Source code for pyhdust.bcd

# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-

"""PyHdust *bcd* auxiliary module: PyHdust BCD module.

.. code: python

    result = bcd.analyze_all()
    print '-' * 30
    for k in result.keys():
        print k, result[k]
        # _np.savetxt('result',(k))

:co-author: Bruno Mota; Antoine Merand; Ahmed Elshaer
:license: GNU GPL v3.0
from __future__ import print_function
import os as os
import numpy as _np
import warnings as _warn

# import pyhdust.spectools as _spt
import pyhdust.phc as _phc

    import matplotlib.pyplot as _plt
except ImportError:
    _warn.warn("matplotlib module not installed!!!")

__author__ = "Daniel Moser"
__email__ = ""

[docs]def balmer_jump(filename): r"""Calculate the Balmer_jump of a given spectrum. INPUT: `filename` is a file with 4 columns, as [wav (:math:`\AA`), log10(wav), norm_flux, log(flux)] OUTPUT: offset, intersect""" data = _np.loadtxt(filename) # -- first range: w1 = ( (data[:, 1] >= 3.5797) * (data[:, 1] <= 3.6989) * (data[:, 2] >= 0.98) * (data[:, 2] <= 1.0) ) # -- second range w2 = ( (data[:, 1] >= 3.53) * (data[:, 1] <= 3.5658) * (data[:, 2] >= 0.30) * (data[:, 2] <= 0.64) ) # -- linear fit for each range c1 = _np.polyfit(data[:, 1][w1], data[:, 3][w1], 1) c2 = _np.polyfit(data[:, 1][w2], data[:, 3][w2], 1) # -- computing offset at 3700A: x0 = _np.log10(3700.0) offset = _np.polyval(c1, x0) - _np.polyval(c2, x0) # print 'offset at %4.0fA = %.3f' % (10**x0, offset) # -- balmer series, using the Rydberg formula B = 3645.0682 m = 2.0 # for Balmer n = _np.arange(10, 18) wl = B * (n**2 / (n**2 - m**2)) # -- maxima as middle points between minima wlMax = 0.5 * (wl[1:] + wl[:-1]) # -- distance between minima: wlStep = _np.abs(_np.diff(wl)) # -- fit all maxima maxima = [] for i in range(len(wlMax)): wl0 = wlMax[i] dwl = wlStep[i] / 6.0 x = data[:, 1][_np.abs(data[:, 0] - wl0) < dwl] y = data[:, 3][_np.abs(data[:, 0] - wl0) < dwl] c = _np.polyfit(x, y, 2) # -- actual position of maximum wl1 = -0.5 * c[1] / c[0] # -- (wl at max, max, poly coef, width of the fit) maxima.append((wl1, _np.polyval(c, wl1), c, dwl)) # -- plot data _plt.figure(0) _plt.clf() _plt.plot( data[:, 1][data[:, 1] > 3.5051], data[:, 3][data[:, 1] > 3.5051], alpha=0.3, color="k", label=filename, ) _plt.plot(data[:, 1][w1], data[:, 3][w1], ".r", label="range 1", alpha=0.1) _plt.plot(data[:, 1][w2], data[:, 3][w2], ".b", label="range 2", alpha=0.1) _plt.xlabel("log (wavelength A)") _plt.ylabel("log (flux)") _plt.title("HD91373") # -- plot linear fit: x = _np.linspace(x0 - 0.06, x0 + 0.2, 1000) # x = _np.linspace(x0-500, x0+1500, 1000) _plt.plot(x, _np.polyval(c1, x), "-r") _plt.plot(x, _np.polyval(c2, x), "-b") # _plt.legend() # -- Balmer Jump _plt.plot([x0, x0], [_np.polyval(c1, x0), _np.polyval(c2, x0)], "-g") # (red line+blue line)/2 intersect = 0.5 * (_np.polyval(c1, x) + _np.polyval(c2, x)) maximaCur = _np.interp( x, [m[0] for m in maxima][::-1], [m[1] for m in maxima][::-1] ) _plt.plot([m[0] for m in maxima][::-1], [m[1] for m in maxima][::-1], "y") # _plt.plot(x, maximaCur, '-g') wlIntersect = x[_np.argmin(_np.abs(intersect - maximaCur))] # print 'intersection = %8.3fA' % (10**wlIntersect) # -- position of maxima _plt.plot(x, intersect, color="orange", linestyle="dashed") # -- top of the line polynomial fit: for m in maxima: x = _np.linspace(m[0] - m[3], m[0] + m[3], 1.0) _plt.plot(x, _np.polyval(m[2], x), "-", color="orange") _plt.xlim(3.5, 3.8) # _plt.ylim(-12.9, -11.4) return offset, 10**wlIntersect
[docs]def analyze_all(fmt=["png"]): """Run `balmer_jump` function to all files starting with 'HD'.""" filenames = os.listdir("./") filenames = filter( lambda x: x.startswith("HD") and not x.endswith(".pdf"), filenames ) # print(filenames) res = {} for f in filenames: print("*" * 5, f, "*" * 5) res[f] = balmer_jump(f) _plt.figure(0) # _plt.savefig(f+'.png') for ext in fmt: _plt.savefig("{0}.{1}".format(f, ext), dpi=600, transparent=True) return res
[docs]def bcd_new(wav, flx, doplot=False): r"""Calculate the Balmer_jump of a given spectrum. INPUT: wav (:math:`\AA`), flux (**non-normalized**) OUTPUT: offset, intersect, dD dD < 0 means an "emission" (opposite sign) TODO: errors""" xmin = 3500 xbjm = 3690 xbcd = 3700 xbjp = 3900 xmax = 4600 idx = (wav >= xmin) & (wav <= xmax) wav = wav[idx] flx = flx[idx] flx = flx / _np.interp([xmax], wav, flx) nlbp = int((wav[-1] - wav[0]) / 40.0) # 40 AA = size of a spectral line xsi, ysi = _phc.bindata(wav, flx, nbins=nlbp, perc=100) w1 = (xsi >= xmin) & (xsi <= xbjm) w2 = (xsi >= xbjp) & (xsi <= xmax) c1 = _np.polyfit(xsi[w1][:10], _np.log10(ysi[w1][:10]), 1) c2 = _np.polyfit(xsi[w2][:10], _np.log10(ysi[w2][:10]), 1) D = _np.polyval(c2, [xbcd]) - _np.polyval(c1, [xbcd]) w3 = (xsi >= xbjm) & (xsi <= xbjp) midflx = -D / 2 + _np.polyval(c2, xsi[w3]) lb1 = _np.interp(0, _np.log10(ysi[w3]) - midflx, xsi[w3]) if doplot: fig, ax = _plt.subplots() ax.plot(wav, _np.log10(flx)) ax.plot(xsi, _np.log10(ysi), "o") ax.plot(xsi[w1], _np.log10(ysi[w1]), "o") ax.plot(xsi[w2], _np.log10(ysi[w2]), "o") ax.plot([xmin, xbcd], _np.polyval(c1, [xmin, xbcd]), "k--") ax.plot([xbcd, xmax], _np.polyval(c2, [xbcd, xmax]), "k--") ax.plot(xsi[w3], midflx, "r--") ax.plot([lb1], -D / 2 + _np.polyval(c2, [lb1]), "ro") ax.set_xlim([xmin, xmax]) w4 = (xsi >= xbjm) & (xsi <= xbcd + (xbcd - xbjm)) dD = 0.0 if sum(w4) > 0: dD = _np.polyval(c1, [xbcd]) - _np.min(_np.log10(flx[w4])) return float(D), float(lb1), float(dD)
[docs]def bcd(obj, wav, nflx, logflx, elogflx=None, label="Spec", folder=None, doplot=False): r"""Calculate the Balmer_jump of a given spectrum. INPUT: wav (:math:`\AA`), nflux (Normalized flux), log10(flux) and log10(err_flux). Note that the continuum of nflux after the Balmer Jump is ~1.0 and before is 0.30 < flux < 0.64! TODO: errors OUTPUT: offset, intersect""" # data = _np.loadtxt(filename) logwav = _np.log10(wav) # print('logwav') # print(logwav) # print('nflx') nflx = _np.array(nflx) # print(nflx) # -- first range: w1 = (logwav >= 3.5797) & (logwav <= 3.6989) logwav_w1 = logwav[w1] logflx_w1 = logflx[w1] nflx_w1 = nflx[w1] # print('log_w1') # print(len(logwav_w1)) # print(len(logflx_w1)) w1 = (nflx_w1 >= 0.98) & (nflx_w1 <= 1.02) & _np.logical_not(_np.isnan(logflx_w1)) logwav_w1 = logwav_w1[w1] logflx_w1 = logflx_w1[w1] # print('log_w1') # print(len(logwav_w1)) # print(len(logflx_w1)) w2 = (logwav >= 3.53) & (logwav <= 3.5658) logwav_w2 = logwav[w2] logflx_w2 = logflx[w2] nflx_w2 = nflx[w2] # -- second range w2 = (nflx_w2 >= 0.98) & (nflx_w2 <= 1.02) & _np.logical_not(_np.isnan(logflx_w2)) logwav_w2 = logwav_w2[w2] logflx_w2 = logflx_w2[w2] # -- linear fit for each range # print(len(logwav[w1])) # print(len(logflx[w1])) # c1 = _np.polyfit(logwav[w1], logflx[w1], 1) # print(logwav_w1) # print(logflx_w1) c1 = _np.polyfit(logwav_w1, logflx_w1, 1) c2 = _np.polyfit(logwav_w2, logflx_w2, 1) # -- computing offset at 3700A: x0 = _np.log10(3700.0) offset = _np.polyval(c1, x0) - _np.polyval(c2, x0) # print 'D (flux diff) at %4.0f A = %.3f' % (10**x0, offset) # -- balmer series, using the Rydberg formula B = 3645.0682 m = 2.0 # for Balmer n = _np.arange(10, 18) wl = B * (n**2 / (n**2 - m**2)) # -- maxima as middle points between minima wlMax = 0.5 * (wl[1:] + wl[:-1]) # -- distance between minima: wlStep = _np.abs(_np.diff(wl)) # -- fit all maxima maxima = [] for i in range(len(wlMax)): wl0 = wlMax[i] dwl = wlStep[i] / 6.0 x = logwav[_np.abs(wav - wl0) < dwl] y = logflx[_np.abs(wav - wl0) < dwl] c = _np.polyfit(x, y, 2) # -- actual position of maximum wl1 = -0.5 * c[1] / c[0] # -- (wl at max, max, poly coef, width of the fit) maxima.append((wl1, _np.polyval(c, wl1), c, dwl)) x = _np.linspace(x0 - 0.06, x0 + 0.2, 1000) # (red line+blue line)/2 intersect = 0.5 * (_np.polyval(c1, x) + _np.polyval(c2, x)) maximaCur = _np.interp( x, [m[0] for m in maxima][::-1], [m[1] for m in maxima][::-1] ) wlIntersect = x[_np.argmin(_np.abs(intersect - maximaCur))] # print 'intersection = %8.3f A' % (10**wlIntersect) if doplot: # -- plot data _plt.figure(0) _plt.clf() _plt.plot( logwav[logwav > 3.5051], logflx[logwav > 3.5051], alpha=0.3, color="k", label=label, ) _plt.plot(logwav[w1], logflx[w1], ".r", label="range 1", alpha=0.1) _plt.plot(logwav[w2], logflx[w2], ".b", label="range 2", alpha=0.1) _plt.xlabel(r"$\log \lambda [\AA]$") _plt.ylabel(r"$\log F_\lambda$") # _plt.title('HD91373') # -- plot linear fit: # x = _np.linspace(x0-500, x0+1500, 1000) _plt.plot(x, _np.polyval(c1, x), "-r") _plt.plot(x, _np.polyval(c2, x), "-b") # _plt.legend() # -- Balmer Jump _plt.plot([x0, x0], [_np.polyval(c1, x0), _np.polyval(c2, x0)], "-g") _plt.plot([m[0] for m in maxima][::-1], [m[1] for m in maxima][::-1], "y") # _plt.plot(x, maximaCur, '-g') # -- position of maxima _plt.plot(x, intersect, color="orange", linestyle="dashed") # -- top of the line polynomial fit: for m in maxima: x = _np.linspace(m[0] - m[3], m[0] + m[3], 1.0) _plt.plot(x, _np.polyval(m[2], x), "-", color="orange") _plt.xlim(3.5, 3.8) # _plt.ylim(-12.9, -10.4) _plt.ylim(min(logflx[logwav > 3.5051]), max(logflx[logwav > 3.5051])) _plt.minorticks_on() _plt.tight_layout() # _plt.autoscale(axis='both') # _plt.autoscale(axis='y') # _plt.savefig(str(folder) + obj + "_adjust_bcd.png") _plt.close() return offset, 10**wlIntersect
# MAIN if __name__ == "__main__": pass