[0]) # nmod[103] = nmod[103].replace('1020.', vel) # n = str(int(round(2 * (hwidth + vrots[0]) * R / c * 1e5))) # print(srcid, n) nmod[100] = nmod[100].replace("100", n) f0 = open(basesim.replace(".txt", "_{0}".format(srcid)), "w") f0.writelines(nmod) f0.close() return
[docs]def makeImageLine(baseimgs, Rs, vorb_factor, Ms, Ws, ts, lsuffix, path="source/"): """ | basesims = ['simulation/Brg.txt','simulation/Ha.txt'] | Rs = [12000, 20000] | | Ms = [3., 4., 5., 7., 9., 12., 15., 20.] | Ws = [0.5, 0.75, 0.85, 0.92, 0.99] | suffix = 'Z0.014_bE_Ell' """ c = _phc.c.cgs G = _phc.G.cgs Msun = _phc.Msun.cgs Rsun = _phc.Rsun.cgs for prodI in _product(Ms, Ws, ts, baseimgs, lsuffix): M, W, t, baseimg, suffix = prodI f0 = open(baseimg) mod = f0.readlines() f0.close() srcid = "Be_M{0:05.2f}_W{1:.2f}_t{2:.2f}_{3}.txt".format(M, W, t, suffix) k = baseimgs.index(baseimg) R = Rs[k] nmod = mod[:] _, Req, _ = _rot.readscr(path + srcid) vorb = 1e-5 * _np.sqrt(G * M * Msun / (Req * Rsun)) vel = "{0:.1f}".format(vorb_factor * vorb) nmod[35] = nmod[35].replace("1500.", vel) print(M, W, t, srcid) n = str(int(round(2 * (vorb_factor * vorb) * R / c * 1e5))) nmod[32] = nmod[32].replace("100", n) f0 = open(baseimg.replace(".txt", "_{0}".format(srcid)), "w") f0.writelines(nmod) f0.close() return
[docs]def makeSimulLine2(basesims, Rs, hwidth, Ms, Ws, ts, lsuffix, path="source/"): """ | basesims = ['simulation/Brg.txt','simulation/Ha.txt'] | Rs = [12000, 20000] | | Ms = [3., 4., 5., 7., 9., 12., 15., 20.] | Ws = [0.5, 0.75, 0.85, 0.92, 0.99] | suffix = 'Z0.014_bE_Ell' """ c = _phc.c.cgs for prodI in _product(Ms, Ws, ts, basesims, lsuffix): M, W, t, basesim, suffix = prodI f0 = open(basesim) mod = f0.readlines() f0.close() srcid = "Be_M{0:05.2f}_W{1:.2f}_t{2:.2f}_{3}.txt".format(M, W, t, suffix) k = basesims.index(basesim) R = Rs[k] nmod = mod[:] vrot = _rot.vrot_scr(path + srcid, old=False) vel = "{0:.1f}".format(hwidth + vrot) nmod[93] = nmod[93].replace("1020.", vel) print(M, W, t, srcid) n = str(int(round(2 * (hwidth + vrot) * R / c * 1e5))) nmod[90] = nmod[90].replace("100", n) f0 = open(basesim.replace(".txt", "_{0}".format(srcid)), "w") f0.writelines(nmod) f0.close() return
[docs]def makeSourceGrid(masses, rps, lums, Ws, betas, path=None, suffix=None): """Arbitrary values (no stellar model info), for the SELF-CONSISTENT RIGID ROTATOR setup. OUTPUT: The combination of the values of all lists in the *path/source/* folder. Example: 2 of each parameters results in 32 models (2^5) """ path0 = _os.getcwd() if path is not None: _os.chdir(path) if path[-1] != "/": path += "/" else: path = "" # f0 = open(_os.path.join(_hdt.hdtpath(), "refs", "REF_estrela.txt")) mod = f0.readlines() f0.close() if not _os.path.exists("{0}source".format(path)): _os.system("mkdir {0}source".format(path)) # for prod in _product(masses, rps, lums, Ws, betas): MI, Raio, Lum, W, Beta = prod # REGISTRA VALORES wmod = mod[:] wmod[3] = wmod[3].replace("10.3065", ("%.2f" % MI)) wmod[4] = wmod[4].replace("5.38462", ("%.2f" % Raio)) wmod[5] = wmod[5].replace("0.775", ("%.4f" % W)) wmod[6] = wmod[6].replace("7500.", ("%.2f" % Lum)) wmod[7] = wmod[7].replace("0.25", ("%.5f" % Beta)) # if suffix is None: suffix = ( "_M{0:05.2f}_W{1:.2f}_b{2:.2f}_rp{3:05.2f}_L{4:05.0f}_" "Ell".format(MI, W, Beta, Raio, Lum) ) f0 = open("{0}source/Be".format(path) + suffix + ".txt", "w") f0.writelines(wmod) f0.close() # if path != "": _os.chdir(path0) return
[docs]def makeStarGrid(oblats, Hfs, path=None): """ Based on GENEVA models. | INPUT: oblats = [1.1,1.2,1.3,1.4,1.45] (example) | Hfs = [0.3] (example) Masses list a Z value are inside `` file. """ path0 = _os.getcwd() if path is not None: _os.chdir(path) if path[-1] != "/": path += "/" else: path = "" if not _os.path.exists("stmodels"): _os.system("mkdir stmodels") try: runIDL = True import pidly except ImportError: print("# This system do not have pIDLy installed...") runIDL = False if runIDL: key = _phc.user_input('# Do you want to run "geneve_par" (y/other):') if key != "y": runIDL = False if runIDL: idl = pidly.IDL() propath = _os.path.join(_hdt.hdtpath(), "refs") idl('cd,"{0}"'.format(propath)) idl(".r geneve_par") for ob in oblats: for H in Hfs: idl("geneve_par, {0}, {1}, /OBLAT,/makeeps".format(ob, H)) _os.system( "mv {0}/geneve_lum.eps stmodels/geneve_lum_" + "{1:.2f}_{2:.2f}.eps".format(propath, ob, H) ) _os.system( "mv {0}/geneve_rp.eps stmodels/geneve_rp_{1:.2f}_" + "{2:.2f}.eps".format(propath, ob, H) ) _os.system( "mv {0}/geneve_par.txt stmodels/oblat{1}_h{2}.txt".format( propath, ob, H ) ) idl.close() f0 = open(_os.path.join(_hdt.hdtpath(), "refs", "REF_estrela.txt")) mod = f0.readlines() f0.close() if not _os.path.exists("source"): _os.system("mkdir source") for ob in oblats: for H in Hfs: f0 = open("stmodels/oblat{0}_h{1}.txt".format(ob, H)) matriz = f0.readlines() f0.close() Omega, W, Beta = map(float, matriz[1].split()) m2 = [] for i in range(4, len(matriz)): if len(matriz[i]) > 1: m2 += [matriz[i].split()[1:]] matriz = _np.array(m2, dtype=float) M = matriz[:, 0] # MASS (SOLAR MASSES) M = list(M) Rp = matriz[:, 1] # POLAR RADIUS (SOLAR RADII) Rp = list(Rp) L = matriz[:, 2] # LUMINOSITY (in solar lum.) L = list(L) Z = [0.014] # METALLICITY(=Zsolar) (other options: 0.006, 0.002) print("Omega = ", Omega) print("W = ", W) print("beta = ", Beta) print("M = ", M) print("Rp = ", Rp) print("L = ", L) print("%.0f arquivos gerados\n" % (len(M) * len(Hfs))) # DEFINE ALL INDEX for prodI in _product(M, Rp, L, Z): MI, RpI, LI, ZI = prodI a = M.index(MI) Raio = Rp[a] Lum = L[a] suffix = "_M{0:05.2f}_ob{1:.2f}_H{2:.2f}_Z{3}_bE_Ell".format( MI, ob, H, ZI, Beta, RpI, LI ) # REGISTRA VALORES wmod = mod[:] wmod[3] = wmod[3].replace("10.3065", ("%.2f" % MI)) wmod[4] = wmod[4].replace("5.38462", ("%.2f" % Raio)) wmod[5] = wmod[5].replace("0.775", ("%.4f" % W)) wmod[6] = wmod[6].replace("7500.", ("%.2f" % Lum)) wmod[7] = wmod[7].replace("0.25", ("%.5f" % Beta)) f0 = open("source/Be" + suffix + ".txt", "w") f0.writelines(wmod) f0.close() # if path != "": _os.chdir(path0) return
[docs]def makeStarGrid2(Ms, Ws, ts, Zs=[0.014], path=None): """ Based on GENEVA models. INPUT: | Ms = [3, 4, 5, 7, 9, 12, 15, 20] (example) | Ws = [0.5, 0.75, 0.85, 0.92, 0.99] (example) | ts = [0.0, 0.5, 1.0, 1.02] (example) For while, only Z=0.014 (solar) is available """ path0 = _os.getcwd() if path is not None: _os.chdir(path) if path[-1] != "/": path += "/" else: path = "" f0 = open(_os.path.join(_hdt.hdtpath(), "refs", "REF_estrela.txt")) mod = f0.readlines() f0.close() if not _os.path.exists("source"): _os.system("mkdir source") for prodI in _product(Ms, Ws, ts, Zs): M, W, t, Z = prodI # DERIVED PARAMETERS ob = 1.0 + 0.5 * W**2 Omega = _rot.oblat2w(ob) Beta = _rot.beta(Omega) Rp, logL, _ = _rot.geneva_interp_fast(M, ob, t, silent=False) Lum = 10.0**logL print("M = ", M) print("W = ", W) print("t = ", t) print("Z = ", Z) print("Omega = ", Omega) print("oblat = ", ob) print("beta = ", Beta) print("Rp = ", Rp) print("Lum = ", Lum) suffix = "_M{0:05.2f}_W{1:.2f}_t{2:.2f}_Z{3}_bE_Ell".format( M, W, t, Z, Beta, Rp, Lum ) # REGISTRA VALORES wmod = mod[:] wmod[3] = wmod[3].replace("10.3065", ("%.2f" % M)) wmod[4] = wmod[4].replace("5.38462", ("%.2f" % Rp)) wmod[5] = wmod[5].replace("0.775", ("%.4f" % W)) wmod[6] = wmod[6].replace("7500.", ("%.2f" % Lum)) wmod[7] = wmod[7].replace("0.25", ("%.5f" % Beta)) f0 = open("source/Be" + suffix + ".txt", "w") f0.writelines(wmod) f0.close() print("%.0f arquivos gerados\n" % (len(Ms) * len(Ws) * len(ts) * len(Zs))) # if path != "": _os.chdir(path0) return
[docs]def makeSimulDens(dbase, basesim, factor=1.0): """ Sets the SED simulations number of photons so that the signal/noise level is approximately constant at visible polarization. |dbase = _np.logspace(_np.log10(0.02),_np.log10(4.0),7) |basesim = 'simulation/sed.txt' """ f0 = open(basesim) mod = f0.readlines() f0.close() # fact = 2. Tempo execucao = d/1e13*fact # Nf0 = 500000000 for d in dbase: srcid = "sig{0:.2f}".format(d) # alpha = .39794 # beta = 13.87219 alpha = 0.34588 beta = 8.50927 newd = int(factor * 10 ** (-alpha * _np.log10(d) + beta)) print("{0}, N_f = {1:.2f}e+9".format(srcid, newd / 1e9)) nmod = mod[:] nmod[9] = nmod[9].replace("500000000", "{0}".format(newd)) f0 = open(basesim.replace(".txt", "_{0}.txt".format(srcid)), "w") f0.writelines(nmod) f0.close() # a = raw_input('asdads') return
[docs]def makeCSGrid_bistabWind1Dust( modn="01", renv=[18.6], rcs=[5.0], dm_dOmega=[1.5e-5], v_0=[10.0], v_inf=[1200.0], beta_v=[2], A1=[49], A2=[-0.7], A3=[0.0], m_dth=[92.0], grain_dust_ratio=[200.0], grain_dens=[1.0], selsources="*", path=None, ): """Great a CS Grid for HDUST for wind+dust shell (1) both in bi-stability Based on Carciofi+2010 and used in the B[e] grid between IAG/ON (Brazil). :param arg1: the first value :param arg2: the first value :type arg1: int, float,... :type arg2: int, float,... :returns: arg1/arg2 +arg3 :rtype: int, float :Example: >>> import template >>> a = template.MainClass1() >>> a.function1(1,1,1) 2 .. note:: can be useful to emphasize important feature .. seealso:: :class:`MainClass2` .. warning:: arg2 must be non-zero. .. todo:: check that arg2 is non zero. """ def dobistabWind1Dust(lpars): """ Given a proper list of parameters, do the thing... """ dm_d0, v0, vinf, beta, a1, a2, a3, mdth, gdratio, gdens, re, rd, src = lpars srcname = _os.path.splitext(_os.path.basename(src))[0] # TODO suffix = ( "_rd{0:02.0f}_a1+{1:02.0f}_m{2:03.0f}_md{3:.0e}_grh{4:04.1f}" "_gdr{5:03.0f}_v0+{6:02.0f}_vinf{7:04.0f}_a2+{8:04.1f}_b{9:03.1f}" "_a3+{10:03.1f}" ).format(rd, a1, mdth, dm_d0, gdens, gdratio, v0, vinf, a2, beta, a3, srcname) wmod = mod[:] wmod = _phc.repl_fline_val(wmod, 13, "18.6", re) wmod = _phc.repl_fline_val(wmod, 14, "3.", rd) wmod = _phc.repl_fline_val(wmod, 19, "9.", a1) wmod = _phc.repl_fline_val(wmod, 20, "182.", mdth) wmod = _phc.repl_fline_val(wmod, 26, "39.", a1) wmod = _phc.repl_fline_val(wmod, 27, "182.", mdth) wmod = _phc.repl_fline_val(wmod, 35, "2.E-9", dm_d0) wmod = _phc.repl_fline_val(wmod, 30, "1.E-7", dm_d0) wmod = _phc.repl_fline_val(wmod, 31, "1.", gdens) wmod = _phc.repl_fline_val(wmod, 32, "200.", gdratio) wmod = _phc.repl_fline_val(wmod, 47, "10.", v0) wmod = _phc.repl_fline_val(wmod, 48, "400.", vinf) wmod = _phc.repl_fline_val(wmod, 49, "-0.7", a2) wmod = _phc.repl_fline_val(wmod, 50, "0.8", beta) wmod = _phc.repl_fline_val(wmod, 51, "2.75", a3) fmod = _os.path.join("mod" + modn, "mod" + modn + suffix + ".txt") f0 = open(fmod, "w") f0.writelines(wmod) f0.close() return # PROGRAM BEGINS path0 = _os.getcwd() if path is not None: _os.chdir(path) else: path = "" # Check modN folder if not _os.path.exists("mod{0}".format(modn)): _os.system("mkdir mod{0}".format(modn)) # Select sources # print _os.path.join('source', selsources) sources = _glob(_os.path.join("source", selsources)) # Load disk model f0 = open(_os.path.join(_hdt.hdtpath(), "refs", "REF_bistabWind1Dust.txt")) mod = f0.readlines() f0.close() for lpars in _product( dm_dOmega, v_0, v_inf, beta_v, A1, A2, A3, m_dth, grain_dust_ratio, grain_dens, renv, rcs, sources, ): dobistabWind1Dust(lpars) if path != "": _os.chdir(path0) # END PROGRAM return
[docs]def check_inp( mods=None, step1=["step1", 20], step1_ref=["step1_refine", 30], cust_sim=[["SED", "SED"]], ignore_comm=True, ): """To be executed in the PROJECT folder. ``mods`` = array of model folders. Ex: ["mod01", "mod02"]. ``None`` do it for all. ``cust_sim`` = specifies a pair of *simulation-prefix* to be check (by default, these are equal). ``ignore_comm`` = ignore already comments simulations inputs. WARNING: It assumes that *SUFFIX* inside `inp` file is consistent with the filename. The function also removes the ``*.oar`` and ``*.job`` files. """ if mods is None: mods = _glob("mod*") rule = r"^(?![#!])[A-Za-z0-9'\"\-_+\. =]*SIMULATION.*?=.*?" "([A-Za-z0-9_-]+).*?" if ignore_comm is False: rule = r"SIMULATION.*?=.*?([A-Za-z0-9_-]+).*?" for m in mods: inps = _glob(_os.path.join(m, "mod*.inp")) for i in inps: modname = _os.path.split(i)[1] modname = _os.path.splitext(modname)[0] f0 = open(i).read().split("\n") out = _re.findall(rule, open(i).read(), flags=_re.M) for sim in out: if sim == step1[0]: chk = sorted( _glob(_os.path.join(m, "{0}*[0-9].temp".format(modname))) ) if len(chk) > 0: last = chk[-1][-7:-5] if int(last) >= step1[1]: for j in range(len(f0)): if ( r"SIMULATION.*?=.*?" + sim + r"[\"' \t\n]", f0[j], ) is not None ): f0[j] = "! " + f0[j] if f0[j].upper().find("SUFFIX") > -1: break k = j while f0[k].upper().find("SUFFIX") == -1: k -= 1 f0[k] = "! " + f0[k] k = j while f0[k + 1].upper().find("SUFFIX") == -1: f0[k + 1] = "! " + f0[k + 1] k += 1 break elif sim == step1_ref[0]: chk = sorted( _glob(_os.path.join(m, "{0}*[0-9].temp".format(modname))) ) if len(chk) > 0: last = chk[-1][-7:-5] if int(last) >= step1[1]: for j in range(len(f0)): if ( r"SIMULATION.*?=.*?" + sim + r"[\"' \t\n]", f0[j], ) is not None ): f0[j] = "! " + f0[j] if f0[j].upper().find("SUFFIX") > -1: break k = j while f0[k].upper().find("SUFFIX") == -1: k -= 1 f0[k] = "! " + f0[k] k = j while f0[k + 1].upper().find("SUFFIX") == -1: f0[k + 1] = "! " + f0[k + 1] k += 1 if k == len(f0) - 1: break break else: prefix = sim for c in cust_sim: if c[0] == sim: prefix = c[1] chk = _glob( _os.path.join(m, "{0}_{1}*.sed2".format(prefix, modname)) ) if len(chk) == 1: for j in range(len(f0)): if ( r"SIMULATION.*?=.*?" + sim + r"[\"' \t\n]", f0[j] ) is not None ): f0[j] = "! " + f0[j] # print(f0[0]) if f0[j].upper().find("SUFFIX") > -1: break k = j while f0[k].upper().find("SUFFIX") == -1: k -= 1 f0[k] = "! " + f0[k] k = j while f0[k + 1].upper().find("SUFFIX") == -1: f0[k + 1] = "! " + f0[k + 1] k += 1 if k == len(f0) - 1: break break elif len(chk) > 1: _warn.warn("Multiple outputs for " + prefix + "_" + modname) f1 = open(i, "w") f1.writelines("\n".join(f0)) f1.close() found = False for j in range(len(f0)): if f0[j].upper().find("SUFFIX") == 0: found = True break if not found: if _os.path.exists(_os.path.join("oars", modname + ".oar")): print("# Removed " + modname + ".oar") _os.remove(_os.path.join("oars", modname + ".oar")) if _os.path.exists(_os.path.join("jobs", modname + ".job")): _os.remove(_os.path.join("jobs", modname + ".job")) return
# MAIN ### if __name__ == "__main__": pass