Source code for pyhdust.fieldstars

##!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-

Tools for field stars

:author: D. Bednarski
:license: GNU GPL v3.0 (
from __future__ import print_function
import os
import re
import csv
import copy
import numpy as np

# import as mplcm
from itertools import product

# from glob import glob
from pyhdust import hdtpath
import pyhdust.poltools as polt
import pyhdust.phc as phc
import sys as _sys

def eprint(*args, **kwargs):
    print(*args, file=_sys.stderr, **kwargs)

    import matplotlib as mpl
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

    # from matplotlib.colors import Normalize, hsv_to_rgb
    from matplotlib.patches import Polygon

    # from matplotlib.collections import PatchCollection

    mpl.rcParams["pdf.fonttype"] = 42  # Fix the % Symbol in pdf images
except ImportError:
    eprint("# Warning! matplotlib module not installed!!!")

# from glob import glob
# import pyhdust.phc as phc
# import pyhdust.jdcal as jdcal
# import datetime as dt
# from pyhdust import hdtpath
# from itertools import product

filters = ["u", "b", "v", "r", "i"]
fonts = [
]  # Font sizes for titles, axes labels, axes values, key label of graphs, subplot labels

# Dictionary for filter colors for the graphs
colrs = {
    "u": "Orchid",
    "b": "MediumBlue",
    "v": "Green",
    "r": "Red",
    "i": "GoldenRod",

# Dictionary for column numbers of csv table infile
idx1 = {
    "be?": 0,  # line concerning to the Be star?
    "tgt": 2,  # target name
    "tgtHD": 3,  # HD/BD/CD target number
    "be": 4,  # Be star name
    "sel?": 5,  # Standard selected? ('Y'/'')
    "diang": 7,  # angular distance (in degree)
    "r": 8,  # radial distance (per cent of Be distance)
    "sr": 9,  # radial distance error (idem)
    "type": 10,  # target star type
    "stype": 11,  # target star spectral type
    "mplx": 13,  # target parallax (")
    "msplx": 14,  # target parallax error (")
    "plx": 15,  # target parallax (pc)
    "splx": 16,  # target parallax error (pc)
    "magu": 17,  # magnitude filter u
    "magb": 18,  # magnitude filter b
    "magv": 19,  # magnitude filter v
    "magr": 20,  # magnitude filter r
    "magi": 21,  # magnitude filter i
    "coor": 23,  # coordinates
    "RA": 37,  # RA (hours, decimal)
    "DEC": 38,  # DEC (degree, decimal)

# Dictionary for column numbers of csv table outfile
idx2 = {
    "MJD": 0,  # MJD
    "date": 1,  # date
    "ccd": 2,  # CCD name
    "filt": 3,  # filter
    "calc": 4,  # calcite
    "std": 5,  # standard names
    "dth": 6,  # delta theta
    "sdth": 7,  # delta theta error
    "p": 8,  # pol (%)
    "q": 9,  # Stokes Q (%)
    "u": 10,  # Stokes U (%)
    "thet": 11,  # pol angle
    "s": 12,  # pol error  (%)
    "sthet": 13,  # pol angle error
    "out": 14,  # target out file
    "#star": 15,  # star number inside the outfile
    "flag": 16,  # star flag ('OK'/'W'/'E')
    "tags": 17,  # star tags
    "tgt": 18,  # target name
    "tgtHD": 19,  # HD/BD/CD target number
    "be": 20,  # Be star name
    "sel?": 21,  # Field star selected? ('Y'/'')
    "magu": 22,  # magnitude filter u
    "magb": 23,  # magnitude filter b
    "magv": 24,  # magnitude filter v
    "magr": 25,  # magnitude filter r
    "magi": 26,  # magnitude filter i
    "type": 27,  # target star type
    "stype": 28,  # target star spectral type
    "diang": 29,  # angular distance (in degree)
    "plx": 30,  # target parallax (pc)
    "splx": 31,  # target parallax error (pc)
    "plxbe": 32,  # Be parallax (pc)
    "splxbe": 33,  # Be parallax error (pc)
    "coor": 34,  # target coordinates
    "dRA": 35,  # delta RA (target-Be) (degree, decimal)
    "dDEC": 36,  # delta DEC (target-Be) (degree, decimal)
    "leff": 37,  # lambda_eff (Angstrom)
    "sleff": 38,  # lambda_eff error (Angstrom)

[docs]def readcsv(csvfile, be): """ Read lines of Be star *be* from *cvsfile* and return a list with all components: [ [[star 1, filter 1], [star 1, filter 2]], [[star 2, filter 1], [star 2, filter 2]], ... ] Ignores the observations with 'E' flag. """ data = [] tgt_curr = "VOID" f0 = open(csvfile, "ro") reader = csv.reader(f0, delimiter=";") sortedcsv = sorted( reader, key=lambda x: [x[idx2["be"]], x[idx2["tgt"]], x[idx2["filt"]]] ) for line in sortedcsv: if line == "": continue elif line[idx2["be"]] == be: tgt = line[idx2["tgt"]] if tgt != tgt_curr: tgt_curr = tgt data += [[]] # Copy only if is correct data if line[idx2["flag"]] != "E": data[-1] += [line] return data
[docs]def gencsv(csvin, path=None, skipdth=False, delta=3.5, epssig=2.0): """ Generate a csvfile with every observations for the standard stars listed in pyhdust/refs/pol_hip.txt. Compute lambda_eff using color index and an mean airmass X=1.35. The error is the (lambda_eff(X=1.7)-lambda_eff(X=1.))/2 INPUT csvin The csv file with the informations about the standard stars. The columns are indentified through idx1[] dictionary. path The path to the ``red`` directory, inside which are the nights with the observations skipdth print all target values anyway, even when there are no standard star? epssig sigP/P max for unpolarized target (sigP/P up to epssig doesn't need standard star case skipdth==False) delta tolerance for the angle between the two beams of calcite. """ if path is None: path = os.getcwd() try: objs = np.genfromtxt("{0}/refs/pol_hip.txt".format(hdtpath()), dtype=str) except: print("# ERROR: Can't read files pyhdust/refs/pol_hip.txt.") raise SystemExit(1) fout = open("{0}/dados.csv".format(path), "w") csvout = csv.writer(fout, delimiter=";") # , quoting=csv.QUOTE_NONE, quotechar='') # Main loop for obj in objs: # Generate the table file for each field star polt.genTarget(obj, path=path, skipdth=skipdth, delta=delta, epssig=epssig) if os.path.exists("{0}/{1}.log".format(path, obj)): # Read informations about the field star and its Be with open(csvin, "ro") as fin: beline, tgtline, linetmp = [], [], [] for line in csv.reader(fin, delimiter=";"): if line == []: continue # Case the line is for some Be elif line[idx1["be?"]] != "": linetmp = line[:] # Case it was matched the field star line elif line[idx1["tgt"]] == obj: tgtline += [line[:]] beline += [linetmp[:]] # At this point we have two lists: tgtline and beline, which hold the # informations about the field star 'obj' and the respective Be star. # These variables are lists because more the same field star can be associated # with more than a single Be. semilines = [] for i in range(len(tgtline)): semilines += [[]] # preparar uma semi-linha para ser copiada para todas as linhas com as informações referentes à estrela de campo e suas relações com a Be de referência. Compilar na linha abaixo apenas as informações que são importantes. for tag in ( "tgt", "tgtHD", "be", "sel?", "magu", "magb", "magv", "magr", "magi", "type", "stype", "diang", "plx", "splx", ): semilines[i] += [tgtline[i][idx1[tag]]] semilines[i] += [beline[i][idx1["plx"]], beline[i][idx1["splx"]]] semilines[i] += [tgtline[i][idx1["coor"]]] semilines[i] += [ "{0:.7f}".format( (float(tgtline[i][idx1["RA"]]) - float(beline[i][idx1["RA"]])) * 360.0 / 24.0 ) ] semilines[i] += [ "{0:.7f}".format( float(tgtline[i][idx1["DEC"]]) - float(beline[i][idx1["DEC"]]) ) ] # print semilines # semilines += [tgtline[i]+beline[i]] # print '############### AQUI!!!!!!!!!!!!! : ' + str(len(tgtline)) + ' linhas\n' # if len(tgtline) > 1: # print '##########################################################' # print '################### MAIS QUE 1 LINHA #####################' # for i in range(len(tgtline)): # print tgtline[i][idx1['tgt']], tgtline[i][idx1['be']] # print beline[i][idx1['be']] # print semilines # lixo = raw_input('Clique qualquer coisa para continuar...') fobj = np.genfromtxt( "{0}/{1}.log".format(path, obj), dtype=str, comments="#" ) # Test if is needed to reshape if len(fobj) > 0 and not isinstance(fobj[0], np.ndarray): fobj = fobj.reshape(-1, 18) # print fobj, semilines for semiline in semilines: for line in fobj.tolist(): # Compute the lambda_effective and errors color = "" if ( line[3] == "u" and semiline[4] not in ("~", "") and semiline[5] not in ("~", "") ): color = float(semiline[4]) - float(semiline[5]) elif ( line[3] in filters[1:] and semiline[5] not in ("~", "") and semiline[6] not in ("~", "") ): color = float(semiline[5]) - float(semiline[6]) if color != "": leff = polt.lbds(color, line[3], line[2], airmass=1.35) leff1 = polt.lbds(color, line[3], line[2], airmass=1.0) leff2 = polt.lbds(color, line[3], line[2], airmass=1.7) sleff = abs(leff2 - leff1) / 2 # print leff, abs(leff1-leff), abs(leff2-leff) else: leff = phc.lbds[line[3]] sleff = 0.0 csvout.writerow(line + semiline + [leff, sleff]) # Process the found star with the substring 'field' polt.genTarget("field", path=path, skipdth=skipdth, delta=delta, epssig=epssig) if os.path.exists("{0}/field.log".format(path)): fobj = np.genfromtxt("{0}/field.log".format(path), dtype=str, comments="#") # Test if is needed to reshape if len(fobj) > 0 and not isinstance(fobj[0], np.ndarray): fobj = fobj.reshape(-1, 18) for line in fobj.tolist(): leff = phc.lbds[line[3]] csvout.writerow( line[:-1] + [line[-1], "", line[-1].split("_")[0], "Y"] + [""] * 15 + [leff] ) fout.close() return
[docs]def getTable( data, x, y, z=None, sx=None, sy=None, sz=None, vfilter=["no-std"], bin_data=True, onlyY=False, unbias="wk", ): """ Receive the list *data* with many collumns and return the columns concerning to the *x*, *y*, *z* quantities (and their errors *sx*, *sy*, *sz*). Returns also 'objarr', a list with object names, filters and validation status. IMPORTANT: 1) Propagates error of delta theta factor for 'q', 'u', 'p' and 'thet' labels 2) Apply unbias correction for P and theta values when specified through 'unbias' variable. 3) Case some label is 'q', 'u', 'p' or 'thet', 'no-std' is not in vfilter list and bin_data==True, don't bin the data of those which have 'no-std' flag to prevent to compute values WITH NO MEANING. Return various lines for every unbinnable data and a line for the others else binned data. INPUT x,y,z,sx,sy,sz Label (key) of *idx2* dictionary. bin_data Bin the data in the observations for the same object+filter+x variable? Note: Case y and/or z are 'p' or 'thet', compute the bins *over the Stokes parameters* and then return the values to 'p' or 'thet'! onlyY True = only selects the list with a "Y" marked unbias Estimator to unbias the data when 'y' or 'z' is equals to 'p' or 'thet'. Three options: a) 'ml': Maximum Likelihood (K=1.41) b) 'wk': Wardle & Kronberg (K=1.0) c) '' : None (K=0.) where K is the factor to unbias (read the description of routines 'unbiasData' and 'meanAngle'. vfilter List whose elements are the labels (tags) to be filtered from the output. It can be 'full', 'prob' or 'comp' for these pre-defined lists in polt.vfil dictionary. To mount your own list vfilter, select the current tags: # General tags for target/standard observation - 'bad-mod' bad modulation - 'very-bad-mod' very bad modulation - 'incomp-mods' some modulations are incompatible - 'obs-prob' some observational problem/error - 'iagpol-prob' polarimeter problem suspected - 'other-prob' another relevant problem - 'obs!=pub' std incompatible with the published # Tags for standard status - 'no-std' no standard in the night - 'oth-day-std' standard from another day - 'oth-dth' delta theta estimated from another filter """ def pro_arr(xx, yy, zz=None, sxx=None, syy=None, szz=None): objarr = [[], [], []] xarr = [[], []] yarr = [[], []] zarr = [[], []] for block in data: for line in block: # Skip the line: 1) case the observation has some tag to be filtered; # 2) case the xx, yy or zz has not value in line (i.e., # if it is equal to '' or '~'); # 3) case the observation has not the mark 'Y' that indicates # it was selected for THAT Be star, since onlyY==True. if ( (onlyY is True and line[idx2["sel?"]] != "Y") or line[idx2[xx]] in ("", "~") or line[idx2[yy]] in ("", "~") or (zz is not None and line[idx2[zz]] in ("", "~")) ): validate = False else: validate = True for vfilt in vfilter: if vfilt in line[idx2["tags"]]: validate = False # print line[idx2['tgt']] + 'FALSE: sel? = ' + line[idx2['sel?']] break # IF VALIDATE, proceed if validate: objarr[0] += [line[idx2["tgt"]]] objarr[1] += [line[idx2["filt"]]] objarr[2] += [line[idx2["tags"]]] xarr[0] += [line[idx2[xx]]] yarr[0] += [line[idx2[yy]]] if sxx is not None: xarr[1] += [line[idx2[sxx]]] else: xarr[1] += [""] if syy is not None: yarr[1] += [line[idx2[syy]]] else: yarr[1] += [""] if zz is not None: zarr[0] += [line[idx2[zz]]] if szz is not None: zarr[1] += [line[idx2[szz]]] try: xarr[0] = [float(xelem) for xelem in xarr[0]] except: pass try: xarr[1] = [float(xelem) for xelem in xarr[1]] except: pass try: yarr[0] = [float(yelem) for yelem in yarr[0]] except: pass try: yarr[1] = [float(yelem) for yelem in yarr[1]] except: pass try: zarr[0] = [float(zelem) for zelem in zarr[0]] except: pass try: zarr[1] = [float(zelem) for zelem in zarr[1]] except: pass return objarr, xarr, yarr, zarr # Verify keys for param in (x, y, z, sx, sy, sz): if param is not None and param not in idx2: print("Error: key {0} not found".format(param)) return 1 # Verify if vfilter is a special filter if vfilter in polt.vfil.keys(): vfilter = polt.vfil[vfilter] if bin_data: if x in ("p", "thet"): print( "Error: key 'p' or 'thet' can't be used as x values when bin_data==True. Try to pass the data that must be binned through the y values or set bin_data=False." ) return 1 elif z is not None and y in ("p", "thet"): print( "Error: keys 'p' and/or 'thet' can't be used as x and/or y values when bin_data==True and z!=None. Try to pass the data that must be binned through the z values or set bin_data=False." ) return 1 if x == "leff": ignx = True else: ignx = False if y == "leff": igny = True else: igny = False objarr, xarr, yarr, zarr = pro_arr(x, y, z, sx, sy, sz) if ( bin_data and y not in ("p", "thet", "q", "u") and z not in ("p", "thet", "q", "u") ): if z is None: binData(objarr, xarr, yarr, ignx=ignx) else: binData(objarr, xarr, yarr, zarr=zarr, ignx=ignx, igny=igny) # Case y or z is the polarization P, theta, Q or U, bin the data on the *Stokes parameters QU* and # compute the new P (or theta, Q, U) values. if y in ("p", "thet", "q", "u") or z in ("p", "thet", "q", "u"): objarr, parr, thetarr, dtharr = pro_arr( xx="p", yy="thet", sxx="s", zz="dth", szz="sdth" ) objarr_aux, qarr, uarr, lixo = pro_arr(xx="q", yy="u", sxx="s", syy="s") thetarr[1], qarr[1], uarr[1] = polt.propQU( parr[0], thetarr[0], parr[1], dtharr[1] ) if bin_data: if z is None: xarr_aux = copy.deepcopy(xarr) binData(objarr, xarr, qarr, prevent=True, ignx=ignx) binData(objarr_aux, xarr_aux, uarr, prevent=True, ignx=ignx, igny=igny) else: xarr_aux = copy.deepcopy(xarr) yarr_aux = copy.deepcopy(yarr) binData( objarr, xarr, yarr, zarr=qarr, prevent=True, ignx=ignx, igny=igny ) binData( objarr_aux, xarr_aux, yarr_aux, zarr=uarr, prevent=True, ignx=ignx, igny=igny, ) if "thet" in (y, z): # Call meanAngle over the qarr and uarr lists, one by one element, just to compute theta correctly thetarr[0] = [ meanAngle([qi], [ui], [sqi], [sui], estim=unbias)[0] for qi, ui, sqi, sui in zip(qarr[0], uarr[0], qarr[1], uarr[1]) ] thetarr[1] = [ meanAngle([qi], [ui], [sqi], [sui], estim=unbias)[1] for qi, ui, sqi, sui in zip(qarr[0], uarr[0], qarr[1], uarr[1]) ] if y == "thet": yarr = thetarr else: zarr = thetarr if "p" in (y, z): parr[0] = [np.sqrt(qi**2 + ui**2) for qi, ui in zip(qarr[0], uarr[0])] parr[1] = [ np.sqrt((qi * sqi) ** 2 + (ui * sui) ** 2) / pi if pi != 0 else 0.0 for qi, ui, sqi, sui, pi in zip( qarr[0], uarr[0], qarr[1], uarr[1], parr[0] ) ] if unbias != "": unbiasData(parr[0], parr[1], estim=unbias) if y == "p": yarr = parr else: zarr = parr if y == "q": yarr = qarr elif z == "q": zarr = qarr if y == "u": yarr = uarr elif z == "u": zarr = uarr # Return the values if z is None: return objarr, xarr, yarr else: return objarr, xarr, yarr, zarr
[docs]def graf_field( csvfile, be, vfilter=["no-std"], squared=True, save=False, bin_data=True, onlyY=False, extens="pdf", unbias="wk", ): """ Plot a field graph with polarization directions for Be star *be* through *csvfile* data table. squared: use the same scale in both x and y axes? """ # Subtask to calculate the polarization vector coordinates def gen_polar(x, y, l, thet): thet_rad = -np.deg2rad(thet) + np.pi / 2 xmin = x - np.cos(thet_rad) * l xmax = x + np.cos(thet_rad) * l ymin = y - np.sin(thet_rad) * l ymax = y + np.sin(thet_rad) * l return [xmin, xmax], [ymin, ymax] # Subtask to calculate the coordinates of 'error shade' def gen_spolar(x, y, l, thet, sthet): thet_rad = -np.deg2rad(thet) + np.pi / 2 s_rad = np.deg2rad(sthet) l = 0.8 * l x1 = x - l * np.cos(thet_rad - s_rad) / np.cos(s_rad) y1 = y - l * np.sin(thet_rad - s_rad) / np.cos(s_rad) x2 = x + l * np.cos(thet_rad - s_rad) / np.cos(s_rad) y2 = y + l * np.sin(thet_rad - s_rad) / np.cos(s_rad) x3 = x + l * np.cos(thet_rad + s_rad) / np.cos(s_rad) y3 = y + l * np.sin(thet_rad + s_rad) / np.cos(s_rad) x4 = x - l * np.cos(thet_rad + s_rad) / np.cos(s_rad) y4 = y - l * np.sin(thet_rad + s_rad) / np.cos(s_rad) # return [[x1,y1], [x2,y2], [x3,y3], [x4,y4]] return [[x1, y1], [x2, y2], [x3, y3], [x4, y4]] plt.close("all") # Verify if vfilter is a special filter if vfilter in polt.vfil.keys(): vfilter = polt.vfil[vfilter] # Read file and generate table data = readcsv(csvfile, be) if data == []: print("No {0} data!".format(be)) return objarr, raarr, decarr, tharr = getTable( data, "dRA", "dDEC", z="thet", sz="sthet", vfilter=vfilter, bin_data=bin_data, onlyY=onlyY, unbias=unbias, ) # print tharr if objarr == [] or objarr == [[], [], []]: print("No {0} valid data!".format(be)) return fig = plt.figure(1) ax = plt.subplot(1, 1, 1) ax.set_title( "Field Stars - {0}".format(phc.bes[be]), fontsize=fonts[0], verticalalignment="bottom", ) ax.set_xlabel(r"$\Delta$ RA (degree)", size=fonts[1]) ax.set_ylabel(r"$\Delta$ DEC (degree)", size=fonts[1]) leg = [] vec = [float(veci) for veci in raarr[0] + decarr[0]] lsize = 0.075 * (max(vec) - min(vec)) # Variable for vectors size delt = 1.5 * lsize # Variable for label names displacement if squared: ax.set_xlim([min(vec) - 2 * lsize, max(vec) + 2 * lsize]) ax.set_ylim([min(vec) - 2 * lsize, max(vec) + 2 * lsize]) ax.autoscale(False) # lsize = 0.06*(max(ra)-min(ra)) # Variable for vectors size # lysize = 0.1*(max(dec)-min(dec))/(max(dec)+min(dec)) # Variable for vectors size # lsize = np.sqrt(lxsize**2 + lysize**2) # lsize = 0.1 # ratio = (max(dec)-min(dec)+2*lsize)/(max(ra)-min(ra)+2*lsize) # Variable for vectors size # ratio=0.65 ymin = 100.0 # 100. to pass in first iteration # Do the subplots # vec = np.arange(0,180.,180./len(objarr[0])) # tharr[0] = vec.tolist() # raarr[0] = [0 for i in range(len(raarr[0]))] # decarr[0] = [0 for i in range(len(raarr[0]))] for i in range(len(objarr[0])): obj = objarr[0][i] filt = objarr[1][i] x = float(raarr[0][i]) y = float(decarr[0][i]) thet = float(tharr[0][i]) sthet = float(tharr[1][i]) color = colrs[filt] if y < ymin: ymin = y # Plot vectors xvert, yvert = gen_polar(x, y, lsize, thet) plt.plot(xvert, yvert, color=color) # Plot errors coords = gen_spolar(x, y, lsize, thet, sthet) polygon = Polygon(coords, True, color=color, alpha=0.18) ax.add_patch(polygon) # Print object names if i == 0 or obj not in [ileg[0] for ileg in leg]: n = 0 # Compute scale to fix the label positions if squared: scale = 0.035 * abs(ax.get_ylim()[1] - ax.get_ylim()[0]) else: scale = 0.06 * abs( min([float(idecarr) for idecarr in decarr[0]]) - max([float(idecarr) for idecarr in decarr[0]]) ) # Verify if another label shall be closer to the current label for ileg in leg: if abs(y - ileg[2]) < delt and abs(x - ileg[1]) < delt: if n == 0: x1 = ileg[1] y1 = ileg[2] n += 1 if n == 0: x1 = x yleg = y - lsize * 1.5 objleg = fixName(obj) else: yleg = y1 - lsize * 1.5 - n * scale objleg = "+ " + fixName(obj) ax.text( x1, yleg, "{0}".format(objleg), horizontalalignment="center", verticalalignment="baseline", fontsize=fonts[3], color="black", ) leg += [[obj, x, y]] if yleg < ymin: ymin = yleg # Print point for Be star ax.plot([0, 0], [0, 0], "o", color="black", markersize=7) # Fix y limits if squared==False if not squared: ax.set_ylim([ymin - 2 * lsize, ax.get_ylim()[1]]) # Fix limits ax.autoscale(False) ax.plot(ax.get_xlim(), [0, 0], "k--") ax.plot([0, 0], ax.get_ylim(), "k--") plt.gca().invert_xaxis() # Setting sizes ax.xaxis.label.set_fontsize(fonts[1]) ax.yaxis.label.set_fontsize(fonts[1]) for item in ax.get_xticklabels() + ax.get_yticklabels(): item.set_fontsize(fonts[2]) if save: plt.savefig("{0}_field.{1}".format(be, extens), bbox_inches="tight") else:
# bin same object+filter data
[docs]def binData(objarr, xarr, yarr, zarr=None, ignx=False, igny=False, prevent=False): """ Bin data objarr is a list [[objects], [filters], [flags]] xarr is a list [[x values], [sx values]] (idem for yarr and zarr) If zarr is void, bin just the y values and calculate error by propagation only (no stddev). Otherwise, bin only the z values. - prevent: prevent to bin when flags contain 'no-std'? If True, case there are more than one point able to be binned, bin only the data which don't have 'no-std' flag. The output lists will have a copy of every line from those in input lists with 'no-std' flag, as like as the binned lines among those that just don't have 'no-std' flag. CAUTION: only bins when the contents of objarr AND xarr are the same (AND yarr also, case zarr != None)! Only if ignx or/and igny parameter have value 'True' the routine ignores when xarr or/and yarr have not the same values. In this case, the x or/and y value to be returned are taken from the first occurrence. CONSIDERATIONS: - The error of binned data is just the propagated error, sqrt(sum(sigma_i^2))/n, and doesn't consider the stddev """ # Check sizes of lists for elem in product( [ len(lista) for lista in (objarr[0], objarr[1], xarr[0], xarr[1], yarr[0], yarr[1]) ], repeat=2, ): if elem[0] != elem[1]: print( "# ERROR: Data binning not processed because the lists have distinct sizes" ) return i = 0 # Loop on lines while i < len(objarr[0]): obj = objarr[0][i] fil = objarr[1][i] tags = objarr[2][i] x = xarr[0][i] sx = xarr[1][i] # If it is to prevent, preserve the line without to bin # when 'no-std' is in tags if prevent and "no-std" in tags: i += 1 continue if zarr is None: try: yarr[1][i] = yarr[1][i] ** 2 except: yarr[1][i] = "" else: y = yarr[0][i] sy = yarr[1][i] try: zarr[1][i] = zarr[1][i] ** 2 except: zarr[1][i] = "" n = 1 j = i + 1 # looking for the same object/filter from i-esim line until the end while True: # break if another object or end of list if j >= len(objarr[0]) or objarr[0][j] != obj: break # If all j-esim components are equal, except the z values (or y values, # case zarr is void), calculate the mean elif ( objarr[0][j] == obj and objarr[1][j] == fil and (ignx or (xarr[0][j] == x and xarr[1][j] == sx)) and (zarr is None or igny or (yarr[0][j] == y and yarr[1][j] == sy)) ): n += 1 if zarr is None: yarr[0][i] += yarr[0][j] try: yarr[1][i] += yarr[1][j] ** 2 except: pass else: zarr[0][i] += zarr[0][j] try: zarr[1][i] += zarr[1][j] ** 2 except: pass del zarr[0][j] del zarr[1][j] del objarr[0][j] del objarr[1][j] del xarr[0][j] del xarr[1][j] del yarr[0][j] del yarr[1][j] # skip to next else: j += 1 # Conclude the computation of average and propagated error if zarr is None: yarr[0][i] = yarr[0][i] / n if yarr[1][i] != "": yarr[1][i] = np.sqrt(yarr[1][i]) / n else: zarr[0][i] = zarr[0][i] / n if zarr[1][i] != "": zarr[1][i] = np.sqrt(zarr[1][i]) / n i += 1
def graf_theta( csvfile, be, vfilter=["no-std"], save=False, bin_data=True, onlyY=False, extens="pdf", unbias="wk", ): # Verify if vfilter is a special filter if vfilter in polt.vfil.keys(): vfilter = polt.vfil[vfilter] plt.close("all") data = readcsv(csvfile, be) if data == []: print("No {0} data!".format(be)) return objarr, filtarr, tharr = getTable( data, "filt", "thet", sy="sthet", vfilter=vfilter, bin_data=bin_data, onlyY=onlyY, unbias=unbias, ) if objarr == [] or objarr == [[], [], []]: print("No {0} valid data!".format(be)) return # Compute the mean angle # A new objarr is needed because the bin_data==False can do the objarr below have a larger length objarr_qu, qarr, uarr = getTable( data, "q", "u", sx="s", sy="s", vfilter=vfilter, bin_data=False, onlyY=onlyY, unbias=unbias, ) thmean = meanAngle(qarr[0], uarr[0], qarr[1], uarr[1], estim=unbias) fig = plt.figure(1) ax = plt.subplot(1, 1, 1) ax.set_title( "Field Stars - {0}".format(phc.bes[be]), fontsize=fonts[0], verticalalignment="bottom", ) ax.set_xlabel("star/filter", size=fonts[1]) ax.set_ylabel(r"$\theta$ (degree)", size=fonts[1]) j = 0 pts = [[], [], []] longname = False # Do the subplots while True: pts[0] = [i + 1 for i in range(len(objarr[0])) if objarr[0][j] == objarr[0][i]] pts[1] = [ float(tharr[0][i]) for i in range(len(objarr[0])) if objarr[0][j] == objarr[0][i] ] pts[2] = [ float(tharr[1][i]) for i in range(len(objarr[0])) if objarr[0][j] == objarr[0][i] ] # pts[0].sort(key=lambda x: x[0]) color = gen_color(csvfile, be, objarr[0][j], onlyY=onlyY) nome = fixName(objarr[0][j]) if len(nome) > 13: longname = True ax.errorbar( pts[0], pts[1], yerr=pts[2], label=nome, linestyle="", marker="o", color=color, ) j += len(pts[0]) if j >= len(objarr[0]): break ax.set_xlim([0, j + j / 3]) # Setting legend leg = ax.legend(loc="best", borderaxespad=0.0, numpoints=1, prop={"size": fonts[3]}) leg.get_frame().set_alpha(0.5) ax.plot(ax.get_xlim(), [thmean[0], thmean[0]], "k--") # Setting sizes ax.xaxis.label.set_fontsize(fonts[1]) ax.yaxis.label.set_fontsize(fonts[1]) for item in ax.get_xticklabels() + ax.get_yticklabels(): item.set_fontsize(fonts[2]) if save: plt.savefig("{0}_tht.{1}".format(be, extens), bbox_inches="tight") else:
[docs]def meanAngle(q, u, sq, su, estim="wk"): """ Return the mean angle and the error propagated The computation is over QU parameters. Unbias theta error using 'estim' estimator: if p/sp <= K, s_theta = psi otherwise, s_theta = propagated error where K is given by the estimator related to the 'estim' variable: a) 'ml' : Maximum Likelihood (K=1.41, psi=51.96) b) 'wk' : Wardle & Kronberg (K=1.0, psi=51.96) c) '' : None (K=0, psi=51.96) d) 'mts': Maier, Tenzer & Santangelo (estimates from Bayesian analysis, psi=61.14) """ if estim == "wk": k = 1.0 elif estim == "ml": k = 1.41 elif estim == "": k = 0.0 elif estim != "mts": print("# ERROR: estimation type `{0}` not valid!.".format(estim)) raise SystemExit(1) qq, uu, sqq, suu = q[:], u[:], sq[:], su[:] # Use binData to compute the mean Q and U values # espn variables are artifices to bin all data from qq and uu lists using binData esp1 = [ ["" for i in range(len(q))], ["" for i in range(len(q))], ["" for i in range(len(q))], ] esp2 = copy.deepcopy(esp1) esp3 = copy.deepcopy(esp1) esp4 = copy.deepcopy(esp1) binData(esp1, esp2, [qq, sqq]) binData(esp3, esp4, [uu, suu]) # Prevent division by 0 if qq[0] == 0: if uu[0] > 0: tht = 45.0 elif uu[0] < 0: tht = 135.0 else: # print qq, uu # print sqq, suu tht = np.arctan(uu[0] / qq[0]) * 90 / np.pi p = np.sqrt(qq[0] ** 2 + uu[0] ** 2) if p != 0: sp = np.sqrt((qq[0] * sqq[0]) ** 2 + (uu[0] * suu[0]) ** 2) / p saux = np.sqrt((qq[0] * suu[0]) ** 2 + (uu[0] * sqq[0]) ** 2) / p if estim != "mts": if sp != 0 and p / saux > k: stht = 28.65 * saux / p else: stht = 51.96 else: # We need to use 'saux' below, not 'sp'! It is because if U=0, the error that will # influence the theta uncertainty is the sigma_U, because sigma_Q will be along the # P direction. Comparing the formulas for sp and saux, the one that do it correctly # is saux. if sp != 0 and p / saux > 6: stht = 28.65 * saux / p elif saux != 0: a = 32.50 b = 1.350 c = 0.739 d = 0.801 e = 1.154 stht = a * (b + np.tanh(c * (d - p / saux))) - e * p / saux else: stht = 61.14 else: tht = 0.0 if estim != "mts": stht = 51.96 else: stht = 61.14 # Fix the angle to the correct in QU diagram if qq[0] < 0: tht += 90 if tht < 0: tht += 180 return [tht, stht]
[docs]def meanAngle_star( csvfile, be, obj, filts="ubvri", vfilter=["no-std"], onlyY=False, estim="wk" ): """ Return the meanAngle for star 'obj' in field of Be 'be' computed in all filters specified in string format in the variable 'filts'. For example, if filts='ubv', this routine will compute the mean angle among UBV filters. Unbias theta error using 'estim' estimator: if p/sp <= K, s_theta = psi otherwise, s_theta = propagated error where K is given by the estimator related to the 'estim' variable: a) 'ml' : Maximum Likelihood (K=1.41, psi=51.96) b) 'wk' : Wardle & Kronberg (K=1.0, psi=51.96) c) '' : None (K=0, psi=51.96) d) 'mts': Maier, Tenzer & Santangelo (estimates from Bayesian analysis, psi=61.14) CONSIDERATIONS: - Operations over QU parameters - Error from standard star is propagated - If estim != '' and the final polarization p is smaller than its uncertainty multiplied by the estimator factor K, the error of theta has the value 51.96 or 61.14, depending of the model """ # Verify if vfilter is a special filter if vfilter in polt.vfil.keys(): vfilter = polt.vfil[vfilter] # Read tables and unbias data data = readcsv(csvfile, be) if data == []: print("No {0} data!".format(be)) return # Get tables objarr, qarr, uarr = getTable( data, "q", "u", sx="s", sy="s", vfilter=vfilter, bin_data=False, onlyY=onlyY ) lixo, parr, arr_aux, = getTable( data, "p", "thet", sx="s", sy="sdth", vfilter=vfilter, bin_data=False, onlyY=onlyY, ) # Propagate error from standard star lixo, qarr[1], uarr[1] = polt.propQU(parr[0], arr_aux[0], parr[1], arr_aux[1]) qarr_filt, uarr_filt = [[], []], [[], []] # Create new qarr and uarr with the data of star 'obj' in filters 'filts' for i, (obji, flti) in enumerate(zip(objarr[0], objarr[1])): if obji == obj and flti in filts: qarr_filt[0] += [qarr[0][i]] qarr_filt[1] += [qarr[1][i]] uarr_filt[0] += [uarr[0][i]] uarr_filt[1] += [uarr[1][i]] # Compute the thmean if qarr_filt != [[], []]: thmean = meanAngle( qarr_filt[0], uarr_filt[0], qarr_filt[1], uarr_filt[1], estim=estim ) else: thmean = [0, 0] return thmean
[docs]def gen_color(csvfile, be, obj, onlyY=False): """ Receives a string 'csvfile' pointing to the csvfile, a Be star 'be' and the field star named 'obj'. Returns a smart computed np array for the color of such field star. Note that if you run this task with distinct values for 'onlyY', the color returned may be distinct also. 'be' parameter is necessary because some field stars are used for more than one Be star. """ data = readcsv(csvfile, be) # print data if data == []: print("No {0} data!".format(be)) return stars = [] for block in data: # print block line = block[0] target = line[idx2["tgt"]] if target not in stars and ((onlyY and line[idx2["sel?"]] == "Y") or not onlyY): stars += [target] if len(stars) != 0: if len(stars) != 1: norm = np.arange(0.04, 1.0, 4.775 / (5 * (len(stars) - 1))) else: norm = [0.5] cm = # norm = Normalize(vmin=0., vmax=len(stars)) # cm =, if obj in stars: idx = stars.index(obj) fcm = cm[idx] else: fcm = np.array([]) else: fcm = np.array([]) return fcm
[docs]def fixName(star): """ Fix the name of star 'star', returning the printable name. 'hd' -> 'HD ' '2MASS-' -> '' 'hip' -> 'HIP ' 'TYC-' -> 'TYC ' Return identical 'star' name if the name was not identified """ def fixx(starr): if bool(re.match("^2MASS-J[0-9-+]*$", starr)): nome = starr[6:] elif bool(re.match("^(hip|HIP)[0-9]*$", starr)): nome = "HIP " + starr[3:] elif bool(re.match("^(tyc|TYC)-[0-9-]*$", starr)): nome = "TYC " + starr[4:] elif bool(re.match("^(hd|HD)[0-9]*$", starr)): nome = "HD " + starr[2:] elif bool(re.match("^h[0-9]*$", starr)): nome = "HD " + starr[1:] elif bool(re.match("^hr[0-9]*$", starr)): nome = "HR " + starr[2:] elif bool(re.match("^bd-[0-9-+]*$", starr)): nome = "BD-" + starr[3:5] + " " + starr[6:] elif starr in phc.bes: nome = phc.bes[starr] else: nome = starr return nome if bool(re.match(".*_field", star)): if star.split("_")[0] in phc.bes: nome = "Star #" + star[star.index("_field") + 6 :] else: nome = ( fixx(star.split("_")[0]) + " (Star #" + star[star.index("_field") + 6 :] + ")" ) elif bool(re.match(".*_.$", star)): nome = fixx(star.split("_")[0]) + " " + star[star.index("_") + 1 :].upper() else: nome = fixx(star) return nome
[docs]def unbiasData(p, s, estim="wk"): """ Unbias P data, appling the operation over input lists/arrays: p^2 -> p^2 - K^2 s^2 INPUT p: % polarization s: pol error estim: estimative model: a) 'ml': Maximum Likelihood (K=1.41) b) 'wk': Wardle & Kronberg (K=1.0) """ if estim == "wk": k = 1.0 elif estim == "ml": k = 1.41 elif estim == "mts": print( "# Warning: changing estimation type from `mts` to `wk` to the % of pol..." ) k = 1.0 else: print("# ERROR: estimation type `{0}` not valid!.".format(estim)) raise SystemExit(1) for i in range(len(p)): if p[i] < k * s[i]: p[i] = 0.0 else: p[i] = np.sqrt(p[i] ** 2 - (k * s[i]) ** 2) return
[docs]def graf_p( csvfile, be, thetfile=None, path=None, vfilter=[], save=False, bin_data=True, onlyY=False, every=False, rotate=False, fit=True, unbias="wk", law="w82", extens="pdf", ): """ Plot P x wavelength for star 'be' and operate over a /'be'_is.csv file. The field stars are read from 'csvfile'. Fix the polarization bias using Wardle & Kronberg formula. 'csvfile' : location of dados.csv (field stars data). 'path' : the path where is located the log file for star 'be' (out from polt.genTarget). If None, it is supposed inside the current directory (.). 'bin_data': bin data in graphs? 'onlyY' : use only the field stars with 'Y' marks (field stars originally selected for Be star 'be')? 'thetfile' : file with the intrinsic angles (oufile from fs.genInt). If 'thetfile' != None, plot the ISP component parallel to the disk of the Be star. It is done by rotating the data in QU diagram at the angle corresponding to the disk inclination. 'unbias' : Estimator to unbias the data when 'y' or 'z' is equals to 'p' or 'thet'. Three options: a) 'ml': Maximum Likelihood (K=1.41) b) 'wk': Wardle & Kronberg (K=1.0) c) '' : None (K=0.) where K is the factor to unbias (read the description of routines 'unbiasData' and 'meanAngle'. 'every' : use one intrinsic angle for each one filter to obtain the // component? If every=False makes all data to use a mean value at the -4:-2 collums (22th to 24th) from 'thetfile' 'fit': fit the ISP using MCMC? Case True, generate the graphs and a file ./'be'_is.csv with the best values. Write the mean polarization angles inside this file also. Case fit==True and there exists this file, this routine will ask to the user if he wants to read the previous fitted parameters and plot the Serkowski curves using them, or if he wants to run MCMC again, overwriting this file. If there exists a ./'be'_is.csv file and some standard star was not fitted yet, this routine will do that and append a line to the csv file. 'rotate' : DON'T WORKING PROPERLY. Rotate the polarization of field stars in QU diagram by the mean angle? A option to be explored to replace the unbias procedure. CONSIDERATIONS: - Error for parallel component is the combination between the propagated error and stddev. - Error of standard stars is propagated to the field stars - The polarization angles (PA) inside 'be'_is.csv are binned over Stokes parameters ALWAYS. The errors are computed by the simple propagation. - The mean PA for each star is computed using QU parameters in all filters, even when p/sigma_p<1 (when the individual PA error is equals to 51.96), because we are actually operating over QU space! - p/sigma_p inside 'be'_is.csv is computed by the ratio of 28.65 and the PA error. """ def copyFit(star, csvwriter, secondcol=None): """ Copy the line of star 'star' inside 'be'_is.csv file to the writer csvwriter If 'secondcol' != None, do the copy only when the 2nd column inside 'be'_is.csv has the value 'secondcol'. Return pmax, lmax arrays with the values and errors (+ and -). """ pmax, lmax = [], [] fr = open("{0}_is.csv".format(be), "r") csvread = csv.reader( fr, delimiter=";" ) # , quoting=csv.QUOTE_NONE, quotechar='') for i, line in enumerate(csvread): if line[0] == star and (secondcol is None or line[1] == secondcol): csvwriter.writerow(line) pmax, lmax = map(lambda v: float(v), line[2:5]), map( lambda v: float(v), line[5:8] ) # break fr.close() return pmax, lmax if path is None: path = os.getcwd() # Verify if vfilter is a special filter if vfilter in polt.vfil.keys(): vfilter = polt.vfil[vfilter] plt.close("all") # Read tables and unbias data data = readcsv(csvfile, be) if data == []: print("No {0} data!".format(be)) return objarr, larr, parr = getTable( data, "leff", "p", sy="s", vfilter=vfilter, bin_data=bin_data, onlyY=onlyY, unbias=unbias, ) if objarr == [] or objarr == [[], [], []]: print("No {0} valid data!".format(be)) return # Done inside getTable routine now # if unbias in ('ml','wk'): # unbiasData(parr[0], parr[1], unbias) # Try to find a current 'be'_is.csv file, request to the user and initialize # the file for the output of the fitted parameters if fit: if os.path.exists("{0}_is.csv".format(be)): opt = "" while opt not in ("1", "2"): print( ( "# File with ISP fits {0}_is.csv already exists. Type the option:\n" + " 1) Use this saved values to plot the fitted Serkowski curve;\n" + " 2) Run the MCMC to fit all again." ).format(be) ) opt = input("Type the option: ") if opt == "1": usePrevious = True else: usePrevious = False else: usePrevious = False fout = open("{0}_is_tmp.csv".format(be), "w") csvout = csv.writer( fout, delimiter=";" ) # , quoting=csv.QUOTE_NONE, quotechar='') csvout.writerow( ["#obj", "#name"] + ["Pmax", "sPmax_+", "sPmax_-", "lmax", "slmax_+", "slmax_-"] + ["chi", "n"] + ["<th>", "s<th>", "<p/sp>"] # csvout.writerow(['#obj','#name']+\ + ["plot point?", "use in fit?", "comments", ""] + [ "th_u", "sth_u", "th_b", "sth_b", "th_v", "sth_v", "th_r", "sth_r", "th_i", "sth_i", ] + ["p/sp_u", "p/sp_b", "p/sp_v", "p/sp_r", "p/sp_i"] ) # Get the table for theta values, propagating errors from standard and computing the mean angle by filter. # IMPORTANT: Allways bin data below to compute the mean angle in all cases! Allways include 'no-std' to # filter a incorrect theta value without standard calibration, even if vfilter doesn't contain this flag. if rotate or fit: if "no-std" not in vfilter: print( "Warning: no tag `no-std` in vfilter variable. Adding this tag in computation of theta values..." ) vfilter_thet = vfilter + ["no-std"] else: vfilter_thet = vfilter objarr_tht, lixo, thtarr = getTable( data, "filt", "thet", sy="sthet", vfilter=vfilter_thet, bin_data=True, onlyY=onlyY, unbias=unbias, ) # Initialize the graph fig = plt.figure() ax = plt.subplot(1, 1, 1) ax.set_title( "Field Stars - {0}".format(phc.bes[be]), fontsize=fonts[0], verticalalignment="bottom", ) ax.set_xlabel(r"$\lambda\ (\AA)$", size=fonts[1]) if rotate: ax.set_ylabel("Q` (%)", size=fonts[1]) else: ax.set_ylabel("P (%)", size=fonts[1]) ax.set_xlim([2500, 8500]) # Initialize Variables j = 0 pts = [[], [], []] tht = [[], []] longname = False # MAIN LOOP # Do the subplots and fits while True: star = objarr[0][j] pts[0] = [ float(larr[0][i]) for i in range(len(objarr[0])) if star == objarr[0][i] ] pts[1] = [ float(parr[0][i]) for i in range(len(objarr[0])) if star == objarr[0][i] ] pts[2] = [ float(parr[1][i]) for i in range(len(objarr[0])) if star == objarr[0][i] ] # print objarr_qu[0][j:] # print objarr_qu[1][j:] # Get the mean angles if rotate or fit: thmean, psp = [], [] for k, ffil in enumerate(filters): ver = False ni = 0 # thmean is a plain list with the angles and errors. # By the bin performed some lines above, the first matched element is # the only one, and concerning to the mean angle computed. for i in range(len(objarr_tht[0])): if objarr_tht[0][i] == star and objarr_tht[1][i] == ffil: thmean += ["{0:.2f}".format(float(thtarr[0][i]))] thmean += ["{0:.2f}".format(float(thtarr[1][i]))] if float(thtarr[1][i]) not in (0, 51.96, 61.14): psp += [28.65 / float(thtarr[1][i])] else: psp += [0.0] ver = True break if not ver: thmean += [0.0, 0.0] psp += [0.0] """ # It is needed to compute the mean p/sp because bin_data can be False for i in range(len(objarr[0])): print objarr[0][i], star print objarr[1][i], ffil print parr[0][i], parr[1][i] print float(parr[0][i])/float(parr[1][i]) if objarr[0][i] == star and objarr[1][i] == ffil and float(parr[1][i]) != 0.: print '*********ENTROU******************' psp[k] += float(parr[0][i])/float(parr[1][i]) ni += 1 elif objarr[0][i] == star and objarr[1][i] == ffil: print '*********NÃOOOOOOO ENTROU******************' print '' if ni > 1: psp[k] = psp[k]/ni """ means = meanAngle_star( csvfile, be, star, filts="ubvri", vfilter=vfilter_thet, onlyY=onlyY, estim=unbias, ) means += [np.mean(filter(lambda v: v != 0, psp))] # Store the new rotated values # It is needed TO FIX above because thmean[0] is not the mean theta, but a list with the mean theta and its error for filter u. if rotate: q[0], u[0], q[1], u[1] = rotQU(q[0], u[0], q[1], u[1], thmean[0], thmean[1]) # Sort lists pts[0],pts[1],pts[2] based on values of pts[0] for i in range(len(pts[0])): idx = pts[0].index(min(pts[0][i:])) if idx != i: tmp0 = pts[0][i] tmp1 = pts[1][i] tmp2 = pts[2][i] pts[0][i] = pts[0][idx] pts[1][i] = pts[1][idx] pts[2][i] = pts[2][idx] pts[0][idx] = tmp0 pts[1][idx] = tmp1 pts[2][idx] = tmp2 if rotate: tmp3 = q[0][i] tmp4 = u[0][i] tmp5 = q[1][i] tmp6 = u[1][i] q[0][i] = q[0][idx] u[0][i] = u[0][idx] q[1][i] = q[1][idx] u[1][i] = u[1][idx] q[0][idx] = tmp3 u[0][idx] = tmp4 q[1][idx] = tmp5 u[1][idx] = tmp6 # Get the color and the the common name to plot color = gen_color(csvfile, be, star, onlyY=onlyY) nome = fixName(star) if len(nome) > 13: longname = True if not rotate: ax.errorbar( pts[0], pts[1], yerr=pts[2], label=nome, linestyle="", marker="o", color=color, ) # Fit data HERE or copy from the previous csv file if fit: if usePrevious: # means = map(lambda v: '{0:.2f}'.format(v), means[:2]) + ['{:.1f}'.format(means[2])] # psp = map(lambda v: '{0:.1f}'.format(v), psp) pmax_fit, lmax_fit = copyFit(star, csvout) else: pmax_fit, lmax_fit = [], [] # print usePrevious # print pmax_fit, lmax_fit # Run MCMC again if not usePrevious or if there is no 'star' inside the # current csv file. if (pmax_fit, lmax_fit) == ([], []): # Convert to microns and fit lb = [lbi / 10000 for lbi in pts[0]] pmax_fit, lmax_fit, chi2 = fitSerk( lb, pts[1], pts[2], star=star, extens=extens ) # Fix the format to the lists pmax_fit_str = map(lambda v: "{0:.5f}".format(v), list(pmax_fit)) lmax_fit_str = map(lambda v: "{0:.5f}".format(v), list(lmax_fit)) means = map(lambda v: "{0:.2f}".format(v), means[:2]) + [ "{:.1f}".format(means[2]) ] psp = map(lambda v: "{0:.1f}".format(v), psp) chi2 = "{0:.3f}".format(chi2) csvout.writerow( [star, nome] + pmax_fit_str + lmax_fit_str + [chi2, len(pts[1])] + means + ["1", "1", "---", ""] + thmean + psp ) # csvout.writerow([star, nome] + means + ['1','1','---',''] + thmean + psp) ll = np.linspace(3000.0, 8300.0, 100) pp = np.array([]) for lli in ll: pp = np.append( pp, polt.serkowski( pmax_fit[0], lmax_fit[0] * 10000, lli, law=law, mode=2 ), ) # Only plot the graph if there are more than one data, because with an only point # the curve is not defined! But the emcee was runned to generate the covariance map if len(pts[0]) > 1: ax.plot(ll, pp, color=color) else: ax.errorbar( pts[0], q[0], yerr=q[1], label=nome + "_q", linestyle="-", marker="", color=color, ) # ax.errorbar(pts[0], u[0], yerr=u[1], label=nome+'_u', linestyle='-.', marker='', color=color) # ax.errorbar(pts[0], pts[1], yerr=pts[2], label=nome+'_p', linestyle='--', marker='', color=color) ax.plot( pts[0], pts[1], label=nome + "_p", linestyle="--", marker="", color=color, ) # Refresh the lines to the next iteration j += len(pts[0]) if j >= len(objarr[0]): break # Setting legend # fig.subplots_adjust(right=0.8) # ax.legend(loc='center left', borderaxespad=0., numpoints=1, prop={'size':fonts[4]}, bbox_to_anchor=(1.02,.5)) # Plot ISP parallel to the disk direction of Be star if thetfile is not None: lbd, pBe, sBe, devBe = rotQUBe( be, thetfile, path=path, every=every, vfilter=vfilter ) # Using combined error for points to // pol to Be star s = [np.sqrt(sBe[i] ** 2 + devBe[i] ** 2) for i in range(len(sBe))] if lbd != []: ax.errorbar( lbd, pBe, yerr=s, label=r"$//$ comp.", linestyle="", marker="s", color="black", ) if fit: if usePrevious: pmax_fit, lmax_fit = copyFit( be, csvout, secondcol=fixName(be) + " (//)" ) else: pmax_fit, lmax_fit = [], [] if (pmax_fit, lmax_fit) == ([], []): # Convert to microns lb = [lbi / 10000 for lbi in lbd] print("") pmax_fit, lmax_fit, chi2 = fitSerk( lb, pBe, s, star=be, extens=extens ) csvout.writerow( [be, fixName(be) + " (//)"] + list(pmax_fit) + list(lmax_fit) + [chi2, len(pBe)] + ["0"] * 3 + ["0", "0", "---", ""] + ["0"] * 15 ) ll = np.linspace(3000.0, 8300.0, 100) pp = np.array([]) for lli in ll: pp = np.append( pp, polt.serkowski( pmax_fit[0], lmax_fit[0] * 10000, lli, law=law, mode=2 ), ) # Only plot the graph if there are more than one data, because with an only point # the curve is not defined! But the emcee was runned to generate the covariance map if len(pBe) > 1: ax.plot(ll, pp, color="black") # Copy the dummy lines beginning with the 'be' and fixed Be name if fit and usePrevious: copyFit(be, csvout, secondcol=fixName(be)) if longname: ax.set_xlim([1500, 8500]) leg = ax.legend(loc="best", borderaxespad=0.0, numpoints=1, prop={"size": fonts[4]}) leg.get_frame().set_alpha(0.5) # Setting sizes ax.xaxis.label.set_fontsize(fonts[1]) ax.yaxis.label.set_fontsize(fonts[1]) for item in ax.get_xticklabels() + ax.get_yticklabels(): item.set_fontsize(fonts[2]) if save: fig.savefig("{0}_p.{1}".format(be, extens), bbox_inches="tight") else: print("\nDone!\n") if fit: if os.path.exists("{0}_is.csv".format(be)): os.remove("{0}_is.csv".format(be)) os.rename("{0}_is_tmp.csv".format(be), "{0}_is.csv".format(be)) fout.close() return
[docs]def graf_pradial( csvfile, be, filt="pmax", vfilter=[], isfile=None, fit=False, bin_data=True, onlyY=True, save=False, extens="pdf", unbias="wk", ): """ Plot a field graph with polarization versus distance. filt : is the filter to plot in y axes - 'pmax','u','b', 'v','r','i'. If 'pmax' use the Pmax values from ./'be'_is.csv file to plot. isfile : 'be'_is.csv file location (out from fs.graf_p). If None, it is suposed ./'be'_is.csv fit : (only for filt=='pmax') fit a line in graph? This routine will not use in fitting the points whose values in 22th column inside isfile have a '0' character (this column defines the points to be used in the adjust). The points not used will be marked with a 'x' in the graph. csvfile : location of dados.csv. Considerations: - If filt=='pmax', don't plot the data whose values in 21th column inside isfile have a '0' character. - If filt=='pmax', don't use in fitting the points whose values in 22th column inside isfile have a '0' character when fit=True. The points not used will be marked with a 'x' in the graph. - Skip the lines inside isfile commented with a '#', or with a void first element """ # Verify if vfilter is a special filter if vfilter in polt.vfil.keys(): vfilter = polt.vfil[vfilter] plt.close("all") # Read csvfile and get the table data = readcsv(csvfile, be) if data == []: print("No {0} data!".format(be)) return objarr, plxarr, bearr, parr = getTable( data, "plx", "plxbe", sx="splx", sy="splxbe", z="p", sz="s", vfilter=vfilter, bin_data=bin_data, onlyY=onlyY, unbias=unbias, ) if objarr == [] or objarr == [[], [], []]: print("No {0} valid data!".format(be)) return # Verify isfile if filt == "pmax": if isfile is None: isfile = "{0}_is.csv".format(be) if not os.path.exists(isfile): print("No {0} file found!".format(isfile)) return # Initialize graphs fig = plt.figure(1) ax = plt.subplot(1, 1, 1) ax.set_title( "Field Stars - {0}".format(phc.bes[be]), fontsize=fonts[0], verticalalignment="bottom", ) ax.set_xlabel(r"r (pc)", size=fonts[1]) if filt == "pmax": ax.set_ylabel(r"$P_{max}$ (%)", size=fonts[1]) else: ax.set_ylabel(r"$P_{0}$ (%)".format(filt.upper()), size=fonts[1]) # Extract data only in filter filt obj, x, y, y0, colors = [], [[], []], [[], [], []], [[], [], []], [] obj_filt, x_filt, y_filt, colors_filt = [], [[], []], [[], [], []], [] x0 = [float(bearr[0][0]), float(bearr[1][0])] longname, useinfit = False, False # CASE 1) filt=='pmax' if filt == "pmax": with open(isfile, "r") as fr: csvread = csv.reader( fr, delimiter=";" ) # , quoting=csv.QUOTE_NONE, quotechar='') for i, line in enumerate(csvread): plotpointi = line[14] useinfiti = line[15] if line[0] == "" or line[0][0] == "#": continue if line[0] != be and plotpointi == "1": # 1) Filtered data (only works when fit==True) if fit and useinfiti == "0": # read paralaxes from csvfile for j, obs in enumerate(objarr[0]): if line[0] == obs: x_filt[0] += [float(plxarr[0][j])] x_filt[1] += [float(plxarr[1][j])] break obj_filt += [line[1]] y_filt[0] += [float(line[2])] y_filt[1] += [float(line[3])] y_filt[2] += [float(line[4])] colors_filt += [gen_color(csvfile, be, line[0], onlyY=onlyY)] # b) Main data else: # read paralaxes from csvfile for j, obs in enumerate(objarr[0]): if line[0] == obs: x[0] += [float(plxarr[0][j])] x[1] += [float(plxarr[1][j])] break obj += [line[1]] y[0] += [float(line[2])] y[1] += [float(line[3])] y[2] += [float(line[4])] colors += [gen_color(csvfile, be, line[0], onlyY=onlyY)] if len(line[1]) > 13: longname = True # Don't plot Be's // component, but plot Be entire polarization # if it was writen in a line and the line[2] element is just # the Be fixed name + there are a '1' character in 'plot point' # column elif line[0] == be and plotpointi == "1": if useinfiti == "1": useinfit = True obj0 = line[1] x0 = [float(bearr[0][0]), float(bearr[1][0])] y0 = [float(line[2]), float(line[3]), float(line[4])] if len(obj0) > 13: longname = True else: for i in range(len(objarr[0])): if objarr[1][i] == filt: try: # Skip if plx is less than 0 if float(plxarr[0][i]) > 0: x[0] += [float(plxarr[0][i])] x[1] += [float(plxarr[1][i])] y[0] += [float(parr[0][i])] y[1] += [float(parr[1][i])] y[2] += [float(parr[1][i])] obj += [fixName(objarr[0][i])] colors += [gen_color(csvfile, be, objarr[0][i], onlyY=onlyY)] if len(obj[-1]) > 13: longname = True except: continue # Plot data for i in range(len(obj)): ax.errorbar( x[0][i], y[0][i], xerr=x[1][i], yerr=[[y[2][i]], [y[1][i]]], label=obj[i], linestyle="--", marker="o", color=colors[i], ) for i in range(len(obj_filt)): ax.errorbar( x_filt[0][i], y_filt[0][i], xerr=x_filt[1][i], yerr=[[y_filt[2][i]], [y_filt[1][i]]], label=obj_filt[i], linestyle="--", marker="x", color=colors_filt[i], markersize=10, markeredgewidth=1.5, ) if filt == "pmax" and y0 != [[], [], []]: ax.errorbar( x0[0], y0[0], xerr=x0[1], yerr=[[y0[2]], [y0[1]]], label=obj0, linestyle="--", marker="s", color="black", ) # Fit the line if fit and filt == "pmax": # If it is to use the point of Be data in the ajust: if useinfit: x[0] += [x0[0]] x[1] += [x0[1]] y[0] += [y0[0]] y[1] += [y0[1]] y[2] += [y0[2]] # Fit by the total least squares method (orthogonal distance regression) without clipping param, sparam, cov, chi2, niter, bolfilt = phc.fit_linear( x[0], y[0], x[1], [(y[1][i] + y[2][i]) / 2 for i in range(len(y[0]))], clip=False, ) if len(y[0]) > 2: rchi2 = chi2[0] / (len(y[0]) - 2) else: rchi2 = 0 pmaxfit = param[0] * x0[0] + param[1] spmaxfit = np.sqrt( (param[0] * x0[1]) ** 2 + (sparam[0] * x0[0]) ** 2 + sparam[1] ** 2 ) print(55 * "-") print(" Total least squares fit (y = a*x+b):") print(55 * "-") print(" a = {0:.3f} +- {1:.3f}".format(param[0], sparam[0])) print(" b = {0:.3f} +- {1:.3f}".format(param[1], sparam[1])) print("") print(" N = {0:d}".format(len(y[0]))) print(" red chi^2 = {0:2f}".format(rchi2)) print("") print("") print(" Extrapolated Pmax: ") print("") print(" Pmax = {0:.4f} +- {1:.4f}".format(pmaxfit, spmaxfit)) print(55 * "-") print("") xadj = np.linspace(ax.get_xlim()[0], ax.get_xlim()[1], 3) yadj = param[0] * xadj + param[1] ax.plot(xadj, yadj, "-", color="dimgray", linewidth=1.5) # Fix limits if ax.get_xlim()[1] < x0[0]: ax.set_xlim([ax.get_xlim()[0], x0[0] + x0[1]]) elif ax.get_xlim()[0] > x0[0]: ax.set_xlim([x0[0] - x0[1], ax.get_xlim()[1]]) ax.autoscale(False) # Plot marks for Be star ax.plot([x0[0], x0[0]], ax.get_ylim(), linestyle="--", color="gray") ax.plot([x0[0] - x0[1], x0[0] - x0[1]], ax.get_ylim(), linestyle=":", color="gray") ax.plot([x0[0] + x0[1], x0[0] + x0[1]], ax.get_ylim(), linestyle=":", color="gray") leg = ax.legend(loc="best", borderaxespad=0.0, numpoints=1, prop={"size": fonts[3]}) if leg is not None: leg.get_frame().set_alpha(0.5) # Setting sizes ax.xaxis.label.set_fontsize(fonts[1]) ax.yaxis.label.set_fontsize(fonts[1]) for item in ax.get_xticklabels() + ax.get_yticklabels(): item.set_fontsize(fonts[2]) if save: plt.savefig("{0}_radial_{1}.{2}".format(be, filt, extens), bbox_inches="tight") else:
[docs]def graf_inst(logfile, mode=1, vfilter=["no-std"], save=False, extens="pdf"): """ Plot a QU diagram for unpolarized standard stars in the logfile .log file (the outfile from polt.genTarget, appended by the name of the object at each line). Propagates error of standard star. mode=1 plot BVRI graphs in the same figure; mode=2 plot UBVRI graphs in separeted figures. Return 3 lists: 1) qarr = [[mean Q], [propagated Q error], [Q stddev]] 2) uarr = [[mean U], [propagated U error], [U stddev]] 3) narr = [n] (the number of data used to compute the averages) Where [mean Q], [propagated Q error], ..., [n] are lists with the values for each filter. """ # IMPLEMENTAR PESOS PARA CADA ALVO CONFORME ALGUM CRITÉRIO def meanQU(lines, filt): """ Return the mean QU lists and the number of lines (n): [mean Q, propagated Q error, Q stddev], [mean U, propagated U error, U stddev], n lines: the lines readed from .logfile to be computed """ p, q, u, s, thet, sdth = [], [], [], [], [], [] for line in lines: if line[3] == filt: p += [float(line[8])] q += [float(line[9])] u += [float(line[10])] thet += [float(line[11])] s += [float(line[12])] sdth += [float(line[7])] if q == []: print("No {0} data!".format(filt)) return [0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0], 0 # Propagate error of delta_theta to Stokes QU lixo, sq, su = polt.propQU(p, thet, s, sdth) # List with mean QU, the propagated error and the stddev meanq = [ np.mean(q), np.sqrt(, sq)) / len(sq), np.std(q) / np.sqrt(len(q)), ] meanu = [ np.mean(u), np.sqrt(, su)) / len(su), np.std(u) / np.sqrt(len(u)), ] return meanq, meanu, len(q) def plotQU(filt, fig, ax): """ Receive figure and axes objects and do the plot for filter filt WITHOUT show or save the image. Return the same than meanQU(). """ # Factor to fix the font sizes if mode == 1: factor = 0.7 else: factor = 1.0 try: lines = np.genfromtxt(logfile, dtype=str) except: print("# ERROR: Can't read file {0}.".format(logfile)) raise SystemExit(1) # ax.set_title('{0} filter'.format(filt.upper()), fontsize=fonts[0]*factor, verticalalignment='bottom') ax.text( 0.98, 0.9, "{0} filter".format(filt.upper()), horizontalalignment="right", verticalalignment="bottom", transform=ax.transAxes, fontsize=fonts[1] * factor, ) # ax.set_xlabel(r'RA $-$ RA${}_{Be}$ (degree)', size=fonts[1]) # ax.set_ylabel(r'DEC $-$ DEC${}_{Be}$ (degree)', size=fonts[1]) ax.set_xlabel(r"Q (%)", size=fonts[1] * factor) ax.set_ylabel(r"U (%)", size=fonts[1] * factor) # Do the subplots when flag is not 'E', tag is not in vfilter and filter is equal to filt j = 0 while True: pts, spts = [[], []], [[], []] pts[0] = [ float(line[9]) for line in lines if lines[j][-1] == line[-1] and line[3] == filt and line[16] != "E" and not any(sub in line[17] for sub in vfilter) ] pts[1] = [ float(line[10]) for line in lines if lines[j][-1] == line[-1] and line[3] == filt and line[16] != "E" and not any(sub in line[17] for sub in vfilter) ] ptmp = [ float(line[8]) for line in lines if lines[j][-1] == line[-1] and line[3] == filt and line[16] != "E" and not any(sub in line[17] for sub in vfilter) ] thettmp = [ float(line[11]) for line in lines if lines[j][-1] == line[-1] and line[3] == filt and line[16] != "E" and not any(sub in line[17] for sub in vfilter) ] s = [ float(line[12]) for line in lines if lines[j][-1] == line[-1] and line[3] == filt and line[16] != "E" and not any(sub in line[17] for sub in vfilter) ] sdth = [ float(line[7]) for line in lines if lines[j][-1] == line[-1] and line[3] == filt and line[16] != "E" and not any(sub in line[17] for sub in vfilter) ] lixo, spts[0], spts[1] = polt.propQU(ptmp, thettmp, s, sdth) # print pts # print j, len(lines) if pts != [[], []]: ax.errorbar( pts[0], pts[1], xerr=spts[0], yerr=spts[1], label=lines[j][-1], elinewidth=0.5, markersize=4, linestyle="", color="black", marker="o", alpha=0.7, ) nn = 0 for line in lines[j:]: if line[-1] == lines[j][-1]: nn += 1 j += nn if j >= len(lines): break meanq, meanu, n = meanQU(lines, filt) if n == 0: return meanq, meanu, n print("FILTER {0} -> N = {1}".format(filt.upper(), n)) print( "FILTER {0} -> Q (%): mean, error, stddev = {1:.7f}, {2:.7f}, {3:.7f}".format( filt.upper(), meanq[0], meanq[1], meanq[2] ) ) print( "FILTER {0} -> U (%): mean, error, stddev = {1:.7f}, {2:.7f}, {3:.7f}".format( filt.upper(), meanu[0], meanu[1], meanu[2] ) ) coords = [[meanq[0] - meanq[2], meanu[0] - meanu[2]]] coords += [[meanq[0] + meanq[2], meanu[0] - meanu[2]]] coords += [[meanq[0] + meanq[2], meanu[0] + meanu[2]]] coords += [[meanq[0] - meanq[2], meanu[0] + meanu[2]]] polygon = Polygon( coords, True, color="blue", alpha=0.6, visible=True, fill="wheat" ) ax.add_patch(polygon) # ax.errorbar(meanq[0], meanu[0], xerr=meanq[2], yerr=meanu[2], linestyle='', marker='o', \ # elinewidth=2, fillstyle='full', markersize=8, color='black') ax.errorbar( meanq[0], meanu[0], xerr=meanq[2], yerr=meanu[2], linestyle="", marker="o", elinewidth=0.6, fillstyle="full", markersize=3, color="black", ) # Fix limits ax.autoscale(False) ax.set_xlim([-0.05, 0.05]) ax.set_ylim([-0.05, 0.05]) ax.plot(ax.get_xlim(), [0, 0], "k--") ax.plot([0, 0], ax.get_ylim(), "k--") ax.plot(ax.get_xlim(), [meanu[0], meanu[0]], ":", color="grey") ax.plot([meanq[0], meanq[0]], ax.get_ylim(), ":", color="grey") # Setting sizes ax.xaxis.label.set_fontsize(fonts[1] * factor) ax.yaxis.label.set_fontsize(fonts[1] * factor) for item in ax.get_xticklabels() + ax.get_yticklabels(): item.set_fontsize(fonts[2] * factor) return meanq, meanu, n # Verify if vfilter is a special filter if vfilter in polt.vfil.keys(): vfilter = polt.vfil[vfilter] plt.close("all") qarr, uarr, narr = [[], [], []], [[], [], []], [] if mode == 1: fig = plt.figure(1) axs = [plt.subplot(2, 2, 1)] axs += [plt.subplot(2, 2, 2, sharey=axs[0])] axs += [plt.subplot(2, 2, 3, sharex=axs[0])] axs += [plt.subplot(2, 2, 4, sharex=axs[1], sharey=axs[2])] plt.subplots_adjust(hspace=0.05, wspace=0.05) nax = 0 for filt in ("b", "v", "r", "i"): meanq, meanu, n = plotQU(filt, fig, axs[nax]) for i in range(3): qarr[i] += [meanq[i]] uarr[i] += [meanu[i]] narr += [n] nax += 1 print("") # axs[0].set_yticks(axs[0].get_yticks()[1:]) # axs[3].set_xticks(axs[3].get_xticks()[1:]) # print axs[3].get_xticks() plt.setp(axs[0].get_xticklabels(), visible=False) plt.setp(axs[1].get_xticklabels(), visible=False) plt.setp(axs[1].get_yticklabels(), visible=False) plt.setp(axs[3].get_yticklabels(), visible=False) axs[0].set_xlabel("") axs[1].set_xlabel("") axs[1].set_ylabel("") axs[3].set_ylabel("") if save: plt.savefig("qu_inst.{0}".format(extens), bbox_inches="tight") else: elif mode == 2: nfig = 1 for filt in ("u", "b", "v", "r", "i"): fig = plt.figure(nfig) ax = plt.subplot(1, 1, 1) meanq, meanu, n = plotQU(filt, fig, ax) for i in range(3): qarr[i] += [meanq[i]] uarr[i] += [meanu[i]] narr += [n] nfig += 1 print("") if n == 0: continue if save: plt.savefig("qu_inst_{0}.{1}".format(filt, extens), bbox_inches="tight") else: return qarr, uarr, narr
def genAll( csvfile, path=None, genlogs=True, genint=True, vfilter=["no-std"], vfilter_graf_p=[], extens="pdf", ): bin_data = True onlyY = True rotate = False # Here every = False mcmc = True # Here odr = True save = True if path is None or path == ".": path = os.getcwd() if extens == "eps": print("Warning: field graphs will lose the transparency at .eps format") try: objs = np.genfromtxt("{0}/refs/pol_alvos.txt".format(hdtpath()), dtype=str) except: print("# ERROR: Can't read files pyhdust/refs/pol_alvos.txt.") raise SystemExit(1) # Generating logfiles for all Be stars if genlogs: for star in objs: print("Generating logfile for star {0}...".format(star)) polt.genTarget(star, path=path, ispol=None, skipdth=False, delta=3.5) # Generating thet_int.csv file and QU graphs if genint: for star in objs: print("Generating QU graphs for star {0}...".format(be)) genInt(star, path, vfilter=vfilter, extens=extens) for star in objs: print("=" * 50) print("Generating graphs for star {0}...".format(star)) graf_p( csvfile, star, rotate=rotate, path=path, bin_data=bin_data, onlyY=onlyY, save=save, fit=mcmc, extens=extens, vfilter=vfilter_graf_p, ) graf_pradial( csvfile, star, "v", bin_data=bin_data, onlyY=onlyY, save=save, extens=extens, vfilter=vfilter, ) graf_field( csvfile, star, bin_data=bin_data, onlyY=onlyY, save=save, extens=extens ) graf_theta( csvfile, star, bin_data=bin_data, onlyY=onlyY, save=save, extens=extens ) if os.path.exists(path + "/" + star + ".log"): if not genint: arr_u, arr_b, arr_v, arr_r, arr_i = polt.graf_qu( "{0}/{1}.log".format(path, star), mcmc=mcmc, odr=odr, save=True, extens=extens, ) polt.graf_t( path + "/" + star + ".log", save=save, extens=extens, vfilter=vfilter ) print("\n\n")
[docs]def genInt(be, path=None, vfilter=["no-std"], extens="pdf"): """ Call polt.graf_qu() for Be star 'be' and save the intrinsic angles inside thet_int.csv. path: path inside which the logfile 'be'.log (out from polt.genTarget) is located. The code will try to open thet_int.csv inside the current directory (.). If it was not found, it will be created. Otherwise, the routine will append a new line inside it, asking about to overwrite an eventual existing line for star 'be'. CONSIDERATIONS: - Propagates errors from standard star. """ if path == None or path == ".": path = os.getcwd() if not os.path.exists("{0}/{1}.log".format(path, be)): print("# No {0}/{1}.log file found.".format(path, be)) return fw = open("thet_int_tmp.csv", "w") csvwrite = csv.writer(fw, delimiter=";") # , quoting=csv.QUOTE_NONE, quotechar='') if os.path.exists("thet_int.csv"): fr = open("thet_int.csv", "r") csvread = csv.reader( fr, delimiter=";" ) # , quoting=csv.QUOTE_NONE, quotechar='') opt = "" for i, line in enumerate(csvread): if line[0] == be: while opt not in ("y", "Y", "n", "N"): print( "# Star {0} is already present inside file thet_int.csv. Run again and overwrite the current values?".format( be ) ) opt = raw_input("(y/n): ") if opt in ("n", "N"): fr.close() os.remove("thet_int_tmp.csv") return else: print("\n") continue else: csvwrite.writerow(line) fr.close() else: csvwrite.writerow( ["#obj", "name"] + ["th_int", "sth_int_+", "sth_int_-", "n"] * 5 + ["th_int", "sth_int_+", " sth_int_-", "comment"] + ["b*costh", "sb*costh_+", "sb*costh_-"] * 5 + [ "Second peaks: ", "repeated 7by7", "cells following", "these labels in", "subheader below", ] ) csvwrite.writerow( ["#", ""] + ["u"] * 4 + ["b"] * 4 + ["v"] * 4 + ["r"] * 4 + ["i"] * 4 + [" "] * 4 + ["u"] * 3 + ["b"] * 3 + ["v"] * 3 + ["r"] * 3 + ["i"] * 3 + [ "filter", "th_int", "sth_int_+", "sth_int_-", "b*costh", "sb*costh_+", "sb*costh_-", ] ) # +['to use']*4) arr_u, arr_b, arr_v, arr_r, arr_i = polt.graf_qu( "{0}/{1}.log".format(path, be), mcmc=True, odr=False, save=True, extens=extens, Vb_ran=[0.0, 1.0], ) # arr_u[0][0] = np.arctan(arr_u[0][0])*90/np.pi # arr_u[1][0] = (90*arr_u[1][0])/(np.pi*(arr_u[1][0]**2+1)) # arr_u[2][0] = arr_u[1][0] # Reshape lists. Copy the second peak informations to 'addpeak' plain list # and keep only the first peek informations inside arr_u, arr_b, etc. addpeak = [] arrs = (arr_u, arr_b, arr_v, arr_r, arr_i) for i, arr in enumerate(arrs): # Case one of filters didn't have been fitted if arr[0] == []: for j in (0, 1, 2): arrs[i][j] = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0] if len(arr[0]) == 2 and isinstance(arr[0][0], list): addpeak += [filters[i]] for j in (0, 1, 2): addpeak += [arr[j][1][0] / 2] for j in (0, 1, 2): addpeak += [arr[j][1][1]] arrs[i][j] = arrs[i][j][0] # The operation '/2' below is because the intrinsic angle is the inclination angle of the # line in in QU diagram diveded by 2! (because PA = 1/2*arctan(U/Q)) csvwrite.writerow( [be, fixName(be)] + [arr_u[0][0] / 2] + [arr_u[1][0] / 2] + [arr_u[2][0] / 2] + [arr_u[3]] + [arr_b[0][0] / 2] + [arr_b[1][0] / 2] + [arr_b[2][0] / 2] + [arr_b[3] / 2] + [arr_v[0][0] / 2] + [arr_v[1][0] / 2] + [arr_v[2][0] / 2] + [arr_v[3] / 2] + [arr_r[0][0] / 2] + [arr_r[1][0] / 2] + [arr_r[2][0] / 2] + [arr_r[3] / 2] + [arr_i[0][0] / 2] + [arr_i[1][0] / 2] + [arr_i[2][0] / 2] + [arr_i[3] / 2] + ["", "", "", "---"] + [arr_u[0][1]] + [arr_u[1][1]] + [arr_u[2][1]] + [arr_b[0][1]] + [arr_b[1][1]] + [arr_b[2][1]] + [arr_v[0][1]] + [arr_v[1][1]] + [arr_v[2][1]] + [arr_r[0][1]] + [arr_r[1][1]] + [arr_r[2][1]] + [arr_i[0][1]] + [arr_i[1][1]] + [arr_i[2][1]] + addpeak ) # Refresh the csv file print("\nDone!\n") fw.close() try: os.remove("thet_int.csv") except: pass os.rename("thet_int_tmp.csv", "thet_int.csv") return
[docs]def rotQU(q, u, sq, su, ang, sang): """ Rotates lists/arrays q and u in QU diagram at an angle 2*(ang +- sang) (clockwise). Look that if 'ang' is the mean polarization angle, this rotation will transpose all polarization to Q parameter. U parameter will have residual variations with respect to the 0. Return q_rot, u_rot, sq_rot, su_rot Todo: sometimes it's better don't use any error value for ang? """ # fig = plt.figure(1) # ax = plt.subplot(1, 1, 1) # Rotates each QU value qRot, sqRot, uRot, suRot = [], [], [], [] for i in range(len(q)): rad = 2 * ang * np.pi / 180.0 srad = 2 * sang * np.pi / 180.0 qRot += [q[i] * np.cos(rad) + u[i] * np.sin(rad)] uRot += [-q[i] * np.sin(rad) + u[i] * np.cos(rad)] sqRot += [ np.sqrt( (uRot[i] * srad) ** 2 + (sq[i] * np.cos(rad)) ** 2 + (su[i] * np.sin(rad)) ** 2 ) ] suRot += [ np.sqrt( (qRot[i] * srad) ** 2 + (sq[i] * np.sin(rad)) ** 2 + (su[i] * np.cos(rad)) ** 2 ) ] # ax.errorbar(q,u,xerr=sq,yerr=su) # ax.errorbar(qRot,uRot,xerr=sqRot,yerr=suRot) # return qRot, uRot, sqRot, suRot
[docs]def rotQUBe(be, thetfile, path=None, every=False, vfilter=["no-std"]): """ Rotates the QU values for Be star 'be' in the intrinsic angle specified inside thetfile and computes the <Q'> and <U'> of parameters rotated, returning four lists: lbd (the wavelength values), <U'>, sigma U' and stddev U', with the values in each one of the filters UBVRI. 'thetfile' : the location (path+filename) of thet_int.csv file with the intrinsic angles (out from fs.gen). 'path' : the path where is located the log file for star 'be'. If None, is supposed inside '.'. 'every' : use one intrinsic angle for each one filter to rotate them? If every=False makes all data to use a mean value at the -4:-2 collums (22th to 24th) from 'thetfile'. CONSIDERATIONS: - Propagates errors from standard star. The rotated parameters are just the polarization components perpendicular and parallel to the orientation of the disk. If every==True, uses the intrinsic angle of each filter to rotate its QU values (if some angle==0, skip this filter!); otherwise, use the same value specified in last 4 columns for every one of the 5 filters. """ if path is None: path = os.getcwd() try: f0 = open(thetfile, "ro") reader = csv.reader(f0, delimiter=";") except: print("# ERROR: Can't read file {0}.".format(thetfile)) raise SystemExit(1) try: lines = np.genfromtxt("{0}/{1}.log".format(path, be), dtype=str) except: print("# ERROR: {0}.log file not found inside {1}.".format(be, path)) return [], [], [], [] # fig = plt.figure(1) # ax = plt.subplot(1, 1, 1) # Read the intrinsic angles thet, sthet, comment = [], [], [] for line in reader: if line[0] == be: if not every: try: thet = [float(line[22])] * 5 sthet = [(float(line[23]) + float(line[24])) / 2] * 5 comment = [line[25]] * 5 except: print( "# ERROR: Components [-4],[-3],[-2] in lines of {0} file seem don't exist or not be float type for Be star {1}.".format( thetfile, be ) ) return [], [], [], [] else: try: for i in range(2, 19, 4): thet += [float(line[i])] sthet += [(float(line[i + 1]) + float(line[i + 2])) / 2] comment += [""] if thet[-1] == 0: print( "# WARNING: No intrinsic angle defined to filter {0}.".format( filters[i / 4] ) ) except: print( "# ERROR: Components in lines of {0} file seem not be float type.".format( thetfile ) ) return [], [], [], [] if thet == []: print("# ERROR: Star {0} not found in {1} file.".format(be, thetfile)) return [], [], [], [] j = 0 lbd, qqRot, uuRot, sqqRot, suuRot = [], [], [], [[], []], [[], []] # Getting the values for each filter for filt in filters: if thet[j] == 0: j += 1 continue JD, p, q, u, s, thet, sdth = [], [], [], [], [], [], [] for line in lines: if ( line[3] == filt and line[16] != "E" and not any(sub in line[17] for sub in vfilter) ): JD += [float(line[0])] p += [float(line[9])] q += [float(line[9])] u += [float(line[10])] thet += [float(line[11])] s += [float(line[12])] sdth += [float(line[7])] lixo, sq, su = polt.propQU(p, thet, s, sdth) if len(q) != 0: # Rotates each QU value qRot, uRot, sqRot, suRot = rotQU(q, u, sq, su, thet[j], sthet[j]) # Computes the mean of rotated QU parameters, propagates the errors and compute stddev if len(q) != 0: lbd += [phc.lbds[filt]] qqRot += [np.mean(qRot)] uuRot += [np.mean(uRot)] sqqRot[0] += [np.sqrt(sum([el**2 for el in sqRot])) / len(sqRot)] sqqRot[1] += [np.std(qRot) / np.sqrt(len(qRot))] suuRot[0] += [np.sqrt(sum([el**2 for el in suRot])) / len(suRot)] suuRot[1] += [np.std(uRot) / np.sqrt(len(uRot))] j += 1 # # fig = plt.figure(1) # ax = plt.subplot(1, 1, 1) # ax.errorbar(lbd, uuRot,yerr=suuRot[1]) # return lbd, uuRot, suuRot[0], suuRot[1]
[docs]def fitSerk( larr, parr, sarr, star="", law="w82", n_burnin=300, n_mcmc=800, n_walkers=120, extens="pdf", ): """ Fit Serkowski law using Markov Chain Monte Carlo from emcee code. The likelihood function (L) supposes Gaussian errors around the Pmax values: log(L) = -0.5*chi2 -0.5*sum(ln(2*pi*sy^2)) INPUT: larr: array/list with lambda values parr: array/list with P values sarr: array/list with the sigma_P values star: star name to be printed in the graph and its filename. If it's a void str '', this routine give a random number to prevent overwriting data. law: what K value in Serkowski's law use? (see polt.serkowski). n_burnin: number of iterations for burning-in n_mcmc: number of iterations to run emcee n_walkers: number of walkers to map the posterior probabilities. extens: extension for the graph file OUTPUT: sorted like "pmax_fit, lmax_fit, chi2" pmax_fit: [Pmax, sPmax_+, sPmax_-], the Pmax value and its errors (at right and left from it). Pmax is the median of distribution probability and sPmax_+, sPmax_- are the range within which there are 68.3% of the points in such distribution. lmax_fit: Idem, for lmax. chi2: Reduced chi2. """ import emcee import triangle.nov from matplotlib.ticker import MaxNLocator def lnprob(params, x, y, sy): """ Return the log of posterior probability (p_pos) in bayesian statistics for the parameters 'params' ([Pmax,lmax]) and the data poits x, y and sy (y error values). p_pos = L*p_prior (unless by a normalization constant), where L is the likelihood function and p_prior is the prior probability function. In our case, for gaussian and independent uncertainies, the log of likelihood: log(L) = -0.5*chi2 -0.5*sum(ln(2*pi*sy^2)) Now, p_prior = constant for 'params' values inside the range defined by 'intervalos'; otherwise, it is 0. That is the only determination that we can do. So, p_pos = -0.5*chi2 -0.5*sum(ln(2*pi*sy^2)) or -inf case 'params' are out from the allowed range. """ Pmax, lmax = params # Set prior ln prob if ( Pmax < intervalos[0][0] or Pmax > intervalos[0][1] or lmax < intervalos[1][0] or lmax > intervalos[1][1] ): lnprior = -np.inf else: lnprior = 0.0 # Return posterior prob if not np.isfinite(lnprior): return -np.inf else: return lnprior - 0.5 * np.sum( ( (polt.serkowski(Pmax, lmax * 10000, x * 10000, law=law, mode=2) - y) / sy ) ** 2 + np.log(2 * np.pi * (sy**2)) ) def run_emcee(sampler, p0): """ Run emcee. p0 is the initial positions for the walkers """ print("Burning-in ...") pos, prob, state = sampler.run_mcmc(p0, n_burnin) sampler.reset() print("Running MCMC ...") pos, prob, state = sampler.run_mcmc(pos, n_mcmc, rstate0=state) # ~ Print out the mean acceptance fraction. af = sampler.acceptance_fraction print("Mean acceptance fraction:", np.mean(af)) # The lines below were to compute the best fit parameters using the maximum value """ #~ Get the index with the highest probability maxprob_idx = np.argmax(prob) minprob_idx = np.argmin(prob) #~ Get the best parameters and their respective stddev + chi2 params_fit = pos[maxprob_idx] stddev_fit = [sampler.flatchain[:,i].std() for i in xrange(ndim)] samples_aux = map(lambda v: [v[0]-params_fit[0], v[1]-params_fit[1]], samples) if len(larr) == 2: chi1 = 1. else: chi1 = np.sum(((polt.serkowski(params_fit[0], params_fit[1]*10000, larr*10000, law=law, mode=2) - parr)/sarr)**2)/(len(larr)-2) # Computing errors accordind to the distance to the maximum value inside which # there are 68.3% of the data p_fit1 = np.array([], dtype=float) p_fit2 = np.array([], dtype=float) l_fit1 = np.array([], dtype=float) l_fit2 = np.array([], dtype=float) print('Please wait, computing errors...') for elem in samples_aux: if elem[0] >= 0: p_fit1 = np.append(p_fit1, [elem[0]]) else: p_fit2 = np.append(p_fit2, [elem[0]]) if elem[1] >= 0: l_fit1 = np.append(l_fit1, [elem[1]]) else: l_fit2 = np.append(l_fit2, [elem[1]]) # Caution, 65.85 = 100-34.15 !!! p_error = [np.percentile(p_fit1, 68.3), -np.percentile(p_fit2, 31.7)] l_error = [np.percentile(l_fit1, 68.3), -np.percentile(l_fit2, 31.7)] print(74*'-') print('Output') print(74*'-') print ' P_max = {0:.4f} +{1:.4f} -{2:.4f}'.format(params_fit[0],p_error[0],p_error[1],stddev_fit[0]) print 'lbd_max = {0:.4f} +{1:.4f} -{2:.4f}'.format(params_fit[1],l_error[0],l_error[1],stddev_fit[1]) print 'reduced chi2 = {0:.4f}'.format(chi1) print(74*'-') """ # 1) Compute the results using all interval print("Please wait, computing errors...") samples = sampler.chain[:, :, :].reshape((-1, ndim)) p_mcmc, l_mcmc = map( lambda v: (v[1], v[2] - v[1], v[1] - v[0]), zip(*np.percentile(samples, [16.075, 50, 83.925], axis=0)), ) if len(larr) == 2: chi = 0.0 else: chi = np.sum( ( ( polt.serkowski( p_mcmc[0], l_mcmc[0] * 10000, larr * 10000, law=law, mode=2 ) - parr ) / sarr ) ** 2 ) / (len(larr) - 2) # ~ Plot the graphs -- histogram, corner and convergence map # fighists = plot_samples_hist(sampler) plot_conv(sampler, [p_mcmc[0], l_mcmc[0]]) fig = triangle.nov.corner( samples, title=fixName( star ), # truths=[p_mcmc[0], l_mcmc[0]], \ # extents=[(p_range[0],l_range[0]),(p_range[1],l_range[1])], \ quantiles=[0.16075, 0.50, 0.83925], labels=["$P_{max}\,($%$)$", "$\lambda_{max}\,(\mu m)$"], verbose=False, ) fig.savefig("{0}_correl.{1}".format(star, extens)) fig1 = triangle.nov.corner( samples, title=fixName( star ), # truths=[p_mcmc[0], l_mcmc[0]], \ # extents=[(p_range[0],l_range[0]),(p_range[1],l_range[1])], \ quantiles=[0.16075, 0.50, 0.83925], labels=["$P_{max}\,($%$)$", "$\lambda_{max}\,(\mu m)$"], verbose=False, ) # ~ Print the output using all interval """ TBD """ print(74 * "-") print("Output") print(74 * "-") print( " P_max = {0:.4f} +{1:.4f} -{2:.4f}".format( p_mcmc[0], p_mcmc[1], p_mcmc[2] ) ) print( "lbd_max = {0:.4f} +{1:.4f} -{2:.4f}".format( l_mcmc[0], l_mcmc[1], l_mcmc[2] ) ) print("reduced chi2 = {0:.4f}".format(chi)) print(74 * "-") # 2) NEW: Requests if the user want to use some specific interval opt = "" while opt not in ("y", "Y", "n", "N"): print( "These values were calculated using all Pmax and lbdmax data.\nDo you want" + " to select specific ranges to use to compute the uncertainties?" ) opt = input("(y/n): ") if opt in ("y", "Y"): while True: print("") while True: try: petr = input( "Pmax: specify Pmax in format `Pmax_min,Pmax_max`: " ) # p_int = [float(ei)-params_fit[0] for ei in petr.split(',')] p_range = [float(ei) for ei in petr.split(",")] if len(p_range) == 2: if p_range[1] > p_range[0]: break else: print("Error: Pmax_max must be greather than Pmax_min!") else: print("Invalid input!") except: print("Invalid input!") while True: try: letr = input( "lbdmax: specify lbdmax in format `lbdmax_min,lbdmax_max`: " ) # l_int = [float(ei)-params_fit[1] for ei in letr.split(',')] l_range = [float(ei) for ei in letr.split(",")] if len(l_range) == 2: if l_range[1] > l_range[0]: break else: print( "Error: lbdmax_max must be grather than lbdmax_min!" ) else: print("Invalid input!") except: print("Invalid input!") opt = "" while opt not in ("y", "Y", "n", "N"): print( "\nIs it correct? Pmax_min,Pmax_max = " + petr + "\n" + " lbdmax_min,lbdmax_max = " + letr ) opt = input("(y/n): ") if opt in ("y", "Y"): break # The lines below were to compute the best fit parameters using the maximum value """ p_fit1 = np.array([], dtype=float) p_fit2 = np.array([], dtype=float) l_fit1 = np.array([], dtype=float) l_fit2 = np.array([], dtype=float) print('Please wait, computing errors...') # fit1: arrays for the right of the best values # fit2: arrays for the left of the best values for elem in samples_aux: if elem[0] >= 0 and elem[0] < p_int[1]: p_fit1 = np.append(p_fit1, [elem[0]]) elif elem[0] < 0 and elem[0] > p_int[0]: p_fit2 = np.append(p_fit2, [elem[0]]) if elem[1] >= 0 and elem[0] < l_int[1]: l_fit1 = np.append(l_fit1, [elem[1]]) elif elem[1] < 0 and elem[1] > l_int[0]: l_fit2 = np.append(l_fit2, [elem[1]]) # Caution, 100-68.3 = 31.7! p_error = [np.percentile(p_fit1, 68.3), -np.percentile(p_fit2, 31.7)] l_error = [np.percentile(l_fit1, 68.3), -np.percentile(l_fit2, 31.7)] print(74*'-') print('Output') print(74*'-') print ' P_max = {0:.4f} +{1:.4f} -{2:.4f}'.format(params_fit[0],p_error[0],p_error[1],stddev_fit[0]) print 'lbd_max = {0:.4f} +{1:.4f} -{2:.4f}'.format(params_fit[1],l_error[0],l_error[1],stddev_fit[1]) print 'reduced chi2 = {0:.4f}'.format(chi1) print(74*'-') """ # Filtering 'samples' array print("Please wait, computing errors...") samples_new = np.empty(shape=[0, 2]) for elem in samples: if ( elem[0] >= p_range[0] and elem[0] <= p_range[1] and elem[1] >= l_range[0] and elem[1] <= l_range[1] ): samples_new = np.vstack([samples_new, elem]) # Computing NEW medians and errors p_mcmc, l_mcmc = map( lambda v: (v[1], v[2] - v[1], v[1] - v[0]), zip(*np.percentile(samples_new, [16.075, 50, 83.925], axis=0)), ) if len(larr) == 2: chi = 0.0 else: chi = np.sum( ( ( polt.serkowski( p_mcmc[0], l_mcmc[0] * 10000, larr * 10000, law=law, mode=2, ) - parr ) / sarr ) ** 2 ) / (len(larr) - 2) # ~ Print the output using the specific range """ TBD """ print(74 * "-") print("Output") print(74 * "-") print( " P_max = {0:.4f} +{1:.4f} -{2:.4f}".format( p_mcmc[0], p_mcmc[1], p_mcmc[2] ) ) print( "lbd_max = {0:.4f} +{1:.4f} -{2:.4f}".format( l_mcmc[0], l_mcmc[1], l_mcmc[2] ) ) print("reduced chi2 = {0:.4f}".format(chi)) print(74 * "-") # Save the new triangle graph fig = triangle.nov.corner( samples_new, title=fixName( star ), # truths=[p_mcmc[0], l_mcmc[0]], \ # extents=[(p_range[0],l_range[0]),(p_range[1],l_range[1])], \ quantiles=[0.16075, 0.50, 0.83925], labels=["$P_{max}\,($%$)$", "$\lambda_{max}\,(\mu m)$"], verbose=False, ) fig.savefig("{0}_correl_cut.{1}".format(star, extens)) else: try: os.remove("{0}_correl_cut.{1}".format(star, extens)) except: pass # plt.close(fighists[0]) # plt.close(fighists[1]) plt.close(fig1) return sampler, p_mcmc, l_mcmc, chi def plot_samples_hist(sampler): """ Plot two figures with the histograms """ samples = [sampler.flatchain[:, i] for i in (0, 1)] par = ["$P_{max}$", "$\lambda_{max}$"] fig = [] for i, sample in enumerate(samples): fig += [plt.figure()] plt.hist(sample, 100) plt.title("Sample of parameter {0}".format(par[i])) fig[-1].show() return fig def plot_conv(sampler, param): """ Plot convergence map. 'param' are the values to be highlighted """ fig, axes = plt.subplots(2, 1, sharex=True, figsize=(8, 6)) axes[0].plot(sampler.chain[:, :, 0].T, color="k", alpha=0.4) axes[0].yaxis.set_major_locator(MaxNLocator(5)) axes[0].axhline(param[0], color="#888888", lw=2) axes[0].set_ylabel("$P_{max}$") axes[1].plot(sampler.chain[:, :, 1].T, color="k", alpha=0.4) axes[1].yaxis.set_major_locator(MaxNLocator(5)) axes[1].axhline(param[1], color="#888888", lw=2) axes[1].set_ylabel("$\lambda_{max}$") axes[1].set_xlabel("Step number") fig.tight_layout(h_pad=0.0) fig.savefig("{0}_conv.{1}".format(star, extens)) return # Setting parameters and limits Pmax_max = 9.0 Pmax_min = 0.0 lmax_max = 1.0 lmax_min = 0.0 intervalos = np.array([[Pmax_min, Pmax_max], [lmax_min, lmax_max]]) ndim = 2 # Converting lists to np.array if isinstance(parr, list): parr = np.array(parr) if isinstance(larr, list): larr = np.array(larr) if isinstance(sarr, list): sarr = np.array(sarr) # If 'star' was not specified, generate a random number to append to the graph name to be saved if star == "": star = "rand" + str(int(np.random.rand(1)[0] * 10000)) # larr = np.array([0.3650, 0.4450, 0.5510, 0.6580, 0.8060]) # parr = np.array([0.26685, 0.34856, 0.36904, 0.33956, 0.29710]) # sigma = np.array([0.09753, 0.00881, 0.00749, 0.01132, 0.01120]) # larr = np.array([0.4450, 0.5510, 0.6580, 0.8060]) # parr = np.array([0.34856, 0.36904, 0.33956, 0.29710]) # sarr = np.array([0.00881, 0.00749, 0.01132, 0.01120]) # Define random values to be used as priori numbers within the interval p0 = np.array([np.random.rand(ndim) for n in range(n_walkers)]) for k in range(ndim): p0[:, k] = intervalos[k][0] + p0[:, k] * (intervalos[k][1] - intervalos[k][0]) # Initialize the sampler and run mcmc sampler = emcee.EnsembleSampler( n_walkers, ndim, lnprob, args=[larr, parr, sarr], a=3 ) # , threads=2) sampler, pmax_fit, lmax_fit, chi = run_emcee(sampler, p0) return pmax_fit, lmax_fit, chi